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“Why do these adult activists so desperately want little children to learn all about homosexuality and gender deviance? Without parents present? That fits the definition of grooming.”
Be Your ‘True,’ Deviant Self? Leading homosexual-bisexual-transgender pressure organization Human Rights Campaign’s digital booklet, “Coming Out Authentically: Living as Bisexual+,” encourages youth to embrace aberrant and sinful identities in the name of “truth.” HRC is a leading opponent of the Florida pro-parental-rights-in-education bill just signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Folks, if there’s anyone in the USA who has a right to say, “I told you so” about the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, [__Insert current, trendy perversion HERE__]) lobby’s penetration of our educational system, it’s my good friend and longtime pro-family warrior, Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America. Please share this important piece far and wide.–Peter LaBarbera, AmericansForTruth.News; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
‘Don’t Allow Grooming’ Bill Exposes ‘LGBTQ” Child Agenda
By Linda Harvey, reprinted by permission from MissionAmerica.com, March 30, 2022
There are times when many of us would really love to say, “We told you so.” Despite the mocking and scorn over the years, it turns out there actually is a “gay” agenda directed toward children– depraved and aggressive– and it’s now more obvious than ever.
The Florida Parental Rights Bill (HB 1557) reveals the crass, exploitative underbelly of “gay” activism and is a threat to the prize target of many wayward adults—vulnerable children.
This important bill recently signed by Governor Ron DeSantis protects children in kindergarten through third grade from homosexual and gender deviance indoctrination in lessons, books and so on. It also prohibits schools from withholding physical/mental health information from a parent.
The law makes perfect sense and my hope is that we can pass many such bills in other states. I wish lawmakers had extended it to all grade levels, but perhaps that seemed an unreachable goal. Yet the measure is a good start. It also helpfully elicited a furious reaction from the “LGBTQ” community.
The sexual anarchy lobby named the measure the “Don’t Say Gay” bill and even organized walkouts of mostly high school students, showing a limited understanding of what the bill does.
Human Rights Campaign, for instance, is already selling “Ok to Say Gay” T-shirts—but ironically, none in sizes for small children. Doesn’t HRC believe these “youth” should have the “right” to identify as “LGBTQ”? Or is that just for backroom discussions?
Once again, it’s all about the adults and their preferences/depravities, and child human shields are mostly unimportant, except for perhaps the hard-to-locate gender-confused 6-year-old, who will be sadly paraded as a literal poster child in upcoming court cases in the hope of overturning this bill.
Does the sustained outrage mean that Big Gay will now openly push small grade schoolers to identify as LGBTQ? There’s a term for that: grooming.
Flanders sends emails claiming mugshot from assault arrest against teen boy is “copyrighted” property; two gullible corporations buy it and close down AFTAH sites
Media Release September 17, 2018 Contact: Peter LaBarbera, americansfortruth@gmail; 312-324-3787
A “Copyrighted” Mugshot? This mugshot photo of homosexual activist and registered sex offender Adam Flanders is from a November 24, 2006 arrest in Maine on assault charges against his underage boyfriend. Flanders–who later held a knife to the neck of the boy, then 16, to threaten the boy’s dad–is on the registered Sex Offenders list in Maine and California after pleading guilty in 2008 for “Sexual Abuse of a Minor” for having sex with an underage boy. Flanders says he is the “sole copyright owner” of the photo–and he used that absurd claim to threaten AFTAH’s web service provider, FirstLight Fiber, which bowed to his demands. The photo above was evidently taken after Flanders was arrested on assault charges on November 24, 2006, according to his Criminal History Record as obtained from the Maine State Bureau of Identification. (See page 2 for Assault arrest apparently associated with this “11-25-06” mugshot.) NOTE: Flanders’ claim that the above mugshot photo exposes his Social Security number is also bogus. The numbers on the black card are NOT his SSN number; the information on his jail wristband is not legible. Perhaps that explains why this same photo remains on MassResistance’s site despite Flanders’ fanatical attempts over several years to have it and other material removed.
CHICAGO, IL—The entire website for Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org) was shut down for more than two weeks beginning August 24 after a convicted homosexual sex offender, Adam Flanders, threatened a lawsuit against FirstLight Fiber, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) for AFTAH’s web host company–claiming his mugshot photo from a 2006 assault arrest against a minor boy was “copyrighted” material.
Flanders, a homosexual activist, is a registered sex offender in both Maine and California, where he now lives. He pleaded guilty in 2008 to “Sexual Abuse of a Minor” involving a boy aged 14 or 15. He also admitted to engaging in homosexual sex with his then-14-year-old boyfriend when he (Flanders) was 18–in a 2007 public letter exposing a Maine “gay youth” club. Later, Flanders sought to retract the letter and demanded that web sites take it down.
Flanders has a long history of making such litigious and mendacious threats containing absurd, exaggerated and sometimes nonsensical claims against pro-family leaders and websites that have exposed his past criminal offenses and other actions.
The mugshot photo in question can be viewed at upper right. AFTAH will not take it down because it is obviously in the public domain and not “owned” by Flanders. (Mugshots are routinely used in news stories and political ads.) Note also that after years of Flanders’ harassing threats and even a $1 million “defamation” lawsuit against pro-family hero Brian Camenker and his organization, MassResistance (see below), the identical Flanders 2006 mugshot photo printed by AFTAH remains posted throughout the MR site. Had Flanders’ accusations any legal merit, would Camenker leave them up, risking further ordeals?
Weighing legal options
Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth, and Jared Heath, CEO of Altha Technology, AFTAH’s web host company, are weighing their legal options against Flanders and FirstLight Fiber, the ISP that capitulated to his spurious email demand. Another ISP, HostGator, took down an AFTAH temporary site (see below); that site, “Americans For Truth Censored,” remains down.
“Flanders’ reckless actions and the ISPs that bowed to them have caused me and Jared Heath, the ex-Marine who runs AFTAH’s web host company, severe emotional and mental distress. They also have caused us significant financial harm and damage to our reputations,” said LaBarbera. “I know Flanders wants to erase his crimes from the web, especially his Sexual Abuse of a Minor conviction, but we will never give in to his intimidation tactics.”
Internet Bully: This vicious and venomous image was created by Maine “gay” activist Adam Flanders to bully Christian singer/songwriter Paulie Heath and intimidate the Heath family. Paulie’s husband, pro-family hero Mike Heath, was head of the Christian Civic League of Maine at the time. See below.
LaBarbera also called on Flanders to privately and publicly apologize to Paulie Heath, Jared’s mother, for the horrific and demented web-bullying graphic he created in 2005 cruelly distorting her visage (see below).
Flanders held knife at teen boyfriend’s throat
As this 2013 U.S. District Court document reveals (p.2), Flanders was arrested again in 2007 for another, more violent crime involving the same boy, now 16. According to U.S. Magistrate Judge Margaret Kravchuk’sdecision, Flanders knifed the father of the teen boy lover after violating a court protection order to stay away from the boy. In that altercation, when the boy’s father came to rescue his son, Flanders held a knife at the boy’s throat, and knifed both the father and the boy in the altercation.
FirstLight took down the entire AFTAH website on August 24, 2018, three days after receiving an “abuse” complaint demanding “removal of copyrighted content pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).” AFTAH site has been up since September 10 using a separate IP address, but Flanders is continually working to take it down, and is again threatening legal action against LaBarbera and Heath.
FirstLight’s reckless takedown of an entire pro-family website containing thousands of articles–based on a single email containing outlandish assertions by a homosexual activist trying to erase his criminal history–demonstrates the growing crisis of anti-conservative censorship in Corporate America.
As AFTAH was reeling from Flanders’ harassment, it learned that Facebook had demanded that the AFTAH Facebook page take down a harmless post involving another homosexual activist, Phillip Picardi. The post, shown HERE and below, shows Picardi taking a selfie of him kissing another man as he defiantly gives the finger to critics upset at his defense of an article promoting anal sex in Teen Vogue, a magazine for young girls. Picardi is digital editor of Teen Vogue.
The following is a sample of Flanders’ previous outrageous and litigious stunts:
Working Together: Americans For Truth has worked closely with Brian Camenker and MassResistance for two decades. MR has branches in many states and volunteer activists all over the world. To read more about LaBarbera joining the MassResistance team, go HERE. AFTAH will continue to operate as an independent organization, publishing exposés educating the public on the hard truths about homosexuality, “transgenderism” and the powerful LGBTQ Lobby that many other groups shy away from.
The following is an Americans For Truth press release on AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera joining the pro-family group MassResistance:
AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera Joins MassResistance, Leading Grassroots Pro-Family Group Fighting LGBTQ Agenda
Contact: Peter LaBarbera at AFTAH: 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com
April 13, 2018
Peter LaBarbera, founder and president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org), issued the following statement today on joining the Boston-based pro-family organization MassResistance (MR) as assistant director. AFTAH, based in Chicago, will continue to exist as an independent organization producing no-holds-barred exposés on the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda. See the MassResistance article on LaBarbera coming on board HERE.
Statement by LaBarbera:
I am thrilled to be joining the MassResistance team with Brian Camenker and Amy Contrada. MR is the leading national grassroots organization opposing the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) movement.
I have worked with Brian, Amy and the MR staff for more than two decades and my admiration for them has steadily grown over the years. In a world darkened by suffocating political correctness, they stand out as principled truth-tellers, supremely dedicated to fighting the lies of the powerful “gay” and “trans” lobbies. Moreover, like the fanatical LGBTQ activists they oppose, they will never quit.
Camenker understands that merely exposing LGBTQ cultural aggression is not enough: we must build and organize a worldwide resistance to this sin/deviance movement before it engulfs America and other nations with its perverse ideology–which corrupts everything it touches, including marriage and Christianity. He also understands that the endless defensiveness of conservatives on LGBTQ issues inevitably leads to further defeats.
Contrada is a first-rate researcher who, leading up to the presidential election of 2012, had the guts to expose then-GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s long record of capitulation to homosexual activists. See her book “Mitt Romney’s Deception.” Like AFTAH, MassResistance never caters to the “Republican gay agenda.”
In 2017, MassResistance published a 600-page book on the “Health Hazards of Homosexuality” – meticulously loaded with research and CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reports laying out the massive, disproportionate health risks linked to sodomy and other LGBTQ behaviors. “Gay” activists immediately lambasted the book as “hateful” without reading its contents.
Camenker and MR operate from the truthful presumption that the powerful, proud LGBTQ activist movement is evil. For decades, “gay” ideologues have aggressively targeted young people—even toddlers and elementary school students—with their nefarious propaganda promoting homosexuality and gender rebellion as “normal and natural.”
He also understands that the other side never backs down—so why should we? Homosexual activists and their liberal enablers routinely mock and vilify anyone who publicly opposes homosexualism and transgenderism. Worse, they push for oppressive laws that trample over citizens’ constitutional rights to pursue wholesome, pro-heterosexual change and freely live out their beliefs about natural marriage and sensible, Judeo-Christian morality.
The sad reality is that Christians and other conservative moral advocates have been outhustled, outmaneuvered and outlasted time and again by the “Gay” Lobby—whether it’s in the courts, in corporations or in schools. That must end if we are to preserve not only our liberty in the freest nation on earth, but the innocence and well-being of future generations of children.
Folks, I encourage you to support my friend (and AFTAH Board Member) Matt Barber by buying his book, “Hating Jesus: The American Left’s War on Christianity”–co-authored with Paul Hair. What I love about Matt is his aggressive approach–a welcome contrast to the guilt-ridden, defensive (and beaten down) posture that so many Christians and conservatives have in dealing with Big Gay Inc. Buy Hating Jesus on Amazon HERE. Congrats to Matt and Paul for their book, which hopefully will toughen up a lot of spines! This review first appeared on Barbwire.com–Matt’s excellent website.–@Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Jesus Haters’ Evil Agenda Exposed
By Gina Miller
While it is becoming increasingly difficult, in the face of glaring evidence to the contrary, for members of the Marxist Left to deny their war on Christianity, they still press on with their deceptive denials. “There’s no ‘war on Christianity’!” they mockingly proclaim. But now, Matt Barber, with the assistance of Paul Hair, has written a book that shatters the lies of Christ haters everywhere.
In “Hating Jesus: The American Left’s War On Christianity,” Matt takes the reader step by step through the irrefutable facts about the war on Christianity and Christians being waged in the United States. The ultimate goal of those waging the war is the outlawing of all things Christ, including freedom itself.
In this must-read book, Matt explains that America was indeed founded as a Christian nation, not a “theocracy,” but a Christian nation. He explains the difference and then proceeds to take the reader through some of the many examples of attacks on Christians and Christianity. He reveals the deeper purpose of this anti-Christian war, how the Godless Left created an in-depth strategy for the obliteration of Christianity in the United States and how the lukewarm church let it happen. Finally, he outlines the ways in which we can fight back and even reverse the evil gains of this satanic army of Christ haters.
If you’ve been paying even a little attention over the past decade or so, you will know that one of the main groups of people targeting Christians and Christianity in America are militant homosexuals and related deviants. As Matt explains in the introduction of the book:
To be sure, while there are many persons and groups in the U.S. who hate Christ, perhaps the chief extremists leading the War on Christianity are the “LGBT” special interests; or, as I prefer, the “Big Sin” lobby. They are tremendously well-funded, organized and highly influential. For this reason, you will see multiple examples in the coming pages of homosexuals attacking Christianity in general, and Christians in particular, even as there remain myriad more anti-Christian and other “progressive” extremist groups (some of which we will detail) who, likewise, hate authentic Christianity in America.
Transgender Target Voyeur – “Shauna Smith,” aka Sean Patrick Smith, admitted to shooting a secret video of a young woman undressing in an Idaho Target store changing room (while he was dressed as a woman himself). In a police affidavit, Smith said he videotaped women like the Target victim undressing for the “same reason men go online to look at pornography”; see PDF of affidavit here. Click on photo to enlarge.
“The defendant [Sean Patrick Smith aka Shauna Smith] eventually admitted to me that she [he] had made videos in the past of women undressing. The defendant told me that she [he] makes these videos for the ‘same reason men go online to look at pornography’. The defendant told me that she [he] finds the videos sexually gratifying.”–affidavit of probable cause against accused transgender Target voyeur Shauna Smith
The following is the text of the police affidavit of probably cause for the arrest of suspected Idaho transgender voyeur “Shauna Smith,” whose birth name is Sean Patrick Smith. Go here to view a PDF of the actual affidavit, courtesy of East Idaho News, [Note: bolded emphasis is ours, and we have put in brackets the pronouns that fit Smith’s actual biological sex as opposed to his confused transgender identity; a video of Smith’s court appearance–from jail–follows after the jump]:
Affidavit of Probable Cause for Warrantless Arrest under I.C.R. 5
Detective Zeb Graham, the undersigned peace officer, being first duly sworn, deposes and states under oath as follows:
1. I am a duly qualified and acting peace officer for Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office.
2. I have probable cause to believe the above-identified defendant committed the offense(s) of Video Voyeurism (FELONY)(IC 18-6609).
3. The facts upon which I rely in believing there is probable cause that the above defendant. _ _ committed the above offense(s) On July 11, 2016, Deputy P. Sagers responded to a report of a disturbance that took place at Target (a large retail store), city of Ammon, Bonneville County, ID. An 18-year old female, M.R., reported to Deputy Sagers that while she was trying on swimwear in a fitting room at Target, someone in the adjacent fitting room was video recording or taking photographs of her with an Apple Phone i by holding the phone over top of the barrier between the rooms.
The victim’s mother, T.R., confronted the suspect, who immediately fled on foot. Both M.R. and T.R. described the suspect as a white male who was wearing a dress and a blonde wig. A witness, T.M, observed the suspect get into a vehicle and leave area. This vehicle is registered to the defendant. On July 12, 2016, I contacted the defendant’s roommate, L.B., who told me that her [roommate] is a transgender male who identifies as a female, Shauna Smith. I showed L.B. surveillance still photos of the suspect from [Target], and L.B. identified the suspect’s clothing as that of the defendant’s [sic].
I contacted the defendant on July 12, 2016. I interviewed the defendant. The defendant eventually admitted to me that she [he] had made videos in the past of women undressing. The defendant told me that she [he] makes these videos for the ‘same reason men go online to look at pornography’. The defendant told me that she [he] finds the videos sexually gratifying. The defendant asked me to unlock her [his] Apple iPhone and look at the camera roll. I looked at the camera roll and observed a video of a young adult female undressing in a changing room at what appears to be Target. The defendant admitted to me that this video was recorded at Target.
New law explicitly denies conscience protections for small business owners; LGBT Lobby not appeased — demands full ENDA-type legislation for Indiana
Appeasement Emboldens ‘Gay’ Lobby: Graphic for homosexual activist group Human Rights Campaign demands more pro-homosexual legislation in Indiana following the Republican-led legislature’s and Gov. Mick Pence’s capitulation negating the state’s Religious Freedom law. Click on HRC.org graphic above to enlarge.
By Peter LaBarbera
In a stunning, politically-correct turnaround following a week of LGBT protests and media and business opposition, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence yesterday signed into law a pro-homosexual legislative “fix” of the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)–effectively turning it into Indiana’s first statewide homosexual “rights” law.
The language of the revised RFRA crafted by Indiana’s Republican House and Senate leaders and signed into law by Gov. Pence stipulates that the new RFRA “does not authorize a provider to refuse to offer or provide services, facilities, use of public accommodation, goods, employment, or housing” to any Indiana citizen on the basis of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity”–in addition to the usual criteria such as race, sex and disability. [See the full language HERE.]
When asked specifically at a press conference yesterday if the revised RFRA legislation could be used to defend the besieged owners of an Indiana pizza shop who told a reporter that theoretically they would not serve a homosexual “wedding,” Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma said:
“We can unequivocally say that RFRA cannot be used to discriminate against anyone.”
The law still protects churches and religious, non-profit organizations from being forced to participate in homosexual “weddings”–but not everyday small businessmen like the owners of the Indianapolis cookie stand “Just Cookies.” In 2012, the Christian owners of Just Cookies declined on principle to make “rainbow cookies” for a homosexual student group at Purdue University-Indianapolis. “Gay’ activists led a campaign against the company using Indianapolis’ “sexual orientation” statute; ultimately the owners settled with the city without paying damages. [To read about other conscience victims of the homosexual agenda, see this WND Whistleblower article by the author.]
Discuss web-based intimidation network that is wearing down conservatives
Salem Radio host Janet Mefferd interviewed AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera yesterday (Jan. 20, 2015) about Fox News’ decision to request that its nightly “Special Report” anchor Bret Baier pull out as a scheduled speaker at a Legatus conference after a homosexual activist complained that Legatus, a national Catholic businessmen’s group, is “very anti-gay.” Baier himself is a Catholic, and defended his withdrawal from the event. Fox News is a major donor to a homosexual journalists group. Click HERE for the MP3 audio link to the hour-long interview [or click on the image at right].
It may be easier to listen at Janet’s website audio player: [go HERE].
The two also discussed Hollywood’s current obsession with promoting homosexuality and gender confusion.
Janet Mefferd-1/20/2alam015-Hour 1-Janet Mefferd Radio Show
Hour 1- Fox News anchor Bret Baier pulled out of a speaking engagement for a conservative Catholic group after a homosexual activist labeled the group “very anti-gay.” Peter LaBarbera from Americans for Truth About Homosexuality stops by to discuss his thoughts on the effects of the LGBT Thought Police.
AFTAH received this lovely little note yesterday. It refers to my upcoming trial October 29 with Canadian pro-family activist Bill Whatcott, as a result of our arrest at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan–for engaging in a peaceful protest against abortion and homosexual activism. If I had a quarter for every nasty note like this sent to AFTAH, we’d raise some serious money for our Truth ministry! I replied to this fellow (whose name is probably not “Mark Barnard”), but he did not reply back. God bless. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
P.S. I will be returning to Canada for the trial Oct. 29. But even if we lose the case, which is all about freedom of speech and religion in Canada with its odious “hate propaganda” law, it is highly unlikely that I will receive jail time, although Bill certainly could.
Mark Barnard
12:14 AM (15 hours ago)
to me [AFTAH]
The following message was sent from the Americans for Truth Web site:
If you go to jail, just say nothing. If you are compelled to say something, you are likely going to be made an example of. Use larger and larger objects in your anus. This will make it less painful when they play with you. They will be heterosexuals penetrating you. The guards will have a good laugh at their dinner break. I get the sense you might be looking forward to it. Mark