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Politicians & Public Officials
Thursday, May 31st, 2007
We erred in blaming the liberal media (USA Today) for the caption describing the photo (above) of Dick and Lynne Cheney and their new grandson, Samuel David, born to self-identified lesbian Mary Cheney.
It turns out that the caption — identifying both Mary Cheney and her lesbian partner Heather Poe as Samuel David’s “parents” — was the official work of the White House, a point eagerly seized upon by homosexual blogger John Aravosis. In the link below, Aravosis exults in the White House photo as proof of President Bush’s official embrace of “gay” parenting. Of course, the Cheneys’ grandson does not have two lesbian “parents” but one — Mary Cheney, whose lesbian partner, Heather Poe, only creates an artificial, fatherless “family.”
And what was Aravosis thinking when he wrote the the Bush administration “prides itself on being so anti-gay”? This is a White House that refused to defend Gen. Pace when he voiced his belief that homosexual acts are “immoral”; that refused to overturn a single Clinton administration Executive Order mandating “sexual orientation” policies in the federal government; and that has disappointed pro-family conservatives in its lackluster promotion of a Federal Marriage Amendment (despite the fact that Mr. Bush practically owes his re-election to that issue).
The misleading White House photo caption is only the latest disappointment. If only the Administration DID “pride itself” on taking principled stances to slow down and reverse the homosexual agenda!
Click HERE to read ex-gay Stephen Bennett’s take on the White House Cheneys-and-grandson caption. The following is the excerpt of Aravosis’ blog entry:
John Aravosis Is : White House officially recognizes legal status of gay couples and parents
Link: AMERICAblog, by John Aravosis
Something rather historic happened this past week. The White House, for the first time every on its Web site (that I know of), recognized the legitimacy of gay couples as both married and as parents. It was done, innocuously enough, when the White House published a photo of Vice President Dick Cheney’s new grandson, the child of the VP’s lesbian daughter and her lesbian spouse. The White House not only published a photo of the child with the VP and his wife, but the caption was even more telling:
Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife, Lynne Cheney, welcomed their sixth grandchild, Samuel David Cheney, Wednesday, May 23, 2007. He weighed 8 lbs., 6 oz and was born at 9:46 a.m. at Sibley Hospital in Washington, D.C. His parents are the Cheneys’ daughter Mary, and her partner, Heather Poe. White House photo by David Bohrer
Did you catch that last sentence? The White House officially recognized a lesbian couple as co-equal parents of a child. That not only is a recognition of the legitimacy of gay parents – i.e., if one person is the birth mother and the other the mother’s partner, both are the parents of the child, per the White House — but the White House is also, implicitly, recognizing the legitimate couple status of two gay people in love, i.e., they are not simply two unrelated gay people, they are parents, akin to your parents, akin to a married couple. Why do I say that the White House is de facto recognizing gay marriage? Because either Mary or her lover, or both, are not the biological mom of this child – with two women, only one can be the biological parent. For the White House to recognize both as parents means that they are recognizing the legitimacy of the two women as one entity, the parent. Anyway, it’s a hell of a statement by any White House, let alone one of the most conservative in history, and one that prides itself on being so anti-gay.
Posted in Activists, Adoption & Foster Parenting, Conception, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Government Promotion, Homosexual Parenting, Homosexual Quotes, News, Politicians & Public Officials |
Thursday, May 31st, 2007
The Parents Group press release. Contact: The Parents Group National Office, 203-926-6960
HUNTINGTON, Conn., May 30 /Christian Newswire/ — On May 23, 2007, the White House, silently and without any fanfare, released an official White House photo of Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife, Lynne Cheney, welcoming their sixth grandchild, Samuel David Cheney, into the Cheney fold.
The beautiful little tyke weighed in at 8 lbs., 6 oz. and was born at 9:46 a.m. at Sibley House in Washington, D.C.
That is extremely troubling is the official White House caption that appears underneath the photo on the official White House website:
… His parents are the Cheney’s daughter Mary, and her partner, Heather Poe. White House photo by David Bohrer.
Since when have two homosexual women been able to naturally procreate?
Fact is Mary Cheney, the Vice President’s daughter – in one way or another – received a male’s sperm. She is the biological mother, parent number one, and some man, somewhere out there, is Samuel David’s real biological father, parent number two.
Unlike the official White House photo caption, a man and a woman, a Daddy and a Mommy, are Samuel David Cheney’s REAL biological parents.
Then who is Heather Poe?
Heather Poe is Mary Cheney’s live-in lesbian lover. She may act like a parent, she may treat the baby as a parent, she may love this baby with all of her heart, but in this reality we all live in, Heather Poe is NOT the baby’s real parent. She has NO biological connection to the child whatsoever. Some man, the baby’s real Daddy, is the child’s other REAL parent.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Adoption & Foster Parenting, Conception, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Government Promotion, Homosexual Parenting, News, Politicians & Public Officials |
Thursday, May 24th, 2007
Associated Press reports:
Gay men remain banned for life from donating blood, the government said Wednesday, leaving in place — for now — a 1983 prohibition meant to prevent the spread of HIV through transfusions.
The Food and Drug Administration reiterated its long-standing policy on its Web site Wednesday, more than a year after the Red Cross and two other blood groups criticized the policy as “medically and scientifically unwarranted.”
“I am disappointed, I must confess,” said Dr. Celso Bianco, executive vice president of America’s Blood Centers, whose members provide nearly half the nation’s blood supply.
Before giving blood, all men are asked if they have had sex, even once, with another man since 1977. Those who say they have are permanently banned from donating. The FDA said those men are at increased risk of infection by HIV that can be transmitted to others by blood transfusion.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Government Promotion, Health & Science, News, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials |
Thursday, May 24th, 2007
A critic, Michael, writes regarding our statement on Mary Cheney’s baby:
The Undeniable Truth about Making Babies
[We wrote:] “And yet, the truth remains: two homosexuals cannot create a baby. Heterosexuals – the people derided in the early days of “gay liberation” as ”breeders” — must be involved.”
Totally incorrect, Pete! A gay man and gay woman can easily make a baby. Try again.
OK, technically, Michael, yes, a “gay” man and a lesbian can unite (physically or through modern technology) to produce a child, but that’s called heterosexual procreation. Egg and sperm from opposite sexes must unite: two women alone or two men alone cannot create a child without help from the opposite sex. Biology 101. — Peter LaBarbera
Posted in Conception, Government Promotion, Homosexual Parenting, News, Politicians & Public Officials |
Thursday, May 24th, 2007
Mary Cheney and partner Heather Poe at left;
Today’s USA Today reported the birth yesterday of Samuel David Cheney, with the following caption under the White House photo at right above (click HERE to enlarge):
“U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and wife Lynne Cheney hold their sixth grandchild, Samuel David Cheney, born Wednesday in Washington. His parents are the Cheneys’ daughter Mary, and her partner, Heather Poe.”
There should be no touch of sadness when a healthy baby boy is born into a home with two parents, but in this case, we’re afraid, there is.
While we celebrate new life, we cannot celebrate homosexual parenting –– which involves intentionally denying a child either a mom or a dad. In this case, young Samuel David –– who, as a Cheney, will surely enjoy privileges and comforts greater than most children born in 2007 –– will be missing an irreplaceable one: a father, to have as a loving guide, male authority, friend and role model as he grows from boy into man.
The pro-“gay” media have an odd way of reporting stories like this, as if both Mary Cheney and Heather Poe were involved in the baby’s conception. To do otherwise, I suppose, would call unwanted attention to the unnaturalness of the enterprise known as “gay parenting.” And yet, the truth remains: two homosexuals cannot create a baby. Heterosexuality — i.e., the people derided in the early days of “gay liberation” as “breeders” — must be involved.
The USA Today reports that Vice President Dick Cheney has “bristled at questions on the topic.” But he and Mrs. Cheney, an ardent foe of political correctness, and a conservative, should know that there is nothing wrong with asking critical questions about something so patently wrong –– and against Nature, common sense, and God’s wonderful design of the family itself –– as parenting that is fatherless or motherless by design.
We will keep on asking those tough questions, all the while praying for this boy, and that both Mary Cheney and Heather Poe will join Charlene Cothran and the many women who have come out of homosexuality, which surely is not God’s plan for their lives. — Peter LaBarbera
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Conception, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Government Promotion, Homosexual Parenting, News, Politicians & Public Officials |
Tuesday, May 15th, 2007
The following is excerpted from LifeSiteNews.com, a must “go-to” site for pro-family advocates and citizens no matter what country you live in. Needless to say, you would have heard a lot more about this huge Italian rally had it been an “anti-Bush” protest against the war, or maybe a pro-“gay marriage” protest. The people “get it” regarding marriage and family; the secular media are obsessed with political correctness. One wonders how the political/cultural equation over homosexuality would be different if the media’s coverage were anything close to being fair rather than overwhelmingly pro-“gay”-activist as it is in most of the West today.— Peter LaBarbera
1.5 Million Italians Turn Out in Massive Rome Protest Against Homosexual Civil Unions
Oraganizers Were Expecting Only 100,000
By Gudrun Schultz, LifeSiteNews.com
ROME, Italy, May 14, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Italians from across the country poured into Rome May 12 to join in a demonstration against a law that would give legal recognition to homosexual couples–reports showed up to 1.7 million people overflowed the St. John Lateran piazza. Organizers initially expected to draw about 100,000.
The proposed legislation would give homosexual couples–and unmarried heterosexual couples–similar rights to those of married couples, stopping just short of legalizing homosexual marriage.
“Living together is not family,” protester Anna Manara told the Associated Press.
“A commitment such as marriage cements the bond, while other models make it easier to be together and therefore end up making it less valuable.”
While the pro-family demonstration was backed by the Vatican and Italy’s Catholic bishops, it was organized by lay people independently of the Church. The “mind-blowing” success of the event is an outstanding example of the power held by ordinary citizens when sufficiently mobilized in support of traditional values, said Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, a priest in Rome who is the moderator of the Catholic Online Forum (see blogsite: http://wdtprs.com/blog/2007/05/winners-and-losers).
“The importance of this event is not merely that when left to their own devices the Italian people will support traditional values in great numbers, giving the lie to the script presented by the intellectuals in the press. It also means in concrete terms that the traditional values laity can organize and achieve results.”
“The success of “Family Day” also highlights a now deeply entrenched trend not only in Italy, but in the West: the marginalization of the Church from the public square,” Fr. Zuhlsdorf said. “Nearly everywhere the Church’s is being denied its right to speak freely. Committed Catholic and other religious politicians and public figures are pressured never to make reference to their religious convictions. The constant mantra is that religion should be a purely private matter than has no influence on public policy. Be religious, fine. But you may never act outwardly on your interior opinions.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Beyond America, Catholic, Europe (also see "Meccas"), Government Promotion, Israel, News, Politicians & Public Officials, Religious Leaders |
Wednesday, March 21st, 2007
From Keeping Pace with the Right Stuff, by Jan LaRue, Esq, published Mar 16, 2007, by Culture and Media Institute:
Apparently some sensitivity sops in the White House have decided that we can’t have the military man charged with saving us from the Jihadists sounding soooo insensitive and judgmental.
There’s no other plausible explanation for the Marine chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff doing a mea culpa lite after stating a self-evident truth about homosexual conduct: “I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts. I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is OK to be immoral in any way.”
That’s what Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the joint chiefs, told a reporter for the Chicago Tribune on Monday. Pace equated homosexual acts with adultery and said the military should not condone it by allowing gays to serve openly in the armed forces. Pace also said he supports the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” (DADT) policy, which prohibits commanders from asking about a person’s sexual orientation.
The usual moral savants in Congress, who like to say “it’s wrong to say what’s right and wrong,” quickly passed judgment on Pace.
Leading the congressional critics’ chorus was the perpetually perplexed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco): “We don’t need moral judgment from the chairman of the Joint Chiefs.” Couldn’t somebody think to ask Pelosi whether Pace’s moral judgment about adultery is morally acceptable?
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Military, News, Politicians & Public Officials |
Monday, March 19th, 2007
Our nation needs to decide whose morality best represents us: that of General Peter Pace or that of disgraced former governor Jim McGreevey…
Excerpted from Former N.J. Governor Discusses Sexuality, published Mar 17, 2007, by Associated Press:
Former New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey, who resigned after revealing that he was gay, says culture is outpacing politics in the acceptance of homosexuality…
McGreevey also addressed comments made earlier this week by the Pentagon’s top general…
“Gen. Pace’s remarks were so terribly unfortunate, not only because that’s what he believes but the notion that don’t ask, don’t tell actually encourages people to be less than honest, less than open, less than transparent,” McGreevey said.
Continue reading at TBO.com…
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Military, News, Politicians & Public Officials |

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