Politicians & Public Officials

Listen to Peter LaBarbera Guest Hosting the “Sandy Rios Show”

Friday, December 28th, 2007

grinch.gif Which homosexual activist(s) got AFTAH’s “Gay Grinch” award for 2007? Hint: it involves the Boy Scouts. Listen online to find out.

By Peter LaBarbera 

Click HERE to listen to the first hour, and HERE to listen online to the second hour of my guest-hosting appearance Dec. 17 on WYLL (a Christian station outside Chicago, Ill.) for the Sandy Rios Show. Sandy is a dear friend, president of Culture Campaign, a commentator on FOX News, and — I almost forgot — a Great American.

The show features (in the first hour) some great exchanges with my friends, African Americans Rev. Al Cleveland of Rehoboth Empowerment Christian Church and Charlene Cothran, discussing DiversityInc publisher Luke Visconti’s nutty comparison of me to a 19th Century slavery advocate.

The second hour features: an interview with Dan Zanoza of Republicans For Fair Media on CNN’s “political ambush” using a supposed “gay general” at its YouTube Republican Presidential Debate to promote homosexuality in the military; a short but sweet exchange with AFTAH Board Member Mike Heath of the Christian Civic League of Maine on getting men back involved in the “culture war”: and a short interview with Dave Smith of the Illinois Family Institute on his campaign to get the NFL to stop allowing bawdy ads during football games.

You can also listen at the end for AFTAH’s first annual “Gay Grinch” award for 2007. Hint: it involves the Boy Scouts of America.

There’s one big problem with the broadcast: I don’t think I said “um” enough…. Oh well, practice makes perfect. Thanks to Sandy for the opportunity. — Peter LaBarbera

CWA Posts Video of AFTAH’s Folsom-Pelosi Press Conference

Friday, December 28th, 2007

folsompressconferencepixcwa.jpg Click HERE to watch an online video of Americans For Truth’s press conference in Washington, D.C., calling on Nancy Pelosi to take action against illegal nudity and perversion taking place on the streets in her district.

Our good friends at Concerned Women for America (CWA) have have graciously posted an online video of Americans For Truth’s Dec. 5 press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.  At the event, we showed our video exposing the illegal behavior involved in the sadistic “Folsom Street Fair” in San Francisco — and called on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) to denounce it and take measures to stop such illegal activity in the future. Note that our six-minute video of uncensored footage from Folsom is not included in the online video.

As we expected, the major media was a no-show at the event, although FOX’s Hannity & Colmes the Michael Savage Show later covered it.

CWA’s Matt Barber (an AFTAH Board Member) spoke at our event; Barber first broke the story about Folsom’s anti-Christian promotional artwork, which Speaker Pelosi has refused to denounce. Also shown speaking at the Press Club event are Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera and Grace Harley, representing PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays). Harley is a Christian woman who came out of “transgendered” lifestyle.  Click HERE to view the press conference.

WATCH VIDEO: Hannity & Colmes Expose “Folsom Street” Depravities in Pelosi’s District

Wednesday, December 5th, 2007

Hannity stunned; Colmes tries to shift issue away from Pelosi 

Well, FOX’s Alan Colmes was carrying water for (Democrat) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in tonight’s FOX “Hannity & Colmes” segment featuring Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth. But despite his attempt to make ME the bad guy, we succeeded in alerting people across the nation to the shocking depravities that occurred in broad daylight in Speaker Pelosi’s district.

For the record, Alan: we would welcome Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s — or any public official’s — condemnation of the grotesque “Folsom Street Fair”; and San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom is linked to Folsom because he praised it as a “wonderful and exciting event” in an official welcoming letter in the event’s program

Note Sean Hannity’s near disbelief at our report (and he didn’t even see the video excerpts from the sadistic Folsom “Fair“). This is the reaction of normal America, which remains largely ignorant of the perversions that occur in big cities like San Francisco that celebrate homosexuality. We’ve as yet gotten no response back from Speaker Pelosi:

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

AFTAH Calls on Speaker Pelosi to Condemn San Francisco Public Nudity and Perversions, Anti-Christian Bigotry

Monday, December 3rd, 2007

nancy_pelosi.jpgpony_perversion_folsom-street-fair-2007.JPG TAKE ACTION: Write or call Speaker Nancy Pelosi and urge her to do the right thing by condemning the public nudity and perversions — and blatant anti-Christian bigotry — that occurred in her Congressional District at the “Folsom Street Fair” in San Francisco September 30. Contact Speaker Pelosi at 202-225-0100 or through her online contact page. Educate others about liberal tolerance run amok in San Francisco.



Americans For Truth is delivering the following letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) by courier today. On Wednesday, I will be in Washington, D.C., “speaking truth to power” at the National Press Club, as AFTAH publicly airs our video footage (shot by Allyson Smith) of the obscene “Folsom Street Fair” (See this link: WARNING: OFFENSIVE IMAGES: “Tolerance Gone Wild in San Francisco”) — with its police-tolerated public nudity and street orgies — held in San Francisco September 30.

Most of the city of San Francisco lies within Pelosi’s Eighth Congressional district, which she has represented since 1987. Speaker Pelosi is second in line to the presidency of the United States, behind Vice President Dick Cheney.

Americans For Truth is calling on Speaker Pelosi to publicly condemn the Folsom event and to use her considerable power to help stop similar affronts to public decency from occurring in San Francisco. We are also asking her to denounce the anti-Christian bigotry of the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” — a San Francisco group of men who dress in drag as mock “nuns” — which works directly with Folsom organizers and is a major beneficiary of that sadomasochistic event.

For a reminder of just how bizarre and offensive the Folsom event is — and what San Francisco is willing to “tolerate” — see our photo-story (WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES WITH NUDITY COVERED), “Tolerance Gone Wild in San Francisco.” Unlike the Folsom photos that we posted on our website, the shocking video footage we will show to the media Wednesday will be uncensored — just as it was allowed to occur without police intervention on September 30th.

To view Speaker Pelosi’s adoring speech to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the world’s largest homosexual lobby group — in which she boasted about San Francisco values — click HERE. — Peter LaBarbera


Americans For Truth About Homosexuality

December 3, 2007
Via Courier

Ms. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker
House of Representatives
United States Capitol Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Madam Speaker:

Because you frequently extol San Francisco’s values to the rest of America, we are compelled to call your attention to what actually takes place at the Folsom Street Fair and other egregious and offensive “gay pride” celebrations in your Congressional District.

I was in San Francisco with a videographer on Sunday, September 30 and verified but a small segment of the most immoral and outrageous sexual behavior that ever disgraced the streets of any American city. On Wednesday, December 5, at 1:00 p.m. at the National Press Club in Washington, we will release the un-retouched DVD of the public debauchery which we videotaped during the city’s Folsom Street Fair just two months ago. Included is raw and unedited verification of:

• Large numbers of men walking on public streets either fully or partially naked;
Groups of men engaged in orgies on the public street, including acts of oral sex and mutual masturbation, as crowds waked by and snapped pictures.
• Fully exposed men “greeting” other men by grasping other men’s genitals and massaging them in full view of passers-by. The police stood by and did nothing;
• A man sitting on the curb in broad daylight masturbating as crowds of people gawked and took pictures (he even posed for photos with others as he sat there naked and aroused);
• Theatrically dramatic sadomasochistic whippings and floggings – drawing blood and turning the willing “victim’s” skin bright red;
• Abundant flaunting of female nudity and real or simulated sexual acts;
“Master-slave relationships” in which one man or women would “walk” their subservient “slave” with a dog-collar and chain. Others imitated animals (dogs and ponies) as yet another “fetish” on display: we talked to one woman whose mouth was bridled like a horse;
Blatant anti-Christian bigotry in the form of “The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” men dressed in drag mocking Catholic nuns, greeting incoming attendees at Folsom; one male “Sister” wore a shirt that read “Bottom for Jesus” (“bottom” refers to his position in anal sex); entrance stickers featured a twisted, S&M-fetish version of DaVinci’s “Last Supper” painting;
Young children with their parents witnessing this perverted and revolting spectacle.

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CNN’s Pro-Homosexual Debate Ploy Backfires

Friday, November 30th, 2007

‘Gay’ Ret. Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr allowed to critique Republican candidates’ answers

brig_gen_keith_kerr.jpg CNN flew in Retired Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr — a homosexual activist and Log Cabin Republicans member who now crusades for allowing admitted homosexuals in the U.S. military — to its GOP presidential debate Wednesday, so he could CRITIQUE the candidates’ responses to his question about “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” At left is how Kerr — who calls the GOP candidates “partisanly homophobic” — appeared on video during the CNN/YouTube Republican debate. CNN also had another Log Cabin activist ask a pro-homosexual question at the debate. Photo: CNN/YouTube.

cooper_anderson.jpg CNN’s pro-homosexual presidential debate was moderated by Anderson Cooper. A major homosexual magazine, OUT, has “outed” Cooper as one of the nation’s most influential homosexuals. Though Cooper is mum on his “sexual orientation,” his pro-“gay” bias is abundantly clear at CNN, as it was again at Wednesday’s debate. Homosexual activists would come harder after Cooper if his reportage was not so “gay”-friendly. See AFTAH’s adjoining story, “Does CNN’s Anderson Cooper Have a Conflict of Interest on ‘Gay’ Issues?”

TAKE ACTION: Write CNN News at www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form5.html?92 and/or Anderson Cooper at http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form5.html?10 to comment on their egregious pro-homosexual and anti-Republican bias and lack of professionalism in the CNN/Youtube presidential debate Wednesday.


By Peter LaBarbera, www.americansfortruth.org

Dear Americans For Truth Reader,

The liberals over at CNN are so committed to open homosexuality in the U.S. armed forces that they flew in a retired homosexual Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr to participate in their Republican presidential debate Wednesday — so he could critique the GOP candidates’ responses to HIS OWN loaded YouTube question opposing “Don’t’ Ask, Don’t Tell.”

Is it just me, but could you in your wildest imagination picture CNN recruiting Stephen Bennett, a pro-family, EX-“gay” Christian, to ask Democrat presidential candidates a question opposing homosexuality, and then flying him in to critique their responses?

If Kerr’s sneak attack wasn’t bad enough, CNN followed it up a second YouTube question from a homosexual activist — this time it was David Cercone, a Florida Log Cabin Republicans member who, it turns out, is backing [another democratic presidential contender].

Needless to say, no conservative questions on the homosexual issue were heard from the floor or YouTube at the debate.

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VIDEO: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Calls FMA ‘Malicious,’ Hits ‘Voices of Hate’ in Speech to Human Rights Campaign

Wednesday, November 21st, 2007

The following is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) speech to the homosexual activist group Human Rights Campaign, at HRC’s annual dinner in Washington, D.C., on October 6, 2007. Speaker Pelosi was awarded the 2007 National Equality Award by HRC, which is the largest homosexual activist group in the world. Under the video screen are some excerpts of Pelosi’s speech, taken from homosexual activist John Aravosis’ Americablog. Aravosis’ transcript is not wholly accurate; we will work on providing an exact transcript of the speech:

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video 

Excerpts from Pelosi speech at Human Rights Campaign (HRC) banquet:

“It is a special honor to receive this recognition from HRC and a personal joy to receive it from Jim Hormel. 

“Thank you as well to Joe Solmonese for leading the way and defending the rights of the entire GLBT community. I will display this award with great pride so that everyone knows that HRC and all of you have a friend in the Speaker’s office. …

[Salute to HRC]

“Tonight, we join together in our nation’s capital to celebrate the accomplishments and the courage of the Human Rights Campaign.

“More than 700,000 voices strong, HRC is the prime mover for GLBT rights across America and an inspiration for millions more.

“When Jim Hormel and many other courageous Americans built the foundations of what would become HRC, our struggle for justice was in its early stages. But our cause for justice would not be denied.

“For being a powerful and positive counterbalance to the voices of hate – and for being the hope and salvation of millions of Americans – thank you, HRC. 

[Condemns Federal Marriage Amendment]

“As we strive to work in a bipartisan way, we must also recognize the difference a Democratic Congress makes.

“In the previous Congress, we fought back cynical attempts to enshrine discrimination into the Constitution and defeated the Federal Marriage Amendment.

“In a Democratic Congress, unlike previous Congresses, malicious measures intended to divide the American people or to undermine the rights of the GLBT community are off the table.

“Instead, our Democratic Congress has a positive agenda.

[Transgender-Inclusive Hate Crimes Bill]

“This past May, the House passed Chairman John Conyers’ legislation protecting Americans against violence based on sexual orientation, race, religion, gender, national origin, disability, or gender identity.

“Some doubted that we could pass a hate crime bill if it included protections for transgender Americans.

“But [lesbian Democrat] Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin would not be denied.

“Representatives Baldwin and [homosexual Massachusetts Democrat] Barney Frank fought for a fully inclusive bill. HRC rallied support. And with 237 votes, the House passed hate crimes legislation.

“Just last week, the Senate followed suit with a strong bipartisan vote. Thank you, Harry Reid.

“After 15 long years, we will – for the first time – put this bipartisan hate crimes legislation on the President’s desk. …

[Wants Transgender-Inclusive ENDA]

“As members and supporters of HRC, you understand that it is truly historic that the House of Representatives will soon pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

“The tremendous progress we have would not have been possible without the great leadership of  Chairman Barney Frank of Massachusetts [D]. With his brilliance, his wit and legislative skill, he persevered in bringing ENDA before the Congress.

“America is a great and wealthy country, but we cannot afford to squander the talents of any of our citizens, nor should we.

“We all benefit if everyone gets a chance to work hard, and support their families.

“Yet today, in more than 30 states you can be fired for being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.

“That is wrong. Federal action is needed, and it is long overdue.

“I strongly believe that transgender individuals deserve the same rights and the same protections as any other Americans and will work to see that ENDA also protects their rights.

“In a few weeks, the House will be voting on ENDA. And those who oppose us will be lobbying on the Hill and working to defeat any version of ENDA. We cannot allow the forces of discrimination succeed.

“Barney Frank, Tammy Baldwin and others will do the inside maneuvering. But we cannot succeed without outside mobilization. Working together, we will mobilize, and educate. Each and every one of us must take personal responsibility for passing the strongest possible ENDA – one vote at a time.

“History teaches us that progress on civil rights is never easy. But justice is inevitable. It’s about time.

“Many saw the 1957 Civil Rights Act as not having done enough, but it helped lay the groundwork for the great Civil Rights Act that followed.

“On the occasion of receiving the HRC Equality Award, I give you my commitment as Speaker of the House that I will fight for the most inclusive ENDA possible so that our nation’s laws are in harmony with our nation’s ideals.

[Praises San Francisco’s ‘Tolerance’]

“I accept this honor tonight on behalf of the many members of Congress who stand with HRC, not because it is popular in their districts, but because it is right.

“I also accept this award on behalf of my constituents in San Francisco.

“People always say it is easy for me to take these votes and be for these issues because San Francisco is so tolerant.

“It is not about tolerance. It is about the respect we have for each other. It is about the pride we take in our community.

“That sentiment is now spreading across America. And it is happening thanks to the work of the Human Rights Campaign – and each and every one of you. …

“May God Bless you, and May God Bless the America.”

Rep. Roy Blunt: Democratic Majority’s ENDA Bill Takes Dead Aim at Religious Freedom

Thursday, November 8th, 2007

roy-blunt.jpg NOTE: Rep. Blunt penned a column on the majority’s ENDA legislation this week for Human Events, available HERE. His speech on the floor of the House can be viewed on YouTube by clicking HERE. Call 202-225-6536 or go to his website HERE to thank Congressman Blunt for standing up for religious freedom and educating the nation on how ENDA will undermine it. If we had more Congressmen like Blunt, our freedoms would not be in jeopardy.

Majority’s ENDA Bill Takes Dead Aim at Religious Freedom

Legislation creates conflict between one’s right to religious freedom, and another’s right to sue you for exercising it

WASHINGTON – House Republican Whip Roy Blunt (Mo.) issued the following statement today after Democrats failed to secure a veto-proof majority on the so-called Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), a bill that would erode one’s right to religious freedom by strengthening another’s right to sue you for practicing it:

“The structure of the bill before us today is eerily similar to legislation we’ve seen from this majority all year: a favorable, purposefully misleading title applied to a bill that’s poorly assembled and oblivious to its own consequences. 

“In this case, the so-called ‘Employment Non-Discrimination Act’ creates a legal quagmire for employees who practice, or even acknowledge, their religious beliefs – depending on where they happen to work, and subject to judicial interpretation. In the process, it erodes a basic, fundamental right bestowed upon us by our Creator – and a right guaranteed to every American under the U.S. Constitution.

“As a former president of a Baptist college in Missouri, supporters of this bill have been quick to assure me that its most onerous provisions would not apply to that school. But no such exemption is available for Christian bookstore owners, as an example, or any other small business in which people of faith and deep religious conviction are relied upon as an integral part of the workforce.

“Thankfully, Republicans secured the votes necessary this afternoon to uphold a presidential veto. It’s my hope now that this Congress can move forward on the real priorities affecting American families. Though a clear boon to trial lawyers, this bill does not meet that standard.”

NOTE: Rep. Blunt penned a column on the majority’s ENDA legislation this week for Human Events, available HERE. His speech on the floor of the House can be viewed on YouTube by clicking HERE.

Roll Call on ENDA after 235-184 Passage; Liberty Counsel Asks for Presidential Veto

Thursday, November 8th, 2007

Click HERE for a list of Republicans and Democrats who broke with their party’s majority on the ENDA bill. 

From Liberty Counsel, November 7, 2007

Contact President Bush and Ask Him to Veto ENDA – H.R. 3685 Passed by a vote of 235 to 184

We told you earlier this week about the dangers of ENDA (Employment Nondiscrimination Act), which elevates “sexual orientation” to a protected civil right. Unfortunately, the bill passed this evening.

Religious freedom for Christian employees and business owners is in jeopardy! Read more about the dangers of ENDA.

President Bush has said that he will veto the bill. A veto override would require 270 votes (2/3 of the House).

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