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Candidates & Elected Officials
Friday, December 15th, 2006
Excerpted from New Jersey Lawmakers Pass Transgender Rights Bill, published Dec 14, 2006, by the pro-homosexuality PlanetOut:
The New Jersey state Assembly on Thursday passed a bill that would make the Garden State the ninth in the nation to outlaw discrimination based on gender identity or expression. The bill, passed by the state Senate on Monday, now goes to Gov. Jon Corzine, who is expected to sign it.
“The legislation in New Jersey represents a huge civil rights victory for transgender communities,” Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, said in a statement.
“I applaud the amazing efforts of the Gender Rights Advocacy Association of New Jersey, Garden State Equality, and local advocates who showed that when we stand up for what’s right, we can win. While we celebrate that one-third of the US population is now covered, NCTE continues to fight for explicitly transgender-inclusive protections on the federal level.”
New Jersey’s new law prohibits discriminatory practices in employment, housing and public accommodations based on “gender identity or expression” — the legislative language that covers transgender people.
Continue reading at PlanetOut…
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Candidates & Elected Officials, Current State Law, Garden State Equality (NJ), Gender Rights Advocacy Association of New Jersey, NCTE, News |
Wednesday, December 6th, 2006
Obviously, we’re saddened at the spectacle of the Vice President’s daughter, Mary Cheney, living in an open lesbian relationship, and now bringing a child into a home that is fatherless by design. In our view, this is another case of the “gay” movement putting its wants (in this case, having a child) above what’s best for children. “Two mommies” or “two daddies” will never substitute for a home with a married mom and a dad, and it is sad when men or women model immoral homosexual behavior before innocent children in a home setting.–Peter LaBarbera
The following is excerpted from Mary Cheney and Partner Are About to Be Moms, by Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts, published Dec 6, 2006, by Washington Post:
Mary Cheney, the vice president’s openly gay daughter, is pregnant. She and her partner of 15 years, Heather Poe, are “ecstatic” about the baby, due in late spring, said a source close to the couple.
…Cheney, 37, was a key aide to her father during the 2004 reelection campaign and now is vice president for consumer advocacy at AOL. Poe, 45, a former park ranger, is renovating their Great Falls home. [Photo HERE.]
…In November, Virginia voters passed a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and civil unions; state law is unclear on whether Poe could have full legal rights as a parent of Cheney’s child. The circumstances of the pregnancy will remain private, said the source close to the couple. This is the first child for both.
Continue reading in Washington Post…
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Candidates & Elected Officials, Conception, Current State Law, Custody, News |
Wednesday, December 6th, 2006
Excerpted from Gay demands shift from equality to special endorsement, by Michael Medved, published Dec 6, 2006, by Townhall:
[Discussing the homosexual adultery of Ted Haggard, Jim McGreevey, and Eugene Robinson…]
In high profile cases, in other words, we seem far more willing to forgive and forget faithless behavior if that infidelity involves a homosexual connection. This amounts to the granting of a special dispensation, a privileged position, to same-sex attraction—giving more latitude to gay relationships than we’d ever grant to straight romances. The justification for this attitude involves the notion that gay men who leave or destroy their families for the sake of homosexual affairs are simply discovering, at long last, their true identities after years of repression– coming to terms with “who they really are.”
But what about those aging heterosexuals who may also suddenly discover– at age sixty, say—that they’ve been repressing their true identities? Couldn’t they also argue that it seemed suddenly inauthentic to remain trapped with a sagging partner of similar age, when a powerful, undeniable inner voice and the evolutionary imperative demanded they connect with nubile twenty-somethings eager for experienced and wealthy companionship?
In fact, every study of human sexuality would suggest that far more men feel tempted to heed their deep-seated, undeniable authentic desires to cheat with other (particularly younger) women than feel drawn into relationships with other men. Does this greater incidence of heterosexual temptation make it more – or less– “natural” and worthy of respect than homosexual impulses? The tendency to forgive, or even endorse, same-sex attractions while condemning the vastly more common opposite gender desires, amounts to the granting of a preferential position to homosexuality.
One of the most common arguments for gay marriage also carries with it the implicit assumption that gay relationships count as inherently superior, more durable and more meaningful than their straight counterparts…
The idea of special recognition for gays and lesbians also applies to the efforts to grant homosexuals “protected status” as part of our civil rights and hate crimes legislation. No one would ever advance the idea that other common sexual behaviors based on deep-seated urges – such as chronic womanizing, or nymphomania, or obsessive addiction to pornography, or masochism – deserved governmental defense against discrimination or expressions of disapproval.
As the national argument continues to rage regarding the proper social and governmental response to homosexuality, some of the advocates for radical change have unobtrusively but unmistakably shifted their campaign from a request for equal treatment to an assertion of innate superiority. They demand for gay impulses not the same treatment accorded to heterosexual desires, but far greater latitude and acceptance, along with uniquely privileged social sanction and legal endorsement.
Continue reading at Townhall…
Posted in Born that Way?, Candidates & Elected Officials, News, Pending Legislation, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Tuesday, December 5th, 2006
From Secret Gay Network Behind Foley Scandal, by Cliff Kincaid, published Nov 29, 2006, by Accuracy In Media:
The Mark Foley sex scandal was a legitimate and real example of Republican corruption on Capitol Hill. A more conservative House GOP coming into office next January will not be able to avoid coming to grips with the infiltration of the party by gay Republicans actually committed to the social agenda of the Democratic Party. Not only Foley but retiring Republican Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.), an open homosexual who is accused of having inappropriate contacts with former male congressional pages, has been leading a double-life on Capitol Hill but getting rewarded for it by Congressional leaders.
In a major new development confirming our theory that radical gay activists were behind the scandal, the mysterious source responsible for exposing Foley’s behavior has been identified as an employee of the Human Rights Campaign. This is the radical homosexual organization that functions as an adjunct of the national Democratic Party.
Conservative bloggers discovered that the source, who operated a website called stopsexualpredators.com, had used the Internet facilities of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) to post the Foley emails that found their way into the hands of Brian Ross of ABC news and led to the congressman’s resignation. HRC issued a statement saying that when this information came to their attention, “We investigated the matter, determined that HRC resources had been inappropriately used, and let him go. No one at the Human Rights Campaign, other than this individual, had any knowledge of his activities.”
One of the board members of the HRC is Jeff Trandahl, the former House clerk who has inside information about the scandal and has testified before the House Ethics Committee. During his “Republican” career on Capitol Hill, Trandahl had contributed financially to the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, a group supporting mostly Democrats for public office.
Mystery Man Trandahl
Citing a source in the case, ABC’s The Blotter reported that Trandahl had identified Foley and Kolbe as being among a small number of “problem members” of Congress who “spent too much time socializing with pages, taking them to dinner or sporting events outside of official duties.”
All of this means that there was inside information, available to radical gay activists allied with the Democratic Party, which could be used to create scandals for Republican gay members of Congress. Of course, the problem wouldn’t have surfaced in the first place if Congressional Republican leaders had not been protecting homosexuals in their ranks. House leaders knew that Foley was a homosexual but permitted him to serve as a co-chair of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children. In the case of Kolbe, who announced that he was a homosexual after being threatened with “outing” by a radical homosexual publication, House leaders still defended him.
Kolbe is under investigation by the U.S. Attorney in Phoenix because of a 1996 camping trip he took with two male former pages, both of them 17-years-old. MSNBC reported that “One participant, who requested anonymity, said he was uncomfortable with the attention Kolbe paid to one of the former pages. He was ‘creeped out by it,’ he said, adding that there was a lot of ‘fawning, petting and touching’ on the teenager’s arms, shoulders and back by Kolbe.”
Kolbe’s alleged corrupt activities go far beyond inappropriate relationships or contacts of a possible sexual nature with former pages. Associated Press reported that Kolbe was up for the job leading the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, even though he had helped determine its funding as chairman of a House Appropriations subcommittee. AP said, “The committee’s bill, approved May 25, included $3.4 billion in global assistance to combat AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, including $445 million for the U.S. contribution to the Global Fund.” This figure, advocated by Kolbe, was over twice the amount requested by the Bush Administration.
So Kolbe padded the bank account of an organization that considered hiring him as its executive director. The corruption seems to be following him as he leaves office.
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, HRC |
Tuesday, December 5th, 2006
Excerpted from Mercer Assemblyman Acknowledges He’s Gay, by Deborah Howlett, published Dec 05, 2006, by The Star Ledger:
The state lawmaker pushing to give same-sex couples in New Jersey the legal right to marry has acknowledged he is gay.
Assemblyman Reed Gusciora (D-Mercer) said yesterday he has never hidden his sexual orientation, but his sponsorship of the marriage equality bill seemed to raise the question in the minds of others.
“I’ve just never made an issue of it,” Gusciora said. “If someone asks me, I tell them. No one ever asked me publicly before.”
… Nationwide, 350 federal, state and local elected officials are openly gay, according to the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, a group that supports the campaigns of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered politicians…
Gusciora introduced a bill to create government-sanctioned “civil marriage” for everyone…
Continue reading at The Star Ledger …
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Candidates & Elected Officials |
Sunday, December 3rd, 2006
Excerpted from In Culture War, Newsweek Tells Evangelicals – Bring the Troops Home, by Don Feder, published Nov 23, 2006, by GrasstopsUSA:
…Even if evangelicals are prepared to leave politics alone, politics won’t leave them alone.
The left is on a mission against God. It correctly perceives Christianity (more broadly, the Judeo-Christian ethic) as the principal obstacle to the attainment of its utopian vision. Thus, it is determined to stigmatize, marginalize and ghettoize Christians — to increasingly circumscribe their influence and to confine their values to a designated building on a chosen day of the week.
The left has declared war on Christians. Even if evangelicals laid down their arms, the fighting would continue. Besides 1.3 million abortions a year in this country, and the relentless push for gay marriage (mandated by an imperial judiciary) the left is:
- Sexualizing children (including those from Christian families) in the guise of sex education — teaching teen-aged girls to put condoms on bananas and offering how-to training on acts the average prostitute would refuse to perform
- Teaching kids (starting in kindergarten) that homosexuality is a normal, healthy and perfectly acceptable lifestyle. Try it; you’ll like it.
- Distributing condoms to adolescents
- Working to ensure that 14-year-old girls can get an abortion without the knowledge — let alone the consent — of their parents
- Pushing taxpayer-funded embryonic stem-cell research — cloning-to-kill
- Moving toward assisted suicide and euthanasia
- Fighting any attempt to counter the torrent of filth and graphic violence pouring out of Hollywood to inundate the nation in visual sewage
- Using the news and entertainment media to demonize Christians — hence movies like “V for Vendetta,” “Saved” and “The DaVinci Code” — ergo smears like talk-show host Rosie O’Donnell’s recent charge that “Radical (Bible-believing) Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like the United States.”
- Passing hate crimes laws which will criminalize speech — especially speech that’s critical of homosexuality
- Getting Christian groups thrown off college campuses because they’re “non-inclusive” — i.e., won’t allow homosexuals in leadership positions
- Laboring diligently to keep our borders open and pass another amnesty — thus facilitating new waves of illegal immigration with the ultimate goal of deconstructing America
- Purging the public sector of religious manifestations, including banning stand-alone Ten Commandments displays and removing “One nation under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance
- Working to adopt an anti-terrorism policy which will consist of sensitivity training, multiculturalism and inculcating an appreciation for the religion of peace.
- Assuring the eventual destruction of Israel with a Palestinian state
- Undermining democracy. Replacing popular sovereignty with judicial autocracy — making elections irrelevant. Having civilizational issues like the definition of marriage decided by unelected officials, answerable to no one — a law (pardon the pun) unto themselves.
A November 17th Associated Press story (“Liberals Aim To Ram Measures Past Congress”) is coming attractions for a horror movie of epic proportions — “Nightmare On Capitol Hill”.
Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council summed it up nicely in a National Review piece, “Anticipate the fiercest assault of our time against abstinence, marriage, life, good judges and religious freedom.”
Is this a fight evangelical Christians want to abandon? Is it a fight they can afford to abandon?
Continue reading at GrasstopsUSA…
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, November 29th, 2006
Excerpted from Ex Gay Rent Boy Elected to Canadian Parliament, published Nov 28, 2006, by the pro-homosexual news source Pink News:
A male prostitute turned gay priest has entered the Canadian Parliament after a shock by-election victory.
Raymond Gravel (pictured right)…beat Conservative candidate Stephane Bourgon, in what will be seen as a blow to Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government.
Mr Gravel has been criticised by the Pope before over his support of gay priests, same sex marriage and abortion.
He became a priest after being beaten up as a rent boy.
Earlier this year, Mr Gravel joined a group of Canadian priests in a public criticism of the Vatican’s ban on gay clergy.
Continue reading at Pink News…
Posted in Canada, Candidates & Elected Officials, Catholic |
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