Court Decisions & Judges

Expect California High Court to ‘Half Uphold’ Prop 8: Thomasson

Sunday, May 24th, 2009

Prop. 8 ruling scheduled Tuesday 10 a.m.

randy_thomasson.jpgMy friend Randy Thomasson (left) of expects at partial victory for pro-natural-marriage forces on Prop 8 Tuesday. — Peter LaBarbera. Randy writes:

As you’ve probably heard, the California Supreme Court will file its Prop. 8 ruling on Tuesday at 10 a.m. There’s no more praying or influencing you can do to effect the decision, because the seven justices’ opinions are already in writing. expects a “half right, half wrong,” convoluted decision that allows some 18,000 homosexual “marriages” performed before Nov. 4 to remain legally valid, but after Election Day permitting the granting of marrriage licenses only to a man and a woman.

Our [Save California] news release from Friday afternoon is below. To be reminded of what the justices said during the Prop. 8 hearing on March 5, click HERE. Full Save California release follows:


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VIDEO: MSNBC’s Halperin Pushes New Sexual Diversity Line in Questioning Sessions about ‘Openly Gay’ Justice on Supreme Court

Friday, May 8th, 2009

Sen. Sessions: “I don’t think a person who acknowledges that they have gay tendencies is disqualified per se” from Supreme Court

msnbc-halpein-session.jpgWill Obama Nominate a “Gay” Supreme Court Justice? Liberal opinion-makers like Mark Halperin of MSNBC (left) now treat homosexuality as an element of “diversity” that should be celebrated by society. See YouTube video and interview transcript below. TAKE ACTION: Urge Sen. Sessions (202-224-4124) to oppose the confirmation of pro-homosexuality (activist) justices to the U.S. Supreme Court and all federal courts.

By Peter LaBarbera

Welcome to the new “Sexual Diversity” landscape created by decades of homosexual activism — with its essentially anti-Christian, anti-Biblical ethos. Liberal opinion-making elites like MSNBC’s Mark Halperin below now treat homosexual perversion (oops, sorry, “sexual orientation”) as part of America’s “minority” tapestry — eligible for all the “diversity” demands — read: quotas — of other (genuine) minority groups. Identity politics and affirmative action are bad enough with real minorities; they will become unbearable once expanded to include advocates and practitioners of changeable sexual sin — which is what an open and proudly “gay” Supreme Court justice would be.

Please watch the YouTube video clip below of an interview yesterday morning (May 7) between Halperin and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), the new highest ranking Republican in the Senate Judiciary Committee following the party switch of Sen. Arlen Specter. Note how Halperin eagerly pushes the “homosexuality-as-diversity” line — which Sen. Sessions attempts to fend off with his “gay tendencies” remark. With all due respect to the senator, if that’s the best that conservatives can do, we will be squashed by liberal and libertarian advocates of proud homosexuality in this debate.

Imagine: what Senator is going to have the guts to challenge the idea that it is “wrong for a justice to be disqualified because of ‘who he is'” — to quote the now widely accepted but biblically false homosexual-activist cliché? There is a deeply personal and emotional level of activism in anyone who self-identifies as “openly gay” — as opposed to one who struggles against the unwanted pull of homosexuality — because that person flips timeless morality on its head. The unapologetic “gay” person has his or her whole life and, indeed, eternal destiny invested in the idea that Judeo-Christian teachings against homosexual behavior as sinful should be discarded. An openly homosexual judge “not promoting any agenda personal, religious or moral” — how absurd and naive!  A transcript of the MSNBC exchange between Halperin and Sessions follows the video:

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

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Barber: Iowa Governor Chet Culver Should ‘Veto’ Court’s Homosexual ‘Marriage’ ‘Opinion’

Monday, April 27th, 2009

iowa_supreme_court_smarter_than_god.jpgMeet Iowa’s New ‘Super-Legislature’: forget those civics lessons, kiddos: the real, ultimate power to create laws lies with the nature-defying liberals in charge of the Iowa Supreme Court (left). Needless to say, Iowa’s Democratic governor, Chet Culver (who once taught high school government), did not take Matt Barber’s bold advice today — that is, he did not interfere with the new immoral, counterfeit “marriages” imposed by the seven smiling “judiciocrats” at left.

Contact: Matt Barber:

DATE: April 27, 2009


Iowa Governor Should Tell Court ‘Thanks but No Thanks’

Lynchburg, VA – Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs with both Liberty Alliance Action and Liberty Counsel* released the following statement today encouraging Iowa Governor Chet Culver to honor his obligation to uphold the Iowa Constitution and refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex pairs.

“In Baker v. Nelson, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to imagine there exists a ‘constitutional right’ to ‘same-sex marriage.’ It held that if the Court were to create such a right, it would amount to an unconstitutional act of ‘judicial legislation.’ With its recent opinion charging that such a right exists and ordering that, starting today, marriage licenses be given to homosexual duos, the Iowa Supreme Court has done just that. It has co-opted the role of both the legislative and executive branches of government and has presumed to unconstitutionally create and administer law from the bench.

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WATCH IT: Maggie Gallagher Debates Joe Solmonese

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009

Below is a YouTube video of an MSNBC debate April 8 between Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage and Joe Solmonese of the Human Rights Campaign. Keep in mind that Solmonese makes $338,400 a year to do things like claim that pro-family advocates are lying when they rightly assert that the homosexual political agenda — including “gay marriage” — will undermine the religious and moral freedoms of Americans who oppose homosexual behavior. Maggie and I focus on different aspects of the overall debate and we may disagree on a point or two, but she is a modern hero for truth and deserves our thanks for the yeoman’s work she has done on behalf of marriage. For this, of course, she is now rewarded with daily vilification by the Forces of Tolerance, led by those meanspirited “gay” bloggers and Professional Homosexuals like Solmonese.

It’s comical to watch homosexual activists call others liars — even as they promote the colossal falsehood that denies the “queer” threat to Americans’ religious liberties and freedom of conscience. Heck, HRC staffers have cut their teeth demonizing faith-based pro-family advocates as bigots on a par with vile racists of the past — while working to squelch our voice in the public square. (I wonder if HRC staffer Darryl Herrschaft got bonus pay for kicking me off a “DiversityInc” panel discussion on “Religion in the Workplace” in 2007.) Worst of all, they maliciously link pro-family and church speech to violence against homosexuals in their cynical campaign to pass “hate crimes” legislation. Make no mistake: if HRC’s agenda is enacted at the federal level, your freedom to live by your beliefs will take a big hit. Please support NOM’s work. — Peter LaBarbera,

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

Michigan Family Leader Predicts Iowans Will Reverse ‘Gay Marriage’ Activist Court Ruling

Monday, April 6th, 2009

gary_glenn.jpgGary Glenn, president of the American Family Association of Michigan, offered the following assessment to the Michigan Messenger on Iowa’s homosexual “marriage” ruling:

“Activist judges in Iowa proved once again today how right the American Family Association of Michigan was to call for a preemptive Marriage Protection Amendment constitutionally securing the definition of one-man, one-woman marriage in our state, and how right the people of Michigan were to overwhelmingly approve it. … Homosexual activists will of course now parade counterfeit ‘marriages’ through the streets of Des Moines for a while, as they did in California, but eventually the people of Iowa will have a chance to vote on the issue, and the result will be the same there as in Michigan and 29 other states.”

Note in the Michigan Messenger article that Illinois is viewed as a likely state for a court challenge like Iowa that produced the “gay marriage” decision:


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Iowa Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Ruling an Assault on Midwestern Values, Says AFTAH’s LaBarbera

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

male_homosexuality_is_wrong.jpgNews Release

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality

April 3, 2009                    Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631

CHICAGO– Today’s Iowa Supreme Court decision imposing “same-sex marriage” as a constitutional “right” is an assault on not just the Judeo-Christian moral foundations of that state, but also on the God we ask to “Bless America” — and the common-sense, pro-family values of the Midwest, said Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality.

LaBarbera, who is also on the board of Protect Marriage Illinois, issued the following statement regarding the court’s reckless decision:

“Today Iowa becomes the first state not on either of the nation’s two liberal coasts to impose counterfeit, homosexual ‘marriage’ or its mischievous twin, ‘civil unions,’ on its citizens through judicial tyranny. To call this decision bankrupt is to understate its perniciousness. The evil genius of the pro-sodomy movement is that it targets noble institutions like marriage and adoption in the name of ‘rights,’ and then perverts and uses them to normalize aberrant and destructive behaviors.

“Homosexual ‘marriage’ is wrong because homosexual behavior itself is wrong and destructive – as proved by its role in the needless, early deaths of countless ‘gay’ men. We must shake loose of the secularists’ and libertarians’ amoral nonchalance regarding ‘same-sex marriage’ by asking questions like this: how exactly would two men consummate their ‘gay marriage”’ Answer: by engaging in what one Founding Father, Noah Webster, writing in saner times, rightly defined as a ‘crime against nature.’

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California’s Proposition 8 Marriage Amendment to be Argued Today at California Supreme Court

Thursday, March 5th, 2009

Liberty Counsel Press Release

March 4, 2009;

San Francisco, CA – [Today, March 5] the California Supreme Court will hear arguments regarding Proposition 8, which defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Shortly after the amendment passed, three lawsuits were filed at the California Supreme Court by same-sex marriage advocates, claiming Proposition 8 is itself unconstitutional. Liberty Counsel has represented the Campaign for California Families defending the state’s marriage laws since 2004 and has argued at the trial, appellate and state Supreme Court levels. Liberty Counsel also filed an amicus brief at the California Supreme Court in defense of Proposition 8.

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Tell Congress You Oppose ENDA — The ‘ENDA’ Our Freedom’ Bill

Friday, January 9th, 2009

Imagine oppressive state pro-homosexual laws — enhanced by federal power

neil_clark_warren-2.JPG How Many More eHarmony “gay” sellouts under ENDA? Neil Clark Warren, founder of, lost his courage and settled rather than fight a homosexual lawsuit filed under New Jersey’s “sexual orientation” law. So now Warren and are facilitating immoral homosexual unions. If a federal ENDA bill becomes law, it will greatly enhance the power of homosexual activists to force businessmen and employers to accommodate and subsidize homosexual relationships against their will. The very freedom of Christians, Muslims and other moral-minded citizens to disagree with homosexuality hangs in the balance. 

TAKE ACTION: Answer the pro-homosexual lobby campaign! Call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and have them connect you to your Representative (based on your zip code). Tell them: “I am a constituent and I would like you to please tell Representative _______ that I strongly OPPOSE the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) — which threatens Americans’ basic freedom to live out their faith and disagree with homosexual behavior. I also oppose expanding federal “hate crimes” law to add “sexual orientation” and opening up our Armed Forces to open homosexuality — especially during a time of war. Then, call back and leave messages with your two Senators too! Contact their local offices, which you can find through and


By Peter LaBarbera

OK, everyone, vacation is over. Americans For Truth is back on the beat, fresh from being denounced and mocked by various pro-sodomy “queer” blogs at the end of 2008 (what an honor — more on that later). Below, please read an appeal for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) from a major homosexual activist group — and then DO THE OPPOSITE by calling your U.S. Congressman and Senators and urge them to vote AGAINST the ENDA bill.

We’re calling ENDA — a top priority for the Homosexual and Transsexual Lobbies — the “ENDA’ Our Freedom” Bill because it poses a severe threat to Americans’ First Amendment freedom to disagree with homosexuality. ENDA would be used to force small- and medium-sized businesses to subsidize immoral homosexual unions — and that’s un-American!

Here’s a paper I wrote for AFTAH on ENDA, but if you’re too busy or too lazy to read that, here’s how to think of ENDA:

Remember the recent outrage over’s sellout to homosexual activism — when evangelical Christian founder Neil Clark Warren agreed to create a “gay” dating website under the auspices of eHarmony? Well, that sellout, unnecessary and misguided as it was, came at the point of a gun. And the “gun” was New Jersey’s state version of ENDA: a pro-homosexual “nondiscrimination” law. That very same New Jersey “sexual orientation” law was used to launch the legal assault against the Boy Scouts of America’s fundamental right to live by its own creed and NOT allow homosexual (or atheist) Scoutmasters.

Thankfully, the Boy Scouts (unlike did not capitulate and the U.S. Supreme Court ultimately preserved their freedom of association in a 5-4 decision that surely would have gone the other way if just one more liberal justice of the sort favored by President-elect Obama (and many other powerful Democrats) were seated on the Court.

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