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AFT In the News
Thursday, September 21st, 2006
From Lawrence Keitz Pleads Guilty to E-Threat against IFI, by Peter LaBarbera, published Sept 21, 2006, by Illinois Family Institute:
Homosexual Lawrence Keitz of Chicago pled guilty yesterday to a disorderly conduct charge stemming from his 2005 e-mail threat against Illinos Family Institute in which he vowed to “burn every one of your [g-d] damned churches down” and “fight till my last breath to see that you people are destroyed.”
Under a plea agreement, Keitz received “court supervision” for the crime, which allows him to escape jail time for the offense–a Class C misdemeanor carrying a maximum 30-day jail sentence–provided he does not engage in similar harassing behaviors in the next year.
Under the agreement approved by Dupage County Judge Cary B. Pierce, Keitz agreed to stay away from IFI’s offices and staff in Glen Ellyn, pay a fine and write a letter of apology to Illinois Family Institute within 60 days. If he does not repeat the threats, ultimately he will have the opportunity to have the record of his guilty plea expunged so that he has no permanent criminal record.
Keitz, an employee of the PappaGeorge/Haymes Ltd. architectual firm in Chicago, used his work e-mail address to send the following threatening note to IFI on July 13, 2005 (this is cleaned up for publication; our edits are in brackets; astericks were his):
—–Original Message—–
From: Lawrence Keitz [mailto:lkeitz@pappageorgehaymes.com]
Posted At: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 12:55 PM Posted To:
Conversation: Leave us the F**k alone
Subject: Leave us the F**k alone
I am a gay citizen of this country.
You get the f**k out of my countery [sic] and leave me alone or I will burn every one of your [g-d] damned churches down. Shove your [g-d] up your own [a–]! I will fight till my last breath to see that you people are destroyed. F**k off!
Assistant States Attorney Jeff Muntz, who prosecuted the case, said that a previous charge against Keitz for “harassment by electronic communication” had been dropped.
Pray for Keitz
Representing Illinois Family Institute at the hearing, I introduced myself to Keitz, shook his hand and told him that we do not hate him.
Keitz, a white male wearing a pony tail who appeared to be in his late 20’s, replied that it was “hard to tell” from IFI’s website.
Please pray for Lawrence Keitz and all the pro-homosexual activists who regularly attack IFI and other family groups–sometimes viciously or even illegally (as in this case). Because we oppose homosexuality as a matter of principle and reject “gayness” as a core identity, they label us as “haters,” and, strangely, justify their ugly attacks by citing our policies and beliefs.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in AFT In the News, Christian Persecution, Homosexual Hate Speech, News |
Thursday, September 21st, 2006
Excerpted from List of GayFriendly Companies Continues to Grow, published Sept 21, 2006, by Agape Press:
The 2006 Corporate Equality Index’s 138-member list includes perennial representatives like IBM, Levi-Strauss, Nike, and even Ford Motor Company. It measures benefits and protections to “gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender” employees and customers, including promises against discrimination. The jump from a list of 101 last year to 138 this year is being called a reflection of several culture trends. (See related article on WorldNetDaily)
Peter LaBarbera is president of Americans for Truth, a group that monitors the homosexual agenda throughout American culture. He contends that the campaigns to portray homosexuals and transgenders as a minority — and to represent them as large contributors to corporate America’s bottom line — has been successful…
Continue reading at Agape Press…
Posted in AFT In the News, Ford (GLOBE), HRC, IBM (EAGLE), Levi Strauss, Nike |
Sunday, September 17th, 2006
Brian Camenker of MassResistance interviewed Americans for Truth President Peter LaBarbera today. The program airs on Boston’s WTTT AM 1150 on Saturdays at 10 am and Sundays at 7 pm.
If you don’t live in the Boston area, never fear:
Update: The radio program is now posted HERE
Be sure to listen!!!
Posted in AFT In the News, News |
Friday, September 15th, 2006
Dr. Michael Campion, a psychologist who for years has provided screening services for police departments in the Midwest region, was recently suspended by the Minneapolis Police Department. The apparent reason for Dr. Campion’s suspension: he is a Christian and served on the board of the Illinois Family Institute (IFI), which one liberal newspaper called “an anti-choice and anti-gay organization.”
Martha Kleder has more on this story with Peter LaBarbera, spokesman and former Executive Director for IFI and President of Americans for Truth. You will also here more about FOX News and Walmart‘s support of a homosexual activist group, the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association.
Click HERE to listen.
Posted in AFT In the News, Christian Persecution, Freedom Under Fire, Government Promotion, News, NLGJA, Police & Fire Departments |
Thursday, September 14th, 2006
This letter was submitted to the Naperville Sun in response to Arlene Hudson’s letter (published Sept 3, 2006) and was printed on Sept 20, 2006:
I find it odd when people use intolerant words to lecture others about “hate” and intolerance. Arlene Hudson did just that in her judgmental attack against me and Americans for Truth (“Anti-gay campaign causes pain, shame,” Sept. 3).
First of all, I too am a Naperville resident, and I agree with Ms. Hudson that this city is peaceful, loving and family oriented. In the true spirit of tolerance, she should resist the temptation to demonize defenders of historic Judeo-Christian morality as “haters.”
Jesus did say, “Love one another,” and the way He loved people was not to condone their sin but to offer redemption–such as when he protected the adulteress from being stoned, forgave her sins and then told her, “Go and sin no more.” Americans for Truth recognizes that homosexuality is wrong, and that Christianity should never be used to authenticate conduct opposed by our Creator. Having personally met more than 100 former homosexuals, I know that God can help people overcome same-sex temptations. Homosexuality is not inborn, and it need not be permanent in a person’s life.
By smearing advocates of traditional Judeo-Christian morality as “hateful,” homosexual activists pronounce an earthly judgment that contradicts the revealed wisdom of God. This clever ploy threatens to victimize Christians and others who uphold traditional sexual mores. We do not want America to follow Canada , where laws against “sexual orientation discrimination” are intimidating pastors and people of faith into silence or, worse, forcing moral-minded citizens to approve of immoral behavior or face expensive litigation. One Toronto Christian printer who refused a print job for a homosexual group was fined $5,000 and has spent tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees just to clear his good name.
Naperville can handle real diversity, but free citizens must never be forced to sanction wrong and harmful behavior. Please visit our website at www.americansfortruth.org before rushing to judgment.
Peter LaBarbera
Posted in AFT In the News |
Tuesday, September 12th, 2006
…The Fox News Channel’s credo of being “fair and balanced” is being challenged by a pro-family group following the media group’s $10,000 gift to a pro-homosexual group. The gift to the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) undermines the Fox News motto, says Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth — unless, of course, Fox News matches the donation by giving to a conservative or pro-family organization. “Fox News cannot claim to be ‘fair and balanced’ in its coverage of homosexuality while providing large grants to a special-interest group like the [NLGJA] …,” says LaBarbera. The homosexual journalists’ group, he claims, “demonizes religious conservatives” and tries to influence the mainstream media to exclude conservative criticism of the homosexual agenda from “gay”-related stories. The Americans for Truth president says a matching grant to a conservative or pro-family organization would demonstrate to its viewers a commitment to living up to its credo and “not taking sides in the culture war.” [Jody Brown]
Continue reading…
Posted in AFT In the News |
Saturday, September 9th, 2006
From ‘Fair and balanced’ network gives $10K to ‘gays’, published September 9, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:
Fox News Channel, which owes its No. 1 cable news rating to its immense popularity with conservatives, is donating $10,000 to an organization of homosexual journalists.
Fox News tells viewers “We Report. You Decide.” But it has made the donation to “connect with” the estimated 650 journalists who are attending a National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association event at the Loews Miami Beach Hotel this weekend.
The company has joined with the Miami Herald, McClatchy Co., CBS, CNN, Hearst Corp., US Newswire, ESPN, Bloomberg, ABC News, The Los Angeles Times, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Washington Post and Tribune Co. in sponsoring the event for the organization that claims 1,300 members nationwide.
“By sponsoring the ‘Out in the Sunshine,’ you gain a direct link to top media professionals from across the country and around the globe. The various levels of sponsorship allow you increased visibility, and access to influential members of the mainstream and LGBT media,” said the convention website.
A message left with Fox News seeking comment was not returned immediately, but an activist group had a contribution ready for the debate.
Americans for Truth essentially asked Fox News to live up to its own words, or eat them.
Peter LaBarbera
In a letter e-mailed yesterday from AFT chief Peter LaBarbera to Fox News Channel President Roger Ailes, LaBarbera said the network’s “fair and balanced” reputation is on the line.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in AFT In the News, FOX News, NLGJA, Pro-Homosexual Media, Wal-Mart (PRIDE) |
Friday, September 8th, 2006
From FOX News Channel Caught Donating $10,000 to Gay Journalist Organization, by John-Henry Westen, published Sept 8, 2006, by LifeSite News:
While the left likes to pretend that Fox News Channel is a right-wing conservative news organization, Fox has always claimed it is “fair and balanced”, trying to portray the image of center of the road. However, their “fair and balanced” claim will be under close scrutiny by conservatives this week as a pro-family group has asked Fox News to match a $10,000 donation to a homosexual journalism organization, with a donation to pro-family group.
Fox News is listed as a “Feature Level” sponsor of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) annual convention which began yesterday and runs through the weekend in Miami. See the NGLA sponsorship page featuring Fox News as a sponsor: http://www.nlgja.org/convention/2006/sponsors.htm
The controversy is of heightened intensity since the leader of the NLGJA recently compared pro-family critics of homosexuality to “white supremacists.”
Americans for Truth (AFT) is asking Fox News Channel to be “fair and balanced” by giving $10,000 to a conservative group to match its donation to NLGJA. In a letter sent today to Fox News Channel President Roger Ailes, AFT President Peter LaBarbera wrote: “FOX News cannot claim to be ‘fair and balanced’ in its coverage of homosexuality while providing large grants to a special interest group like the [NLGJA] that demonizes religious conservatives and, worse, seeks to influence the media nationwide to exclude conservative critics of the homosexual political/cultural agenda from gay-related stories.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in AFT In the News, FOX News, NLGJA, Wal-Mart (PRIDE) |
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