WARNING: Extremely graphic subject matter; homosexual deviant acts described
Folks, this is one of the most compelling media interviews I have ever been a part of–and not because of anything I said. This is the April 20, 2018 edition of Coach Dave Daubenmire’s (Pass the Salt Ministries) daily morning show; it covers the upcoming “CLAW” homosexual perversion-fest at the Westin and Hampton Inn downtown hotels in Cleveland. (CLAW stands for the Cleveland Leather Awareness Weekend, scheduled for April 26-29; see AFTAH story HERE.) Ex-“transgender” David Arthur, whom the Lord rescued from such depravity, speaks from his heart about how men go deeper and deeper into sexual perversion. On the screen David Arthur is shown over the words “Alphabet Man”; I ask him what goes through the minds of men engaged in unfathomable perversions. Start watching at the 38:00 mark. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera