
LISTEN: Coach Dave Daubenmire Interviews AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera

Tuesday, April 16th, 2013

Coach notes rapid desensitization of Americans toward homosexuality

Coach_Dave_Daubenmire_Interview_News-With_Views-2013Folks, Coach Dave Daubenmire of Pass the Salt Ministries is one of a kind. It was a pleasure to be interviewed by the Coach — a man’s man whose old-fashioned moral frankness may be out of step with today’s culture but is so much more refreshing than the pablum coming from some “Christians” and “conservatives” these days. I love Coach’s point — as politically incorrect as it is true — at around the 22:25 mark regarding what parents fear most. Also note:

  • Coach’s comments on TIME magazine’s indecent “gay kiss” cover and what it says about desensitization in the USA (10:30);
  • my comments on Larry Kramer and “gay” men who look back “fondly” on their own molestation (27:35); and
  • the section on the sinister pro-pedophilia “B4UAct” website (“NAMBLA with a PhD”), which mimics homosexual activist talking points to advance the agenda of the “Minor Attracted People” movement.

Give me just 100 pastors like Coach Daubenmire scattered across America and you wouldn’t recognize this nation! Please support the Coach and his ministry. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

PS. Let me anticipate a homosexual activist criticism of my comments — which of course will be distorted — around the 14:00-15:00 minute mark. I am not “reassured” (14:40) that homosexual men contract so many diseases related to their perversion, in the sense of taking some sort of heartless satisfaction from their suffering. Rather, I am reassured that Nature and the practical realities of the homosexual lifestyle affirm God’s revealed truth about this sin. As I say in the interview, “The real world is backing up what the Bible says about homosexuality.” This should further motivate Christians to lovingly share God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ to people caught up in homosexual behavior. More information follows the interview….

This interview was published by NewsWithViews.TV on Apr 11, 2013. Coach writes:

“Peter LaBarbera of joins Coach Dave for an in-depth discussion of the homosexual agenda and how ‘marriage’ is just their latest assault on traditional values. Listen to this riveting, no-holds-barred discussion.”

To listen on Coach Dave’s YouTube channel, go here:

Connecticut ‘Married’ Homosexuals George Harasz and Douglas Wirth Face Trial for Allegedly Raping their Own Adopted Boys

Friday, April 12th, 2013

George Harasz (l) and Douglas Wirth (r) are accused of raping two of the nine boys they adopted. The Glastonbury, CT men are “married.” Now three more of the children have come forward charging sexual abuse. Photo courtesy Glastonbury Police Department.

Although these two homosexual men (“married” in Connecticut) are innocent until proven guilty, this case has not received the media coverage that it deserves. It recalls another horrific homosexual adoption/molestation case: Frank Lombard, the North Carolina man and Duke University official who molested his own infant adopted boy and then offered up the five-year-old online for others to rape. Here’s a 2011 YouTube of a local TV news report on the shockingly evil Lombard case.

The following is from the New York Daily News (April 7, 2103) on the Connecticut story:

Gay Connecticut couple accused of raping adopted children will face trial

By Eric Ortiz, New York Daily News

The case of a same-sex Connecticut couple accused of repeatedly raping and abusing two of their nine adopted boys is headed for trial.

Married couple George Harasz and Douglas Wirth of Glastonbury were supposed to be sentenced Friday in Hartford Superior Court under a plea deal, but instead withdrew from their agreement with prosecutors. The men had already pleaded no contest in January to one felony count each of risk of injury to a minor — a reduction from even more serious charges related to sexual assault.

But in a surprise turn, the couple’s attorneys pulled them out of the plea in a bid to fully clear their names, according to CBS affiliate WFSB-TV.

If Harasz, 49, and Wirth, 45, had continued with the deal, they would have been given suspended prison sentences and probation, WFSB-TV said.

But more allegations came to light Friday in the explosive case, and prosecutors said they also want to go to trial.

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AFTAH Launches ‘Pedo-File’ Project Exposing Gay-Pederasty Connection: Larry Kramer Says Children ‘Desire, Solicit Sex’ with Homosexual Adults

Friday, March 8th, 2013

Celebrated activist says most “gay” men victimized as boys have “fond memories” of early sexual experience


By Peter LaBarbera

Since its inception through “Lambda Report,” the newsletter launched in 1993 that was the precursor to Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), we have been at the forefront of exposing the homosexuality-pedophilia connection, including “gay” activists’ advocacy and tolerance of sex between men and boys.

Frequently the charge leveled against this writer and any pro-family advocate who delves into this connection is that we are alleging that all or most “gay” men are child molesters. This is absurd. Recently this false accusation was leveled against me in a hostile e-mail to AFTAH. I challenged my accuser to find a single remark of mine that supports his claim that I had said that “all or most gay men” are pedophiles. He never provided any evidence, because there is none.

What I have said for the last two decades is that pederasty and pedophilia are disproportionately connected to homosexuality — as one would expect since it is a perversion. I have asked the question of why so many child-sex-abuse victims are boys (usually estimated at more than 25 percent) if a mere 1-3 percent of men are homosexual. Deviance begets deviance, so the overabundance of pathologies — sadomasochism, unparalleled promiscuity, high STD rates, pornography, extreme gender confusion, relationship violence, and past child sex abuse – among homosexuals should not surprise those who still consider facts and reason above politically-correct platitudes.

Homosexual Advocacy of Pedophilia

A shocking aspect of the homosexuality-pederasty-pedophilia nexus is the public “gay” advocacy and glamorization (or rationalization) of sex between adults and children — mostly by homosexual men but occasionally by lesbians and radical feminists.

(For example, the much-celebrated “Vagina Monologues,” by Eve Ensler, included, in its original book form, a short story about a 24-year-old women seducing an adolescent girl after getting her drunk. In Ensler’s story, the girl, looking back as a woman, later recalls her victimizer fondly. Praising the de facto lesbian-predator-rapist, she says, “I realized later she was my surprising, unexpected, politically incorrect salvation.”)

With the Boy Scouts-homosexuality debate raging once again, AFTAH launches a new series, “The Pedo-File” to expose this most insidious brand of advocacy. Here we will document both the homosexual activists’ promotion of pedophilia — especially pederasty (man-boy sex) — and the historic reality of homosexuality’s link to adult-child sex going back to the ancient world.

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AFTAH Tells Parents, Churches to Urge Boy Scouts Not to Capitulate on Homosexuality

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013
Will the Boy Scouts cave in to the powerful "Gay" Lobby and jeopardize the safety and moral well-being of the boys in their care?

Will the Boy Scouts cave in to the powerful “Gay” Lobby and jeopardize the safety and moral well-being of the boys in their care?

Contact: Peter LaBarbera:

CHICAGO–Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (, issued the following analysis of the Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA) reported capitulation to pro-homosexual activists—potentially rescinding its national policy on homosexuality and allowing local councils to set their own policies on “sexual orientation”:

1) This decision is not yet final – parents, sponsoring churches and concerned citizens should lobby the Scouts NOW prior to their Board Meeting next week. TAKE ACTION: urge the BSA NOT to sacrifice the safety and moral well-being of boys to the demands of “gay” activists and a few corporate bigwigs threatening to withhold grants. Lines are jammed, but contact the BSA at 972-580-2000 or 972-580-2597; or use their Contact Page. E-mail: Find your local Scout Council nationwide HERE, or use the BSA’s locator by zip code.

2) This proposed capitulation would snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory: just a few weeks ago the Boy Scouts won a resounding First Amendment victory in a ruling by the notoriously liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Court reversed a federal judge’s decision to evict the Scouts from their — longtime camp at San Diego’s Balboa Park just because homosexual activists and ACLU-backed secularists despise the BSA’s moral code.

3) This proposal opens the door to the sexual- and spiritual corruption of boys. The tragic reality is homosexual predators go where the boys are. Most parents do NOT want to send their son camping with a male Scoutmaster who identifies with aberrant, unhealthy sex. They would be even less inclined to do so if they were aware of the data revealing that a disproportionately high percentage of “gay” men (like CNN’s Don Lemon themselves were once molested as boys by an adult homosexual pedophile (or by an older boy). Furthermore, parents do NOT want sexually-confused (openly ‘gay”) boys spreading the message of “out and proud” homosexuality in their son’s troop. This includes the danger – already realized in the BSA – of boys making sexual advances on other boys. The BSA was right to keep homosexuality OUT of Scouting. Sadly, this new proposal welcomes it in.

4) AFTAH reiterates its call on the Boy Scouts of America to release ALL of its files on predatory abuse in the Scouts – be it by adult homosexual Scoutmasters or “boy-on-boy” predations. Although we commend the BSA for tightening its anti-abuse policies, the American public has a right to know the full extent of the Scouts’ homosexual abuse problem.

5) This pro-homosexual capitulation teaches boys the WRONG lesson: that upholding moral truth is less important than bowing to politically correct trends that dishonor God. For decades the Scouts have been targeted by LGBT activists merely for upholding their own interpretation of a creed teaching boys to be “morally straight.” They suffered for doing good, and went all the way to the Supreme Court and won (in 2000), preserving their liberty to live by their own beliefs. To cave in now rewards the bigoted Homosexual Lobby and teaches boys that MONEY is more important than morality – indeed, even more important than Truth itself.

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Matt Barber: Jerry Sandusky Laws (Banning Reparative Ex-Gay Therapy): ‘Sick and Twisted’

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

Sounds alarm over criminalization of ‘gay’ change counseling

This column was first published by two days ago

By Matt Barber

In recent months, “progressive” lawmakers, activist attorneys and militant homosexual pressure groups have launched a fierce campaign to ban therapeutic help for child victims of monsters like homosexual pedophile Jerry Sandusky. California has already passed such a law (SB 1172).

On Friday, Liberty Counsel founder and chairman Mat Staver challenged this twisted ban in federal court, seeking a preliminary injunction to halt the law from taking effect on Jan. 1. Judge Kimberly Mueller will likely issue a decision within a week or so.

SB 1172 would make illegal any counseling to diminish or eliminate same-sex sexual attractions or high-risk behaviors, even when, as is often the case, those attractions and behaviors derive from sexual abuse.

Thousands of people, many of whom once identified as “gay,” have received positive, life-changing benefits from such counseling. Yet, among other things, the fact that people can, and do, leave homosexuality bulldozes the politically motivated, scientifically discredited “born that way” meme.

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AFTAH Calls on Boy Scouts of America to Release ALL Homosexual Molestation Files

Thursday, October 25th, 2012

Urge the Scouts to “come clean” on their homosexual perversion cases

Ousted Boy Scout scoutmaster and homosexual predator William Lazzareschi.

Take Action: Urge the Boy Scouts of America to make public ALL cases of molestation from its inception until today — so that Americans can get a clear picture of the threat to boys posed by adult homosexual predators. Contact the Boy Scouts of America [972-580-2000; 8:00 AM-4:30 PM Central Time].  Also, if you live near greater Chicago, please attend the AFTAH dinner-banquet this Saturday, Oct. 27 to hear one of the world’s leading child-protection advocates, Dr. Judith Reisman, speak on: “Pedophilia: The Next ‘New Normal’?” Sign up for just $15 online through Friday ($20 at the door):


By Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth

You cannot help but be stunned by the enormity of evil contained in the Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA) homosexual-molestation (“perversion”) files, which were released in June by order of Oregon’s highest court. You can peruse the tragic cases on PDF’s here: You can read the Scouts’ response in the form of their web page “BSA Youth Protection” here:

Well over a decade ago, when I and other pro-family advocates were defending the Scouts’ right to live by their own moral creed — and not be forced to hire homosexual or atheist scoutmasters (they won their case narrowly in the Supreme Court in 2000) — BSA officials were not keen on using the “potential-for-molestation” argument, in the courts or in the culture. Now we know why.

These files of man-boy molestations are not comprehensive and cover only the peried from 1965-1985. We at AFTAH believe the Boy Scouts should now make public ALL cases of homosexual pedophilia and sexual crimes — from the organization’s inception until today. To their credit, the BSA has embraced very tough measures to prevent further sexual abuse; you can read about it HERE. However, the same lawyers who successfully obtained the release of the Scouts’ 1965-1985 “perversion” files point out that the problem continues: there many recent cases of molestation; read about them HERE.

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‘Gays Against the Gay Agenda’ (G.A.G.A.) Says Homosexuals ‘Are Being Used to Further an Agenda’

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

Dear Readers,

The following is a verbatim copy of a notice sent anonymously last week by “Gays Against the Gay Agenda” (G.A.G.A.) to Americans For Truth About Homosexuality. It is one of the most amazing pieces of correspondence I have received in 20-plus years of opposing the homosexual activist agenda. I cannot vouch for its authenticity but the testimonies it contains ring true and are consistent with countless accounts of homosexual victimization, molestation and recruitment we have received or reported on over the years.

The prevailing “gay”/liberal narrative, dutifully advanced by a subservient media, ignores such troubling and abnormal factors in the formation of homosexual identity — in favor of the notion that “gayness” is innate and essentially “who you are.” Thus behavior and choice are replaced by an unchangeable and morally neutral “sexual orientation.” No connection is made between the abuse and dysfunction experienced in the young lives of so many homosexuals and their adult embrace of a “gay” or “lesbian” (or “transgender”) identity. To survive, this “progressive” myth depends on denying any causative link between the former and the latter — and dismissing former homosexuals like Charlene Cothran who left their “gay” identity behind.

These compelling stories are also a reminder that Christians must reach out to homosexuals with supernatural grace, love and understanding. Many homosexuals were victims — either of sexual predators or very unfortunate — even abusive — circumstances. And many involved in this sin know it is wrong and don’t believe they were “born that way.” Others, like Amos below, made bad decisions with unforeseen and devastating consequences. But whatever their background, homosexuals should know that divine forgiveness is available through Jesus Christ, who came to earth to die as the “atoning sacrifice” (propitiation) for men’s sins (1 John 4:10). “Sick” sinners of all stripes need Jesus:

“On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mark 2:17

We look forward to hearing more from this G.A.G.A. — the politically incorrect, polar opposite of the homosexuality-celebrating pop star Lady Gaga — in the days, months and years ahead. Please pray for these men and women, and stand with them. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Save the date: 12-12-12 at midnight


Gays Against the Gay Agenda

We are a group of gay men and women who want to join the fight against the gay political agenda because we know the truth.

Here are a few of our stories. Names have been changed for our safety:

From Abe:  I was sexually molested by a neighbor when I was young. I was in counseling for years but as a teen started having gay relationships with other boys. I always said I was born gay but deep down inside I knew that my experiences as a boy were the cause. I still live a gay lifestyle but I know it’s wrong. It’s like a drug. You know it’s wrong, but you keep doing it.

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AFTAH’s 2012 Interview with Keynote Speaker Dr. Judith Reisman – Part Two

Friday, October 12th, 2012

“Ages range from five months to adolescence.” This Table 32 is reprinted from 20th Century sexologist Alfred Kinsey’s highly influential book, “Sexual Behavior and the Human Male.” As the table states, the data come from timed “climaxes” of children — ranging from babies as young as “five months” to adolescent children.

Here is Part Two of the AFTAH interview with Dr. Judith Reisman, the keynote speaker at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality’s annual dinner-banquet Saturday, October 27 (click on banner ad above to sign up for more more information). Judith will be speaking on the topic: “Pedophilia: The Next ‘New Normal’?” Go HERE for Part One of this interview, and HERE for the first of four interviews I did with Judith last year. Reisman’s website is — Peter LaBarbera

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

10-4-12, Dr. Judith Reisman, Part Two

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