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Sexual Revolution
Thursday, May 8th, 2014
 DEVIANCE BEGETS DEVIANCE: We should not be surprised that the ongoing “Sexual Revolution” breaks down one taboo after another. This altered photo (minus the “perversion” graphic) of “twincest” men Elijah and Milo Peters–brothers who once appeared together in “gay” porn–ran in a homosexual website called the “Gayest Blog of All Time.” The writer, Jonny McGovern, attempts to redefine incest to accommodate homosexuality by claiming, “Obviously with 2 men no one is going to get pregnant so again, legally speaking, 2 brothers/twins having sex together is NOT incest.”
By Laurie Higgins
This essay was first published by Illinois Family Institute, 5-7-14
Remember what the world has taught.
Remember the days when homosexual activists told the soothing lie that all they sought was tolerance — the freedom to be left alone to engage in homoerotic acts in private?
Remember when they mocked conservatives into humiliated silence for their warnings about the unctuous slope from tolerance to approval to same-sex mock-marriage?
Remember when they said that legally recognizing same-sex unions as marriages would not lead to anything other than an America with uber-strong marriages?
Remember when they said homoerotic attraction and activity per se are analogous to skin color?
Remember when they said that sexual complementarity is extrinsic to marriage, but the number of partners is intrinsic and, therefore, will remain in the legal definition of marriage?
Remember the indignation they would express when conservatives compared the moral status of homoerotic activity to that of consensual adult incestuous activity?
Remember these deceits as you see what’s next on our darkening horizon: throuples and twincest.
- Three young women, Doll, Kitten, and Brynn, had a commitment ceremony last August in Massachusetts to solemnize the addition of Doll to the union of the legally “married” Brynn and Kitten. The “brides,” apparently enamored of tradition, wore white dresses and veils and were escorted down the aisle by their foolish fathers. This is 34-year-old Brynn’s third faux-marriage to women, which points to the instability of same-sex relationships. Even more tragic, the youngest member of the “throuple” is reportedly pregnant via a sperm donor.
- In the January issue of Italian Vogue, twin brothers Juan and Cesar Hortoneda appeared in a series of homoerotic nude photos shot by infamous 67-year-old bisexual Abercrombie and Fitch photographer, Bruce Welb;ijber.The Hortoneda twins, however, are not the first twins to appear in homoerotica. Weber also photographed identical twin brothers Kyle and Lane Carlson in a series of nude photos. And then there are Elijah and Milo Peters, Czech twins who appear in homoerotic porn together and who in 2010 announced they were in a romantic relationship. Twincest is a tragically appropriate image to represent a culture that worships the autonomous self. If you’re feeling shocked, just know that your shock is nothing more than a culturally constructed provincial prejudice. Elijah and Milo love each other. Isn’t that all that matters? Surely siblings in love should be able to “marry.” While we’re in the business of jettisoning archaic marital detritus, shouldn’t we jettison the criterion regarding blood kinship? Shouldn’t we further “expand” the elasticized definition of marriage? Should sibling couples (or “throuples”) be denied their equal “rights?” Shouldn’t courageous sibling couples have access to all the benefits historically accorded to sexually complementary unrelated couples?
Now remember some of the reasons we’re in this cultural miasma.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Incest, News, Sexual Freedom, Sexual Revolution, Slippery Slope |
Tuesday, December 31st, 2013
Holmberg exposes the sad reality of ‘gay’ male and lesbian “homosex”
By Eric Holmberg, reprinted with permission from The Apologetics Group website
WARNING: Graphic language describing the reality of lesbian and male homosexual sodomies
One of the things I most appreciated about Phil Robertson’s comments to the snoots at GQ was the manner in which he colorfully pointed out the anatomical absurdity of homosex. (WARNING: please read no further if you are a child, pietist, or are easily offended.) Like a red-neck version of Elijah (who may well have been considered a redneck himself circa 9th century BC) mocking the prophets of Baal and the potty habits of their pathetic god (1 Kings 18:27), the bearded one dared to compare the desirability of a certain female body part to its closest correspondent in males.
 Various “dildos” including gigantic fake penises and “fisting” dildos (mimicking the grotesque “gay” sexual perversion in which a man inserts his hand and forearm up the rectum of his “partner”) — for sale in a San Francisco Castro district sex store called, “Does Your Mother Know?” (We suspect not.) Eric Holmberg argues that critics of homosexualism need to find ways to discuss the realities of “homosex” itself and its destructive, disease-causing consequences. Note: some lesbian and hetero sadomasochists also practice a version of “fisting.” Photo: AFTAH. Click to enlarge.
In so doing Robertson pushed back against one of the key strategies of the architects of the LGBTQ putsch: that is to take the “sex” out of “homosexuality” – to redefine it as a simple orientation (like being left-handed) and disconnect it as much as possible from what people actually do to each other in bed (or in a bathroom or the bushes). For proof of this simply read After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s (Doubleday: New York, 1989) – the seminal book by homosexual, and Harvard educated, activists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. See, for example, page 178:
“In the early stages of the campaign, the public should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex per se should be downplayed, and the issue of gay rights reduced, as far as possible, to an abstract social question,” Kirk and Madsen write in a section in After the Ball titled, “Strategy: Persuasion, not Invasion.”
Christians and anyone else concerned about the normalization of homosexuality and other perversions of God’s design for gender and sexual behavior should shake off the shackles of Newspeak and begin to graciously but firmly – using irony and shock where necessary – join Robertson in pushing back against this agenda. We need to make like Elijah and point out the absurdities inherent in the practice of homosex; how the wages of sin will not only surely be spiritual death, but can lead to physical sickness and death as well.
Three simple points I like to make, in order of increasing shock factor:
1. According to one peer-reviewed [1997] study done towards the end of the 20th century, the life expectancy for the average 20-year-old gay or bisexual man [assessing “vital statistics data … obtained for a large Canadian urban centre from 1987 to 1992”] was 8 to 21 years less than his heterosexual counterpart. (See the International Journal of Epidemiology.) Here [in 2001] the authors actually condemn as “homophobic” anyone who dares to point to their research as evidence that homosexuality carries with it certain inherent health risks. And yet they in no way deny the statistical evidence their research has uncovered. (This is one of the best examples of “professing to be wise and remaining fools” I have ever stumbled upon.) [Editor’s Note: Life expectancy for homosexual men is now much longer compared to when the original IJE study was done in 1997 — due mainly to AIDS antiretroviral drugs. Nevertheless, “men who have sex with men” (MSM) remain at the epicenter of the HIV/AIDS epidemic,” said a CDC specialist describing a Fact Sheet assessing 2010 infections and published by the CDC earlier this year. Read the original 1997 Canadian study on “gay” and bisexual men’s lifespan HERE and the authors’ short 2001 response (referenced by Holmberg above) to conservatives who used their data to criticize pro-homosexual activism HERE.]
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Anal Cancer, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, News, Redefining Morality, Redefining Normal, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy, STDs, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, April 11th, 2013
 One would expect the world’s most famous “gay” Mecca to be perverse, and it surely is. Photos: Americans For Truth About Homosexuality.
Folks, it’s street scenes like this one — in the heart of San Francisco’s “gay” Castro district — that led the city’s suffering citizens to push successfully last year for a qualified ban on public nudity. But as the saying goes, old habits die hard.
I shot these photos on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013, near the corner of Market and Noe streets. (I ventured to the “gay” Mecca to cover the homosexual drag queen group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’s uber-blasphemous “Hunky Jesus” contest, which was cancelled and later rescheduled due to rain.) San Francisco’s prohibition of public nudity — which exempts baudy street festivals like the city’s annual “Folsom Street Fair” — went into effect Feb. 1 and is being challenged in court by nudists.
The ban doesn’t seem to be tightly enforced, as these bare-bottomed man-bunnies were ‘hanging around’ for quite awhile in plain view — on Easter Sunday, no less. They were standing outside a venue hosting a “Zombie Christ” dance party/”haunted house” timed to mock Christ and bash Christianity on the most important Christian holiday of the year. AFTAH will have more on that in another post. (Permission granted to use photos provided credit given to “Americans For Truth.org”) — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
More photos after jump…
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Posted in Gay Culture, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Health & Science, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Homosexuality 101, Mental Health, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Promiscuity, San Francisco, Sexual Revolution, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Monday, August 13th, 2012
WARNING: Offensive Graphic
Nothing screams “Perversion!” like the annual Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco, America’s first homosexual Mecca — where mostly homosexual men (and some “straights,” using that term loosely) party in the city’s streets — many in near- or total nudity. AFTAH has documented the unprecedented public perversions and nudity of this bizarre outdoor “fair,” as police stand idly by. [See our photo-reports: Folsom 008 (part one); Folsom 2008 (part two); “Slavery Makes a Comeback” (Folsom 2008); “Up Your Ally” fair 2008; Folsom 2010 and Folsom 2007.] Here is the link to the Folsom Street Fair website (warning: offensive material). Below is the 2012 poster for this well-attended sadomasochism and “sexual freedom” celebration, which demonstrates that for the liberal minded, there are few if any limits to “tolerance.” THIS is the depraved end game of the Sexual Revolution. (Click on image to enlarge.) — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

Posted in BDSM, Extremism, Folsom Street Fair - San Francisco, Government Promotion, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Leather, News, Pornography, Post-modernism/relativism, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, Sadomasochism, San Francisco, Sexual Freedom, Sexual Revolution, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Friday, August 26th, 2011
 Walt Heyer as the man he is today -- living in his God-given gender.
This is the fourth and final part of our interview with Walt Heyer [listen HERE], a former transsexual who went through a body-disfiguring “gender reassignment surgery” (to live as “Laura”) only to regret it — and ultimately returned to his God-given gender as a male. This interview was pre-recorded and aired August 20, 2011. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Heyer discusss his book, “Paper Genders: Pulling the Mask Off the Transgender Phenomenom.” The book describes the extremism and fraud of the early “fathers” of the “sex-change” phenomenon – including Dr. John Money, who said it was not necessarily “pathological” for a 10- or 11-year-old boy to be in a sexual relationship with a man in his twenties or thirties. Money also covered up the failures of early transsexual operations in his zeal to popularize the idea of “sex-change” in the media. (Heyer emphasizes that it is impossible to change one’s sex.) LaBarbera reads from several letters found in Heyer’s book from men who regretted their “gender-change” surgeries.
You can order the book through Heyer’s website, www.sexchangeregret.com. (Heyer’s autobiography, “Trading My Sorrows: A True Story of Betrayals, Bad Choices, Love and the Journey Home,” is available on his site, www.TradingMySorrows.com.) We encourage you to promote Walt’s amazing story — to get out his message that destruction of one’s sexual organs is NOT the answer to gender confusion, and that many people who undergo such surgeries come to regret them.
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Do not use Real Player. It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
8-20-11, Walt Heyer, Part Four
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Americans for Truth Hour, Born that Way?, C - Heroes for Truth, Health & Science, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Political Correctness vs. Truth, San Francisco, Sex-change Operations, Sexology, Sexual Revolution, Suicide, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, August 25th, 2011
 Sexologist Fred Berlin presided over pro-pedophile conference.
Congratulations to Matt Barber, Board Member of Americans For Truth, and our friend Dr. Judith Reisman for attending and exposing this shocking conference in Baltimore aimed at normalizing pedophilia (sexual “relationships” with children). “Minor-Attracted Persons”? Really?
I have just interviewed Matt for the AFTAH Radio Hour show that will air this Saturday night, August 27th. To prepare, I perused the pro-pedophile website “B4U-Act.” Folks, even if it pains you to do so, I want you to take a look at this website and show it to your friends. Most normal people would never imagine that such a website exists. But it does. For parents it’s a must-read, because the academic pedophile movement is picking up momentum.
We’re talking NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) with a PhD and a marketing plan.
Several decades ago, homosexuality too was being “studied,” and look where we are today: “gay rights” lobby groups with CEOs making over $300,000 a year! Here’s a smattering of what I learned online from “B4U-Act” Director of Operations Richard Kramer, who spoke at the Baltimore conference:
- Pedophilia (as an “orientation”) is “not a choice” (sound familiar?);
- Efforts to treat pedophilia are “similar to methods used on homosexuals 50 years ago, and similarly ineffective”;
- “Minor-Attracted Persons” “do not exhibit narcissism, psychosexual immat.urity…psychopathology, neurosis or any personality disorder more than people attracted to adults” (in other words, they’re just like you and me).
One more thing: according to Kramer, many pedophiles Minor-Attracted Persons “interact with minors in a variety of non-sexual ways and develop close friendships with them.”

- Matt Barber says pedophile activists want to do away with age-of-consent laws.
How comforting to parents. As long as that 40-something man doesn’t act on his sexual desire to sodomize your 12-year-old son, it’s OK if they hang out together! (If you disagree, isn’t it about time you got over your “pedo-phobia”?) We’ll be watching this sinister agenda — which of course is mimicking the well-honed tactics and manipulative talking points of the Homosexual Lobby — very closely.
Evil begets evil, and we wouldn’t be writing about a “pro-pedophile conference” if it weren’t for the astounding success of a perversion/sin movement that calls itself “Gay.”
— Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
Contact Matt Barber: jmattbarber@comcast.net
DATE: August 22, 2011
‘Time to Normalize Pedophilia’: Firsthand Report on B4U-ACT Conference
Lynchburg, VA – On Wednesday, August 17, child advocates Matt Barber, Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action, and Dr. Judith Reisman, a visiting law professor at Liberty University School of Law, attended a Baltimore, MD conference hosted by the pedophile group B4U-ACT. Around 50 individuals were in attendance including a number of admitted pedophiles – or “Minor-Attracted Persons” as they prefer to be identified (MAP “sexual orientation”) – as well as several supportive mental health professionals. World renowned “sexologist,” Dr. Fred Berlin of Johns Hopkins University gave the keynote address, saying: “I want to completely support the goal of B4U-ACT.”
Highlights of the conference:
- Pedophiles are “unfairly stigmatized and demonized” by society.
- There was concern about “vice-laden diagnostic criteria” and “cultural baggage of wrongfulness.”
- “We are not required to interfere with or inhibit our child’s sexuality.”
- “Children are not inherently unable to consent” to sex with an adult.
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Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, American Psychiatric Association, News, Pedophilia/Pederasty, Sexology, Sexual Revolution |
Friday, August 5th, 2011
AFTAH launches “Keep the Gay Blood Ban” informational campaign: “Anal sex is the riskiest sexual activity for getting/spreading HIV.”
WARNING: Graphic and Vulgar Descriptions of Homosexual Acts; NOT Suitable for Children
 RIMMING: Section on "Rimming" from flier produced for the California HIV/AIDS Hotline. "Rimming" is a slang term for oral-anal sexual stimulation, as depicted by the drawing above. The text reads: "You cannot get HIV from rimming. You can get Hepatitis A (but you can get vaccinated against it), shigella, herpes, and intestinal parasites. To reduce your chances of getting sick, clean ass before you eat it, or use a dental dam as a barrier between your mouth and your partner's ass."
TAKE ACTION: Share this disturbing information with your adult friends, family and co-workers — as well as your U.S. Senators and Congressman [Senate 202-224-3121; House: 202-225-3121; www.congress.org]. Urge your representatives in Congress to put the safety of Americans — and a pristine blood supply — ahead of the demands of the selfish Homosexuality Lobby. Also urge your representatives to launch a Congressional investigation into the health hazards of homosexual behaviors (just as the government studied the dangers of smoking). We need the government to regulate the commercialized “gay” sex industry (e.g. bathhouses) — which fosters anonymous perversions and a reckless culture of promiscuity that spreads diseases and ultimately endangers innocents.
“Infection with these parasites was a likely effect of anal intercourse, which was apt to put a man in contact with his partner’s fecal matter, and was virtually a certainty through the then-popular practice of rimming, which medical journals politely call anal-oral intercourse.” — Homosexual reporter Randy Shilts, who died of AIDS at 42,writing in his book, And the Band Played On, pp. 18-19.
By Peter LaBarbera
Here we reproduce portions of a flier produced by the Asian Health Services and funded by the California AIDS Clearinghouse — as AFTAH launches its “Keep the Gay Blood Ban” (KGB²) campaign against renewed lobby efforts to open up the U.S. blood supply to homosexuality-practicing men. Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), one-time Democratic candidate for president, has stepped up his efforts to overturn the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) current ban on blood donations from any ‘man who has had sex with a man’ (MSM) since 1977 (and any woman who has had sex with such a man).
In the House, Sen. Kerry is being aided by Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Chicago), who represents the homosexual Boystown neighborhood in Chicago, and the two recently applauded Obama’s HHS (Department of Health and Human Services) for taking steps toward lifting the homosexual blood ban.
Sadly, Sen. Kerry and others crusading against the homosexual blood ban do so on the basis that the ban is mainly about “anti-gay discrimination” rather than preserving public health. Kerry previously cited the advent of legalized homosexual “marriage” as mitigating against the lifetime homosexual blood ban. Yet few seem interested in investigating — much less restricting — the actual high-risk homosexual practices and deviant behaviors depicted and described in this (pro-“gay’) flier, which crassly helps explain the immense heath risks of male homosexuality. We excerpt this flier — vulgar slang references and all — to help educate the public as to how this lifestyle is so dangerous that men who practice it must be kept from the nation’s blood supply.
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Posted in Authors & Journalists, Bathhouses, Blood ban, Gay Culture, Health & Science, Homosexual Activist History, Homosexual History, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexual Quotes, Homosexuality - Practical Considerations, News, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials, Rimming, San Francisco, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy, Too Much Tolerance |
Friday, June 17th, 2011
WARNING: Highly Offensive and Graphic Images and Subject Matter
 Perverts Take Over Hotel: Hyatt Regency Chicago sign alerts public to "private event" occupying the hotel. The "private event" is International Mr. Leather, one of the most bizarrely obscene, homosexual perversion celebrations on the planet.
Folks, to people who proudly practice homosexuality (sin), this is “Gay Pride Month.” But there doesn’t seem to be much to be “proud” of in this account of the vendor area at “International Mr. Leather,” Chicago’s annual, mostly homosexual sadistic-sex celebration. AFTAH writer and experienced pro-family activist Lynn Thomas had a hard time reporting on this awful spectacle because, well, she is normal. The sheer perverseness of homosexual sadomasochism (including “consensual” “master-slave relationships”) – embraced and celebrated as the “leather community” under the LGBT umbrella – makes it difficult to expose.
The country talks about the “Heartland” and “Midwestern values,” but the reality is that Chicago has become one of the most perverted cities in the world. Of course, this is due in part to it being one of the most homosexual-friendly cities in the world. Chicago even has its very own Perversion Museum, our name for the truly bizarre Leather Archives & Museum (LA&M) — which carefully documents the sadomasochistic deviancies of mostly homosexual “leathermen,” and some hetero and lesbian perverts. (See below the twisted painting from the LA&M, which is housed in a nondescript building in the city’s Rogers Park neighborhood on the north side.)
This “Leather Museum,” and the welcoming home that the Windy City has become to proud sexual deviants of various stripes, speaks volumes about the slippery-slope of tolerance toward abetting evil; the organizing power of a sin movement; but most importantly of America’s staggering, post-Christian moral decline. – Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
TAKE ACTION: Tell the Hyatt Regency Chicago [312-565-1234; hit “0” and ask for the Executive Offices] that it is wrong and un-hygienic to profit off perversion-fests like IML – no matter how much the Hyatt was paid by IML organizers for this revolting event (see photos). We don’t know what kinds of special chemicals are required for the clean-up after the orgies and sodomies committed in spades at “International Mr. Leather.” (And pity the poor maids.) But would you want to sleep in the same bed where a homosexual orgy – or drunken, orgiastic encounter between two “leathermen” — took place – with body fluids and feces flying here and there? Neither would we. Call the Hyatt at: 312-565-1234; hit “0” and ask for the Executive Offices.
AFTAH Writer Is Grossed Out by International Mr. Leather Perversion-Fest Held at Hyatt Regency Chicago
 Hyatt Regency Chicago
By Lynn Thomas, Special to Americans For Truth
CHICAGO — Walking to the front of the building, there was nothing noticeable on the outside that I could see that identified the fact that Mr. International Leather was being held at the Hyatt Regency. Other than men dressed in leather boots or leather pants who gathered at the front of the building hugging each other with their luggage, ready to catch a cab, and the fact that few females were visible walking the grounds, it could have been a convention of any type. Except there was a flagrant homosexual theme if you sized up the men: some were holding hands; some were cuddling or kissing. Coming in through the front door, this sign warned that the entire hotel was reserved for a “private event.”
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Posted in Bathhouses, Biblical Truth, Changing Societal Attitudes, Chicago, Gay Culture, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Kink/BDSM Activism, Leather, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Redefining Morality, Sadomasochism, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |

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