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02 – Lesbian
Tuesday, January 16th, 2007
UPDATE — Also see Newsday story published Feb 25, 2007.
Excerpted from Millions At Stake In Gay Adult Adoption Case, published Jan 15, 2007, by the pro-homosexuality 365Gay:
…In 1991 Olive F. Watson used [a Maine adult adoption] law to adopt her partner of 14 years, Patricia A. Spado. Even though the couple lived in Connecticut Watson owned a summer home in Maine.
Watson was the daughter of former IBM executive Thomas J. Watson Jr., who was the CEO of the company from 1956 to 1971…
When Watson adopted Spado there were no same-sex partnership agreements in the country and Watson believed it would provide Spado with security if anything happened to her.
But a year later the couple broke up.
When Thomas Watson’s widow died in 2004 his fortune went into a trust and her 18 grandchildren became eligible to receive income from two trusts until they turned 35, at which time they would receive the principal outright.
Several months later a lawyer representing Spado notified the trust that there was a 19th grandchild, Spado, and that she also was entitled to a share of the trust.
Continue reading at 365Gay…
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", 02 - Lesbian, Adoption & Foster Parenting, Homosexual Divorce, News |
Thursday, December 28th, 2006
“Being queer is more than setting up house,
sleeping with a person of the same gender,
and seeking state approval for doing so…
“Being queer means pushing the parameters of sex, sexuality, and family,
and in the process, transforming the very fabric of society…
“As a lesbian, I am fundamentally different from non-lesbian women…
“In arguing for the right to legal marriage,
lesbians and gay men would be forced to claim
that we are just like heterosexual couples,
have the same goals and purposes,
and vow to structure our lives similarly…
“We must keep our eyes on the goals
of providing true alternatives to marriage and
of radically reordering society’s view of reality.”

— Lesbian activist Paula Ettelbrick
in her essay Since When Is Marriage a Path to Liberation?,
Lesbians, Gay Men and the Law (pages 401-405),
edited by William Rubenstein,
published in 1993 by The New Press (New York)
(cited by Robert Knight at Talking Points on Marriage)
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", 02 - Lesbian, Activists |
Tuesday, December 5th, 2006
by Sonja Dalton
CosmoGirl! editors have become “conversant with queer issues,” according to a pro-lesbian website.
In an article entitled CosmoGirl! Includes Queer Peers (published Aug 8, 2006, by afterellen.com), writer Rose Yndigoyen says,
“Over the past few years, CosmoGirl! has subtly but steadily included stories from and about lesbian, bisexual and questioning girls, as well as coverage of LGBT issues amid the more traditional teen magazine fare of quizzes and heartthrob interviews.”
Ms. Yndigoyen offers this sample of Cosmo’s foray into lesbian love stories for adolescent girls:
When my family moved to a small town in Illinois, I’d been having mixed feelings for about a year. All I could think about was who did I like — boys or girls? One day at my new school, I was in the locker room.
All the girls were taking showers when one of them saw me looking at some of them and made mean comments about me being a “lesbo.” Everyone left in a hurry after she said it, except for this one girl. I didn’t notice that she was there so I got dressed, sat on the ground and started bawling my eyes out.
Suddenly she came up and put her arm around me — she didn’t have to say anything. I could tell from that moment there was a connection. Later on, after a long talk about my feelings, I told her I felt comfortable with her and had never felt that way with a girl. Then she kissed me.
I almost pulled back, but I stopped myself and put my hand on her face. I never wanted it to end, and I knew at that moment I’d never forget it, because it was my first kiss with a girl.
Wonder why Cosmo is writing about lesbian teenagers? Ms. Yndigoyen explains:
- 60 percent of CosmoGirl! readers revealed that they have a friend who is gay or bisexual, and
- 63 percent of readers support “gay marriage.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in 02 - Lesbian, 07 - Questioning, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Magazines, Media Promotion, News |
Tuesday, September 19th, 2006
Excerpted from Disgustingly Graphic Girls’ Sex Ed Book Urging Lesbianism Coming to Manitoba Schools, by Gudrun Schultz, published Sept 19, 2006, by LifeSite News:
High school girls in Manitoba may soon be reading detailed instructions on lesbian sex acts as part of their normal sex education curriculum, after the Ministry of Education accepted a manual emphasizing homosexuality as an optional resource for high school educators.
The Little Black Book [for Girlz]–A Book on Healthy Sexuality …claims to be a youth-friendly guide to teenage sexuality, offering girls advice and information.
In reality it reads like a guide to lesbian pornography, with section titles such as “My First Time F***ing a Girl” and “How to Use a Dental Dam” (a “safe sex” device for oral/anal sex).
…“This is one of the most irresponsible and obscene school documents that we have ever seen,” said Joseph Ben-Ami, executive director for the Institute for Canadian Values, in a press release. “Using this as a guide to healthy sexuality for teenage girls would be one of the most potentially harmful decisions that any school could make.”
Continue reading at LifeSite News…
The Institute for Family Values will send whatever evidence they have of the offending material to those who send an email with their contact information to: noblackbook@canadianvalues.ca
The Institute is urging those concerned to contact Manitoba Premier Gary Doer and Minister of Education Peter Bjornson:
Hon. Gary Doer
204 Legislative Building
450 Broadway,
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
R3C 0V8
Phone 204-945-3714 or 204-945-3715
Fax 204-949-1484
email: premier@leg.gov.mb.ca
Hon. Peter Bjornson
Minister of Education
168 Legislative Building
450 Broadway,
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
R3C 0V8
Phone 204-945-3720 or 204-945-0418
Fax 204-945-1291
email: minedu@leg.gov.mb.ca
Posted in 02 - Lesbian, Canada, Canada, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Sex-Ed Curriculum |

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