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Monday, December 8th, 2008
Lisa Miller twists Scripture as media seek to discredit Prop 8
At right is a Newsweek graphic for its new, scandalous hit piece in support of homosexual “marriage.” It appears the magazine’s Religion Editor, Lisa Miller, is now a theological expert — declaring that — contrary to 2,000 years of Church history — the Word of God actually supports homosexual “love” and thus same-sex “marriages.” Albert Mohler takes Miller’s piece apart HERE. Readers might also check out Professor Rob Gagnon’s website to learn what the Bible really says about homosexual practice.
American liberal media bias is out of control. Somebody get Newsweek’s religion editor, Lisa Miller, a job with the “gay christian” (small “c”) activist group Soulforce, where she belongs. Kudos to Albert Mohler for refuting her nonsense. And once again, American Family Association (AFA) provides a valuable service by helping Americans confront liberal media bias — in this case, Miller’s embarrassing attempt t0 make a Biblical case for sodomy-based “marriage.” — Peter LaBarbera
AFA sent out this E-Alert:
Take Action!
Send an e-mail to Newsweek telling Newsweek you are disappointed with its distorted interpretation of scripture.
Forward this e-mail to your friends and family. They need to see how the media distorts scripture to support same-sex marriage. Ask them to send the e-mail to Newsweek. Call CEO Thomas E. Ascheim at 212-445-5245. Please be polite.
If you subscribe to Newsweek, cancel your subscription and tell them why.
Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire e-mail list of family and friends.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Bible, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Evangelicals, Gay and Christian?, Magazines, Media Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, December 5th, 2006
by Sonja Dalton
CosmoGirl! editors have become “conversant with queer issues,” according to a pro-lesbian website.
In an article entitled CosmoGirl! Includes Queer Peers (published Aug 8, 2006, by afterellen.com), writer Rose Yndigoyen says,
“Over the past few years, CosmoGirl! has subtly but steadily included stories from and about lesbian, bisexual and questioning girls, as well as coverage of LGBT issues amid the more traditional teen magazine fare of quizzes and heartthrob interviews.”
Ms. Yndigoyen offers this sample of Cosmo’s foray into lesbian love stories for adolescent girls:
When my family moved to a small town in Illinois, I’d been having mixed feelings for about a year. All I could think about was who did I like — boys or girls? One day at my new school, I was in the locker room.
All the girls were taking showers when one of them saw me looking at some of them and made mean comments about me being a “lesbo.” Everyone left in a hurry after she said it, except for this one girl. I didn’t notice that she was there so I got dressed, sat on the ground and started bawling my eyes out.
Suddenly she came up and put her arm around me — she didn’t have to say anything. I could tell from that moment there was a connection. Later on, after a long talk about my feelings, I told her I felt comfortable with her and had never felt that way with a girl. Then she kissed me.
I almost pulled back, but I stopped myself and put my hand on her face. I never wanted it to end, and I knew at that moment I’d never forget it, because it was my first kiss with a girl.
Wonder why Cosmo is writing about lesbian teenagers? Ms. Yndigoyen explains:
- 60 percent of CosmoGirl! readers revealed that they have a friend who is gay or bisexual, and
- 63 percent of readers support “gay marriage.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in 02 - Lesbian, 07 - Questioning, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Magazines, Media Promotion, News |
Sunday, November 12th, 2006
How many corporations sponsored state “Protect Marriage” initiatives? Despite the fact that a majority of their employees (and customers) are married men and women with families, American corporations are increasingly supportive of homosexual activist groups. It is tragic that corporations are now taking the lead in undermining the foundations of marriage and family that built our nation and helped make America one of the wealthiest and most stable countries the world has ever seen.
Here is a partial list of companies and organizations that supported the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force‘s radical “Creating Change” conference in Kansas City, Missouri, Nov 8-12, 2006:
- American Airlines
- Ameriprise Financial Services
- Bacardi
- Bell South
- Chipotle Grill
- Cingular
- Costco
- Merrill Lynch
- MS. Magazine
- National Education Association
- Panera Bread
- Planned Parenthood
- United Way of Miami Dade
- Washington Mutual Bank
- Wells Fargo
Posted in American Airlines (GLEAM), Ameriprise, Bacardi, Bell South, Chipotle Grill, Cingular, Costco, Magazines, Merrill Lynch, NARAL, NEA, News, Panera Bread, Planned Parenthood, Task Force, United Way, Washington Mutual, Wells Fargo |

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