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Monday, January 22nd, 2007
What Would YOU Do if America Started Censoring Moral Speech like Canada?
In America, we bristle at the idea of speech –– even unpopular speech –– being censored or officially condemned by the government. But in Canada, it’s happening, and the shocking thing is that speech defending age-old, Judeo-Christian morality is the target. Unlike Canada, the United States has a First Amendment, so it will be much more difficult for the Gay Thought Police to prosecute moral and pro-normalcy speech here than there. But they will try. (Click HERE to read the ex-“gay” group Exodus International’s press release opposing new attempts to pass a “Hate Crimes” law that includes “sexual orientation.”)
Already in America, Christian speech against homosexuality has been censored and restricted by the government. (Click HERE to read about the “Philly 11” losing their civil rights case against the City of Philadelphia.) With respect to the story below about a Canadian city councilman who was fined $1,000 for saying, in accordance with his Catholic beliefs, that homosexuality is not normal or natural, I pose these questions to our readers:
I. To the conservative American legislator or Bible-believing pastor — If we ever reached the point where laws were passed banning and fining “anti-gay” speech (it would be termed “homophobic”), would you: A) comply and stop discussing the issue or B) go on voicing and defending your beliefs in public? If you lived in Canada and faced Mr. DeCicco’s predicament, would you pay the fine? Would you apologize to homosexuals to avoid facing a “human rights” tribunal, even if you knew you said nothing wrong?
II. To what extent in American are we buying into the Left’s definition of “hate speech” in the face of relentless pro-homosexual organizing and political correctness? That is, do many of us who oppose homosexual practice as destructive or sinful opt for silence rather than defend our beliefs, because we fear being called a name? Why do we so easily allow defenders of falsehood and historically wrong behavior to dominate the debate? Are we ashamed of or confused about our moral heritage on this issue? Why?
Pro-lifers are bolder in defending life than pro-family advocates are in defending the principled position that homosexual conduct is always wrong, yet changeable. Why? What can each of us who agree with God do to change public discourse so that we who defend natural (biblical) sexuality (in marriage) are as bold as the defenders of perversion?
P.S. To the homosexual activists who read this email — Would you renounce all pro-“gay” “hate speech” prosecutions (like that against DeCicco)?
To all: be honest in your answers and we’ll publish some of them. Write us using our web contact form. God bless freedom. -– Peter LaBarbera
Excerpted from Canadian City Councillor Fined $1000 for Saying Homosexuality “not Normal or Natural”, by John-Henry Westen and Gudrun Schultz, published Jan 19, 2007, by LifeSite News:
A Catholic city councillor [John DeCicco, pictured left] in Kamloops, British Columbia, who was himself the victim of the crime of vandalism due to his faith, has been forced to apologize and pay a homosexual activist couple $1000…
Strangely, it was councillor who was shown true discrimination worthy of a human rights complaint. In June, the councillor opposed a homosexual pride proclamation, after which his barber shop was vandalized with “Homophobia Die” scrawled on the door of his business…
In August, homosexual activist couple John Olynick and Greg Koll filed a complaint against DeCicco with the human rights commission over remarks he made at the council meeting and repeated in media interviews. In line with Catholic teaching on the matter, he described homosexual acts as “not normal and not natural.”
In the June interview with LifeSiteNews.com he explained, “I’m not against lesbian and gay people, but I don’t agree that I should have to endorse it.” He also said that people can do what they like in the privacy of their own homes, but, he said in reference to gay pride parades, they shouldn’t “go out and flaunt it, in front of people who don’t necessarily agree.”
While DeCicco already apologized for the incident once back in October, that apology was not considered part of the settlement. In addition to paying $1,000 to Olynick and Koll, DeCicco will provide a statement saying his comments were “inappropriate and hurtful to some.” The settlement will allow the councillor to avoid a Human Rights Tribunal hearing…
DeCicco has said the settlement will not change his opposition to gay pride week. “I’m not going to change my view of my stand,” he said. “My public comments have to be a little more refined.”
Continue reading at LifeSite News…
Posted in Canada, Canada, Candidates & Elected Officials, Christian Persecution, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, News, Pending Legislation |
Saturday, November 25th, 2006
TAKE ACTION – E-mail Richard Peddie, President of Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment, to express your concern.
Excerpted from Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey Sponsors Gay Movie Featuring Homosexual 11 Year-Old, by Hilary White, published Nov 24, 2006, by Lifesite News:
The Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team announced today that they have lent the team’s name and logo to a film depicting a homosexual Leafs player. The film portrays a Leafs player who wants to “come out” as a public homosexual, his live-in partnership with the team’s lawyer and their adopted “son,” described as “a budding queen of an 11-year-old boy.”
The film is based on the book of the same title about an 11 year-old boy who is described in an Amazon.com book review as “mincing” and “swishy,” and who has to be prevented from wearing pantyhose, eyeliner and perfume to school.
“Breakfast with Scott”, now being shot on location in Toronto and Hamilton, will go ahead with the willing cooperation of the team’s management. The Toronto Star reports that actor Tom Cavanaugh who depicts the fictional player, Eric McNally, was “shocked” that the Leafs management agreed to allow the team to be depicted in a homosexual propaganda film.
Cavanaugh remarked to the Star on the significance of using the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team, one of the icons of Canadian culture as the background for a story about open homosexuals and endorsing child homosexuality. “There’s something instant to the viewer when you put on a Leafs jersey or any Original Six jersey.”
Olympic swim champion Mark Tewksbury, a board member of the Gay and Lesbian Athletics Foundation, said, “I think it’s really great that (the team management) are supporting it. I know it’s an iconic team, but I think it makes sense this is happening in Canada because we’ve been far ahead on these issues.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Athletes & Coaches, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Canada, Canada, Movies, News |
Sunday, November 5th, 2006
Excerpted from Halifax Teacher Marshalls ‘Pride’ Parade, published Jul 22, 2006, by Canadian Press:
…DevaStation and DynaMight, a pair of drag queens who wore go-go boots, shiny miniskirts and headdresses about a half-metre tall, said the day is just about having a good time.
“We’ve been here for the last six years and people almost expect us to go crazy now,” said DevaStation. “We just like to have fun — strut ourselves down the road and make everybody take notice.”
Scott Brison, an openly gay MP who is also a candidate for the federal Liberal leadership, shook hands with people lining the streets as he walked in the parade.
“This is not just a celebration of rights for gays and lesbians and bisexual and transgendered Canadians, it’s a celebration of Canadian rights and our Charter (of Rights and Freedoms),” Brison told CTV News.
Continue reading at CTV…
Posted in 03 - Bisexual, 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Canada, Canada, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals |
Sunday, October 29th, 2006
From the “we-couldn’t-make-this-up-if-we-tried” department. Only the “gay” academic movement could come up with something this wacky. But hey, why not? It’s just another “sexual orientation.”-– Peter LaBarbera
The following is excerpted from Students Role-play Sadomasochism in Toronto University’s Sexual Diversity Program, by Gudrun Schultz, published Oct 26, 2006, by LifeSite News:
University of Toronto students in the Sexual Diversity Studies Program explore sadomasochism, bondage and domination as part of an “academic” approach to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues, Reuters reported October 20.
Described as “edgy,” the Sexual Diversity Studies program is one of the largest of its kind in North America. Students and teachers defend the program as a serious approach to sexual issues.
“It’s not sexy sex sex, where we’re talking about whips and chains, but we will talk about whips and chains,” graduating student Robbie Morgan told Reuters. “We’ll talk about whips and chains in a political, social, cultural, religious context of sexuality and how that sexuality affects those institutions.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Canada, Canada, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, News, Sex-Ed Curriculum, Universities & Colleges |
Tuesday, September 19th, 2006
Excerpted from Disgustingly Graphic Girls’ Sex Ed Book Urging Lesbianism Coming to Manitoba Schools, by Gudrun Schultz, published Sept 19, 2006, by LifeSite News:
High school girls in Manitoba may soon be reading detailed instructions on lesbian sex acts as part of their normal sex education curriculum, after the Ministry of Education accepted a manual emphasizing homosexuality as an optional resource for high school educators.
The Little Black Book [for Girlz]–A Book on Healthy Sexuality …claims to be a youth-friendly guide to teenage sexuality, offering girls advice and information.
In reality it reads like a guide to lesbian pornography, with section titles such as “My First Time F***ing a Girl” and “How to Use a Dental Dam” (a “safe sex” device for oral/anal sex).
…“This is one of the most irresponsible and obscene school documents that we have ever seen,” said Joseph Ben-Ami, executive director for the Institute for Canadian Values, in a press release. “Using this as a guide to healthy sexuality for teenage girls would be one of the most potentially harmful decisions that any school could make.”
Continue reading at LifeSite News…
The Institute for Family Values will send whatever evidence they have of the offending material to those who send an email with their contact information to: noblackbook@canadianvalues.ca
The Institute is urging those concerned to contact Manitoba Premier Gary Doer and Minister of Education Peter Bjornson:
Hon. Gary Doer
204 Legislative Building
450 Broadway,
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
R3C 0V8
Phone 204-945-3714 or 204-945-3715
Fax 204-949-1484
email: premier@leg.gov.mb.ca
Hon. Peter Bjornson
Minister of Education
168 Legislative Building
450 Broadway,
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
R3C 0V8
Phone 204-945-3720 or 204-945-0418
Fax 204-945-1291
email: minedu@leg.gov.mb.ca
Posted in 02 - Lesbian, Canada, Canada, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Sex-Ed Curriculum |
Thursday, September 14th, 2006
Excerpted from Why is the Conservative Government Wasting Taxpayer Dollars on “Queer” Film Festival? by John-Henry Westen and Gudrun Schultz, published Aug 31, 2006, by LifeSite News:
…[T]he Conservative Government [of Canada]…funded the 2006 Vancouver Queer Film Festival, which ran from August 17-27.
The festival’s sponsorship page lists the Department of Canadian Heritage as the offending federal government branch. (See the sponsorship page here.)
Dominique Collin, spokesperson for Canadian Heritage Minister Beverley Oda, told LifeSiteNews.com the Vancouver regional branch of the Heritage department conducted the funding allocation which consisted of $23,000 (Canadian).
Ginette Montreuil, regional manager with the Vancouver office, confirmed that the Conservative Government approved the Arts Presentation Canada funding for the 2006 Festival on March 27, 2006.
The festival line-up included films with titles such as Deconstructing Crack Ho, Dyke After Dyke, I cum I, Lesbians On Ecstasy, Post-Porn & New Technologies Of Pleasure, and Toilet Sex In Canadian Cinema.
Continue reading at LifeSite News…
Notes from AFT:
Actually, SIX Canadian government offices are listed on the sponsor page linked above.
Corporate sponsors include: Vancity, Showcase, Ramada Hotels, Quality Hotels, Opus Hotels, Visa, and many others.
Of particular note: the “youth-rated” queer films, about which the website suggests: “School is out, but you can queerify your summer.” Three companies are listed as sponsors specifically for this “Out in Schools” portion of the festival: Vancity, BC Hydro, and Vancouver Foundation.
Posted in Canada, Canada, Corporations, Gay Culture, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Ramada, Vancouver Foundation, Visa |
Wednesday, September 13th, 2006
It’s astonishing that two homosexual men – just two – could create this sort of impact on the school children (K-12) of an entire province. Pray that the parents of British Columbia will have the wisdom and courage to protect their children. – Sonja Dalton
(Additional background on this story is posted at 900 Protest in Vancouver Over Homosexual Activist Control of Gay Curriculum in Schools.)
Excerpted from BC Parents Will Have to Lie to Keep Kids out of Gay Advocacy Curriculum, by Hilary White, published Sept 13, 2006, by LifeSite News:
…As a result of a Human Rights Commission case brought by two homosexual men, a “married” gay couple called Murray and Peter Corren, the two men have been granted an extraordinary say in all school curricula from kindergarten to grade 12 in British Columbia schools.
…The Education Ministry has ordered schools to comply with the Alternative Delivery Policy that outlines the reasons parents may withdraw children from school lessons. The restriction of those reasons to exclude any homosexual advocacy was part of the deal worked out between the government and the two men.
Stillwell is warning government that the requirements will put parents into an untenable conflict over their duty to protect their children.
“A strict application would say the teacher can’t (allow children to opt out), and we know that’s not right,” Stilwell said…
Murray Corren called for the new K-12 curriculum to include, “Queer history and historical figures, the presence of positive queer role models — past and present — the contributions made by queers to various epochs, societies and civilizations and legal issues relating to (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered) people, same-sex marriage and adoption.”
The development imposes yet another extraordinary exception from normal rules because it has been insisted upon by gay activists. Homosexual activists have won special exceptions from laws regarding public nudity, sexual solicitation, public sex acts, group sex in their so-called “bath houses”, normal medical safeguards to contain the transmission of dangerous communicable diseases, the posting of sexually explicit billboards and much more. B.C. children are certain to be gradually desensitized by the across the board school curricula changes to become accepting of these practices and other aspects of the highly sexualized gay culture.
Corren objected that allowing parents to remove their children from the classes will defeat the whole object of the exercise.
“There’s no point in us making the curriculum more queer-positive if people can take their kids out,” Peter Corren told the Province yesterday. “This is the public education system. The School Act is quite clear … religion does not play a role in what is taught. We just want the policy to be followed.”
Continue reading at LifeSite News…
Posted in Activists, Canada, Canada, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, Sex-Ed Curriculum |
Thursday, September 7th, 2006
Excerpted from Toronto School Board to Ask All High School Students Their Sexual Orientation, by Gudrun Schultz, published Sept 5, 2006, by LifeSite News
The Toronto District School Board is introducing a survey asking high school students to self-identify their sexual orientation, the Canadian Press reported last week.
Ontario students will be asked to provide voluntary information on a variety of questions—for students in grades nine to twelve, those questions will include whether they identify as straight, gay, “lesbian, transgendered, bisexual, queer or two-spirited (an aboriginal term).”
Experts in the field of children’s mental health have suggested the trend in schools toward determining child sexual orientation is dangerously misplaced. George A. Rekers, Ph. D., research director for child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, stated that children are particularly vulnerable to confusion in the development of their sexual identity.
Continue reading at LifeSite News…
Posted in 03 - Bisexual, 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), 05 - Two-Spirited, 06 - Queer, Canada, Canada, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools |

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