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Victory Fund
Wednesday, December 17th, 2014
 TERRY BEAN AND HRC: Above is taken from a 2012 blog post on Human Rights Campaign website, noting co-founder Terry Bean’s appeal for Federal Club major donor memberships. HRC President Chad Griffin has blasted “police abuse” in the grand jury’s non-indictment of policeman Darren Wilson in the Furguson, Missouri shooting of Michael Brown–but is silent about a Lane County, OR indictment of HRC benefactor Bean on Sodomy and Sex Abuse charges. Red line emphasis added by AFTAH; click to enlarge.
Terry Bean–the 66-year-old co-founder of two major homosexual/transgender activist organizations — Human Rights Campaign and the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund — used to bring teenage “young” men and boys to his home who were “under 18 for sure,” says his Portland neighbor, Jeff Warila.
Warila described Bean’s arrival at home with the what appeared to be minor boys in tow as “weird.” Both Bean and his 25-year-old former “boyfriend,” Kiah Lawson, face a trial on two counts of Sodomy in the Third Degree and a single count of Sexual Abuse in the Third Degree. [See AFTAH stories with videos HERE and HERE.]
Warila made the observation about Bean’s peculiar dating habits to KOIN-6–which appears to be the only Portland TV station seriously covering the Bean/Lawson pederasty scandal. (Most major media are ignoring the story.) He told a KOIN-6 reporter:
“The ones that Terry likes are the young ones. They look like they’re under 18 for sure. And his friends come and they’re usually adults, but when Terry comes he has these boys with him. And I’m like [thinking], ‘That’s weird.'”
Below is the KOIN-TV interview containing the interview with Warila; go to the 1:27 mark on the 2-minute video [watch it on YouTube HERE]:
Bean has pleaded Not Guilty to the sex-crime charges. See the KOIN-6 story on Bean’s plea HERE.
Posted in HRC, News, Pedophilia/Pederasty, Sodomy, Terry Bean, Victory Fund |
Wednesday, December 17th, 2014
Mom says Bean gave her son with alcohol and Viagra to entice teen boy victim; neighbor says Bean frequently brought underage boys to his home; HRC, “gay” Victory Fund stay silent on sex abuse case
 CHARGED WITH MAN-BOY SODOMY: Homosexual activist and Democrat Party power-broker Terry Bean, 66 (left)–who co-founded Human Rights Campaign and Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund–is shown in police mug shot beside Kiah Lawson, his 25-year-old ex-“boyfriend.” Bean and Lawson were arrested Nov. 19 by the Portland Police Bureau’s Sex Crimes Unit. The two men allegedly together sodomized a 15-year-old boy in a Eugene, Oregon hotel. HRC and GLVF are staying silent on the Bean sex crime scandal.
- Kiah Lawson is the 25-year-old ex-“boyfriend” of HRC donor, 66-year-old Terry Bean; both are charged with sodomizing a 15-year-old boy in a Eugene, OR hotel last year. But Lawson’s mom says Bean used her son to “get young kids” for sex.
- Lawson’s mother told Portland KOIN-6 that Bean “groomed” her son, giving him alcohol and Viagra to entice the minor boy victim.
- Bean’s neighbor in Portland says he saw Bean bringing home underage-looking boys–which he thought was “weird.”
- The two major homosexual lobby groups that Bean co-founded–Human Rights Campaign and Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund–remain mostly silent on the sex-abuse case.
- Watch the two KOIN-6 news videos below.
Folks, the first television news segment below was aired November 21, 2014 by Portland’s KOIN-6 news–the most aggressive station covering the sex predator scandal involving Democrat/Obama donor Terry Bean–a co-founder of two powerful “gay’transgender” organizations, Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund [see original AFTAH article HERE]. In the first video news segment below, Tim Nouanemany, the mother of Kiah Lawson, the 25-year-old former “boyfriend” of the 66-year-old Bean, accuses Bean of “grooming” her son and using him to “get young kids” for sex. She says Bean gave Lawson alcohol and Viagra to entice the 15-year-old boy whom both Bean and Lawson are accused of sodomizing.
Now let’s be honest: I doubt that Lawson is a real victim in this case–and certainly Bean isn’t. (The latter’s lawyer claims Bean was taken in by an extortion ring and that he never had sex with the minor boy; see this Dec. 3 KOIN story where Bean pleads innocent.) Based on the testimony of Bean’s neighbor, who says he saw a revolving door of underage boys visiting Bean’s Portland house [see second video below], the man others are calling a “human rights pioneer” and great “humanitarian” apparently used his money and power to procure young men to fulfill his lust for deviant, pederastic sex. Pederast is a word with Greek roots (paiderastes) meaning literally “lover of boys,” and though its definition varies–Merriam-Webster online has it as “a man who desires or engages in sexual activity with a boy”–its very existence testifies that this has been a long and consistent feature of male homosexuality. [See this story on “gay” icon Harry Harry, who backed NAMBLA; and this article on Larry Kramer; this revealing video by Walter Lee Hampton; more on this in AFTAH’s ongoing “Pedo-File” series.]
All the sordid facts of the case will come out in the trial, but even if it turns out that Bean–a real estate developer who helped acquire HRC’s shiny headquarters building in Washington, D.C.–actually was set up by his four-decades-younger “ex,” most observers would say he deserved it–sort of like the “john” who gets robbed by the prostitute.
 The HRC Headquarters that Alleged ‘Gay’ Predator Terry Bean Helped Build: Swank D.C. headquarters of the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign, which 65-year-old HRC co-founder and real estate developer Terry Bean–arrested last month for allegedly sodomizing a 15-year-old boy–helped acquire. HRC President Chad Griffin complained about so-called “police violence” in Ferguson, MO, but HRC has had little to say about the alleged sex crime of its benefactor.
Where are HRC’s and GLVF’s condemnations? Speaking of trials, isn’t it interesting that HRC joined the chorus of leftists condemning the grand jury’s decision not to indict Darren Wilson, the cop who shot alleged burglar and assailant Michael Brown (in self-defense) in Ferguson, Missouri? HRC President Chad Griffin inveighed: “As advocates for equality, it’s our job to show solidarity with a growing national movement to break this cycle of police violence.”
How odd, then, that almost a month after the sex-crime arrest involving their major benefactor, neither HRC nor the homosexual Victory Fund have put out any meaningful statements on the Bean-Lawson scandal. No offers of sympathy for the minor boy. No pledges of “solidarity” with the youthful victim of pederasty. No sober reflections on the inherently exploitative nature of sexual “relationships” between rich old men and twenty-something guys.
So much for “equality.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in HRC, Larry Kramer, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, Pedophilia/Pederasty, Terry Bean, Victory Fund |
Wednesday, November 26th, 2014
Bean gave $1 million to HRC; also founded Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund; is largest Oregon donor to Obama; envisioned and funded HRC’s D.C. headquarters building; HRC finally comments on case after five days of silence
 Obama’s ‘Chickenhawk’ Campaign Contributor? In better days, Portland homosexual activist and Democratic power-broker Terry Bean is shown posing for a photo with Barack Obama. Bean–who was arrested for sodomizing a 15-year-old boy–was a key behind-the-scenes “gay” activist who raised more campaign cash for Obama than anyone from Oregon. “Chickenhawk” is a “gay” slang term for homosexual men who pursue sex with minor and teenage boys (derisively called “chicken”)–as appears to be the predilection of the 66-year-old Bean. Kiah Lawson, the 25-year-old former boyfriend of Bean, was also arrested for sodomizing the minor boy (see arrest photos below).
By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, once in a while a story with such sordid and shocking details breaks through the leftist media’s pro-“gay” censorship to reveal the stark truth about the perverse lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender-“queer” (LGBTQ) movement. The child-sex arrest of Terry Bean–a founder of both the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund; Obama money-man; and major Democratic power-broker–is one of those cases. Below is a TV news collage– including commentary by pro-family leaders Scott Lively and Bryan Fischer–of the story of the 66-year-old Bean’s arrest last Wednesday for committing sodomy with a 15-year-old-boy.
Williamette Week reports on the charges against Bean:
“Law enforcement sources familiar with the case say Bean will be charged with two counts of sodomy in the third degree, a felony, and sex abuse in the third degree, a misdemeanor. He will be arraigned later in Lane County, where the crimes allegedly occurred in 2013.”
Human Rights Campaign, the world’s largest and best-funded homosexual lobby organization (Executive Director Chad Griffin makes more than $400,000 annually), took the time to condemn the grand jury’s non-indictment of Ferguson, Missouri policeman Darren Wilson, and celebrate the “Transgender Day of Remembrance,” among other blog posts–but has yet to post anything on its website on the sex-crime arrest of Bean, who reportedly has donated more than $1 million to HRC. Bean has been removed from HRC’s Board of Directors pending the adjudication of his case.
AFTAH will carry multiple stories on this case and the twisted reality–dating back to ancient homosexuality–of older adult “homosexual” men sodomizing teenage boys. How telling is it that HRC–which routinely and recklessly castigates conservative, Christian pro-family groups like AFTAH–took five days to issue a bland, non-condemnatory statement on its predatory benefactor Bean? His arrest puts the powerful homosexual lobby group in a very tight spot: Bean, after all, is so central to the “gay” lobby’s success that he came up with the idea of HRC constructing of a swank headquarters building in Washington, D.C. More details and photos showing Bean’s enormous clout in Democratic circles follow the video after the jump:
Here are the arrest mugshots of Bean and Lawson, the former boyfriend four decades his junior, who was also arrested on sex-crime charges involving sodomy with a 15-year-old boy at a hotel in Eugene, Oregon. Various news and commentary links about the Bean sex-crime case follow the photo:

News Links: Round-up on Terry Bean arrest:
- Williamette Week (6/4/14; pre-arrest): “Terry Bean’s Problem: A prominent Portlander fights for his reputation after a love affair goes wrong”: “Bean says that last year he fell in love with Lawson. Bean paid him a $400-a-week allowance, put Lawson up in one of his homes and took him on international trips. Last fall, Bean brought Lawson to the White House and also introduced him to Obama…”In January, Lawson says, he discovered that Bean had a hidden camera in the smoke detector above Bean’s bed in his West Hills home. Lawson used this information to seek money from Bean, alleging that the camera captured videos ‘of at least a half dozen individuals in a state of nudity engaged in intimate acts with you.’ Lawson claims he is in more than one video.”
- The Oregonian: “Former boyfriend of Democratic fundraiser Terry Bean arrested on sex abuse indictment”: “Both Bean and Lawson are accused of having a sexual encounter with the same 15-year-old boy in a hotel in Eugene last year. They had arranged the encounter with the teen after meeting him via a website, investigators allege.”
- KOIN-TV {contains video}: “Portland Gay Rights Leader Arrested in Sex Case”
- NY Post: “Obama Fundraiser Accused of Sex with Minor”: “He’s a mega bundler for President Obama. He’s been on Air Force One. He’s shared a Christmas visit with Michelle Obama at the White House. And now he’s being accused of sex with a minor.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Democrat Party, HRC, News, Pedophilia/Pederasty, Pro-Homosexual Media, Victory Fund |
Thursday, September 8th, 2011
 "The Stoning of Sally Kern: The Liberal Attack on Christian Conservatism -- and Why We Must Take a Stand"
This is the first of a Two-Part interview with Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R) [click HERE to listen]. It was pre-recorded August 31 and aired September 3, 2011. Sally Kern is Christian conservative Republican lawmaker in Oklahoma who was deluged with hate-mail and hate-calls after the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund (GLVF) published excerpts from a secretly-recorded 2008 speech she gave in which she said, among other things, that “the homosexual agenda is destroying this nation,” and that it’s a bigger threat to America than terrorism. [Listen to GLVF’s SELECTIVELY EDITED video excerpting Kern’s speech HERE.]
 Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern
Sally talks about her new book, “The Stoning of Sally Kern,” [available from AFTAH at the discounted price of $20 including postage; send check specifying “Kern book” to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.] She describes the day, March 7, 2008, that changed her life forever — when thousands of hostile homosexual e-mails flooded her inbox. (Angry phone calls jammed her office phone system, and then started coming to her home.) Ironically, homosexual militants who denounced Sally’s alleged “hate” subjected her and her family to the sort of vicious attacks that most Americans could hardly conceive of — including publishing false reports that her son Jesse was a homosexual — and smearing Sally’s husband, Pastor Steve Kern, as a past member of the KKK. Sally discusses the role of her and her family’s Christian faith in sustaining them in the face of the hate-campaign, and AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera praises Kern for not backing down in the face of such evil attacks.
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
9-3-11, Sally Kern, Part One
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Americans for Truth Hour, Baptist, C - Heroes for Truth, Christian, Christian Persecution, Conservative Leaders, Extremism, Gay Activist Hate Against Christians, Gay Activist Hypocrisy, Gay Protests, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, News, Sally Kern, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Victory Fund |
Wednesday, January 17th, 2007
Excerpted from Queer Eye for the Ballot Box, by Natalie Hope McDonald, published Jan 17, 2007, by Philadelphia CityPaper:
They’re Out — A list of [Philadelphia] LGBT officials
Ann Butchart
Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia
William Caldwell
City Council, Norristown
Geraldine Delevich
Borough Council, New Hope
Kevin Lee
Borough Council, Lansdowne
Lori Schreiber
Township Commissioner, Abington
Paul Thomas
Judge of Election, Philadelphia
Continue reading at Philadelphia CityPaper…
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Court Decisions & Judges, Victory Fund |
Monday, November 13th, 2006
“The Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund is provides strategic, technical and financial support to openly LGBT candidates and officials. It’s the only national organization solely committed to increasing the number of openly LGBT public officials at federal, state and local levels of government. Victory is the nation’s largest LGBT political action committee and one of the nation’s largest non-connected PACs. In 15 years, Victory has helped the number of openly LGBT officials grow from 49 to more than 350. Roughly 22% of all Americans are represented by an openly LGBT elected official.”
Sixty-seven (67) openly homosexual candidates were elected on Tuesday.
From Victory Fund:
The Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund today reported unprecedented success in electing openly gay candidates this year. Sixty-seven Victory-endorsed candidates were elected to federal, state and local offices, with some winning historic races that make them the first openly gay or lesbian candidates ever elected in their states or legislative bodies.
“This is the tipping point election for openly gay candidates,” said Chuck Wolfe, president and CEO of the Victory Fund. “We’re proving that qualified, well-prepared candidates matched with committed donors means gays and lesbians can move from having a stake in policy to actually making policy. There’s no reason to sit on the sidelines with our fingers crossed anymore.”
10 Key victories in 2006:
- Patricia Todd, who will represent District 54 in the Alabama State House. Todd is the first openly gay person ever elected to any office in the state.
- Kathy Webb, who will represent District 37 in the Arkansas State House. Webb is the first openly gay person ever elected to any office in the state.
- Henry Fernandez, who won a seat on the Lawrence Township School Board, making him the first openly gay person ever elected to any office in Indiana.
- Al McAffrey, who will represent District 88 in the Oklahoma State House. McAffrey is the first openly gay person ever elected to the Oklahoma state legislature.
- Jolie Justus, who will represent District 10 in the Missouri State Senate. Justus is the first openly gay state senator in Missouri history.
- Ed Murray, who will represent District 43 in the Washington State Senate. Murray, a former state representative, is the second openly gay state senator in Washington history.
- Matt McCoy, who becomes the first openly gay candidate ever elected to the Iowa legislature. McCoy, a sitting state senator, came out during his last term.
- Ken Keechl, who won a seat on the Broward County Commission in Florida, beating an appointee of Gov. Jeb Bush.
- Jamie Pedersen, who becomes the third consecutive openly gay person to be elected to represent District 43 in the Washington State House.
- Judge Virginia Linder will join Rives Kistler on the Oregon Supreme Court, making it the first state ever to have two openly gay Supreme Court Justices, according to preliminary results.
Key Statistics About Victory-Endorsed Candidates in 2006
- Total Victory-endorsed candidates: 88 (55 non-incumbents, 33 incumbents)
- Total Victory-endorsed winners: 67
- Total Victory-endorsed winners running as openly LGBT for the first time: 37
- Percent of Victory Fund bundled money spent on non-incumbent candidates: 80%
- Percent of Victory Fund PAC money spent on non-incumbent candidates: 91%
- States that elected their first-ever openly LGBT officials: Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana
- States that elected their first-ever openly LGBT state legislators: Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma
- 7 States that still have no openly LGBT elected officials at any level of government: Alaska, Louisiana, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, West Virginia
- 13 additional states that still have no openly LGBT state legislators: Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wyoming
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Victory Fund |
Wednesday, November 8th, 2006
Excerpted from Hawaii Elects Nations Highest-Ranking Openly Transgender Official, published Nov 8, 2006, by Associated Press:
Kim Coco Iwamoto, a 38-year-old attorney, did not tout her gender status in the campaign but has advocated for transgender youth and related issues. She came in third Tuesday in the competition for three seats on the 14-member board, which governs the islands’ 285 public schools.
Iwamoto would be the highest-ranking openly transgender person elected in the United States, said Denis Dison, a spokesman for the Victory Fund, a Washington-based group that tracks lesbian, gay and transgender candidates and helps fund their campaigns.
Continue reading at Fox News…
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Candidates & Elected Officials, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), News, Victory Fund |

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