Universities & Colleges

Wealthy Homosexuals Fund Nation’s First Endowed Academic Chair on Sexual Orientation Law

Tuesday, February 27th, 2007

Excerpted from UCLA Gets $1 Million to Study Legal Topics Involving Gay Couples, published Feb 26, 2007, by Associated Press:

A gay couple who hope to marry one day has donated more than $1 million to the University of California, Los Angeles, to fund research on legal topics involving same-sex relationships.

The gift announced Friday from John McDonald and Rob Wright will support what is described as the nation’s first endowed academic chair in sexual orientation law.

The two say they want to promote objective [?] research, but they also hope to aid the campaign for gay marriage and other gay rights issues…

Continue reading at Associated Press…

Note just how “objective” they are:

  • McDonald and Wright are also benefactors of the public television newsmagazine In the Life which publicizes various aspects of the homosexual lifestyle.

Dr. Peter Jones: Radical Liberalism on America’s College Campuses

Thursday, February 1st, 2007

From NewsCWiPP #32, published Dec 2006, by Dr. Peter Jones of Christian Witness to a Pagan Planet:

dr-peter-jones.jpgHaving spent three days with 11,000 professors of religion and Bible at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) and the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) in Washington DC., I’m glad to be back in the peace of my Californian study. Every year, in the academy, orthodox biblical Christianity decreases in representation, while radical liberalism increases. The liberal SBL, founded in 1880, welcomed the fledgling AAR in 1963, but it is now being thrown out of AAR, apparently because privileging one religion in a meeting of “religion teachers” is too politically incorrect. So the cuckoo takes over the nest and the SBL must fend for itself.

While the joint arrangement persists (until 2008), I am able to observe religious history as it happens. Since 1991 I have witnessed the radical agenda stretch the liberal envelop to unimaginable extremes. I have deliberately attended the “cutting edge” seminars, since what the “cutting edge” conceives soon becomes acceptable to the liberal majority. Here is a sampling of this year’s offerings:

  • In her plenary address, Diana Eck, president of AAR and professor at Harvard, introduced herself as a Montanan, a Methodist and a Massachusetts-recently-married gay — to enthusiastic applause. Her great contribution is the promotion of religious pluralism in America, but religious pluralism is often accompanied by sexual pluralism;
  • In The Contemporary Pagan Studies Consultation, academic witches and warlocks conferred on the spiritual power of “fire circle drumming,” in which fire represents “hardly contained desire.” The audience heard about “Paganistan,” the thriving Wiccan community in Minnesota, and a lecture entitled “The Pagan Explosion,” documented that paganism has grown 38 fold in the USA in the last eleven years and 250-fold in Australia in the last five years;
  • In The Theology and Religion Section: Jim Wallis’ God’s Politics, Wallis reduced the Christian message to a modern version of a social gospel for the Democratic party. An “evangelical feminist” railed against the genocidal foundation of America and called for the deconstruction of “normative heteropatriarchy.” One small but bright light came from a Canadian scholar who accused Wallis of nationalistic idolatry for making America, rather than the church, the source of Gospel action;
  • In a review session of Christ and the Single Savior [subtitle: Gender and Sexuality in the Bible], Yale professor Dale B. Martin’s homoerotic interpretation of the New Testament teaching on sexuality began with a professor from Harvard Divinity School introducing herself by saying: “I do not know where I am in relation to Christianity.” Such confusion was hardly lifted when a Yale professor of theology asked Martin where Jesus had gay sex. Martin replied: “In the park, which is what the gospel writers meant by ‘garden.'” This trivialization and eroticization of Jesus Gethsemane suffering elicited not a single objection from the numerous theology professors in attendance;
  • In The Queer Theory and LGBT Studies in Religion Consultation a paper “showed” the deep theological meaning of homosexual bathroom graffiti. With the verbal verve of a rap artist, gross sexual perversion was transformed into a noble response to “the dominant hegemonic power-structures of white, heterosexual, capitalistic society.” Another gay theologian argued that there was no genetic “binary template” (male/female) so we are all sexually becoming whatever we wish to be;

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Dr. Mike Adams: UNC & Spellman Professors Arrested for Homosexual Public Sex in Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007
hugh-tilsom.jpg lev-mills.jpg

Two of eleven men arrested for public masturbation at Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson Airport:
UNC Professor & CDC Advisor Dr. Hugh Tilson (left) and Spellman Art Professor Lev Mills (right)

Excerpted from Shaking Hands with the Unemployed, by Dr. Mike Adams, published Jan 22, 2007, by Townhall:

It should come as no surprise that a men’s restroom at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport has become a playground for those who want to masturbate in public and have sex with men they don’t even know. After all, Atlanta is a hotbed of homosexual activity and public restrooms are favorite gathering places of many homosexuals.

But some may be surprised that, since December, police officers have arrested and charged 11 men with public indecency in the Atlanta airport. That is because there has been little talk about the arrests. And that, in turn, may have something to do with the fact that “Dirty Nearly Dozen” includes University of North Carolina Professor (and advisor for the Center for Disease Control) Dr. Hugh Tilson and Spelman College Professor Lev T. Mills.

Continue reading on Townhall…

Campus Humor for Conservatives: ACLU Solstice Barn

Wednesday, December 6th, 2006

Excerpted from ‘ACLU Solstice Barn’ Substitutes for Nativity, published Dec 6, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:

In tongue-in-cheek deference to the American Civil Liberties Union, students at the University of Texas displayed an “ACLU Solstice Barn” on campus, featuring politically correct figures.


“We’ve got Gary and Joseph instead of Mary and Joseph in order to symbolize ACLU support for ‘homosexual marriage,’ and of course there isn’t a Jesus in the manger,” said Tony McDonald, chairman of the Young Conservatives of Texas branch on the Austin campus.

Continue reading at WorldNet Daily…

Homosexual College Applicants To Receive Special Benefits

Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

Excerpted from Admissions edge for LGBT applicants?, b, published Oct 23, 2006, by The Daily Princetonian:

Middlebury College [is] implementing a policy through which students who identify themselves as gay will receive the same benefits in the admissions process as ethnic minorities, athletes and legacies.

Continue reading at The Daily Princetonian…

At Clemson University, A Win for Free Speech Against Homosexuality

Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

Excerpted from Clemson Exonerates Student Group, Will Review Policy on ‘Free-Speech Zones’, by Jim Brown and Jody Brown, published Dec 4, 2006, by Agape Press:

There’s been a major First Amendment victory for students at a prestigious university in South Carolina, where a conservative student group has been absolved of charges stemming from its protest of a pro-homosexual event on campus.

Clemson University had a policy that designated only two areas on the campus for students to assemble. Even within those areas, students were required to obtain permission from three different administrative offices 72 hours prior to any planned event. However, after the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) sent a letter to the school, arguing the policy — in violation of the U.S. Constitution — made spontaneous demonstrations impossible, Clemson set aside the policy for review and is allowing the entire campus to be open to free speech.

Samantha Harris, FIRE’s director of legal and public advocacy, explains that a student group known as the Clemson Conservatives had been charged with a violation of the “free-speech zone” policy for protesting a pro-homosexual “marriage” event staged by the Clemson Gay-Straight Alliance. In late October the conservative group had requested, but was denied, permission to stage their protest at a location outside one of the zones — then proceeded with the protest nonetheless.

According to a FIRE press release, campus police did not interrupt the protest, but deployed police officers to videotape the event. Subsequently the university’s Office of Judicial Conduct found Clemson Conservatives guilty of staging a protest in a “non-designated area” and administered an “admonition” and “censure” sentence, along with a warning to the group that
further transgressions of the policy could result in suspension.

The Clemson Conservatives appealed to FIRE for assistance. Now, since FIRE’s letter to the school in early November, Clemson has expunged the charges from the group’s record.

Harris says “so-called ‘free-speech zones'” are “odd and highly inappropriate” on America’s university campuses these days — but that, unfortunately, such policies are all too common. “I think that in a lot of cases it’s kind of a misguided attempt by universities to make sure that
demonstrations and the like don’t disrupt classes, et cetera,” she says, “but of course, you could accomplish that aim with a much, much narrower policy.”

Brokeback Mountain to Disgrace Catholic Seton Hall University

Friday, November 17th, 2006

A press release from TFP Student Action (the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property), published Nov 16, 2006:


Hollywood movie Brokeback Mountain is scheduled to stage at Seton Hall University, a Catholic institution founded in 1865. The film is currently listed on the university’s web site under “Multicultural Program Film & Lecture Series.”1 TFP Student Action is calling for a peaceful protest because the film:

  • Approves same-sex relations, adultery, nudity, profanity and drug use. It is a blow to Catholic education, America’s Christian roots, the institution of the family and very foundations of morality and society.
  • Brokeback Mountain is the antithesis of authentic Catholic education. It scrambles human emotions and encourages students to tolerate sin. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops classified this pro-homosexual film as “morally offensive” – the lowest possible rating.

Click here to protest now. Your signature will make an impact.

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Phyllis Schlafly: “Gay” Agenda Targets Free Speech

Thursday, November 16th, 2006

Excerpted from Agenda Targets Free Speech, by Phyllis Schlafly, published Nov 6, 2006, by Townhall:

Same-sex marriage is not the only goal of the gay rights movement. It’s becoming clear that another goal is the suppression of Americans’ First Amendment right to criticize the gay agenda.

The gay lobby tried a broadside attempt to censor criticism by passing a national “hate crimes” law. Fortunately, Congress didn’t pass that law, but gay activists are obviously trying to achieve much the same effect through political pressure and intimidation.

Scott Bloch, the head of the U.S. Office of Special Counsel in the Bush administration, has been targeted for termination because he removed “sexual orientation” from the list of anti-discrimination laws protecting employment at federal agencies. Bloch discovered that his Clinton-appointed predecessor, Elaine Kaplan, had unilaterally inserted “sexual orientation” in the list without any statutory authorization, so he removed it.

The gay lobby retaliated, instigating five investigations against Bloch. After all five cleared him of any wrongdoing, the response by the gay lobby was to initiate a sixth investigation.

Reportedly, Bloch has been told privately to resign, twice suggesting that he might be fired if he doesn’t. Letters from supporters caused the White House to back off before the election, but it is apparent that the Bush administration has no stomach for this fight and hopes Bloch will go quietly.

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