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Youth and School Related Organizations
Wednesday, April 18th, 2007
Contrast this with the politically correct, pro-homosexual American Library Association, which, as part of its liberal agenda, attempts to block web filters and other attempts to limit adults — some of them predatory — from using public library computers to access pornography.– Peter LaBarbera
Family Friendly Libraries News Release
April 18, 2007
(770) 932-9994; Information@fflibraries.org
Family Friendly Libraries, a national grassroots organization dedicated to increasing awareness of the need to protect children from harmful materials in public libraries, has granted two Awards of Recognition to libraries which meet the organizations Standards for Public Libraries.
“We are thrilled with the public response to our nomination process. We have received nominations from all across the country in just the four weeks since we announced the awards process,” said Family Friendly Libraries President, Denise Varenhorst. “To have five award winners at the outset is just fantastic,” she added.
The two libraries that have earned this award are the Gwinnett County Public Library in suburban Atlanta, Georgia, and the Manhattan Public Library in eastern Kansas. “Both of these libraries meet all seven of our Standards for Public Libraries and deserve to be commended,” Varenhorst said. These standards include the utilization of Internet filters in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, allowing parents to limit their minor child’s borrowing privileges, and providing a separate area for materials parents may wish to pre-screen for their children.
The former Mayor of Manhattan, Kansas, Mike Taussig, and Gwinnett County Commissioner, Mike Beaudreau, will present the awards to their respective library boards.
In addition to the two Awards of Recognition, Family Friendly Libraries is bestowing three Gold Star Awards for the month of April. Gold Star Awards are given to individuals or libraries which demonstrate exemplary dedication to local control and protecting children in libraries
Gold Star Award winners for April include Maggie Brooks, the Monroe County Executive who threatened to halt library funding if the library would not stop the public viewing of pornography, the Minneapolis Central Library staff, whose report of a patron viewing child pornography led to federal charges, and the Mount Clemens Public Library, which temporarily suspended Internet service after obscene images were found displayed on computer screens in public view.
In addition to receiving award certificates and letters of commendation, award winners are listed on the Family Friendly Libraries website www.fflibraries.org. Citizens and library leaders are invited to nominate libraries in their communities for Family Friendly Libraries awards via the Family Friendly Libraries website at www.fflibraries.org
Posted in American Library Association, News, Public Indecency, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Thursday, March 29th, 2007
By Peter LaBarbera
Iliinois homosexual activist Rick Garcia equates advocates for concerned parents with Nazis
Americans For Truth has joined the pro-family coalition NotOurKids.com — calling on parents across the nation to pull their kids from school if the school endorses or encourages the pro-homosexual “Day of Silence.” The annual event is the brainchild of the radical group GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network), of Massachusetts “Fistgate” notoriety.
Day of Silence is a propaganda exercise for schools designed to engender sympathy toward GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender) lifestyles. Many schools now officially back this disruptive, pro-homosexual event — so we’re calling on parents to pull their children out of school that day (Wed., April 18 this year). How did we get to the point in our society where schools would be used to promote acceptance of immoral homosexual behaviors and gender confusion (transgenderism)?
Many schools — especially in metropolitan areas — have become PC propaganda centers, and it’s way past time for parents to take a stand. Promoting unhealthy, changeable and immoral behaviors like homosexuality and bisexuality — especially to vulnerable teens (even middle schoolers!) –– lacks compassion. Click HERE for a list of schools likely to be (or potentially) participating in the “Day of Silence.”
Beware: it can be tricky to nail down a school’s policy on DOS because administrators will often claim that they are NOT endorsing the pro-homosexual event, yet then they will still allow students to remain silent that day — an obvious acquiescence to politicized behavior that disrupts the educational process.
For an idea of how GLSEN-friendly teachers use the classroom to promote the “victimhood” of homosexuals as a minority, click HERE to view a GLSEN document, “Lesson Plan: The Silencing Effect of Anti-LGBT Name-Calling.” From the “Lesson Plan”:
“Instruct students to freewrite about one or both of the following topics: 1) How it feels to silence oneself and be silenced by others; and/or 2) What the Day of Silence means to them, and why they do or don’t think the Day of Silence is necessary in their school.”
Folks, this isn’t education, it’s ‘Gay’ Advocacy Training 101!
Concerned Parents = Nazis?
Rick Garcia, Illinois’ top homosexual activist, responded to the “Not Our Kids” press release below by saying that our pro-family coalition is advocating “animosity and bigotry” rather than a healthy school environment. Garcia told the Naperville [Illinois] Sun: “These people sound like they’d be perfect for Nazi Germany…Let’s burn books so our perfect children are not tainted. Not our kids, well they are your kids. If they think they’re going to keep their kids from gay people or a discussion of homosexuality anywhere, they are delusional.” (Click HERE for ex-“gay” and Not Our Kids spokesman Steve Bennett’s response to Garcia’s nonsense.)
Nazi Germany? Burning books? Delusional parents? So much for the homosexual advocates’ “no name calling” campaign. Can you see why your children are more likely to be indoctrinated than educated when the “gay” agenda elbows its way into their school?
Americans For Truth and NotOurKids.com will have more information on the Parent/Student Pullout of the Day of Silence (Wed., April 18th) and practical information on what you as a parent or taxpayer can do in future e-mails.
Posted in Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Day of Silence, Gay Straight Alliance, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, GLSEN, News, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Tuesday, March 27th, 2007
THIS ARTICLE IS OBSOLETE: there is no reliable published list of schools participating in the Day of Silence in 2009. For more information, go to Illinois Family Institute’s website at www.illinoisfamily.org.
My friend Linda Harvey of Mission America has done so much over the years to educate parents across America about the homosexual (GLBT: gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) activist agenda in schools. Below is Linda’s compilation of potential (likely?) middle and high schools participating in the GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) “Day of Silence” on Wed., April 18th.
Check the list below or check Mission America’s updated online list of schools, understanding that it is NOT a comprehensive list because the other side no longer widely publicizes which schools are taking part, as it did in years past.– Peter LaBarbera
Linda writes:
Parents: Here’s something you can do about the pro-homosexual Day of Silence
Protect your kids — keep them at home!
Boycott the DAY of SILENCE!
Parents: Keep your kids home if your school is officially holding, or benignly allowing, this pro-homosexual event.
Scheduled for April 18, some schools are observing it on other days, so check with your local school. Ask your child also–they probably know!
From the information we have based on current homosexual clubs as well as past Day of Silence participation and school homosexual activism, the following schools are those participating.
(Note: If we have listed a school in error, we apologize, and will issue a correction immediately. Please e-mail us with your correction, at editor@missionamerica.com.)
This is the list as of late afternoon, Tuesday, March 28. GO TO MISSION AMERICA’s WEBSITE (www.missionamerica.com) TO SEE THE UPDATED LIST.
Schools removed from this 2007 posting …
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Bullying & Victimhood, Day of Silence, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gay Straight Alliance, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, GLSEN, News, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Tuesday, March 27th, 2007
CCF MEDIA: News Releases
For Immediate Release
March 26, 2007
Teaching California Kindergarteners to be Transsexual, Bisexual and Homosexual?
Thomasson: Parents are expecting Governor Schwarzenegger to be consistent and veto these outrageous bills, like he did last year
From the Campaign for California Families Website
Sacramento, California –– In a repeat of legislation vetoed last year by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, homosexual-bisexual-transsexual activists are pushing a pair of bills (SB 777 and AB 394) that would require all textbooks, instructional materials, school-sponsored activities, all school policies, and all teacher training courses to promote the transsexual, bisexual and homosexual lifestyles to children as young as kindergarten.
The flagship bill, SB 777 by lesbian state Senator Sheila James Kuehl (Democrat – Santa Monica), would indirectly force textbooks, instruction materials, and school activities to promote “sexual orientation” (defined as homosexual and bisexuality) and “gender” (defined as including transsexuality) in all grades in California public schools.
Last year, Schwarzenegger vetoed the same bill by Kuehl (SB 1437), saying it was unnecessary because current law already protects students from sexual orientation discrimination, and because the term “reflects adversely” is “extremely vague and potentially confusing.”
By prohibiting any textbook or instruction “reflecting adversely” upon a variety of sexual lifestyles, SB 777 would, in effect, require all instruction to positively portray transsexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality because silence on these sexual lifestyles would no longer be permitted. Consequently, schools would have to promote “same-sex marriages” and even sex-change procedures.
“SB 777 requires all teachers, all textbooks, and all instructional materials to promote cross-dressing, sex-change operations, bisexuality, and homosexuality, including homosexual ‘marriages,’” said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families (CCF), a leading California-based pro-family organization, who observed today’s pro-SB 777 rally at the State Capitol. “Parents are expecting Governor Schwarzenegger to be consistent and veto these outrageous bills, like he did last year. This is not about safety – this is about sexual indoctrination in the classroom.”
SB 777 incorporates the strange Penal Code definition of “gender” and places it into the Education Code, reading: “Gender” means sex, and includes a person’s gender identity and gender related appearance and behavior whether or not stereotypically associated with the person’s assigned sex at birth.” This means boys becoming girls and girls becoming boys would have to be positively portrayed in health textbooks, sex education classes and school assemblies.
Because SB 777 would affect all instructional materials, the bill will change textbooks and curriculum as well as guest speakers, informational handouts, and school assemblies. The new, “non-discriminatory” materials would have to include:
• Sex-change handouts (Omitting sex-change material in sex education class would “reflect adversely”)
• Transvestite speakers (Limiting classroom speakers to biologically-born men and biologically-born women would “reflect adversely”)
• Transsexual, bisexual and homosexual videos (Showing videos depicting only the traditional family or man-woman relationships would “reflect adversely”)
Additionally, because parental units are gender-specific, married couples or a family with a “father and a mother” would be portrayed as mere stereotypes – outdated ideas –– and could be prohibited from textbooks because their discriminatory inclusion “reflects adversely.” Under SB 777, school curriculum in every public school throughout California, in every grade K-12, would have to portray transsexual and bisexual “parents” as normal. In essence, SB 777 would teach schoolchildren that there is no such thing as the natural family.
The California Department of Education would enforce SB 777, threatening and taking legal action against any elementary and secondary school district that did not positively portray transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality to children.
“SB 777 means good-bye to textbooks that say you’re either a boy or a girl, that marriage is only for a man and a woman, and that the natural family is a father, a mother, and their children,” said Thomasson. “SB 777 means radical curriculum changes that include transvestite speakers and transsexual videos, classroom handouts on sex-change operations, and curriculum teaching children homosexual ‘marriage’ is completely normal. This bill is frightening for parents who want trustworthy schools, not schools that sexually indoctrinate their own children — children as young as kindergarten!”
The language of the second bill, AB 394 by Assemblyman Lloyd Levine (Democrat – Van Nuys), has not been finalized. However, the bill is expected to be amended to force schools to promote transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality to children throughout school policies and teacher training classes.
Last year, when Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed a similar bill by Levine (AB 606), he said the bill was unnecessary since existing law “already prohibits discrimination and harassment in California public schools.”
— end —
CAMPAIGN FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES (CCF) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization representing children and families in California and America. CCF stands for marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.
Posted in Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Equality California, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Parenting, News, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Wednesday, February 21st, 2007
By Peter LaBarbera
Born “gay”? Oscar host and very “out” lesbian Ellen DeGeneres
revealed that she was molested by her stepdad as a teenager.
It’s OK to be “anti-gay,” as long as you don’t hate people. That is, as long as you understand that “gay” is not an innocuous, inborn trait but an adjective describing wrong and destructive behavior.
Sexual revolutionaries stole the real meaning of “gay” (merry, exuberant, according to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary) decades ago, and it’s long gone now. So let’s try to redeem it by making some sense of what “gay” is and what it is not:
“Gay” is not an unchangeable trait like skin color and it has a moral component – unlike being left-handed or having blue eyes (to name two spurious analogies used by homosexual activists).
Nor is “being gay” “who you are,” as homosexual activists claim, but rather “what you do.” Even the word homosexual –– a Greek-Latin hybrid that dates back only to 1869 –– should be used only as an adjective, not a noun, as my friend and AFA-Michigan leader Gary Glenn reminds us (this is very hard to do, by the way).
The great news is that nobody has to be “gay.” Homosexuality need not be permanent in a person’s life, as proved by the thousands of former homosexuals living contented lives today. There are no ex-Blacks or ex-Latinos, while there are lots of ex-“gays” –– a fact that by itself should negate “gayness” as a civil rights category. (Strangely, many of the same liberals who lecture us about respecting “gays” either ignore or ridicule ex-“gays.”)
Nobody “happens to be gay,” either (another “gay” shibboleth). Environment plays a big role. Many “gay” men and lesbian women testify to dysfunctional or abusive childhoods and broken relationships with one or both parents. Ellen DeGeneres, a very public lesbian and host of the upcoming Academy Awards, has revealed that her stepfather molested her as a teenager. She is just one of countless homosexuals who testify to abuse in their past. Yet the media robotically parrot the “born gay” line as if it were just days away from becoming a scientific fact.
The semantic struggle that conservatives and Christians face is that there is no neat, positive equivalent to “pro-life” in the debate over homosexuality. Pro-normal? Pro-hetero? Nothing seems to work, hence we are left with the rather vague pro-family to avoid the negative-sounding, condemnatory anti-gay.
The evil genius of ‘gay’
Words have tremendous power. The evil genius of America’s homosexual activist movement is that it took a taboo behavior that was universally regarded as an unspeakable sin until a few short decades ago –– and redefined it as “gay.” In doing so, it created America’s “queerest” minority, at least until the homosexuals’ cross-dressing, “transgendered” allies came onto the scene using copycat tactics.
“Gay” activists succeeded in personalizing a destructive impulse to make it sound like a harmless identity, or trait.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Bathhouses, Born that Way?, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Media Promotion, News, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007
Listen Online
Monday, January 22, 2007 — MBN’s Jon Gauger interviews Laurie Higgins, a staff member at an affluent suburban Chicago area high school, regarding normalization and celebration of homosexuality in public schools. Mrs. Higgins offers cogent reasoning that you can employ with your local school administrators and your church leaders. This radio programs presents a rare opportunity to hear from a professional who has really made a difference in one of the most politically and morally liberal communities in Illinois.
(This interview is in hour 1, segment 2, and starts approximately 4 minutes into the audio. The segment is 4 minutes in duration.)
TAKE ACTION — Listen and then keep Laurie Higgins in your prayers.
Posted in American Library Association, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Bullying & Victimhood, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gay Straight Alliance, News, School Plays |
Thursday, January 11th, 2007
What the NEA (National Education Association) refuses to admit as it (again, below) recommends pro-homosexual “anti-harassment training” is that such training invariably undermines the firmly-held beliefs of Christian and other students who believe homosexual behavior is wrong. “Anti-bias” and “gay”-inclusive “bullying” programs rely on the very jaundiced work of groups like GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network), which have a long track record of assailing and distorting Christian and conservative teachings on homosexuality.
Why can’t schools simply ban all “bullying” or abuse of ANY students without getting into the homosexuality promotion business? — Peter LaBarbera
From NEA’s website:
Rights Watch
Teaching Tolerance or Attacking Religion?
How far can schools go in teaching tolerance for gays and lesbians? Two federal courts tackle this thorny question.
It’s the latest battleground in the culture wars. In the wake of several high-profile cases holding school districts liable for failing to protect gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered (GLBT) students from peer harassment, many schools have adopted training programs intended to reduce harassment and promote acceptance of GLBT students.
Some parents find these programs objectionable because they conflict with their deeply held religious belief that homosexuality is sinful, and they don’t want the schools to undermine their parental authority by teaching a contrary lesson.
Federal courts in Maryland and Kentucky recently struggled to resolve this conflict, with differing results.
In a dispute that is still ongoing, the Montgomery County (Maryland) Board of Education last year adopted a health education curriculum designed to teach tolerance of gays and lesbians. Among other things, course materials described as a “myth” the belief that “homosexuality is a sin” and characterized certain Christian religions as “intolerant and Biblically misguided” because they are “opposed to homosexuality.”
In a lawsuit filed in May 2005 by two groups of parents and citizens, a federal district court issued an injunction prohibiting the Maryland school district from implementing the curriculum. The court found that the course materials violate the Constitution by attacking the views of certain religions, while promoting the views of other religions that “are more friendly towards the homosexual lifestyle.”
The school district has agreed to revise the controversial curriculum. That process is still underway.
In the Kentucky case decided in February, a federal district court ruled that parents don’t have the right to have their children opt out of mandatory “student diversity training” designed to stop the harassment of GLBT students.
The program adopted by the Board of Education of Boyd County, Kentucky, consists of a one-hour video, followed by comments from an instructor and questions from students. Students who refuse to attend receive an unexcused absence.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Bullying & Victimhood, Court Decisions & Judges, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, GLSEN, NEA, News, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Tuesday, January 9th, 2007
Excerpted from NEA Releases Controversial Statement on Website, published Jan 3, 2006, by Family News in Focus:
A ‘school safety’ link for the National Education Association says “a great public school is a fundamental right of every child, free from intimidation and harassment, and safe for all students, including those who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered.” Linda Harvey with Mission America says the site uncovers an agenda.
“If anyone ever had a doubt before that there is a deliberate and well-funded and highly influential gay agenda in schools, then this should convince them that there is indeed that going on.”
She says the NEA is essentially saying in order to have safe schools we need to approve of homosexuality.
“That’s their recommendation, and it’s a false one; it’s a misleading one and one that is very likely to endanger millions of students.”
Finn Laursen with the Christian Educators Association agrees with the anti-bullying message, but says the NEA is treading into unsafe waters with its pro-gay, safe-school message.
“As parents and educators we ought to say, ‘No, we won’t tolerate harassment or bullying. But we shouldn’t be promoting something to our children that we know has major medical, psychological implications and as a Christian, we believe is sin.”
Laursen says the NEA can promote safe schools without promoting a political agenda.
Posted in Activists, Bullying & Victimhood, NEA, News |
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