YouTube videos

WATCH: More Pro-‘Gay’ Spin from Bill O’Reilly: Faults Phil Robertson for ‘Judging’

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

Fox News’ powerhouse cites Left’s favorite Bible verse to criticize ‘Duck Dynasty’ star

“We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?” Phil Robertson, interview with GQ magazine, Jan. 2014


Folks, last year I did an in-depth report for America’s Survival Inc., on Fox News growing pro-homosexuality bias, and in it I noted Bill O’Reilly’s evolving support for homosexual “rights.” That includes backing homosexual adoption, homosexuals in the military and saying he doesn’t really care much anymore about (opposing) “gay marriage.” I also noted that O”Reilly occasionally does segments [like this] that infuriate LGBT activists. We are grateful for all the good work he has done (e.g., going after predators).

However, in the December 20, 2013 segment below–in which O’Reilly faults “Duck Dynasty’s” Phil Robertson for “singling out” homosexuals and being “judgmental”–his analysis was sophomoric and inane. Watch for yourself, but it seems to me that O’Reilly doesn’t understand that Robertson was paraphrasing the New Testament (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) when he told GQ that homosexuals (and other unrepentant sinners) would not go to heaven. (Read what Robertson actually told GQ–including his quote above hoping for the redemption of repentant homosexuals–HERE.)

Yes, Bill, the God of the universe condemns sexual sin, “singles out” unnatural sins against the body like homosexuality as abominations (detestable), and sends unrepentant sinners who refuse to accept Jesus’ “free gift” of salvation to Hell. And Jesus did not advise us “not to judge” but rather to make right, non-hypocritical judgments [see this useful Frank Turek video on Jesus and judging]. Homosexualism is about changeable behavior, and people are not their sins: there is no special category for intrinsic “gayness” (i.e., as “who you are”) in God’s Word. That’s a 20th Century creation and a product of the Sexual Revolution–and decades of homosexual advocacy–that transformed a destructive sin pattern into an innocuous, personal (proud) identity.

Then note how O’Reilly — like some smug, biblically illiterate college kid — trots out the trendy “anti-judging” verse (Luke 6:37) (out of context) to gain some Bible cred for his Talking Points. (Memo to Bill: read a bit further in Luke 6 and Jesus explains HOW to judge people — with humility and by examining their fruit.) It is stunning to see a guy like O’Reilly who has made a very good living rebutting liberal Political Correctness, now spouting the PC line on homosexualism and passing it off as Christianity. To do so, he must ignore not only inconvenient Bible passages but his own Catholic Church’s clear teachings on homosexuality.

Criticizing Fox News’ Big Kahuna means I probably will never appear on “The O’Reilly Factor,” but no matter. AFTAH will continue to call out Bill O’Reilly for his situational morality, cafeteria Christianity and, yes, Bill: in this case, your “Pro-Sin Spin.” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH  [note excerpted quotations from the interview appear beneath video and after the jump]

Description of Mediaite segment posted by YouTube channel “TV Alberta”;
[Watch the video on YouTube at:]

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VIDEO: Jamaican Pro-Family Coalition Fights Effort to Rescind Anti-Buggery Law

Friday, December 6th, 2013

United States, European Union use foreign aid to pressure small Caribbean nation to make pro-homosexual change

Folks, this is a well-done video by the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society, which is co-sponsoring a pro-family conference in the capital of Kingston tomorrow. Jamaica is being pressured — by pro-homosexual forces worldwide (including the United States, which supports the main LGBT group in the country) — to rescind its laws against homosexual behavior. I will be speaking for AFTAH at tomorrow’s event, titled “International Law and the Welfare of the Family.” The U.K.-based Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship (affiliated with Christian Concern) is the other co-sponsor. I cannot help but think that millions of American young people — and their parents! — would benefit greatly by watching this 55-minute video. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth

VIDEO: Gov. Pat Quinn Quotes Bible in Signing Ceremony for Illinois ‘Gay Marriage’ Law

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

The following is Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn’s (D) elaborate signing ceremony for the legalization of homosexual “marriage” in Illinois. This occurred at the UIC Forum at the University of Illinois-Chicago, on November 20, 2013. Quinn’s main speech, in which he invokes the Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 13) begins around the 56 minute mark. (This is not the place to address the folly of Quinn’s actions, nor his shameless appropriation of God and Christianity to celebrate immorality; for a great website on the Bible and homosexuality, see our friend Prof. Robert Gagnon’s site at

VIDEO: Was Obama Lying When He Piously Professed His Belief in Natural Marriage?

Friday, November 15th, 2013

By Peter LaBarbera

“I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. [big audience applause] For me as a Christian it’s also a sacred union, you know, God’s in the mix….I am not somebody who promotes same-sex marriage.” — Barack Obama, Saddleback Church debate moderated by Rick Warren, August 20, 2008 [see video below]

According to new polls, more Americans than ever believe that their President lied to them about Obama-care. That is, he engaged in a calculated deception, repeatedly and emphatically asserting that Americans could keep their health insurance plans, period. Rush Limbaugh and others state the obvious in explaining why Obama lied: to get his controversial health-care bill passed in Congress. (Then later we could start reading it to find out what’s in it….)

Now it is time to think back to other Obama deceptions and crafty manipulations. Check out President Obama’s recent tweet below celebrating Illinois’ House vote in favor of legalizing homosexual “marriage”:


Obama went from being a pensive, faith-minded advocate of traditional marriage as “sacred” in 2008 — (after previously backing “gay marriage” as a 1995 state senate candidate) — to the full-out champion of homosexuality-based “marriage” he is today. Was Obama’s “Christian” opposition to this key homosexual agenda item just a charade? If it was an act, it was a good one; with the help of the media, it fooled a lot of Americans. [See 2008 video below.]

2008: Obama’s pensive, religious devotion to real marriage – yeah, right

To put Obama’s radical metamorphosis on marriage in perspective, let’s go back to his famous, pious-sounding answer to mega-church pastor Rick Warren’s question, “What is marriage?” during his 2008 run for the presidency. It occurred at the August 16, 2008 debate with GOP candidate John McCain hosted by Warren’s Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California — the ideal setting to burnish his “religious” credentials. (I should emphasize here that Obama is hardly unique among politicians in playing to religious people — and fibbing and deceiving — to get votes.) Below is a YouTube video of Obama in the Saddleback debate (his anser is excerpted at the top of this article);


A little context: Obama’s marriage contradiction

[Note: ever since this debate, this writer has faulted Warren for not following up on his question to Obama — who though professing loyalty to natural marriage was already actively undermining efforts to protect it in California. By letting Obama’s smooth, faith-oriented response rest (after Obama voiced his opposition to a federal Marriage Amendment) and moving on to the next question, Warren left the impression — widely repeated thereafter by the media — that Obama and McCain essentially agreed on same-sex “marriage” (both were “against” it). Sure, it was occasionally noted by the press that Obama backed “civil unions” and opposed a federal marriage amendment, the opposite of Sen. McCain — but the typical, simplistic media soundbite in the election was that both Obama and McCain “opposed gay marriage.”

Read the rest of this article »

VIDEO: U.S. Army Teaches Soldiers that Christian Pro-Family Groups Are ‘Domestic Hate Groups’

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

This is how the Left takes over institutions: inept Army misconstrues “God Hates Fags” message with American Family Association’s Christian opposition to homosexuality


U.S. Army Smears Christian Americans: In this chilling photo acquired by Fox News reporter Todd Starnes, you can see the U.S. Army instructor’s slide with “American Family Association” (AFA) at the top. On the photo accompanying it is a sign reading, “No Special Laws for Fags,” from one of the Westboro Baptist Church’s notorious protests. AFA, like AFTAH and every major Christian pro-family group, has denounced Westboro and its unChristian message. See AFA’s video responding to the Army’s smear below. Photo: Fox News.

TAKE ACTION: Call or write your U.S. Congressman and Senators and demand a congressional investigation into the Obama administration’s use of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s spurious “hate” propaganda in the military and other government agencies to smear God-fearing Americans as “domestic haters.” For the House, call 202-225-3121; for the Senate, call 202-224-3121. Or write through the Contacting the Congress website.

By Peter LaBarbera

With all the efficiency of the U.S. Post Office, the United States Army and Armed Forces under Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama are working to redefine Christian and religious traditionalists who oppose homosexuality as “haters.” This story about an Army instructor’s woefully inaccurate “lesson” labeling both American Family Association and Family Research Council “domestic hate groups,” was broken by Fox News’ Todd Starnes. It is chilling: note in the photo above that accompanies the Fox story you can see on the Army instructor’s slide with a Westboro Baptist Church protester holding a patented WBC sign with the word “Fags” on it. And note the heading on the slide: American Family Association.

As AFA’s Tim Wildmon and Bryan Fischer explain in the video below, no Christian ministry uses the derogatory term “Fags,” and AFA, FRC — and AFTAH and a bunch of other pro-family organizations — all have denounced Fred Phelps’ and Westboro’s bizarre “God Hates Fags” message and tactics.

Reports Starnes on

Several dozen U.S. Army active duty and reserve troops were told last week that the American Family Association, a well-respected Christian ministry, should be classified as a domestic hate group because the group advocates for traditional family values.

The briefing was held at Camp Shelby in Mississippi and listed the AFA alongside domestic hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam.

This is what happens when the Left starts taking over institutions: they go after their enemies in the service of a warped ideology. And Truth, in this case, Judeo-Christian (Biblical) truth about homosexuality, and its defenders are the enemy. Wildmon is right: the evil, far-left Southern Poverty Law Center with its preposterous, contrived “Hate Map” smearing conservative pro-family groups across the USA as somehow comparable to the KKK — is the source of this contemptible demonization of moral Americans. (Note that AFTAH is among the groups smeared as a “hate group” by the SPLC.) The SPLC and like-minded Cultural Marxists have their hooks in the Obama administration, and that translates into the de facto “Criminalization of Christianity,” to quote Janet Porter’s book by the same name.

When you adopt the philosophical position that opposition to homosexual behavior (a perversion and a sin) is morally analogous to racist bigotry, the result is this brand of crass ideological subversion. The Pentagon — which as AFTAH predicted is becoming the world’s largest “gay advocacy” organization under Obama and the “progressives” — now sees as one of its roles rooting out “anti-gay bigotry” among the troops. Here’s the problem: racism and homosexualism (proud homosexual advocacy and conduct) are both sins; opposing either of them is not. In fact, opposing sin and offering the redemption of the Gospel for it is a righteous act.

In essence then, the Pentagon under Obama and the Democrats are at war with Nature and Nature’s God [see America’s charter, the Declaration of Independence] — for God through Scripture has declared homosexual practice as sinful (yet changeable; see 1 Corinthians 6:9). (And Nature confirms this verdict shared by other major religions, as seen in the confluence of disease and homosexual sex.) Using your tax dollars, the U.S. Armed Forces are working hand-in-hand with Secular Left extremists to corrupt the morals and minds of our men and women in uniform — no matter what self-righteous, SPLC-spoon-fed rationalizations they employ to justify their mendacious “state propaganda.”

Take a look once more at the chilling photo above. Is this what we’ve been reduced to in Year 237 of the noble American experiment? Army soldiers being forced to surreptitiously report the anti-Christian bigotry of their superiors — and their own government — to the outside world? State bureaucrats mislabeling patriotic, Christian organizations like AFA — representing many millions of God-fearing Americans — as “domestic hate groups”?

The pro-homosexual Left has declared all-out ideological war on faith-based Americans who adhere to the historical, Judeo-Christian truth that homosexual acts are wrong and against God’s will. “Religious Left” activists are mobilizing their tremendous resources to advance the lie that homosexuality (sexual sin) and Christianity are compatible. (Homosexual “orientation” is now labeled a “gift from God” in one modern manifestation of Isaiah 5:20.) A Christian pastor and advocate, Scott Lively, who loves homosexuals enough to tell them the truth (that their sin struggle is not their identity) is accused in an international lawsuit of “Crimes Against Humanity,” and a Democrat-appointed judge allows the case to proceed.

Everywhere, it seems, truth is under assault, and we who love the truth must fight back or we will lose these United States of America in a rising tide of leftist tyranny. We must not let the God-rejecting Secular Left take over the country we love. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

Here is AFA’s video response to this latest Obama administration outrage [read full Starnes story HERE]:

New MassResistance Video Explains ‘What Gay Marriage Did to Massachusetts’

Monday, October 14th, 2013

The following is an excellent video by our good friends at (Watch on YouTube HERE.) The narrator is MR founder Brian Camenker. Here is their description:

Published on Oct 7, 2013
The consequences of homosexual marriage: Most people have no idea what REALLY happens when “gay marriage” is imposed. This information-packed video from MassResistance gives you the extremely disturbing truth about what happened in Massachusetts.

VIDEO: HIV-Positive ‘Gay Sex Club’ – This Is What Russians Don’t Want

Thursday, October 10th, 2013
AFTAH launches its ongoing  series, "What Russians Don't Want," highlighting the realities of the "gay" movement that other nations do not want to take hold in their own country.

AFTAH launches its ongoing series, “What Russians Don’t Want,” highlighting the realities of the “gay,” bisexual and transgender movements that people of other nations do not want to take hold in their own country.

WARNING: graphic sexual references

“…They invent ways of doing evil…” (New Testament Book of Romans, 1:30)

Folks, after watching this video, I thought to myself: who the heck does the United States and especially the homosexual activist movement think they are lecturing Russia about homosexuality?! This “gay sex club” for HIV-positive men is precisely the sort of perversion-on-steroids that Russians — and peoples of many other nations — do not want to take hold in their country. Of course, Russia is far from perfect — but so is the USA with our tolerance for and celebration of sexual depravities that would have made Sodom blush.

And so we launch a new ongoing feature on the AFTAH website, “What Russians Don’t Want” — highlighting the excesses of the out-and-proud LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) movement that receive far less media attention than politically correct stories about homosexual “marriage.” If you can sit through this 11-minute video by Mark King, a self-described “gay man in recovery living with HIV” — you will understand why even homosexual activists admit that “HIV is a Gay Disease.” (Note that King matter-of-factly states that a lot of men lie about their “HIV negative” status.)

[Translations of “gay” male perversions mentioned in video: “Barebacking” is anal sodomy without a condom; and a “Glory Hole” is a several-inch hole cut out of the wall of a small room  — or cut into a bathroom stall divider — through which one man sticks his penis so that another man (unseen) on the other side of the wall can sexually service him orally; homosexual men also engage in anal sex through “glory holes.”]

A healthy society closes down homosexual orgy “clubs” and bathhouses that cater to indiscriminate, anonymous, deviant sex — but in America, they are seen merely as an extension of “gay rights.” In fact, this “Poz4Play” club, like other homosexual sex clubs, operates freely in Atlanta, home of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). What a joke.

Alas, truth really is stranger than fiction: if you were to put 50 right-wingers together and pay them to create some propaganda with which to smear the Homosexual Lobby, I’m not sure they could come up with anything this evil, this depraved, and, frankly, this bizarre. When a society allows perversions like homosexuality to flourish, this is what you get. Unrestrained homosexuality and anything-goes sex is the ultimate Pandora’s Box that helps bring nations down

Bottom line: America needs to stop lecturing Russia and the world about morality (including “human rights”) and clean up its own house!

Below the video — which contains only interviews and no nudity or sexual images — is King’s description of it. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH



Creator Mark King’s description of video [watch on YouTube HERE]:

Uploaded on Feb 16, 2011

Mark S. King (“My Fabulous Disease”) updates a video from last year in which he tours a gay sex club and chats with the host of an HIV+ sex party (“Poz4Play”) for a conversation about HIV/STD risk and serosorting. In this updated version, Mark speaks to the club host again and asks about the reaction to the original posting, and what has happened to the club since. MORE AT:

VIDEO: What Craig James Said that Got Him Fired at Fox Sports

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

Ex-football star and sports commentator Craig James was fired by Fox Sports Southwest as a college football analyst due to the following comments he made in the GOP candidates’ primary debate in 2012 in Texas. [See Michael Brown’s column on the firing.] This YouTube video from a homosexual publication Dallas Voice shows the large video screen above the candidates; those who are shown are, left to right: Ted Cruz (who won the Republican race and eventually became U.S. Senator from Texas; Craig James; former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert; and Leia Pettinger. The video opens with Cruz saying, “I have something against gay marriage”…:

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