From Twitter – Homosexuality: Just Wrong Behavior that Can Be Overcome

April 25th, 2020

Charlene Cothran of The Evidence Ministry.

Folks, I am active on Twitter as one of the few advocates willing to take on the powerful LGBTQueer (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) movement, directly and unapologetically. Here below is a tweet I just posted that captures the essence of what this issue is really about–i.e., minus the media hype and “progressive” myths.

The photo is of Charlene Cothran, a former “gay” activist and LGBT publisher who accepted Jesus Christ and left lesbianism many years ago. Charlene is shown speaking at the very first Americans For Truth banquet in 2007, where she shared the amazing story of how the Lord worked in her life. Please go to her website, The Evidence Ministry, and support Charlene’s important work.

Please click HERE on my Twitter feed to read the hateful responses to this tweet and others like it. Twitter’s activist population is heavily tilted to the left, and many of them simply despise Christians, especially those willing to defend God’s truth about sexual morality.

I could fill a very large book with all the “#GayHate” tweets that have come my way since joining Twitter in 2009. (A lot of them smear me as a closeted homosexual–a lie they can’t seem to stop repeating.) But I’m glad I’m there along with a few others representing time-tested morality, sexual sanity, and hopefully, in my own flawed way, Jesus, whose love and forgiveness all of us sinners desperately need, whether we admit it or not. God bless. — Peter LaBarbera. AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera 

P.S. If you would like to find the peace of God that Charlene did when she turned her life over to Christ, visit this page to hear the “Good News” of the free gift of salvation, told by the late Billy Graham.

Queer Quote – Yale Prof Michael Warner: Alfred Kinsey’s ‘Unreliable, Exaggerated’ Data Helped Normalize Aberrant Sex

April 23rd, 2020

By Peter LaBarbera, April 23, 2020

Michael Warner is a Yale University professor and progressive “queer” theorist/activist who has been at war with the concept of “normal” for many years. In his book, “The Trouble with Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life” (The Free Press: 1999), he writes about the influence of recklessly corrupt yet groundbreaking “sexologist” Alfred Kinsey. The latter’s 1948 book, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,” has in recent decades been exposed by Judith Reisman and others as the junkiest of “junk science” (it even contains heinous “data”  from a child molester documenting his crimes against children—see photo of Table 34 at bottom):

Warner writes:

“More than anyone else, Alfred Kinsey was able to exploit the confusion at the heart of normal. One of his most dramatic points was that nonnormative sexual activities are, in fact, the statistical norm. Using his (admittedly unreliable) figures for things like extramarital sex and same-sex encounters, he calculated that 95 percent of the male population had committed some illicit sexual activities punishable by law…. Kinsey almost certainly exaggerated these figures, if only inadvertently through his irregular sampling. Yet the cataclysmic cultural impact of his study depended less on any of his numbers than on his central point about the contradictory idea of the normal. The idea of normal sexuality, he argued, is too distorted by moralism to be an accurate picture of normal behavior, and if people really were willing to accept behavior norms as normal, then their sexual morality would have to be radically different.”


Postscript 1) Warner’s elevation at Yale, which was founded by Christian believers in 1701 for the promulgation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is a testimony itself to the triumph of abnormality in American institutions, mostly due to the Left’s relentless pro-perversion activism. Put another way, he embodies the erosion of Judeo-Christian (biblical) norms that invariably comes when a nation strays from its more godly heritage.

Postscript 2) Although Warner is a “sex-positive” radical who is ideologically on the LGBTQueer left, he is regrettably accurate when it comes to the triumph of moral relativism. Most Americans now possess ideas of what is “normal” (and also “moral”) that not only conflict with historic and biblical norms, but also with widely-accepted sexual standards from just a few decades ago. Of course, this applies to the revolutionary “normalization” of homosexuality—look at Gallup’s annual poll on Americans’ attitudes toward homosexual behavior: from 57 percent of Americans who said homosexual “relations [sex] between consenting adults” should NOT be legal in 1986, to 73 percent in who said it SHOULD be legal in 2019, just 33 years later.

Another example is porn-inspired sex acts: anti-porn advocates, both feminists and social conservatives, have observed that the mainstreaming and proliferation of pornography has changed expectations of sexual behavior for younger men and women. This has led to the “normalizing” of unnatural acts that are common in porn, like anal sodomy (anal sex), among straights–which I presume Warner applauds. Such deviant practices are in turn celebrated in pop culture and taught as an acceptable sexual option to children through liberalized sex-ed in schools, and the downward moral spiral continues.

Child Molestation “Data”? The above is a photo-copy of Table 34 in groundbreaking “sexologist” Alfred Kinsey’s 1948 book, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.” Note the timing of manipulated “orgasms” of children, ranging from a 5-month-old toddler to a 14 year-old.

Video: ‘Dark Agenda’ Author David Horowitz Discusses Left’s War on Christian America

April 22nd, 2020

This excellent speech a year ago by former leftist David Horowitz is worth 50 minutes of your time. If you’re like me, you will learn a lot of things you probably should have known–such as the short, innocuous prayer that was part of the Supreme Court’s 1962 ruling (Engel v. Vitale) stripping prayer from our public schools. Enjoy. — Peter LaBarbera,; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

“Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our country. Amen.

To order Horowitz’s book, “Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America,” go HERE. To go to the website for the David Horowitz Freedom Center (School for Political Warfare), go HERE. For his Front Page Mag website, go HERE.

LaBarbera, Mefferd Discuss FDA’s Sudden Change in Gay Blood Donation Policy

April 21st, 2020

Folks, I was interviewed Monday as a guest on on Christian talk show host Janet Mefferd’s program, “Janet Mefferd Today.” We discussed the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) surprise move to reduce the deferral time for blood donations from “men who have sex with men” from one year to three months–justified as necessary due to blood shortages during the coronavirus pandemic.

Here is a separate SoundCloud link to the program, or just use the link below:

Here is Janet’s description of the program:

Why has the FDA fast-tracked the ability of homosexual men to donate blood during the coronoavirus pandemic, and what are the real health risks? Plus: Franklin Graham fires back after taking constant flak from Leftists who criticize the Samaritan’s Purse field hospital in New York. Their reason? Graham has a biblical view of homosexuality. I’ll talk about it all with Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality. That and more on Monday’s JANE MEFFERD TODAY.

The Republican homosexual activist group Log Cabin Republicans quickly boasted that it had worked with allies within the Trump administration for the change, but in one of his daily COVID-19 pressers, Trump said he did not even know about the new policy.

Veteran observers will remember that it was President Obama’s FDA that ushered in a radical change for homosexual male blood donations in 2015, reducing the FDA policy from a de facto lifetime ban to a one-year deferral. 

Now that one-year deferral becomes just three months and, predictably, neither the Log Cabin Republicans nor any other LGBTQueer lobby group is satisfied. All are demanding no deferral time on “MSM” blood donations at all, in the name of “equality” and “ending discrimination.”

The FDA change requires a post-coronavirus review. The FDA’s special policy is made necessary by the high-risk sexual behaviors engaged in by “men who have sex with men”–behaviors that have historically made homosexual men vastly disproportionately affected by STDs, especially HIV, compared to the rest of the population. AFTAH will examine this rushed policy liberalization in depth in coming posts.–Peter LaBarbera,

Radical Washington State ‘SeXXX Ed’ Bill–Pushed by Two Lesbian Democrats–Signed into Law by Gov. Inslee

April 20th, 2020

Repeal effort underway as concerned parents mobilize

Say No to Planned Parenthood “SeXXX Ed”: Pro-family Washington State citizens descend on the capitol building in Olympia to voice their strong objection to Senate Bill 5395, the “comprehensive SeXXX ed bill,” on March 2, 2020. In late March, the bill was signed into law by Gov. Jay Inslee (D). An effort is underway to repeal it by referendum; see this “Informed Parents of Washington” Facebook page. Photo: Mary Locke.


Dear AFTAH Readers:

The “progressive,” pro-LGBTQ, “comprehensive sex education” agenda is harmful to the very children it purports to help and protect. On March 27, Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee (D) signed into law Senate Bill 5395, which critics have labeled the “Comprehensive “SeXXX Ed” Bill, and which has generated some of the largest protests ever seen in the capital, Olympia (see photo above).

Two openly homosexual, pro-Planned Parenthood Democratic lawmakers, Sen. Claire Wilson and Speaker Laurie Jinkins, were key sponsors of the bill, which was passed in partisan, Democrat-led votes over the objections of tens of thousands of concerned Washington citizens. Here is an excellent piece on Senate Bill 5395 by Seattle conservative talk show host Todd Herman, who occasionally subs for Rush Limbaugh.

A growing coalition of citizens has formed to fight SB 5395, led mostly by outraged moms and dads, and grandparents who cannot believe what “comprehensive,” “age-appropriate” sex-ed means to the the “progressives” who dominate sexual ed and diversity programs in Washington (and across the country). See the “Informed Parents of Washington” Facebook page HERE

Pro-family advocate Mary Locke, a MassResistance activist who has done yeoman’s work alerting others to the leftist educational extremism in her state, wrote this letter to her local newspaper, the Federal Way Mirror; as of press time it had yet to be printed.

Parents across the nation are waking up to the threat of radical sex-ed agendas and pro-LGBTQueer indoctrination in schools. Hopefully it is not too late to turn this around and restore common sense and respect for time-tested morality. Take Action: Go HERE to learn more about the referendum to repeal SB 5395. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera


Children Are on the Front Lines of a Raging Culture War

By Mary Locke

Thanks a lot, Washington state DEMOCRATS! You handed the pornographic sexxx ed bill 5395 to Governor Jay Inslee. This was a party line vote.

No Republican voted to mandate Seattle-style sexxx ed.

Homosexuals Claire Wilson, Democrat State Senator/30th district and House Speaker and Democrat Laurie Jinkins have now MANDATED their warped sense of sexuality on the public-school children of Washington State.

Wilson, Jinkins and all the Democrat leaders of this state need to take off their rainbow-colored goggles and look at the potential damage they have just set in motion.

Wilson and Speaker Jinkins and all Democrats get copious amounts of campaign contributions from Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. Planned Parenthood is also the biggest beneficiary of “their bill,” 5395 sexxx ed.

Planned Parenthood is mentioned over 50 times in the Sexxx ed curriculum’s “FLASH and KNOW.”

Follow the money.

Planned Parenthood donates to Democrats. Democrats pass a radical sexxx ed law. Planned Parenthood then gets a steady stream of customers.

The approved curriculum promotes fornication and homosexuality, therefore children are told they need birth control and abortions. And Planned Parenthood is right there for the kids.

So, children grades K-12, will have to navigate the sexxx ed grooming that has been approved. Linda Harvey summarized this cultural struggle: “Children are on the front lines of a raging culture war.” Traditional Christians are losing the battle.

Mary Locke,

Federal Way, WA

Audio: LaBarbera Slams Pete Buttigieg’s Defiant ‘Gay Christianity’ as ‘Big Lie’

February 12th, 2020

In “Crosstalk” interview, AFTAH president questions why conservatives are so reluctant to criticize candidate’s homosexuality and deceptive theology

Former South Bend, Indiana mayor and Democratic presidential contender Pete Buttigieg kisses his “husband,” Chasten, at an April 2019 campaign event.

Dear Readers,

I had the opportunity to appear as a guest on VCY America’s “Crosstalk” program Monday, and had a wide-ranging discussion on the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisesxual, Transgender, Queer) with host Jim Schneider. You can listen to it HERE or click the link below. We had a wide-ranging discussion but I honed in on the candidacy of former South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg and his “gay Christian” propaganda.

We will have a lot more to say about “Mayor Pete,” as the media so affectionately call him, but the gist of what I said on Crosstalk is that Buttigieg is a phony of the highest order, yet a dangerous propagandist for the homosexual movement. Above is a photo of him kissing his “husband,” Chasten. Though the media and the Left (and even many “conservatives”) champion Buttigieg according to the Left’s corrupted “civil rights” narrative, his bid for presidential power represents an immense assault on morality–teaching all the wrong lessons to a public already deeply confused by LGBTQ propaganda.

Click this link to listen:

Prager to ‘Amoral’ Christianity Today: This Is Why I Support Donald Trump

January 1st, 2020

This December 24 article by conservative talk show hosts Dennis Prager was reprinted by Charisma Magazine and other other sites. Like so many of us, Prager was outraged by the Dec. 19 Christianity Today editorial calling for the impeachment of President Trump, in the name of Christian morality.

Prager is not a Christian. I am. And I can say that this sanctimonious piece by CT‘s outgoing editor-in-chief, Mark Galli, epitomizes how inept, naive, arrogant and unthinking believers can be when it comes to politics. Galli essentially calls into question evangelical believers’ commitment to Jesus Christ if they support Trump: “Consider how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior.” Yep, but can we also consider the worldview of most of Trump’s Democratic foes?: radically pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, pro-socialist (to one degree or another), pro-illegal-alien, anti-religious-freedom. And missing from the CT piece is the entire context of Trump’s presidency: how has been hounded by a cabal of Deep State Obama holdovers using dirty and treacherous tactics from BEFORE he was president.

Liberalism corrupts religion like it does everything else, but the good news here is that the overwhelming majority of Christians won’t care one wit about Christianity Today‘s short-sighted scolds on November 3, 2020, when they cast their ballots. In fact, Trump’s backers are now resistant to leftist media bias, which only motivates them to support Trump more fervently. That includes politically correct bias from an unlikely source, like the once-soul-winning magazine founded by the late Billy Graham himself. — Peter LaBarbera,


CT’s Editorial Confirms One of the Sadder Realizations of My Life

By Dennis Prager, Dec. 25, 2019

The editor-in-chief of Christianity Today, Mark Galli, wrote an editorial calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

In my view, this editorial only serves to confirm one of the sadder realizations of my life: that religious conviction guarantees neither moral clarity nor common sense.

The gist of the editorial — and of most religious and conservative opposition to President Trump — is that any good the president has done is dwarfed by his character defects.

This is an amoral view that says more about Galli than it does about the president. He and the people who share his opinion are making the following statement: No matter how much good this president does, it is less important than his character flaws.

Why is this wrong?

First, because it devalues policies that benefit millions of people.

And second, because it is a simplistic view of character.

I do not know how to assess a person’s character — including my own — outside of how one’s actions affect others. Since I agree with almost all of President Trump’s actions as president and believe they have positively affected millions of people, I have to conclude that as president, Trump thus far has been a man of particularly good character.

Of course, if you think his policies have harmed millions of people, you will assess his character negatively. But that is not what never-Trump conservatives or Christians such as the Christianity Today editor-in-chief argue. They argue that his policies have indeed helped America (and even the world), but this fact is far less significant than his character.

In the words of Galli: “(I)t’s time to call a spade a spade, to say that no matter how many hands we win in this political poker game, we are playing with a stacked deck of gross immorality and ethical incompetence.”

This rhetorical sleight of hand reflects poorly on Galli’s intellectual and moral honesty.

Galli and every other Christian and conservative opponent of the president believe their concerns are moral, and that the president’s Christian and other conservative supporters are political.

This is simply wrong.

I and every other supporter of the president I know support him for moral reasons, not to win a “political poker game.” Galli’s view is purely self-serving; he’s saying, “We Christian and other conservative opponents of the president think in moral terms, while Christian and other conservative supporters of the president think in political terms.”

So, permit me to inform Galli and all the other people who consider themselves conservative and/or Christian that our support for the president is entirely moral.

— To us, putting pressure on the Iranian regime — one of the most evil and dangerous regimes on Earth — by getting out of the Iran nuclear deal made by former President Barack Obama is a moral issue. Even New York Times columnist Bret Stephens, who loathes Trump, has written how important the president’s rejection of the Obama-Iran agreement has been.

— To us, enabling millions of black Americans to find work — resulting in the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded — is a moral issue.

— To us, more Americans than ever being employed and almost 4 million Americans freed from reliance on food stamps is a moral issue.

— To us, appointing more conservative judges than any president in history — over the same period of time — is a moral issue. That whether the courts, including the Supreme Court, are dominated by the left or by conservatives is dismissed by Galli as “political poker” makes one question not only Galli’s moral thinking but also his moral theology.

— To us, moving the American embassy to Israel’s capital city, Jerusalem — something promised by almost every presidential candidate — is a moral issue, not to mention profoundly courageous. And courage is a moral virtue.

— To us, increasing the U.S. military budget — after the severe cuts of the previous eight years — is a moral issue. As conservatives see it, the American military is the world’s greatest guarantor of world peace.

Yet, none of these things matter to Galli and other misguided Christians and conservatives. What matters more to them is Trump’s occasional crude language and intemperate tweets, what he said about women in a private conversation and his having committed adultery.

Regarding adultery, that sin is for spouses and God to judge. There is no connection between marital sexual fidelity and moral leadership. I wish there were. And as regards the “Access Hollywood” tape, every religious person, indeed every thinking person, should understand that there is no connection between what people say privately and their ability to be a moral leader. That’s why I wrote a column for the Wall Street Journal 20 years ago defending Hillary Clinton when she was charged with having privately expressed anti-Semitic sentiments.

That the editor of Christianity Today thinks the president’s personal flaws, whatever they might be, are more important than all the good he has done for conservatives, for Christians, for Jews, for blacks and for America tells us a lot … about Galli and the decline of Christian moral thought.

Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist. His latest book, published by Regnery in May 2019, is “The Rational Bible,” a commentary on the book of Genesis. His film, “No Safe Spaces,” comes to theaters fall 2019. He is the founder of Prager University and may be contacted at

Former LGBTQ Individuals Say ‘Equality Act’ is Discriminatory and Fraud Prevention Act Denies their Existence

October 29th, 2019
Members of the new ex-LGBTQ “Changed” movement., which will be holding a press conference at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, October 30, 2019.

Folks, this news release highlighting the emerging “Changed” Movement of “Formers”–ex-“gay” men, ex-“lesbians,” and ex-“transgender” individuals who now identify with Jesus Christ–first appeared in Christian Newswire. They will be holding a media event tomorrow (Wed., Oct. 30, 2019) on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Please visit the Changed Movement website and support this organization, and this heart-warming and most politically incorrect Christian truth movement, with your prayers, energy and gifts.–Peter LaBarbera,; @PeterLaBarbera


Church United
Oct. 28, 2019

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28, 2019 /Christian Newswire/ — “Formers” (those who no longer identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning) representing every state in the Union have selected 15 Former LGBTQ people to travel to Washington, D.C. October 28 – November 1 to address concerns about LGBTQ-focused legislation such as bill H.R. 5, which passed in the House in May, and H.R 3570, which was introduced in late June.

Although dubbed “The Equality Act,” Formers understand the bill is an unnecessary concession to the false idea that members of the gay community are marginalized. In fact, LGBTQ-identifying people have always had options in how they participate in broader culture. Nothing constrains them from participating in culture on a normal level. Unlike with the African American community, who have centuries of culturally driven abuse and forced destabilization, those who identify as LGBTQ have been empowered in our modern society as scientists, literary giants, and even politicians when they have chosen not to prioritize their sexual mores.

Meanwhile, H.R. 3570, dubbed the “Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act of 2019,” mirrors a similar bill proposed by California lawmakers but withdrawn by its author after heavy pressure from the state’s religious leaders, including Church United and Formers. Written by California Congressman Ted Lieu, the bill would ban conversion therapy nationwide and prohibit any advertising referencing to the ability to change or reduce sexual orientation or gender identity. The House resolution further minimizes the lives of thousands of Formers by declaring “there is no scientifically valid evidence that supports the practice of attempting to prevent a person from being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or gender nonconforming” adding that conversion therapy is “substantially dangerous to an individual’s mental and physical health, and has been shown to contribute to depression, self-harm, low self-esteem, family rejection, and suicide.”

America does not need anti-discrimination laws or bans against treatment for those seeking to live out their faith biblically; we need a renewed belief in the dignity and beauty of all of humanity in its diversity. America CAN model for the world what it looks like to value one another despite our differences without government intrusion or enforcement.

Bills like H.R. 5 will impact the private, public, religious, academic and government sectors. This proposed law would change the existing Civil Rights Act to redefine “sex” as gender identity and sexual orientation among the list of classes (e.g., race, color, religion, sex and national origin). There would be NO exemptions for individual believers or faith communities. H.R. 5 will empower the Federal Government to levy punishment on any individual or organization with a dissenting ideological view. It is the beginning of the end of religious liberty and free speech in America.

For Formers, bills like H.R. 5 and H.R. 3570 block our rights to follow our own convictions. It enforces the false belief that one cannot change and that one has no choice but to embrace LGBTQ identity and behaviors.

African American Former, Edward Byrd, who identified as Sexually Androgynous, from Maryland shared: 

“Honestly, my life has been changed because I was able to be open about my struggle with the LGBTQ identity. Through counseling and other avenues, I was able to process through rape, abuse and gender identity. If I had not had these options I might not be alive today! Now I am on a path of Faith and Freedom.”

Latin American Luis Ruiz, Pulse Nightclub Survivor, said:

“If this bill would become law, we will not be able to build our organization, Fearless Identity, that brings hope and understanding to the LGBTQ communities and the church through education and biblical teaching. We support a judgment-free environment for anyone that wants to seek change, and the freedom to do so without fear of retribution or lawsuits because LBGTQ change is possible.”

 African-American California Bishop Ed Smith, Zoe International, who leads scores of churches in California and the United States said, 

“I support every persons’ right to choose their own course of life which often requires them to make personal changes in their core beliefs and lifestyle. Following Jesus is no different.

‘……If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.’ MarK 8:34 ESV

“This bill is reverse discrimination, imposing LGBTQ community values upon all Americans, especially upon the churches of all denominations, who for centuries have offered hope to everyone who desires a life change to serve their God. Life is all about choices, even in our sexual orientation.”

 Jeffrey McCall, a former transgender woman from Georgia, shared: 

“As someone who used to live in and relate to the world around me as a man-yet identified as a lesbian-I am thankful I had a choice to refuse the LGBTQ label and get the help I needed to align myself with my Christian faith. I don’t want these rights taken away from others like me.”

 Missouri’s Amanda Smith, a former lesbian added: 

“Vulnerable people deserve care. Individuals who struggle with their sexuality and self-perception around their gender deserve informed, compassionate attention of their choosing. I oppose H.R. 5 because, in the end, it would limit care and resources for people who want a particular type of assistance with these struggles. Making laws around ideologies and self-perceptions, rather than innate qualities like biological sex and race, sets a dangerous precedent. By infringing on other freedoms, particularly religious freedoms, this bill harms – even while it claims to help. I oppose this bill for the ways it would harm people whose stories are like mine and so many others I know.”

 Jim Domen, a former homosexual and Pastor/Founder of Church United in California, decried: 

“Sexual behavior should not be a protected civil right. Changing the Civil Rights Act would create a super class for anyone identifying as LGBTQ, usurping everyone else’s rights who are not LGBTQ or who disagree with the lifestyle because of religious beliefs. Ask anyone from a Super Minority (e.g., Formers) about the persecution, ridicule, and abuse they have encountered for changing previous behaviors/lifestyles in America. As currently proposed, H.R. 5, the ‘Equality Act,’ discriminates against Formers or others who practice a different sexual behavior than LGBTQ individuals.

“H.R. 3570 prohibits choice of therapeutic direction from a client – ‘I CHOSE not to be gay and my therapists helped affirm the direction I chose toward heterosexuality’ – this bill would deny anyone like myself from seeking freedom and help from licensed professionals. My psychological well-being as a heterosexual man and my family, are proof that the therapies I received were not fraudulent. My wife, biological daughters and son are not frauds.”

 For news conference details, inquires or media interviews with Former LGBTQ individuals from a specific state or evangelical bishops/pastors please contact Desare Ferraro at (714) 348-0808 or Photos and biographies of the 15 Formers are available upon request.

Church United with the CHANGED Movement ( are California based non-profit organizations partnering together to protect the freedoms of Former LGBTQ identified individuals who have CHANGED. In 2018, both organizations took key roles in a strategy that used personal stories to preempt the enactment of pseudo-communistic philosophical legislation in California’s and Taiwan’s governments. Recent SOGI (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity) legislation has been authored by American legislators of Chinese descent: California’s A.B. 2943 (withdrawn in August 2018) by gay Assemblyman Evan Low; and S.B. 1172 (passed in 2012 and sponsored by then CA State Sen. Ted Lieu) and H.R. 3570 authored by Representative Ted Lieu (D-Torrance). Interestingly, Low and Lieu are both of Chinese descent (Taiwan, Province of China). Church United and 5 members of the CHANGED Team (including two Former LGBTQ Pulse Nightclub shooting survivors) will be flying to Wasington, D.C. directly from their tour in Taipei, Taiwan. In Taipei, 30 formerly LGBTQ identifiied people (Referred to as Rainbow Crossers in Asia) representing 30 nations petitioned an audience at the International Federation of Human Rights Conference, October 21-25. Their admittance to the IFHR as a people group was denied.

SOURCE Church United

CONTACT: Desare Ferraro, 714-348-0808,

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