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Catholic League: Homosexuality Implicated in Boy Scout Child Molestation FilesOctober 1st, 2012![]() The Boy Scouts expelled Rhode Island assistant troop leader William Lazzareschi after he forced a 12-year-old Scout boy to perform oral sex on him. Male homosexual predators (pederasts) go where the boys are, which is why see the Boy Scouts of America being forced to deal publicly with an issue it would rather shove behind close doors: adult male Scout leaders molesting innocent boys. It goes without saying that the Homosexual Lobby and its media apologists will strive to divorce this crisis from homosexuality itself: they conveniently insist that “pedophiles” — and “ephebophiles” (adults who sexually desire adolescents) — are separate categories unto themselves. But this academic legerdemain is self-serving and amounts to the glorification of semantic technicalities designed to obscure common sense. And common sense implicates male homosexuality (which of course is not to say that all or even most “gay” men are pedophiles or into sex with minors). The Catholic League gets it right below, especially their observation: “whenever there is an overrepresentation of any demographic groups with deviant behavior, it bears scrutiny.” We must return to the question: If practicing homosexual/bisexual men represent a mere a sliver (1-3 percent) of American society — why is there such a big problem of boys being seduced into sex or raped by adult male predators like Jerry Sandusky? Wouldn’t only a tiny percentage — and not double digits — of victims be boys, since 97 percent or more of men are straight? In other words, assuming very few boys are molested by women, why are there so many boy victims of pedophilia? Read the rest of this article » ‘Kvetch and Retreat’: Paul Ryan’s Capitulation on Homosexuals in the MilitarySeptember 27th, 2012![]() A returning Marine plants a kiss on his boyfriend at a homecoming reception. Congressman Paul Ryan now says it would be a “step in the wrong direction” to reverse the law allowing such open homosexuality in the military. In this widely-distributed photo, we blocked the male-male kiss and circled a child in the background. Click to enlarge. By Peter LaBarbera Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s recent politically correct reversal on homosexuals in the military (to align with his running-mate) illustrates why conservatives often lose in politics by following a defeatist model of “Kvetch and Retreat,” as laid out by New York Orthodox Rabbi Mayer Schiller. Schiller accurately observed how in political debates with the Left, conservatives typically warn of the dire consequences of a given policy as they passionately resist it. Then, if the Left wins, conservatives “kvetch” (complain, whine) about the loss — but rather than fight doggedly to regain lost political and cultural ground, they often “retreat” by accepting the new liberal status quo and moving on to the next battle. The “Kvetch and Retreat” phenomenon — repeated again and again – results in a radically transformed society guided by liberal ideology and policy victories that morph into “mainstream” consensus with the help of the morally-challenged media and cultural elites. Liberals take politics much more seriously than conservatives: they tightly adhere to their (misguided) principles and do battle with a long-term perspective – rallying behind their core beliefs and viewing defeats as mere temporary setbacks. A good example is their war on the Boy Scouts: after the Supreme Court in 2000 narrowly preserved the Scouts’ right not to permit homosexual and atheist scoutmasters, pro-“gay” leftists did not mope around in defeat but instead ramped up their attacks on the beleaguered Scouts – painting them as “bigots” and driving them off parks and other public venues. In contrast, there is no fight left in Congressman Ryan after the demise of ‘Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell’ (he previously voted to keep the homosexual ban). Speaking just days after addressing a conservative “Values Voters” conference, Ryan said this when asked by a TV reporter about the new pro-gay military law:
Read the rest of this article » Encourage Chick-fil-A NOT to Cave in to ‘Gay’ Activists and Liberal Politicians by Dropping Marriage SupportSeptember 20th, 2012![]() Typical long line during “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day,” on August 1, 2012. This photo was taken by AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera at the Chick-fil-A in Aurora, Illinois. LaBarbera waited in line for three hours and forty-five minutes to get a meal. Click on photo to enlarge. Editor’s Note: this story is highly fluid and “mainstream” media accounts — with their over-reliance on and bias toward pro-homosexual activists — create the possibility that the thrust of this story regarding Chick-fil-A’s alleged pro-LGBT captitulation is suspect. Proceed with caution. TAKE ACTION: Kindly encourage Chick-fil-A and its Chief Operating Officer, Dan Cathy, to stand strong and NOT cave in to the radical Homosexual Lobby and liberal politicians by dropping its laudable support for pro-family and pro-real-marriage (one-man, one-woman) groups:
_____________________________ Also, encourage Chick-fil-A’s charitable foundation, WinShape Foudation, to NOT succumb to pro-homosexual intimidation and continue to support pro-family and pro-real-marriage organizations:
_____________________________________ By Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth WASHINGTON, D.C. –I’m starting to wonder if anything good can come out of Chicago these days. I’ve been in the nation’s capital all week attending a conservative seminar and yesterday the buzz started flying from homosexualist websites and Twitter feeds that Chick-fil-A had caved in and agreed not to give (through its WinShape Foundation) to groups that oppose homosexual “marriage.” We hope this story is being overly “spun” and exaggerated by homosexual activists, but if it is (basically) true, we want you to encourage this Christian-run company not to harm its brand by allowing itself to be bullied into submission by the LGBT Lobby. Read the rest of this article » AFTAH Interviews Rick Scarborough about ’40 Days to Save America’ Fasting and Prayer CampaignSeptember 17th, 2012
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
Homosexual Activist Lays Out Obama’s Extensive Pro-‘Gay’ Record; AFTAH RespondsSeptember 14th, 2012![]() To many liberal journalists, President Obama’s pro-homosexual policies make him “angelic.” Above is Newsweek’s magazine cover published May 21, 2012, after Obama switched his position (again) on same-sex “marriage,” this time embracing it. As a young candidate for state senate, Obama explicitly endorsed “gay marriage,” before switching to “civil unions” — the position he held while running for president in 2008. The following is a list of the Obama administration’s “accomplishments” in support of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) political/cultural agenda, as compiled by homosexual activist and Obama ally Andrew Tobias. This list appeared in the pro-“gay” “Equality Giving” website. President Obama is easily the most pro-homosexual, pro-transsexual president in our nation’s history (hence the Newsweek cover) – far eclipsing the sizable pro-“gay” record of the last Democrat to hold the office, Bill Clinton. Due to the sheer volume of Obama’s homosexualist “achievements,” this sympathetic compilation is not comprehensive. Since AFTAH is not partisan and cannot endorse candidates, we will similarly explore the LGBT record of Obama’s Republican opponent, Mitt Romney — as well as further delve into the specifics of Obama’s policies on the issue. I have added my own comments and analysis to some items on Tobias’ list – marked in red. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, www.aftah.org ______________________________________ Tobias writes: Accomplishments by the Administration and Congress on LGBT Equality No one should rest until we have full LGBT equality. But after eight years of Republican disrespect, progress is being made. In its first term, the Obama Administration has… FEDERAL LEGISLATION SIGNED INTO LAW
Ravi Zacharias: A Sincere Christian Must Not Practice Homosexual BehaviorSeptember 13th, 2012Below is a YouTube video of world renowned Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias responding in an open forum (early this year) to the question: “Is it possible for a man or woman to live a sincere Christian life as a homosexual?” Click HERE for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries: LISTEN: AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera & John Kirkwood Discuss Christianity versus Homosexuality, Democrats versus Republicans on ‘Gay Marriage’September 10th, 2012![]() Why is Alan Chambers apologizing — to unrepentant homosexuals — for Exodus International’s past slogan, “Change is possible”? In this broadcast [click HERE to listen], recorded September 6, 2012, AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and co-host John Kirkwood discuss several issues in the news surrounding the homosexual issue, including:
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. 9-6-12, Peter LaBarbera & John Kirkwood
VIDEO: Exodus International President Alan Chambers Apologizes to ‘Gay Christian Network’September 2nd, 2012UPDATE: Gay militant smears AFTAH, again: Shortly after we posted the article and video below about Exodus International’s tragic embrace of “gay Christianity,” AFTAH founder Peter LaBarbera was attacked by notorious homosexual militant Wayne Besen (who came up with the hateful smear “Porno Pete”): see Besen’s lie-filled “report” here: http://www.truthwinsout.org/blog/2012/09/29105/ ____________________ Words cannot express my disappointment in Exodus International President Alan Chambers’ “exodus” from biblical truth on homosexuality. This 17-minute video of Chambers addressing a pro-homosexual, ostensibly “Christian” group (Gay Christian Network) aptly sums up his tragic defection. [For a rebuttal, see Prof. Rob Gagnon’s paper, “Time for a Leadership Change at Exodus?] Poor Alan is way beyond his pay grade here: imagine heading up an “ex-gay” umbrella group — which is how Exodus once described itself — and apologizing to unrepentant homosexuals for the simple slogan “Change is possible.” Shame. Substitute another sexual sin (say, pornography) for homosexuality (“sexual orientation”) — and Chambers’ “apology” makes no sense at all. (For that matter, would anyone take a “Porn-using Christians Network”–or a “Christian Lusters Network”–seriously and “dialogue” with them?) Sad but true: these days when Christians “dialogue” with homosexual activists, as Chambers often does, it is usually the Christians who bend toward the world (sin) rather than vice versa. Stay tuned for more on this stunning story of Exodus’ and Chambers’ break with historic Christian teaching on homosexuality. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH This video was produced by Oklahoma City-based First Stone Ministries, led by our friend and former homosexual Stephen Black. First Stone recently broke away from Exodus International and is now part of a new, biblically-faithful umbrella group for sexual struggers, Restored Hope Network. Go HERE to watch this video on YouTube. |
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