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U. of Texas Dismisses Homosexual Extremist Scott Rose’s Misconduct Complaint against Prof. Mark Regenerus, Author of ‘Gay Parenting’ StudyAugust 31st, 2012Rose smeared MN pro-family leader as “spokes-turd” and Maggie Gallagher as “Gagginwhore”WARNING: Vulgar and highly offensive hate graphic (created by Scott Rose) ![]() The above malicious and sophomoric hate-graphic attacking (Minnesota-based) Parents Action League leader Laurie Thompson, was created by homosexual activist Scott Rose — for his now-defunct blog, “AntiGay Bigotry Scares Me.” It was the same Rose who filed a “professional misconduct” complaint against U. of Texas scholar Mark Regnerus, whose landmark study exposed the negative effects of “gay parenting.” U-T rejected Rose’s complaint, finding no grounds for a formal ethics investigation of Regnerus. Click on graphic to enlarge in separate window. By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH The University of Texas has cleared its scholar, Sociology Prof. Mark Regnerus, of any “professional misconduct” related to his landmark study implicating homosexual parenting. Thus U-T rejects the tendentious ethics complaint by Scott Rose (aka Scott Rosenweig), who bills himself as an “investigative reporter,” but is in reality a hateful homosexual activist who viciously and crudely demonizes pro-family leaders. How hateful and vindictive is Rose? Above is a malicious graphic created by Rose for an attack-piece (since scrubbed from his own blog, which has been down for weeks). Its target is Laurie Thompson, a leader of the Parents Action League, a pro-family group that opposes pro-homosexual policies and curricula in Minneapolis schools. AFTAH has also acquired e-mail correspondence between Thomson and Rose that exposes his abusive tactics, e.g., calling Thompson a “gay-bashing monster.” (Rose writes for a homosexual advocacy website, “The New Civil Rights Movement.”) In a further demonstration of Rose’s cruelty and penchant for nasty attacks, see the graphic further below in this article — in which he labels pro-marriage leader Maggie Gallagher, a founder of the National Organization for Marriage, as “Maggie Gagginwhore,” under a photo of a pig. This original post also has been taken offline [see graphic at bottom of this article], undoubtedly to hide Rose’s true nature as an extreme LGBT militant willing to go to absurd and lengths to vilify his opponents. Read the rest of this article » Trevor MacDonald, ‘Breastfeeding Dad’ — Latest Freak Show in our Politically Correct, Confused CultureAugust 29th, 2012Media won’t call these ‘pretend men’ what they are: very confused womenFirst there was the “Pregnant Man” (a sexually confused former beauty queen) and now this: Trevor MacDonald, a “Transgendered, Gay, Breastfeeding Dad” from oh-so tolerant Canada. Actually, SHE is a very confused woman who desperately needs God’s help — although I’m sure she is enjoying the limelight that comes from embracing the latest politically correct perversion. Here is “Trevor’s” bio on a blog piece titled, ” A Transgender Dad Looks Back on One Year of Breastfeeding His Baby”:
Boy, I sure am glad Trevor cares about making the “biologically normal choice” for HER baby. Did she ever get around to thinking about the effects that her abnormal identity and behavioral choices as a parent will have on her innocent child? That poor boy. Below are some comments sent to me by David, a friend from North Carolina who left the homosexual lifestyle (which is to say, he abandoned that destructive sin). What is so fascinating about modern “progressives” and all who bow down to “Tolerance” is that they seem incapable of doing whas David does below and state the simple truth: that this is absolutely nuts. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH ______________________ David writes:
Breaking: IL Republican Delegation in Tampa Accepts Sponsorship Gift from ‘Gay’ Activist Group Trying to Drive ‘Hate-filled, Homophobic’ Chick-fil-A Out of IllinoisAugust 28th, 2012Romney’s IL campaign chief Dan Rutherford says offended pro-family conservatives “can go someplace else and drink”![]() Above is a copy of a portion of homosexual pressure group Equality Illinois’ online petition against Chick-fil-A. It reads: “This petition will be given to stakeholders in Illinois who lease, rent or allow Chick-fil-A to continue to sell its hate-filled homophobic ‘Chikin,” asking them to cut ties.” Equality Illinois was allowed to sponsor an IL-GOP event at the Republican convention in Tampa. Click on graphic to enlarge on separate screen. _________________________________ By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Exclusive Folks, there is a reason that conservatives often jokingly call the Republican Party “the stupid party” (as opposed to the Democrats being the liberal party). We learned today from the Chicago Sun-Times that the Illinois Republican Party delegation to the GOP convention in Tampa — led by former legislator and current Illinois State Treasurer Dan Rutherford — is partnering with a homosexual activist group that is pushing to close down what it calls the “hate-filled, homophobic” Chick-fil-A restaurants in the state. Equality Illinois (EQ), the leading “gay” pressure group in the state, is sponsoring the IL-GOP event by covering the bar tab at the IL-GOP “Beachside Cocktail Hour” this evening in Clearwater, FL, where the Illinois delegation is staying. EQ, which lobbies aggressively to legalize homosexual “marriage” in the state, curiously combined its sponsorship with a fierce condemnation of the GOP’s conservative platform — particularly the party’s call for a federal marriage amendment. Recently, Equality Illinois led a pro-homosexual “Flick-the-hate” campaign to pressure leasing and rental companies to cut ties with the 19 Chick-fil-A restaurants in Illinois. Equality Illinois’ online petition (shown above) “will be given to key stakeholders in Illiniois who lease, rent or allow Chick-fil-A to continue to sell their hate-filled homophobic ‘Chiken,’ asking them to cut ties.” EQ joined other homosexual groups across the country in attacking Chick-fil-A after its COO, Dan Cathy, defended Christian family values including natural marriage as one-man, one-woman. Read the rest of this article » Nebraska Lesbian Charlie Rogers Arrested for Faking Violent ‘Hate Crime’ against HerselfAugust 27th, 2012Folks, this is a stunning hoax perpetrated by Nebraska lesbian activist and former college sports star Charlie Rogers, who apparently lied about an alleged violent “hate crime” against her–for which she has now been arrested by police for making a false report. The Lincoln Journal-Star reports:
KETV (Omaha) has blocked embedding of its pre-arrest interview with Rogers [click HERE to view], where she cries and does an incredible acting job in a pathetic attempt to keep her “victim” story alive. The following YouTube piece by “Bellicose Nation” does a pretty good job dissecting this homosexual hoax and the thinking that inspired it. AFTAH will have more on this and other phony “gay hate crimes” in the days ahead: LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Liberty University’s Matt Barber on SPLC Connection to FRC ShootingAugust 25th, 2012Kirkwood, LaBarbera discuss victim-mongering behind latest FAKE homosexual “hate crime”![]() This is a copy of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s spurious online “Hate Map” listing for the District of Columbia. Note the inclusion of Family Research Council and Traditional Values Coalition on the list. The graphic for the “Hate Map” is a photo of what appears to be neo-Nazis with one giving a Heil Hitler salute. After police arrested “gay” activist Floyd Corkins for shooting a staffer at FRC, they reportedly learned that he also had TVC’s address on his person, as a potential second target. It is highly likely that Corkins got his “hit list” from the SPLC’s devious and politically skewed “hate” listings. We return to our AFTAH Hour podcast with this interview [click HERE to listen] with Matt Barber, conservative columnist, AFTAH Board Member and Associate Dean and Liberty University School of Law. (This show was taped August 23-24.) Barber, AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and co-host John Kirkwood (pastor at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, IL) discuss the shooting at Family Research Council (FRC) by reported “gay” advocate Floyd Corkins. Barber and LaBarbera note the linkage to the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which famously has labeled FRC, AFTAH and other pro-family organizations “hate groups” to diminish their credibility and influence in society. (In the wake of the shootking, Barber calls the preposterous SPLC designation a “Hit List.”) Now it has been reported that Corkins might also have targeted Traditional Values Coalition— a much lesser-known pro-family group that just happens to be on the same SPLC “hate group” list for the D.C. area as FRC. In the second half hour, LaBarbera and Kirkwood discuss a fake lesbian “hate crime” in Nebraska that’s getting lots of attention, and also the recent “kitchen table debate” betweetn National Organization for Marriage President Brian Brown and homosexual militant and cyber-hater Dan Savage. Kirkwood says it was foolish for Brown to agree to the debate at Savage’s home, because it only lends credibility to Savage. Kirkwood and LaBarbera note that Brown did not bring up some of Savage’s more notorious and extreme statements (e.g., his own personal involvement in sexual “three-ways”), and Kirkwood says the event almost comes off as an “infomercial for Savage.” HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
New Ex-‘Gay’ Group, Restored Hope Network, Formed as Christian Alternative to Exodus InternationalAugust 23rd, 2012
________________________________ Announcing the Formation of Restored Hope Network and Its First Annual ConferenceContact: David Foster, 615-507-4166 FRANKLIN, Tenn., Aug. 23, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ — Restored Hope Network (RHN) has recently been formed by leaders from throughout North America who seek to minister to homosexuals and other sexually broken individuals according to the historic doctrines of the Christian faith. We seek to be honest about the need for repentance in the life of believer and nonbeliever alike and we seek to communicate the many ways that God brings about real and lasting change in the life of anyone who turns to Him and allows Him to take them through a life-transforming process. One of RHN’s founding leaders is Frank Worthen, who was the key figure in the founding of Exodus International in 1973. Of this new network, Frank writes:
Restored Hope Network will be holding its inaugural conference this coming September 21 & 22 at Sunrise Community Church in Fair Oaks, CA (Sacramento area). Speakers will include Frank Worthen, Andy Comiskey (Desert Stream Ministries), Dr. Robert Gagnon (Pittsburgh Theological Seminary) and others. To register, go to: rhn2012.eventbrite.com FAQ available upon request at rhngathering@gmail.com Like us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/RestoredHopeNetwork Mission Statement for “Restored Hope Network”: Restored Hope is a membership governed network dedicated to restoring hope to those broken by sexual and relational sin, especially those impacted by homosexuality. We proclaim that Jesus Christ has life-changing power for all who submit to Christ as Lord; we also seek to equip His church to impart that transformation. Homosexual Hatemonger Wayne Besen Reaffirms Smear of FRC as ‘Hate Group’August 21st, 2012![]() Homosexual activist Wayne Besen — shown here shouting through a bullhorn into the window of a Boston church — which was hosting a meeting of ex-homosexuals — is curiously called upon by the media to discuss tolerance and “hate.” Many pro-family advocates see Besen as one of the most mean-spirited militants in the LGBT movement. Besen works closely with the Southern Poverty Law Center. Dear AFTAH Readers, God willing, the last few weeks could go down as a turning point in the struggle against the intolerant, aggressive — and often very hateful — Homosexual Lobby in America. First, as many of you know because you participated in it, Americans rallied by the hundreds of thousands behind Chick-fil-A in what I’m calling the first national repudiation of pro-“gay” political correctness in a long time. Then, those of us whose news was not filtered by the liberal media [see this report by Media Research Center] learned of the anti-Christian (politically motivated) “hate crime” at the Family Research Council — which might have been a bloodbath had hero Leo Johnson not stopped “gay” activist Floyd Corkins from going on a shooting spree. I used to work at FRC, in the same building at 8th & G Streets NW, in Washington, D.C., where gunman Corkins walked in carrying 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches and 50 rounds of ammunition. It lends a whole new meaning to the term “Culture War” to realize that people you know — wonderful Christian advocates like Peter Sprigg [interviewed recently by AFTAH: see Part 1; Part 2; and Part 3]– could have lost their lives at the hands of a sexually-confused, homicidal hatemonger. (Corkins volunteered at a D.C. “gay” center — a fact conveniently left out in some major media reports of the attack.) As you can imagine, this story hits close to home for those of us engaged in cultural battle against self-styled “queer” militants. Just last October, AFTAH, Christian Liberty Academy, and our pro-family honoree Scott Lively were targeted with a brazen brick attack by pro-homosexual activists, accompanied by a bizarre, al Qaeda-like threatening manifesto published on a left-wing Chicago website. But what happened at FRC takes it up a notch and shows the truly dangerous implications of the Gay Lobby’s fanatical propaganda campaign to redefine historic, Judeo-Christian sexual morality as “hate.” Of course, Floyd Corkins is responsible for this crime, but homosexual activists, the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and the “gay”-cheerleading media are responsible for indulging a preposterous and evil narrative that equates Christian pro-family groups like FRC and AFTAH with racist fringe groups like the KKK. Read the rest of this article » Washington Post Columnist Dana Milbank Calls SPLC’s ‘Hate Group’ Labeling of Family Research Council ‘Absurd, Reckless’August 21st, 2012
___________________________ Hateful speech on hate groupsBy Dana Milbank, Published in the Washington Post [full column HERE], August 16, 2012 Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest gay rights organization, posted an alert on its blog Tuesday: “Paul Ryan Speaking at Hate Group’s Annual Conference.” The “hate group” that the Republicans’ vice presidential candidate would be addressing? The Family Research Council, a mainstream conservative think tank founded by James Dobson and run for many years by Gary Bauer. … Human Rights Campaign isn’t responsible for the [FRC] shooting. Neither should the organization that deemed the FRC a “hate group,” the Southern Poverty Law Center, be blamed for a madman’s act. But both are reckless in labeling as a “hate group” a policy shop that advocates for a full range of conservative Christian positions, on issues from stem cells to euthanasia. I disagree with the Family Research Council’s views on gays and lesbians. But it’s absurd to put the group, as the law center does, in the same category as Aryan Nations, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Stormfront and the Westboro Baptist Church. The center says the FRC “often makes false claims about the LGBT community based on discredited research and junk science.” Exhibit A in its dossier is a quote by an FRC official from 1999 (!) saying that “gaining access to children has been a long-term goal of the homosexual movement.” Offensive, certainly. But in the same category as the KKK? … Read the rest of this article » |
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