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WARNING: Offensive graphic (created by hateful homosexual militant)
Dan Savage’s “Progressive” Hate: When it comes to dishing out “progressive” hate, few activists on the Left can match the antics of Dan Savage, homosexual-bisexual-transgender activist, sex columnist, author and pornographer. Here is a graphic from Savage’s hate-site, Santorum.com–which he created to demonize and literally destroy the name of Rick Santorum, former Senator from Pennsylvania. Dan and his left-leaning fans came up with this mean-spirited, grotesque “definition” after Savage was offended by something Santorum had said. It is telling that Savage decided the best way to punish Santorum was to associate his name with a disgusting by-product of homosexual sodomy. Despite his hateful stunts and anti-Christian rhetoric–including “flu terrorism” against GOP presidential contender Gary Bauer and an “Impeach the Mother-[F–k-r] Already (ITMFA)” campaign against President Trump, most media, and apparently Democrat politicians like Sean Casten in Illinois, treat Savage like a cultural hero. See video showing Savage’s anti-Christian bigotry below, and the Breitbart story on Casten HERE.
Folks, the Democrats have become the Party of Homosexual-Bisexual Transgender activism and the Abortion Lobby. Here in Illinois (in Congressional District 6), we witness the incredible spectacle of Sean Casten, the Democratic challenger to Rep. Peter Roskam (R), refusing to take back his stated admiration of homosexual activist and proud cyber-bully Dan Savage. AFTAH readers will recall that Savage is the creator of the vile hate-site depicted above, Santorum.com–demonizing and mocking former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum. Breitbart has the story:
Democrat Sean Casten Refuses to Disavow Anti-Christian Bully Dan Savage in Debate Against Peter Roskam
By Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart News, Oct. 22, 2018
Democrat Sean Casten embraced anti-Christian bully Dan Savage in a debate Monday evening against incumbent Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) over the seat for the 6th congressional district of Illinois.
Casten, challenged to defend some of the harsh rhetoric he has used in his campaign, and some of the controversial figures he has embraced, refused to dissociate himself from Savage (at 9:27 in the Facebook video of the debate).
“The person I embraced — and I will stand to this day — is Dan Savage, who has been a voice for the LGBT community, and particularly for the It Gets Better project, of teens who were considering suicide.”
Savage, a talented sex advice columnist, founded the “It Gets Better” organization to help gay and lesbian teenagers overcome bullying by peers.
Ironically, Savage then became a bully himself, publicly shaming Christian teenagers at a high school journalism conference in April 2012, abusing his position at the podium to mock their beliefs.
In a video of the event (below), Savage trashed the Bible as “bullshit”:
The Bible — we’ll just talk about the Bible for a second. People often point out that they can’t help with the anti-gay bulling, because it says right there in Leviticus, it says right there in Timothy, it says right there in Romans, that being gay is wrong. We can learn to ignore the bullshit in the Bible about gay people the same way we have learned to ignore the bullshit in the Bible about shellfish, about slavery, about dinner, about farming, about menstruation, about virginity, about masturbation — we ignore bullshit in the Bible about all sorts of things.
Some students cheered, but others walked out in protest. Savage later taunted those who left: “So you can tell the Bible guys in the hall that they can come back now, because I’m done beating up the Bible.”
He went on to call the students “pansy-ass” for protesting, then offered a fake “apology” for hurting anyone’s feelings, adding, “I have a right to defend myself and to point out the hypocrisy of people who justify anti-gay bigotry by pointing to the Bible and insisting we must live by the code of Leviticus on this one issue, and no other.”
Casten justified his support for Savage by suggesting that Roskam, in his sixth term, is not pro-LGBT.
“Mr. Roskam has been a horrible advocate for that community. Maybe he doesn’t like that I support them, but I do.” …. [Article continues at Breitbart News]
LGBT Activist Mocks the Lord: above is a Tweet sent out just before Christmas by influential Indiana “gay” activist Bil Browning. Secular leftists mock Christians and the Christian faith by referring to Jesus Christ as “Jeebus.” AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera responded on Twitter to Browning’s bigotry. See full Twitter exchange HERE.
“If government can compel a Christian or Orthodox Jewish businessman to participate in a ceremony that attaches sinful homosexuality to “marriage,” then the State can compel ANY American citizen or institution to violate ANY of their cherished beliefs. That is the essence of tyranny.”
In the wake of a pro-LGBT, media-driven campaign against Indiana’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), Gov. Mike Pence and leaders of the Indiana legislature are backtracking to appease the liberal political mob that has cynically recast the law as the “License to Discriminate.”
Good people everywhere are now intimidated from speaking plain truths about the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda. Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is not. The distortions and media hype attacking Indiana’s religious freedom law are obfuscating some key fundamentals in this debate. It is not the purpose here to dig into the “legaleze” about the law (for that, see this Reason.com piece) but rather to expose the core hypocrisy of pro-LGBT progressives on “discrimination.”
Homosexual activists and their sycophants in the media (e.g., CNN’s homosexual anchor/activist Don Lemon) are cunningly building upon their distortions of the RFRA to demand a pro-homosexual special-rights law in the Hoosier State.
It would be the cruelest of ironies if the media-driven backlash against Indiana’s religious freedom law were used to push through a statewide “gay rights” law in Indiana. Such pro-homosexual laws and corporate policies have been the engine driving PRO-LGBT DISCRIMINATION against people of faith for decades—all in the sweet-sounding name of “equality.” For example, the “gay” movement’s bullying of the Boy Scouts of America began with a lawsuit that relied upon New Jersey’s pro-homosexual “sexual orientation” law.
The pro-family movement has long referred to so-called nondiscrimination laws based on “sexual orientation” and ”gender identity” as “special rights” because genuine civil rights are not based on disordered, immoral sexual behavior and gender confusion. These Orwellian laws and corporate policies actually foment discrimination in the name of “non-discrimination.” That’s liberalism for you.
Our cherished American freedoms come ultimately from God, as recognized by our national charter, the Declaration of Independence, which appeals to “Nature and Nature’s God.” Homosexual behavior–which cannot produce life–is against both. Witness the grossly disproportionate STD rates linked to “men who have sex with men.”
It is ludicrous to posit “civil rights” based on homosexuality and gender rebellion as “constitutional.” But it is downright un-American to argue—as many LGBT activists do—that in a nation founded by people fleeing religious oppression, “rights” based on sexual sin should trump Americans’ freedom to uphold biblical sexual morality and real marriage between a man and a woman.
The LGBT Lobby and the media have raised the issue of potential discrimination in Indiana. Let’s talk about discrimination.
With the rise of “gay power” in the West has come an abundance of victims of pro-homosexual Political Correctness. All over the world, Christians and moral-minded citizens have been victimized by a liberal, elitist pro-homosexual orthodoxy that increasingly brooks no dissent. The media have trivialized the zero-sum conflict between “gay rights” and freedom of conscience as being merely about wedding cake bakers–but the escalating “LGBTyranny” goes far beyond that:
DISCRIMINATING IN THE NAME OF ‘NON-DISCRIMINATION”: Former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran was fired by Mayor Kasim Reed after Cochran self-published a book that contained a couple of paragraphs explaining biblical sexual purity, which prohibits homosexual practice and sex outside of marriage. Support Cochran by buying his book, “Who Told You that You Were Naked?” on Amazon HERE.
TAKE ACTION: Support former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran–who was fired under pressure from the city’s “gay” lobby after self-publishing a Christian book that defends biblical sexual purity. Buy his book, “Who Told You that You Were Naked?” on Amazon HERE. I just bought it for about $13. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
LISTEN: I discussed Cochran’s firing and the inevitable battle between “gay rights” and religious freedom on Janet Mefferd’s radio show Thursday (1/8/15); [listen to it online HERE]
Folks, the firing of Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran Tuesday adds his name to the long and growing list of Christians who have suffered in the name of pro-“gay” nondiscrimination policies and laws.
The excerpt below from Starnes’ piece cuts to the essence of why Cochran was first suspended and then fired by Atlanda Mayor Kasim Reed–a couple of paragraphs expressing biblical teachings on sexual purity! Starnes writes:
So what in the world did Cochran write that was so offensive to the mayor and the LGBT community?
According to the GA Voice, a publication that covers the LGBT community, there were two items that caused concern:
“Uncleanness – whatever is opposite of purity; including sodomy, homosexuality, lesbianism, pederasty, bestiality, all other forms of sexual perversion.”
“Naked men refuse to give in, so they pursue sexual fulfillment through multiple partners, with the opposite sex, the same sex, and sex outside of marriage and many other vile, vulgar and inappropriate ways which defile their body – temple and dishonor God.”
Cochran said he referenced homosexuality on less than a half a page in the 160-page book.
“I did not single out homosexuality,” he said. ‘I simply spoke to sex being created by God for pro-creation and He intended it to be between a man and a woman in holy matrimony – and that any other sex outside of that is sin.”
Cochran told me that someone within the department obtained a copy of the book and took it to openly-gay city council member Alex Wan.
Wan released a statement supporting Cochran’s termination and said it “sends a strong message to employees about how much we value diversity and how we adhere to a non-discriminatory environment.”
Warning: Vulgar Sexual References and one instance of Rear Nudity
For the record, below is the longest YouTube video we could find of the annual uber-blasphemous “Hunky Jesus” contest, held on Easter Sunday (April 20, 2014)–which coincidentally fell this year on the annual day (“4-20”) celebrating pot use. Hunky Jesus is sponsored by the mock, drag-queen “nuns” groups, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, which is a perverse “charity” funding homosexual causes in San Francisco, with chapters across the world. This video was created by UndertheGoldenGate.com.
As you can see, to many on the pro-LGBT Left, the most extreme anti-Christian bigotry is hip and cool, even as they scold the Right about alleged “hate.” Now that takes chutzpah. What’s also interesting is the degree to which the homosexualist (“gay”) movement in the United States has been joined to that of the gender-confused–“transgenders,” transvestites and transsexuals–which makes sense if male homosexualism is rooted in a masculinity crisis. Behold the God-haters of the urban Secular Left. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
P.S. Please be warned that this is a highly offensive video (frontal nudity is fuzzed out), but one that conveys San Francisco’s twisted values better than most: