Linda Harvey on CDC Report – Who Will Rescue America’s Endangered Teen Homosexuals?

Monday, September 19th, 2016
Linda Harvey of Mission America is a leading Christian, pro-family expert warning on the destructive impact of homosexualism and transsexualism on America's youth.

Linda Harvey of Mission America and is a leading Christian, pro-family expert warning of the destructive impact of homosexualism and transsexualism on America’s youth. She is the keynote speaker at the AFTAH banquet October 28. See details here.

Folks, we are delighted to have Linda Harvey of Mission America and as the keynote speaker at our upcoming annual Chicago dinner-banquet, on Friday, October 28 at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, Illinois (full details here). For decades Linda has worked to educate Americans about incredibly risky LGBTQ lifestyles–which are now being pushed on young people like never before. Below is more evidence of that–yet our government, as always, blames “stigma” and “homophobia” rather than immoral, destructive homosexual behavior itself. You won’t want to miss Linda’s presentation Oct. 28. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Who Will Rescue America’s Endangered Teen Homosexuals?

By Linda Harvey; this column first appeared in, 8/23/2016

Homosexuality is harmful to children and other living things.

A new federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) survey provides the jaw-dropping evidence. But the Left is busy blaming conservatives and everything but the obvious.

Why are young bodies built for heterosexuality engaging in the sexual equivalent of anorexia, defying anatomy and a positive, healthy future?

Here’s an analogy. In a family with suspected child abuse, what should be done?

Friends, neighbors, teachers might see the sad outcomes in the lives of this family’s children who skip school, act depressed, exhibit aggression toward peers and start self-destructive behaviors like eating disorders, cutting, or substance abuse.

What if the abusive parents were never investigated, but instead other possible explanations were accepted by authorities? Mean classmates, poor nutrition, or maybe … Republicans?

The most extensive report to date revealing the daily activities of homosexually identified teens, ridiculously called “sexual minorities” by the Centers for Disease Control, is exactly this frustrating and heartbreaking. These adolescents no more qualify as “minorities” than kids who eat junk food.

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WATCH: IFI Interviews AFTAH’s LaBarbera on April 17 ‘Day of Silence’ Pro-Family Walkout

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

Hey all, below I discuss with former Moody Radio journalist Monty Larrick the annual, pro-homosexual “Day of Silence”–scheduled for this Friday, April 17–and the opposing walkout initiated by our friends at Illinois Family Institute. AFTAH has joined the coalition of groups encouraging parents to pull their children out of schools that allow or encourage this pro-homosexual exercise. For more information about the DOS Walkout and how to approach your child’s school, go HERE; to see the DOS website created by GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network), go HERE. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

Part Two: Matt Barber’s Liberty Counsel Interview with Peter LaBarbera

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Part Two of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’s interview with Matt Barber on Liberty Counsel’s online TV program “Faith and Freedom.” This segment focuses mainly on Train Life USA, the wholesome alternative to the now officially pro-homosexual Boy Scouts of America. It aired September 20, 2013; go here for Part One of the interview, which will have five parts:

Peter LaBarbera Appears on Bryan Fischer’s AFR Talk Show: ‘HIV Is A Gay Disease’

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

Angry homosexual activists wish death upon pro-family advocates

UPDATE, Sept. 19, 2013: The hateful comments — copied below — to the “New Civil Rights Movement” post about Bryan Fischer’s AFR Talk interview with Peter LaBarbera have been removed.]

I appeared on Bryan Fischer’s AFR Talk Show “Focal Point” yesterday (September 17. 2013) to discuss the astonishing CDC data unearthed by AFTAH showing that among boys and young men ages 13-24, 94-95 percent of the HIV cases are linked to homosexual sex. (I apologize for the poor sound quality of my voice in this broadcast.) Our interview and focus on the CDC data have not been popular with homosexual activists: David Badash of the The New Civil Rights Movement (NCRM) accuses Bryan and me of engaging in “dangerous advocacy.” And the hateful homosexuals at “Truth Wins Out” attack us with the requisite name-calling HERE. [Watch video on YouTube HERE.] — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

PS. To document the type of over-the-top, wish-your-opponents-dead hatred that is all too common among radical homosexual activists, we reproduce uncensored four vicious “comments” from the NCRM piece following the video and after the jump:

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LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews John Stemberger of on New Wholesome Alternative to the Boy Scouts – Part One

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

John_Stemberger-flagThis interview with John Stemberger [click HERE to listen], founder of, was recorded today, July 18, 2013. Stemberger describes the formation of a new boys organization that will provide a wholesome alternative to the pro-homosexual Boy Scouts of America (BSA). [Watch an introductory video HERE.] The new boys organization [later named “Trail Life USA”] will be devoted to building good character among boys, centered on biblical principles. The new group holds its first national convention this September after holding a recent planning meeting of national pro-family leaders in Louisville, Kentucky. Stemberger, who is also president and general counsel of the Florida Family Policy Council, led the grassroots coalition effort to stop the Scouts’ tragic cave-in allowing openly homosexual youth members. (He explains how the BSA voting process on the proposed pro-“gay” change was weighted heavily in favor of the Scouts, in part because BSA leaders would not reveal who was voting.)

Stemberger clarifies the membership requirements for boys — saying that no immoral sexual behavior or advocacy of any kind will be tolerated in the new organization. He said if a boy struggles with same-sex issues (or other issues), it will be seen as a “ministry opportunity” in the organization — which, unlike the Scouts, will be explicitly Christian. (Membership will be open to boys of all religions and backgrounds.) Regarding the BSA, he said that within a couple of years, it will be driven by the courts to allow openly homosexual adult Scoutmasters, which will further cripple that once-noble organization. Stemberger said the BSA was done in by the paid “professionals” who ran the organization, who ultimately were not dedicated to upholding the BSA’s principles. Click HERE for Part Two of this interview. [Click HERE for Matt Barber’s column on the opening convention of Trail Life USA.]

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

7-18-13, John Stemberger

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