Landmark Results from the 2014 Midterm Elections

Thursday, November 6th, 2014
Republican Mia Love will be representing Utah's 4th Congressional District..

Hope and Change: Republican Mia Love will be representing Utah’s 4th Congressional District. Love is the first Black female Republican ever elected to Congress. Go HERE to read what Love had to say about the 2013 Supreme Court decision that effectively invalidated Californians’ Prop 8 vote against homosexuality-based “marriage.”

Folks, I would add to this excellent compilation by my friend and stellar Texas education activist Donna Garner, the very good news that two pro-family leaders against the aggressive homosexualist agenda were elected to state house (in Colorado and Michigan). Gordon “Chaps” Klingenschmitt won in a landslide in Colorado Springs and Gary Glenn of AFA-Michigan won 55-45 in Midland and Bay Counties in Michigan. America is on her way back! — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


By Donna Garner, 11.6.14, reprinted from Education Views


  • 28 Democrats who voted for ObamaCare are now gone from the U. S. Senate.
  • As of midnight on 11.4.14, the Republicans had won 52 Senate seats; and the Democrats had won 44.
  • Louisiana is still to be decided and is a probable win for the Republicans; that would make 53 Senate seats.
  • Alaska and Virginia have not been called yet and could easily become seats 54 and 55 for the Republicans. [Editor’s Note: there is a good chance Democrat Mark Warner will win Virginia, so the best likelihood is that the GOP will control the Senate with 54 votes after the Louisiana run-off election.]
  • It is possible that some Democrats and/or Independents might also flip to become Republicans because of the landslide victories of last night.
  • Republicans picked up 8 Senate seats — Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Montana, North Carolina, South Dakota and West Virginia.
  • Four incumbent Democrats were defeated — Begich, Pryor, Udall, and Hagan.
  • There are 100 Senators in the U. S. Senate.  Only 51 are needed to pass a bill.


  • The U. S. House is made up of 435 members.  A majority is 218 seats.
  • At last count, Republicans took 246 seats with more to be decided.  Right now, that is the largest Republican majority in more than 60 years.


  • As of this election, 31 out of 50 states have Republican Governors (even in Mass., Illinois, Maryland)


  • Democrats lost their super-majorities in the California Senate, the Vermont House and the Maryland Senate.
  • Republicans now control 67 state chambers while the Democrats control 28. Before Tuesday, Republicans had a 57-41 advantage.
  • Republicans have complete state control – both chambers and the governor’s mansion – in 23 states, compared to six states for the Democrats.

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San Diego Pro-Family Coalition Urges ‘Defensive Tactical Vote’ Against Carl DeMaio, Openly Homosexual Activist Republican Congressional Candidate

Thursday, October 9th, 2014

Speaker Boehner to hold fundraiser Saturday for ‘proud gay” candidate who backs homosexual “marriage” and abortion rights

Carl DeMaio (right) with his homosexual love, Johnathan Hale.

Carl DeMaio (right) with his homosexual lover, Johnathan Hale.

By Peter LaBarbera, [; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera]

Folks, the internecine war in the Republican Party between social conservatives and libertarians who want to abandon abortion and homosexuality as major issues in the Party is bubbling to the surface. The following is an open letter signed by some leading Christian pro-life and pro-family advocates in San Diego–most notably pastor Jim Garlow, who led the victorious 2008 campaign for California’s Proposition 8 ballot initiative defending marriage. The letter urges concerned  San Diego Christians to cast a “tactical vote” against openly homosexual Republican congressional candidate Carl DeMaio, who supports homosexuality-based “marriage” and abortion rights. DeMaio’s campaign TV ad declaring himself a “proud gay American” who eschews “divisive social agendas” (even as he embraces them) is below [more analysis follows beneath video]:

All across America, GOP leaders are walking away from or downplaying the Party’s principled pro-family and pro-life platform. Their assumption is that this will help the Party win “moderate” votes and hence elections–a plan that didn’t work out so well for 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney (who, among other dubious stances, came out for open homosexuals in the Boy Scouts). The message from GOP elites in Washington is loud and clear: social issues are a drag on the Party; ignore them to win. But few Republican big shots seem to consider this relevant political question: how many social conservatives will walk away from the GOP or simply not vote–or be far less energized to volunteer for and fund a given GOP campaign–than they would be had a well-rounded social conservative been nominated?

This is precisely what is happening in San Diego. [See this Barbwire story to learn how the San Diego GOP endorsed and favored DeMaio in the Republican primary.]

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In 2005, LaBarbera Asked Dan Rutherford to Come Clean on Homosexuality

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

Does renegade, pro-homosexual Illinois Republican politician have a conflict of interest?

“Do you agree that [your constituents] have a right to know if there is a special interest in your life that affects your voting record? From an integrity standpoint, I think the axiom is true: honesty is the best policy.” — Peter LaBarbera to then-St. Sen. Dan Rutherford (Republican-Pontiac, IL), 11/18/2004                                                    

                                                    *       *       *

Dan Rutherford was seen with his male partner, according to one Republican activist. He cast two key votes as State Senator for pro-homosexual legislation.

IL GOP gubernatorial candidate and Illinois Treasurer Dan Rutherford–widely rumored to be homosexual by activists in the GOP–cast two key votes as State Senator for pro-homosexual legislation. Rutherford is now being sued for sexual harassment by a male aide who says he was groped by the politician.

Homosexual newspaper Windy City Times to Dan Rutherford: “Is the Republican Party changing? Should it?”
Rutherford: “I think the party should change. I think the party should evolve. I think it’s going to take people like myself to help the party evolve. When I voted for the [pro-homosexual/pro-transgender] human rights bill in the early 90s, there was only a few of us. And when we moved forward to eventually pass it, there was more of us. And as we moved into consideration of the civil unions bill, there were some of us.

“Equality Illinois [the state’s leading homosexual activist group] was one of the hosts at the Republican National Convention for one of the receptions.”  — WCT interview with Rutherford, 8-6-13


Dear AFTAH Readers,

With reports that Illinois GOP gubernatorial candidate and Illinois Treasurer Dan Rutherford is being sued for sexual harassment by a male aide, I thought it important to reprint the two articles below–which originally appeared on the Illinois Family Institute (IFI) website in 2005–and which I wrote as then-Executive Director of IFI. The article (like many other older pieces) fell off the current IFI website following a overhaul of the site, and currently is not on the IFI site.

Since these articles were written, then-State Sen. Rutherford, having already helped the Democrats pass a homosexual “nondiscrimination” bill, went on to cast a second key Republican vote for a bill legalizing homosexual “civil unions.” The latter was a precursor to legalized homosexual “marriage” in the Land of Lincoln (the state “gay marriage” law takes effect June 1, 2014). Rutherford, who went on to become Illinois State Treasurer in 2011, never answered this writer’s query about alleged homosexuality–something which most men, especially those falsely accused like myself, find very easy to do. But he has offered curt and carefully-worded denials to others about being homosexual. This includes responding “No” to an oddly-worded “non-question” alluding to his alleged “gayness” in an interview with conservative Illinois Review editor Fran Eaton. (I’m afraid Eaton’s overly deferential, walking-on-eggshells approach–Rutherford answered “No” to “The Question” without her defining it–revealed more about the uncomfortableness surrounding homosexuality than it did about Rutherford’s past or present sexual lifestyle.)

Most recently in an interview last August with the Chicago homosexual newspaper, Windy City Times, Rutherford had this exchange with a reporter:

WCT: Your support for the LGBT has put you in the spotlight. Conservative bloggers have speculated you are gay. How do you define your sexual orientation?

Dan Rutherford: I’m not gay.

To which Chicago homosexual activist Robert Castillo responded: “Thanks for asking if he’s gay. You should have also asked if he is bisexual.”

Note that on every occasion of Rutherford being “questioned” about homosexuality, there are no follow-up questions (e.g., have you ever been in a homosexual relationship?)–and no probing into the meaning of words. (Many men who engage(d) in homosexual or bisexual behavior do not claim to be “gay”; there is even a term for it: men on the “down low.”) Also note that Rutherford’s continued advocacy of homosexuality in the Republican Party sets him apart from a person who may have engaged in homosexual behavior in the past but abandoned it–i.e., a repentant or recovered former homosexual. (Christians believe in the power of God through Christ to help people overcome that behaviorial sin pattern.)

On the conservative side, activists like Republican Chicago attorney and Republican News Watch founder Doug Ibendahl have long maintained that whether Rutherford ever admits it publicly or not, he is “gay.”

Encounter with Rutherford’s “partner”

Of course, there is the very real possibility that Rutherford–a politician, after all–is lying and dissembling about his aberrant sexual past and/or present so as not to hurt his prospects running in a Republican primary for governor.

A couple of years ago–long after my attempt at IFI to get Rutherford to clarify his sexuality–I had an interesting discussion with a veteran Illinois Republican activist, who told of meeting Rutherford “and his [male] partner” a number of years ago while travelling abroad. The man who accompanied Rutherford was clearly his partner, the activist said matter-of-factly. The activist source had no special animus toward Rutherford and worked with him as a GOP supporter, as with other ILGOP leaders.

Why should we care?

Why is any of this important? Because the people have a right to know if their public servant has a conflict of interest–and because honesty, morality and integrity matter. If Dan Rutherford has practiced a homosexual lifestyle–while advancing “gay” public policy goals in his role as a legislator (in defiance of the ILGOP and national Republican Party Platforms), it says something about his character. (As you can see, I am not a liberal.) And if he then lied and continues to lie or mislead about the matter, it says even more about his character.

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