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“You’re a bigot and an [a**hole],” lead protester yells at McCrory; state senator vows to pursues law criminalizing vengeful harassment of public servants
NC St. Sen. Dan Bishop wants to protect former public servants from being bullied and harassed by vengeful protesters.
WARNING: profanity
Folks, all I can say is, thank God the “progressives” lost this election! Because they are out of control (cut to the 2:10 mark in Madonna’s vulgar and extremist women’s march speech HERE). Below is a YouTube video shot by a profane North Carolina revolutionary socialist named Udai Basavaraj.
On a visit to DC for the inauguration (and leftist feminist march) weekend, Basavaraj apparently led a harassing protest against former North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory–yelling “Shame on you, shame on you!” etc., at the recently defeated Republican because he signed the HB2 “bathroom” bill into law.
The cowardly ringleader (his face not shown) yells out at McCrory, calling him a “bigot and an [a**hole]!” Then, as reported below, “just after the one minute mark [and with McCrory and two women backed into a locked door], he says, “We’ve got you now.” Watch the creepy three-and-a-half minute video, then pass this story on.
HB2 requires that people use the restroom matching their biological sex. I suppose in the minds of these ideological bullies, supporting such a bill makes one a monster. More news and commentary after the video and jump:
Thankfully, there are still many patriots in this country like North Carolina State Senator Dan Bishop (R), who is as outraged as we at AFTAH are over these hateful fanatics. Sen. Bishop wants to do something to protect people like McCrory, and he is disgusted with the neutral, innocuous way in which the Charlotte Observer newspaper reported this outrageous episode. I will add that homosexual activist publications like LGBTQNation seem to have no problem with it.
Hmmm. Can you imagine the media outrage if a screaming crowd of “conservatives” cornered a few homosexuals into a closed alley?
As Sen. Bishopwrites, “One also wonders if the mob fell upon the former governor by coincidence or if they stalked him.” Note the young woman scurrying uncomfortably (with her face away from the camera) from the approaching gaggle of screaming protesters. She is obviously scared. The lead LGBTQ protester-bully (Basavaraj?) screaming “shame on you!” clearly has no regard for the fear that he and his “mob” of yelling activists are inducing in her–as they pin their targets against a locked door.
After all, in the leftist scheme of things, the end–in this case, humiliating and intimidating Christian “haters” and “transphobes”–justifies the means. And “bigotry” knows no gender, right?
Think about this: is the modern “LGBTQ” activist phenomenon a “New Civil Rights Movement”–or rather a spoiled Sin Movement so steeped in its own self-rationalizing ideology and warped self-righteousness that it is willing even to scare a young woman if that’s what it takes to achieve its unattainable goal of “equality”?
Of course, many homosexuals would share my outrage at this despicable conduct. This is an extreme case, but all homosexual activists are compelled to sacrifice some social good, or some transcendent truth–e.g., about the essence of marriage itself–to serve their aberrant, self-justifying worldview. The more power they achieve, the more the War on Normal (which is actually a futile fight against our Creator) is ratcheted up. And the more innocent casualties mount.
Although it must not undermine the First Amendment, we hope Sen. Bishop succeeds in his bid to protect public servants from overt harassment. Stay tuned. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Victim of Homo-Fascism: Lakewood, CO baker Jack Phillips has lost 40 percent of his business after closing down the wedding cake part of his business so as not to be forced to make a cake celebrating a homosexual-sin-based “wedding.” To read an in-depth 2014 article documenting the battle between freedom of conscience and homosexual “rights,” go HERE. Read the Appeals Court ruling against Phillips HERE.
[Read the Colorado Court of Appeals ruling against Jack Phillips HERE]
Folks, we suspect that ‘homo-fascism’ of the sort that these two homosexual activists are perpetrating against Lakewood, Colorado baker Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, will prevail when it is appealed to the state’s supreme court. The question is: when will the U.S. Supreme Court finally take a case like this (or the Huguenins’ photography case in New Mexico) pitting religious liberty against homosexuality-based “rights.” That decision ultimately will either protect religious freedom in these United States of America or deal it a critical blow. Meanwhile, we’re losing these cases at the lower courts (and state supreme courts), while the ACLU, which purports to defend “individual rights,” is celebrating the negation of Phillips’ freedom not to violate his strong Christian beliefs. [See CBN video below, and ADF background on the case HERE.]
Is it just a coincidence that homosexualism and “progressivism” are leading the assault on religious freedom in America? Hardly. This case isn’t about “rights” or “discrimination” or “equality.” It’s about homosexual activists’ resentment of God and biblical truth and their obsessive drive to compel others to honor their sinful sexual behavior–perhaps to quell their guilty conscience–using the force of law. Apparently many LGBT activists and allied “progressives” are willing to kill liberty itself to accomplish that goal. — — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH: @PeterLaBarbera
“[F]or citizens like Jack Phillips, the court has created a novel exception to the First Amendment — you’re entitled to believe, but not entitled to act on those beliefs. You’re not free if your beliefs are confined to your mind. What makes America unique is our freedom to peacefully live out these beliefs. “–ADF attorney for Jack Phillips
The local CBS4 News reports:
‘The Ruling Is Wrong’ Says Baker After Losing Appeal Of Wedding Cake Case To Gay Couple
August 13, 2015 1:48 PM
DENVER (CBS4) – The Colorado Court of Appeals has sided with a gay couple in the fight over a wedding cake saying a baker cannot cite religious beliefs in refusing service.
Lakewood baker Jack Phillips, who owns Masterpiece Cakeshop, refused to make a wedding cake for Charlie Craig and David Mullins in 2012 saying it was against his religious beliefs. The couple married in Massachusetts but planned to celebrate in Colorado.
Craig and Mullins then sued Phillips and the court found that he violated the law preventing businesses from discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Honor Our (Phony, Sin-Based) “Marriage” or We’ll Sue You! Homosexual activists David Mullins (left) and Charlie Craig discuss their court victory against Christian baker Jack Phillips with local CBS news. Click to enlarge. Go here to view CBS4 broadcast online.
Phillips tried to appeal that order arguing that it violated his First Amendment rights. Both sides made their case to the Court of Appeals in July and the court took until now to rule in favor of the couple.
“We feel like the court today affirmed the argument that we have been making that the treatment we received at Masterpiece Cakeshop was both illegal and wrong,” Mullins said.
“The court basically validated what we’ve been fighting this whole time,” Craig said.
‘Gays’ Bully Church: Attendees at Hamilton Square Baptist Church in San Francisco were harassed and assaulted by homosexual activist protesters as they attended a Sunday evening service in 1993. Read about it in this Conservapedia account.
“The day of the riot was the day Reverend Louis Sheldon, of the Traditional Values Coalition, was a guest speaker. Only the church’s membership and regular attenders were notified of the service, through the church’s bulletin. No public notice or invitation was made in regards to the guest speaker. However, the September 16, 1993 edition of the [homosexual newspaper] Bay Area Reporter, the meeting was made public in a front page article using inflammatory language…The church received telephone calls prior to [Rev.] Sheldon’s arrival demanding that he should not come and threatening to disrupt the service. In addition, two people visited the church and told a church employee that the church could not have…Sheldon as a guest speaker at the church and that they were going to stop it from happening.”– Conservapedia article, “Hamilton Square Baptist Church Riot”
What’s past is prologue. The video below offers a glimpse into a September 19, 1993 political mob-attack against the Hamilton Square Baptist Church in downtown San Francisco in which angry homosexual activists including ACT UP militants, outraged over an invited Sunday night speaker, defaced the church building, vandalized its property, pounded on the doors of the church as the evening service was going on–and even assaulted churchgoers, frightening young children.
Long before there was a serious national debate over homosexuality-based “marriage,” there was a phenomenon that many have since nicknamed “homo-fascism”–essentially the organized and often vicious LGBT harassment of those who openly oppose out-and-proud homosexualism. The neo-totalitarian assumption underlying homo-fascist aggression is that critics of homosexuality (and now transgenderism) are mere “haters” and “bigots” who effectively do not deserve or possess the same freedom to defend and organize around their beliefs as “gay” activists have to advance their agenda.
Homo-fascism is an outgrowth of homosexual activist power–which is greatest in major cities and “gay” Meccas like San Francisco. Ironically it resorts to the very same “bullying” that homosexual activists routinely condemn–and which they have manipulated rhetorically to great effect to promote homosexualist programs and ideology in schools. (Note that this writer has also used the term homo-communist–since the most oppressive attempts at thought-control in modern times have come from the Left–but that has not caught on like homo-fascist. Other conservative slang-terms mocking homosexual activist bullying and intolerance are: Gay-KK and the Gay-stapo.)
Rainbow Aggression: Homosexual activists and rioters raised a “rainbow flag” symbolizing “gay” liberation up the flag pole of Hamilton Square Baptist Church–as if on conquered territory. See just after the 6:00 mark in the CBN video report on the 1993 anti-Christian LGBT riot.
One of the things that is fascinating in this broadcast by CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) reporter Richard Hunt is how even after fanatical LGBT activists terrorized HSBC churchgoers and vandalized the Church–to the point of verbally assaulting churchgoing ladies and raising a “Rainbow Flag” up the church flag post while police apparently stood by and did nothing–they still managed to portray themselves as victims. Note also how, just like today, LGBT militants resorted to wild exaggerations–e.g., alleging that Christians opposed the homosexual agenda really aim to commit “violence” and even a “holocaust” against “gays”–to justify their strong-arm tactics against the Church and, in this case, pro-family leader Rev. Lou Sheldon.
That is a cynical, political lie, but also note the more direct falsehoods used to stoke the San Francisco leftists’ collective outrage: an apparent “gay” militant spits on Sheldon–CBN caught the despicable act on camera [start at about 4:50 of the video]–as Sheldon was being escorted back to his seat, or possibly out of City Hall, after testifying. Then, as the militant himself is ejected by police, “gay” activists are heard catcalling that the spitter is innocent (“Can we pick out Christians to arrest for no reason?!”) as they turned his deserved expulsion into more cries of homosexual victimhood. Unfortunately, cameras are not usually on hand to document the dirty, ends-justify-the-means tactics of LGBTQueer militants.
“Hamilton Square Baptist Church riot in San Francisco on the date of September 19, 1993 in which a angry group of male homosexuals and lesbians vandalized church property, assaulted church members, terrorized church congregants, screamed profanity, threw rocks, harassed and scared children, and disrupted a church service.”
Will ‘Intolerance’ Prevail in Canada? Chris Brookes of “Intolerance Free Weyburn” and his wife led a campaign to lobby Canadian government officials to block AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera’s entry into Canada. On Thursday evening, Canadian customs officials issued a preliminary denial of entry to LaBarbera, who is scheduled to give a speech at a pro-life conference in Weyburn, Saskatchewan Saturday. LaBarbera is appealing the decision today. Photo: Chris Brookes’ Twitter account.
[UPDATE FROM PETER LaBARBERA: Yesterday I wrote the reply below to Regina, Saskatchewan Archbishop Daniel Bohan’s statement about my scheduled presentation at a pro-life conference in Canada. That evening, I flew from Chicago to Regina. Upon deplaning, as I passed through Customs, I was delayed for further questioning by an official with the Canada Border Services Agency. Obviously, I had been flagged as a result of a campaign by the leftist group “Intolerance Free Weyburn,” which is specifically lobbying the Canadian government to deny my entry into Canada as the alleged purveyor of “hate'” [See this AFTAH report on their lobby effort to deny me entry into Canada, and this previous report on the group’s attempt to have me removed as a speaker at the Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association (SPLA) conference April 11-12.]
After questioning me about the purpose of my scheduled presentation at the SPLA event; rifling through my luggage, which contained numerous books and literature related to homosexuality (pro and con); examining the contents of my laptop and my cell phone; playing a DVD of my speech Wednesday at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio; and critically viewing AFTAH’s website–a preliminary decision was made to deny my entrance into Canada on the basis that my speech at the SPLA would violate Canada’s “Hate Propaganda” law (essentially the potential for “public incitement of hatred” against a group of people based on their “sexual orientation”). The Orwellian experience at Customs dragged on for more than three hours as a formal document was issued outlining my denial of entry under Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (citing the Hate Propaganda code). Finally, after 1:00 A.M., I was released pending my appeal of the decision today (Friday). My passport was seized until I arrive back at Customs today at noon for my appeal before a “Minister’s Delegate Review.”– Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH]
NOTE: We have posted letters supportive of LaBarbera speaking at the pro-life conference in Saskatchewan by American pro-life/pro-family advocates Joe Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League [click HERE] and Mary Anne Hackett of Catholic Citizens of Illinois [click HERE]. We will try to post some of the other letters of support–including one from a homosexual man in the U.K.–as soon as possible.]
The following is the April 10 reply by Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), to a letter to Catholics by Archbishop Daniel Bohan, Archdiocese of Regina:
I believe that Archbishop Bohan felt the need to issue a letter that specifically mentions me due to the local controversy that has been instigated by a liberal group that, ironically, has spread much false and derogatory information about me. Many Catholic leaders in the United States, including pro-life hero Joe Scheidler of Pro-Life Action League, have come to my defense–and are deeply opposed to Intolerance Free Weyburn’s (intolerant) efforts to “ban” me from speaking in Canada. I have great respect for the full array of Catholic instuction on the issue of homosexuality, and quote from Catholic teachings all the time. I wish more Catholics knew and honored these teachings–including that no faithful Catholic can support same-sex “marriage” or laws and policies putting adoption by homosexual-led households on a par with adoption by mother-father households.
As an evangelical Christian, I believe that all people, including homosexuals, must be treated with respect and the grace of Christ. As a sinner myself, I am no “better” than the man or woman engaged in homosexual sin. We all need the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. I adhere to the universal philosophy shared by so many who follow Christ: “Love the sinner. Hate the sin,” In fact, if I truly lacked compassion and hated homosexuals as my detractors falsely and maliciously claim, I would not have been invited to speak by the leaders of the Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association. Lastly, it has become clear in recent years that OPPONENTS of the homosexual activist agenda have become frequent victims of “unjust discrimination.” In fact, in the lead up to the SPLA convention, one of Archbishop Bohan’s own parishioners, Bill Whatcott, was turned away from service by the owner of Southeastern Computer Solutions in Weyburn–because Whatcott adheres to the historic Judeo-Christian moral understanding of homosexual acts as sinful. Such anti-Christian bigotry and discrimination will be one of the topics of my talk Saturday.
Sincerely in Christ
Peter LaBarbera
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org)
The following is the letter sent out by Archbishop Daniel Bohan, Archdiocese of Regina:
Kirk honored by radical homosexual group that smear C-f-A’s “hate-filled homophobic ‘Chiken'” and tried to deny Christian-owned chain’s ‘freedom’ to do business in Illinois
Republican U.S. Sen. Mark KIrk of Illinois accepts “Freedom” award from the state’s leading homosexual lobby group, Equality Illinois. The group ran a nasty albeit unsuccessful “Flick the Hate” pressure campaign to run Chick-fil-A restaurants out of the state–by petitioning their stakeholders to deny the popular fast-food chain’s leases. Chick-fil-A is expanding in Illinois, and now has 32 restaurants in the state.
By Peter LaBarbera
Call or write Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) [202-224-2854; Chicago 312-886-3506; online Comment Form HERE] and urge him to stop rewarding anti-Christian bigotry. Ask him to return this “Freedom Award” from the hateful anti-Christian homosexual group, Equality Illinois–which in 2012 launched a failed pressure campaign to kick Chick-fil-A restaurants out of Illinois.
Call or write the Republican National Committee [Contact Form HERE] and its Chairman, Reince Priebus [202-863-8500; choose ext. “1”], and urge them to stand firm against the aggressive Homosexual Lobby, which is targeting Christian leaders and businesses like Chick-fil-A for demonization. Tell Priebus that when Republicans like Sen. Mark Kirk embrace Democratic-type social liberalism, it only deflates the pro-family GOP grassroots. Lastly, urge Priebus to PUBLICLY oppose ENDA, the radical Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Thank Chairman Priebus for being publicly pro-life–but urge him also to make the case against “Big Gay Government” (e.g., ENDA)–and Obama’s push to nationalize “same-sex marriage”–as part of the RNC’s regular public Talking Points.
Dear AFTAH Readers:
On Saturday evening (Feb. 8, 2014), U.S. Senator Mark Kirk (R-Illinois) was presented with the “Freedom” award by Equality Illinois, the state’s leading homosexual pressure group, at a swank fundraising banquet in Chicago. You can watch a video of the presentation below [or on YouTube HERE]. Sen. Kirk has become one of the most liberal Republicans on Capitol Hill on homosexual-related issues–with ever greater acts of pandering to the LGBT Lobby. (He came out for homosexual “marriage” and is pushing for passage of ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act [see homosexual activists release on Kirk and ENDA HERE], or–as we at AFTAH call it, alternatively the “Big Gay Government Act,” “Gay Lawyers’ Dream Act,” or “ENDA Our Freedom Act”) [See an excellent Heritage Foundation report on the ENDA bill HERE.]
You might recall how Kirk–in a capitulation whose cowardice was eclipsed only by its pettiness–recently blocked the respected pro-family organization World Congress of Familiesfrom securing a meeting room on Capitol Hill. This towering act in defense of “freedom” (sarcasm) came after the Senator heard complaints against WCF from some homosexual activists. World Congress, affiliated with The Howard Center, is based in Rockford, Illinois.
Thus it appears that Sen. Kirk’s conception of “freedom” matches that of his intolerant homosexual activist allies. In 2012, Equality Illinois launched a vicious and slanderous campaign to deny Chick-fil-A restaurants the “freedom” to operate in Illinois. As you can see below, EQ falsely accused C-f-A of “discriminatory policies” because the latter’s Chief Operating Officer, Dan Cathy, had spoken out publicly against homosexual “marriage” as tempting the judgment of God. The Chicago “gay” group launched this “Flick the Hate” petition campaign designed to boot the Christian-owned chicken fast food franchise out of several college towns:
The above is a web graphic from radical homosexual group Equality Illinois’ 2012 “Flick the Hate” campaign against Chick-fil-A. Many observers were shocked that any group would try to run a successful business OUT of Illinois, whose economy is suffering under long-running Democratic political dominance.
As you can see, Equality Illinois’ malicious campaign smeared Chick-fil-A and its COO, Dan Cathy, as representing “hate”–merely because Cathy disagreed publicly with “gay marriage.” EQ sought to petition stakeholders into cancelling their rental leases to the 19 Chick-fil-A restaurants then operating in Illinois. (Thankfully, they failed; there are now 32 C-f-A franchises in Illinois, according to the company’s website.) The EQ page reads, in part (emphasis theirs):
Chick-fil-A has 19 restaurants across Illinois, mostly on university campuses and in shopping malls. This petition will be give to key stakeholders in Illinois who lease, rent or allow Chick-fil-A to continue to sell their hate-filled homophobic “Chiken,” asking them to cut ties….
That kind of hate has no place in a business, especially in Illinois. It is a shame to be associated with such extreme intolerance and hate.
NOT HIRED. TOO CHRISTIAN:Coach Dave Daubenmire with his trademark Christian cap that he wears as a no-nonsense, politically incorrect, Christian pro-family advocate. Despite his stellar coaching record of turning around failing high school football programs, Coach Dave was voted down 3-2 for head football coach at Lakewood [Ohio] High School–after pro-LGBT activists (e.g., “Change.org” and People for the American Way’s “Right-Wing Watch”) targeted the Lakewood, Ohio School Board with a pressure campaign.
“In America, only Christians can be discriminated against. Homosexual teachers and coaches would be welcomed with open arms.”–Coach Dave Daubenmire
Folks, the bad guys in the Culture War just won another one yesterday, and a very good guy, Coach Dave Daubenmire, lost–after getting cyber-smeared by a hateful social media campaign by the “Gay-KK” (or “Gay-stapo,” or “Gay Thought Police,” or “Homo-fascists,” or whatever you call today’s uber-intolerant, anti-Christian homosexual militants who target dissenters for retribution and recognize NO legitimate opposition to homosexualism).
Last night, the Lakewood, Ohio School Board voted 3-2 against hiring Coach Dave–despite the recommendation of Daubenmire by Lakewood Superintendent Jay Gault [mailto:jgault@laca.org; 740-928-4552; ext. 2]. Coach Dave is a bold, outspoken, politically incorrect Christian–pro-life, pro-real-marriage, anti-pornography. But he is also an accomplished coach with a an outstanding record for turning around failing high school football programs:
He coached at Heath High from 1982 to 1988 before taking over at London [(Ohio) High School], where he coached for the next 11 seasons, guiding that team to the playoffs five times between 1992 and 1999. Most recently, he started the football program at Fairfield Christian Academy in Lancaster in 2008, going 23-8 with two playoff appearances in his final three seasons.
Daubenmire also was recommended for hire by the Lakewood superintendent, but no matter, because he was branded “anti-gay,” “hateful” and “homophobic” by LGBT militants who spread lies and half-truths about him using a high-tech online lobbying website (Change.org) that targeted the School Board.
Of course, guess who will suffer most from this Politically Correct vote: a bunch of teenage boys who now have been denied an outstanding Coach and motivator–but more importantly, a great Christian role model.
We will have much more on this story, but the bottom line is that the pro-homosexual Left–which has gotten very good at getting Bible-believing Christians fired or punished [see my WND Whistleblower piece]–is saying that you cannot be a role model for youth if you are publicly “anti-gay.” Our society is now completely upside-down: a college football star (Michael Sam) is treated like a hero for going public with his homosexuality (i.e., his besetting sin)–while a God-fearing, Christian family man (Dave Daubenmire) is denied a coaching job at his alma mater–a job for which he is superbly qualified–merely because he holds views on sexual morality that are despised by the LGBT Lobby. More coming… — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Lakewood, Ohio Local School Board: In rear (left to right): Judy White; Trisha Good. In front (left to right): Tim Phillips; Forrest Cooperrider; and Bill Gulick. Superintendent Jay Gault (not shown) recommended Coach Dave for the coaching job at Lakewood high–but Board members started wavering after being inundated with protest letters against Daubenmire by a homosexual activist social media blitz.