Video: ‘Gay’ History 1993: Homo-Fascist LGBT Assault on Hamilton Square Baptist Church and Rev. Lou Sheldon

Friday, February 13th, 2015
Attendees at Hamilton Square Baptist Church were harassed and assaulted by homosexual activists protesters in 1993. Read about it in this Conservapedia account.

‘Gays’ Bully Church: Attendees at Hamilton Square Baptist Church in San Francisco were harassed and assaulted by homosexual activist protesters as they attended a Sunday evening service in 1993. Read about it in this Conservapedia account.

“The day of the riot was the day Reverend Louis Sheldon, of the Traditional Values Coalition, was a guest speaker. Only the church’s membership and regular attenders were notified of the service, through the church’s bulletin. No public notice or invitation was made in regards to the guest speaker. However, the September 16, 1993 edition of the [homosexual newspaper] Bay Area Reporter, the meeting was made public in a front page article using inflammatory language…The church received telephone calls prior to [Rev.] Sheldon’s arrival demanding that he should not come and threatening to disrupt the service. In addition, two people visited the church and told a church employee that the church could not have…Sheldon as a guest speaker at the church and that they were going to stop it from happening.”– Conservapedia article, “Hamilton Square Baptist Church Riot” 

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By Peter LaBarbera

What’s past is prologue. The video below offers a glimpse into a September 19, 1993 political mob-attack against the Hamilton Square Baptist Church in downtown San Francisco in which angry homosexual activists including ACT UP militants, outraged over an invited Sunday night speaker, defaced the church building, vandalized its property, pounded on the doors of the church as the evening service was going on–and even assaulted churchgoers, frightening young children.

Long before there was a serious national debate over homosexuality-based “marriage,” there was a phenomenon that many have since nicknamed “homo-fascism”–essentially the organized and often vicious LGBT harassment of those who openly oppose out-and-proud homosexualism. The neo-totalitarian assumption underlying homo-fascist aggression is that critics of homosexuality (and now transgenderism) are mere “haters” and “bigots” who effectively do not deserve or possess the same freedom to defend and organize around their beliefs as “gay” activists have to advance their agenda.

Homo-fascism is an outgrowth of homosexual activist power–which is greatest in major cities and “gay” Meccas like San Francisco. Ironically it resorts to the very same “bullying” that homosexual activists routinely condemn–and which they have manipulated rhetorically to great effect to promote homosexualist programs and ideology in schools. (Note that this writer has also used the term homo-communist–since the most oppressive attempts at thought-control in modern times have come from the Left–but that has not caught on like homo-fascist. Other conservative slang-terms mocking homosexual activist bullying and intolerance are: Gay-KK and the Gay-stapo.)

Homosexual activists raised a "rainbow flag" symbolizing "gay" liberation atop the flagpole of Hamilton Square Baptist Church--like on conquered territory.

Rainbow Aggression: Homosexual activists and rioters raised a “rainbow flag” symbolizing “gay” liberation up the flag pole of Hamilton Square Baptist Church–as if on conquered territory. See just after the 6:00 mark in the CBN video report on the 1993 anti-Christian LGBT riot.

One of the things that is fascinating in this broadcast by CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) reporter Richard Hunt is how even after fanatical LGBT activists terrorized HSBC churchgoers and vandalized the Church–to the point of verbally assaulting churchgoing ladies and raising a “Rainbow Flag” up the church flag post while police apparently stood by and did nothing–they still managed to portray themselves as victims. Note also how, just like today, LGBT militants resorted to wild exaggerations–e.g., alleging that Christians opposed the homosexual agenda really aim to commit “violence” and even a “holocaust” against “gays”–to justify their strong-arm tactics against the Church and, in this case, pro-family leader Rev. Lou Sheldon.

That is a cynical, political lie, but also note the more direct falsehoods used to stoke the San Francisco leftists’ collective outrage: an apparent “gay” militant spits on Sheldon–CBN caught the despicable act on camera [start at about 4:50 of the video]–as Sheldon was being escorted back to his seat, or possibly out of City Hall, after testifying. Then, as the militant himself is ejected by police, “gay” activists are heard catcalling that the spitter is innocent (“Can we pick out Christians to arrest for no reason?!”) as they turned his deserved expulsion into more cries of homosexual victimhood. Unfortunately, cameras are not usually on hand to document the dirty, ends-justify-the-means tactics of LGBTQueer militants.

Here is the YouTube description of the video (see Conservapedia for a good account of the Hamilton Square riot):

Hamilton Square Baptist Church riot in San Francisco on the date of September 19, 1993 in which a angry group of male homosexuals and lesbians vandalized church property, assaulted church members, terrorized church congregants, screamed profanity, threw rocks, harassed and scared children, and disrupted a church service.”

VIDEO: Watch Progressive Bakers’ Reaction to Ted Shoebat’s Request to Make Anti-‘Gay Marriage’ Cakes

Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

Folks, I know we’re three weeks into 2015, but these videos get my award for the smartest pro-family activism of 2014. Congrats to Theodore Shoebat–the son of ex-radical-Muslim-turned-Christian Walid Shoebat–for exposing the hypocrisy of homosexual activists, or at least those who would force Christian and moral-minded small businessmen to violate their conscience in the name of “gay equality.” Watch it on YouTube HERE.

Shoebat asks pro-homosexual bakeries to make anti-homosexual “marriage” cakes (that say, “Gay Marriage Is Wrong”) and watch what happens. And for the record, AFTAH completely supports the right of bakers of any political or religious persuasion to refuse to bake cakes that convey ideas with which they disagree. It’s called Freedom. Of course, that includes Christian, Orthodox Jewish or Muslim bakers who are asked to celebrate homo-sexual immorality (e.g., “Gay Pride”) and counterfeit, sodomy-based “marriage.”  This is Part 1, and Part 2 follows after the jump; they were published December 12, 2014.–Peter LaBarbera,; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera


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Canadian Judge Finds LaBarbera, Whatcott Not Guilty of ‘Mischief’ Charge for Protesting at University of Regina

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014
AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera being arrested at the University of Regina. Yesterday, Judge MaryLynne Beaton rejected the university's claim that a peaceful protest at U-R against abortion and sodomy somehow interfered with students' education.

JUDGE SAYS NO TO CAMPUS CENSORS: AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera being arrested at the University of Regina last April. Yesterday, Saskatchewan Provincial Judge MaryLynne Beaton rejected the university’s claim that a peaceful protest at U-R against abortion and sodomy somehow interfered with students’ education. Canadian pro-family advocate Bill Whatcott–who with LaBarbera was arrested on a “Mischief” charge–says he will return to the camps to disseminate biblical truth.

“I find that the purpose of (their) attending the University of Regina was to communicate information and their actions were passive and non-aggressive,” Judge Beaton wrote. “The university’s response was disproportionate to the peaceful distribution of flyers.” [page 14, decision]


Saskatchewan Provincial Court Judge Marylynne Beaton ruled yesterday that AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Canadian pro-family advocate Bill Whatcott are not guilty of criminal “mischief” after being arrested and jailed April 14, 2014 after peacefully protesting and disseminating factual literature at the University of Regina–against the wishes of school administrators.

In the 27-page decision, available HERE, Judge Beaton relied heavily on Whatcott’s claim under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms that he had a right to disseminate his religious views–and rejected the notion put forth by the prosecution that the two pro-family activists disrupted the educational mission of U-Regina.

Below is YouTube of a Regina Leader Post audio-story with Whatcott’s reaction to the decision, and beneath that the print report by the Leader-Post. You can go to Whatcott’s website HERE, and beneath that an excerpt the Leader-Post’s story on the decision.

Said LaBarbera in response to the ruling:

“I am gratified by Judge Beaton’s well-reasoned decision, and I congratulate my friend Bill Whatcott for once again leading the way in challenging Canada to live up to her ideals of liberty and freedom of conscience. It is preposterous in a country that claims to be free to criminalize dissenting speech at a public university. Yet this is what University of Regina administrators sought to do by cowardly attempting to banish Bill Whatcott and me from their campus. In the process they dishonored their students–who deserved better than clumsy attempts at censorship justified by condescending and odious appeals to ‘protect’ them from ‘hate.’

“Hopefully, this ruling will open up the door to a resurgence of true tolerance and freedom in Canada. The Left in Canada, as in the United States, does not want debate but rather control. They fear unfettered exposure to moral truth and compelling facts about homosexuality–hence their campaign to silence Christians and others who speak out against sexual immorality and gender rebellion.

“The very fact that I was detained and searched at length twice by Border police upon entering Canada–merely because I and AFTAH espouse historic, biblical, Judeo-Christian teachings on homosexuality–reflects escalating ‘thought tyranny’ and anti-intellectualism in Canada which, if allowed to take root, will only lead to more rigid repression against believers in this great land.”

More coming from AFTAH on this story; here is Whatcott’s reaction [order his book “Born in a Graveyard” HERE]:

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Pro-Homosexual Group Targets LaBarbera’s Speaking Appearance at Saskatchewan, Canada Pro-Life Conference

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

Canadian ‘Homo-Marxists’ attempt to shut down speech in the name of ‘tolerance’ and ‘anti-bullying’


TAKE ACTION: Call or write the Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association [online form HERE; 306-352-3480] and urge them NOT to back down in the face of a leftist, pro-homosexual, online pressure campaign to disinvite AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera as a speaker at their upcoming conference in Regina, Saskatchewan April 11-12. Background Regina Leader Post article HERE. See SPLA conference flier HERE.


Dear Friends of AFTAH,

It doesn’t get much more Orwellian than trying to pressure an independent organization to disinvite a speaker–in the name of “anti-bullying” and “tolerance”! Yet that is precisely what’s occurring and this time I am the target. Next week, April  11-12, I am scheduled to speak at a pro-life, pro-family conference in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada put on by the Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association (SPLA) [see flier HERE]. But on Monday, I learned that a pro-homosexual group, Intolerance Free Weyburn, is working with the leftist petition site, to get me knocked off the dais as a speaker at the conference.

You can read about this in this pretty fair article in today’s Regina Leader Post. Following is the language in the petition targeting yours truly:

Peter LaBarbera is using this pro-life convention as a medium to advocate his personal anti-gay agenda.  His claims to do this using a “spirit of love and truth” are anything but factual considering he is recognized as the president of the anti-gay hate group “Americans for Truth About Homosexuality”.  This may lead to people unknowingly (people only interested in the pro-life aspect) be subjected to his message of hate and be influenced to correlate the ideas that being anti-gay and being pro-life are the same idea.  His religious overtones in his message are a danger to any person/s attending the conference for personal religious reasons.

The community of Weyburn, Saskatchewan wants to make it known that they do not condone his message of hate nor do they respect his wants to spread it.  In a world where basic human rights are just recently being recognized for the LGBT community, people such as Peter LaBarbera are counter productive to the evolution of society’s human nature.

As the “Opportunity City”, we need to be clear that all people will be fre”e from intolerance.  Freedom to opportunity means that EVERYONE has equal rights even if they don’t coincide with your own personal beliefs.  You don’t have to be “PRO”-anything in order to be anti-intolerance.  It just makes sense.

Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever been called “counter productive to the evolution of society’s human nature” before! I am dumbstruck at the Left’s brazen hypocrisy and shameless attempt to censor speech in the name of “freedom.” Read the simplistic and jingoistic comments under the petition to see how liberals justify their peculiarly intolerant brand of speech-stifling, “anti-hate” ideology. Here are a couple of comments:

  • Jan Stout CUPAR, CANADA
    • about 20 hours ago 

    I don’t live in Weyburn but I don’t even want one more person spreading poisonous words of hate in my province. Keep him out!

  • Penny Adams LAMPMAN, CANADA
    • 2 days ago

    It’s never OKAY to promote hate.

SPLC’s handiwork 

Behold the fruits of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s nefarious campaign to demonize AFTAH and other opponents of organized “gay” activism as “hate groups.” THIS is exactly what the SPLC sought to achieve with its spurious “hate” designation against AFTAH [see our listing on the SPLC’s bogus “Hate Map” HERE], Family Research Council, AFA, Mission America, Mass Resistance and many other noble pro-family groups. As the saying goes, “Those who hate the Truth call Truth hate.” Hopefully, the SPLC’s influence will wane as Americans learn about its hard-left bias and hack political nature, and come to perceive it at the malicious tool of the Left that it is.

Lastly, I am saddened that some pro-life individuals have signed the petition. Perhaps they are unaware that the same socially Left activists who promote the acceptance of homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality also promote abortion-on-demand. Did you know that the world’s largest pro-homosexual organization, Human Wrongs Rights Campaign, includes pro-abortion votes in its “Congressional Scorecards”? The second biggest “gay” group, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, also promotes abortion-on-demand at its annual “Creating Change” conferences for LGBT activists.

Furthermore, as AFTAH has covered extensively, homosexual behaviors are disproportionately linked to a myriad of Sexually Transmitted Diseases including but not limited to HIV. Hundreds of thousands of “gay” men have had their life cut short because they practiced immoral and high-risk same-sex behavior. So of course promoting the sin homosexuality is anti-life, in addition to being anti-God. Thankfully, men and women are leaving homosexuality behind, many with the help of our Savior Jesus Christ. Homosexuality is not who you are, it’s what you do–and like any other misbehavior (sin), it can be overcome. Please give that loving and truthful message to anyone you know who has claimed a false identity of “gay,” “lesbian” or “transgender,” and pray for them.

This present hubbub is nothing compared to the oppression suffered by Christian Canadians over the years–people like Pastor Stephen Boissoin who had to spend years and tens of thousands of dollars to clear their name after being targeted for alleged “discrimination” by Canada’s notorious “Human Rights Tribunals”–merely because they spoke out against homosexuality. These “human rights” tribunals became kangaroo-courts for the Left to target pro-family speech and punish Christians.

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