Janet Mefferd on Matthew Vines and the Homosexual-Christian ‘Dialogue’

Thursday, June 18th, 2015
Matthew Vines is working hard to win Christians to the idea that homosexual relationships can be blessed before a holy God. For espousing that heresy, he cannot and must not be seen as a "brother in Christ."

Sin Advocate: Young and winsome Matthew Vines is working hard to win Christians to the idea that committed homosexual relationships should be blessed before a holy God. Despite his apostasy, Vines was recently welcomed as a “brother in Christ” by Rev. Caleb Kaltenbach, lead pastor of Discovery Church in Simi Valley, CA. See Vines’ curiously named “Reformation Project.

“We are to have no fellowship with darkness. We can’t ‘dialogue’ with any professing Christian who’s in open rebellion against the Word of God. We can’t ‘dialogue’ with anybody who is deceiving and misleading the Body of Christ on any sin while claiming to be a Christian!”–Janet Mefferd


I welcome my friend Janet Mefferd to the pages of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality. Janet is a former longtime radio talk show host with the Salem Radio Network–and, I must say, as someone who cumulatively chatted a few hours in on-air interviews with Mefferd over the years–she was one of the best in the business (Christian and secular). We look forward to seeing what’s next in Janet’s career, but until then we are delighted to publish her work.

Regarding this issue of “dialogue” or “bridging” with homosexuality advocates, I recall an article by the late Alan Medinger–a man who walked away from homosexuality with the help of the Savior he loved, Jesus Christ. Medinger, who founded Regeneration Ministries in Baltimore, wisely cautioned against an internal Church debate over homosexuality because there is nothing compelling it except outside, anti-biblical agitation. The sinfulness of same-sex behavior is a settled matter in both the Bible and thousands of years of Church/Old Testament tradition, argued Medinger, and we need not debate it now within Christendom any more than we should debate, say, adultery.

Read this beautiful tribute to Medinger by Regeneration’s Josh Glaser–then decide if the same Spirit of Christ that impelled Alan lies with Matthew Vines, who–by trying to redefine Christianity to accommodate homosexual relationships and “gay marriage”–propels the very same debate that Medinger rejected on principle. Below Mefferd ably applies what I call the “Sexual Sin Substitution Test.” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera


Enough with the “Dialogue,” Already

By Janet Mefferd; first posted June 17, 2015 on Mefferd’s blog; Twitter: @JanetMefferd

Evangelicals Open Door to Debate on Gay Rights.” Just the kind of headline I never enjoy, but it ran June 8 in The New York Times over a story about “influential evangelicals” meeting with homosexual activist Matthew Vines at Biola University last month, complete with a Times reporter and photographer on hand.

Vines, you may recall, is author of 2014’s controversial “God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships,” which manipulates biblical terminology in an unconvincing attempt to argue against the sinfulness of homosexuality.

Worse, the book was published by Crown Publishing Group’s Convergent imprint, which shared staff and operations with and was a sister imprint of evangelical Christian publisher WaterBrook Multnomah. Among other repercussions for printing such unbiblical garbage, WaterBrook Multnomah resigned its membership from the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB). (Crown later separated the two imprints.)

Vines also runs an apostate group called The Reformation Project, which claims to exist “to train Christians to support and affirm lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. Through building a deep grassroots movement, we strive to create an environment in which Christian leaders will have the freedom to take the next steps toward affirming and including LGBT people in all aspects of church life.”

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Janet Mefferd Interviews Peter LaBarbera – Discuss ‘Gay Thought Police’ and Fox News Anchor’s Pullout of Catholic Legatus Event

Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

Discuss web-based intimidation network that is wearing down conservatives


Salem Radio host Janet Mefferd interviewed AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera yesterday (Jan. 20, 2015) about Fox News’ decision to request that its nightly “Special Report” anchor Bret Baier pull out as a scheduled speaker at a Legatus conference after a homosexual activist complained that Legatus, a national Catholic businessmen’s group, is “very anti-gay.” Baier himself is a Catholic, and defended his withdrawal from the event. Fox News is a major donor to a homosexual journalists group. Click HERE for the MP3 audio link to the hour-long interview [or click on the image at right].

It may be easier to listen at Janet’s website audio player: [go HERE].

The two also discussed Hollywood’s current obsession with promoting homosexuality and gender confusion.

Here is Mefferd’s website description of the show:

Janet Mefferd-1/20/2alam015-Hour 1-Janet Mefferd Radio Show


Hour 1- Fox News anchor Bret Baier pulled out of a speaking engagement for a conservative Catholic group after a homosexual activist labeled the group “very anti-gay.” Peter LaBarbera from Americans for Truth About Homosexuality stops by to discuss his thoughts on the effects of the LGBT Thought Police.


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