VIDEO: ‘Activist Mommy’ on Jack Phillips Wedding Cake Case – Homosexual Couple Are the Real Bullies

Sunday, December 17th, 2017

Freedom in the Balance: Will the Government of the United States of America force people of faith like Jack Phillips to use their talents and privately-owned business to honor and serve “marriages” based on immoral homosexual behavior? Click to enlarge. Photo: Alliance Defending Freedom.

Folks, here is a neat video on the Jack Phillips Supreme Court case by Elizabeth Johnston, the “Activist Mommy” despised by the Left because she is an effective and fearless Christian, conservative truth-teller. It strikes me as un-American that our simple freedom as citizens of this nation, founded on religious liberty, to associate with whomever we want and publicly live by our moral and spiritual beliefs now hangs by the thread of the whims of a few Supreme Court Justices.

All eyes are on Justice Anthony Kennedy, who, though appointed by Ronald Reagan, has earned hero status on the pro-LGBTQ Left for his consistent, pro-homosexual record on the Court. Where will Kennedy, who authored the God- and Constitution-defying 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision imposing counterfeit “same-sex marriage” on all 50 states, come down on Phillips’ conscience-based refusal to participate through his cake shop in the celebration of disordered homosexual “weddings”? [Read the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s superb dissent on Obergefell HERE.]

Social conservatives warned that legalizing so-called “same-sex marriage” would result in escalating State and cultural oppression against religious people and institutions–ironically, in the name of “civil rights,” “diversity,” and “equality.” Now that is happening with horrific consequences for principled Christians like Phillips and Barronelle Stutzman. The media- and Democratic Party-enabled “Gay” Revolution has advanced to the point where it is now working to effectively criminalize faithful Christians and other moral dissenters by preposterously comparing them to racist bigots and treating them accordingly.

The leading legal crusader for homosexual “marriage,” Evan Wolfson, said, “I’m not in this just to change the law. It’s about changing society.” Indeed. Now the question is: are we going to let the pro-LGBTQ Lobby and the Government destroy our First Amendment liberties in the service of a godless, radical egalitarian agenda that regards the public expression of biblical faithfulness as just one more component of “anti-gay discrimination”? We’ll see, but to say that a lot rides on this case would be an understatement. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

Wisconsin Office Max Refuses to Print Poster Advertising LaBarbera Speech Exposing ‘Homosexual Agenda’

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017

Company now says it would print poster, and that Wisconsin store “misinterpreted” guidelines

Silencing Dissent: This is the Wisconsin Christian News flier that an Office Max in Marshfield, WI refused to print, presumably because it violates the corporation’s anti-“hate” policy. 

UPDATE Nov. 8:  An Office Depot (Office Max) corporate executive called Wisconsin Christian News publisher Rob Pue to profusely apologize for the Marshfield, WI Office Max store’s refusal to print the poster (at right) for WCN’s “Exposing the Homosexual Agenda” speech by Peter LaBarbera Nov. 16. However, Pue has received no formal written apology from Office Depot, and no assertions that anti-Christian discrimination of this sort will not occur again. 

People who contacted Office Depot’s corporate headquarters to complain about the Marshfield, WI incident received a variation of a letter stating the following from Office Depot:

“Office Depot is aware of this situation and it has been addressed. A representative of the company previously contacted the customer to explain that the decision to decline to print the order was made by an associate who misinterpreted our policy regarding the types of items that we will print.

“When reviewed at the corporate level, it was determined that the order did not violate the policy and our representative contacted the customer to apologize. We also offered to complete the order in question, or provide a future order at no cost.

“Store leadership has also re-trained the associates at that location to ensure that our customers have a positive experience in the future.”

AFTAH contacted the Marshfield Office Max Nov. 6 and was told by Print Supervisor Jeffry Costigan that he would now print the identical poster (above) that he and the store had previously rejected.

Said Pue, who is still considering legal action: “While I DID receive a phone call from a man at corporate headquarters, and while he DID apologize for the incident, he ALSO told me he would be emailing me immediately a formal apology, and statement indicating that Office Max/Depot will NOT discriminate against Christians (specifically) in the future.  To date, I have received nothing in writing.”


Best Contact Info for Office Depot (Office Max): we heard from someone who called Office Max’s (Office Depot’s) HQ and this is the best way to reach them: call 561-438-4800, then hit Option #2. From there, hit “0” and ask for the “Executive Consumer Relations Department” and you will be able to leave them a detailed voicemail message.–PL

TAKE ACTION: contact Office Depot (Office Max): National HQ [see “Update” above]: 1) online contact page; 2) 800-GO-DEPOT (800-463-3768); 3) Local Marshfield, WI Office Max store: 715-389-8820.

Note from AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera:

Folks, add this story to your “Intolerant Gay Activists” file. An Office Max in Marshfield, Wisconsin has refused to print a flier submitted by Wisconsin Christian News (WCN) advertising my upcoming speech on the “homosexual agenda” November 16.

WCN publisher Rob Pue Pue created a poster for the event with a (LGBTQ activist) “rainbow flag” covered by the words, “The Homosexual Agenda EXPOSED!” and submitted it Oct. 25 to his local Office Max, which had printed many fliers for him in the past, for various conservative cultural events. He also submitted a Veterans Day poster for printing.

Initially “Eric” from Office Max sent Pue an email saying that they could “definitely” print both posters and that they would be ready by 10:00 AM the next day. But that morning (Oct. 26), Pue instead received another email from Store Manager Jeff Schweiger informing him that while the store could print the veterans poster, “we are unable to print the first print” advertising LaBarbera’s speech.

When Pue inquired as to why the poster could not be printed, he received another email, this time from Print Supervisor Jeffry Costigan, which read:

Good morning Rob,

Unfortunately we will not be able to print the contents of the poster for Peter Labarbera.

The contents of the poster falls under the prohibited guidelines of our company’s Duplication procedures.

We will be able to print the second request for the Veterans poster.

Pue then requested the Office Max (owned by Office Depot) “prohibited guidelines” policy but instead of sending him the “prohibited guidelines” he had previously cited, Costigan simply replied:

Dear Mr. Pue,
I stand by the decision not to duplicate your material.
If you have anymore questions, I request that you contact OfficeMax at 1-800-GoDepot.

Again thank you for your understanding.

Jeffry A. Costigan
Print Supervisor| Office Depot, Inc.
1629 N. Central Ave, | Marshfield, WI. 54449
Tel: (715) 389-8820 |

Pue is now weighing possible legal action against Office Max (Office Depot), which has previously been in the news for refusing to print a pro-life flyer. In 2015, a Chicago-area Office Max refused “to make 500 copies of a flyer featuring a pro-life prayer—that calls for the conversion of Planned Parenthood—that was written by a Catholic priest,” CNS News reported.

The company relented but stood by its right to refuse print jobs based on its “hate” policy prohibiting “the copying of ‘hate material’ that advocates for the persecution of groups of people, regardless of the reason.”

Pue told AFTAH, “By refusing to do the job, Office Max proved my point, that there is a homosexual agenda. There is no ‘hate’ in that poster, and our speaker is not about ‘hate’ but Christian love and truth.”

Pue and LaBarbera appeared as guest Wednesday on the VCY America program “Crosstalk,” which reaches several states, to discuss the Office Max rejection of the Wisconsin Christian News poster.

Ex-‘Gay’ Leader Stephen Black to Keynote AFTAH Banquet and Teach-in Oct. 20-21

Thursday, August 24th, 2017

Folks, please make plans to attend the Americans For Truth banquet and next-day teach-in featuring my friend and pro-family leader Stephen Black, Oct. 20-21, 2017 — at Grace For Life Bible Church, in Naperville, IL (west of Chicago). Stephen once considered himself “gay” but now is a Christian family man and the director of First Stone Ministries, which helps people overcome homosexuality like he did. He is also author of the forthcoming book, Freedom Realized, and Board Chairman of Restored Hope Network, the largest umbrella group of ex-gay Christian ministries. This will be a spectacular learning event that you will not want to miss!! Event details follow the video from our friends at PFOX. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

AFTAH Banquet and Teach-in on Homosexuality (note venue change):

WHO: Stephen Black, author, Freedom Realized; director, First Stone Ministries, Oklahoma City; Board Member, Restored Hope Network.

WHAT: AFTAH’s annual dinner-banquet and next-day teach-in on homosexuality.

WHEN: Banquet with casual dinner is Friday, Oct. 20, 6:00-9:30 PM. Teach-in seminars led by Stephen is Saturday, Oct 21, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. A casual lunch will be served.

WHERE: [Note venue change] Grace For Life Bible Church, Naperville, Illinois (west of Chicago), 7S201 S. River Rd., Naperville, IL. [at the corner of River Rd. and Aurora Ave.] 

COST: Just $25/person to attend either or both events. Table of 10 at banquet for $250. Separate gift offerings will be taken both Friday and Saturday. Mail check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522 — or pay online HERE (we are still updating the banquet donor form).



Stephen H. Black’s life is a microcosm of homosexuality and the “gay” cultural debate. Molested and bullied as a boy, he came to believe the lie that he was “gay.” Unsatisfied with his homosexual life as a man, he ultimately found salvation through Jesus Christ, walked away from homosexual sin, married a wonderful woman and had children (Stephen is a grandfather now, too). In recent years, Stephen was used by God to defend the truth about homosexuality as a board member of the largest Christian ex-gay umbrella group, Exodus International, which imploded after its leaders embraced apostasy.

Stephen is the author of the forthcoming book, Freedom Realized: Finding Freedom from Homosexuality & Living a Life Free from Labels, which testifies to the truth, ignored by the media, that many men and women have found freedom from homosexuality through Christ. Stephen’s powerful testimony and bold defense of biblical truth is a rebuke to the timidity and shallow, defensive thinking on homosexual sin that pervades the evangelical church today.
Stephen will be the keynote speaker at our dinner banquet Friday, October 20th, and then will lead three seminar discussions on Saturday, October 21st, answering questions like these:
  • People I love are “gay.” What is the best way to reach out with the heart of Christ to homosexual or “transgender” strugglers?
  • Why should I believe what the Bible teaches about homosexuality and marriage, and how do I defend it in a secular culture?
  • If “born gay” is a myth, what are the major contributing factors to a person embracing a homosexual identity?
  • Is there really solid evidence that MANY once-“gay” men and women have changed and found lasting freedom apart from homosexuality?
  • Why is it wrong to affirm “LGBTQ youth” in “gay” identities and gender confusion? 
  • What is the danger of “gay”- and “trans”-affirming “Christianity” and how should believers answer its false claims?
  • Why should the Church stay engaged in the cultural battle for Truth surrounding LGBTQ issues?
  • How are LGBTQ activists destroying religious liberty in America?

LISTEN: LaBarbera Discusses GOP Sellouts on Vote to End Military’s Tax-Funded Transsexual Mutilation ‘Surgeries’

Thursday, July 20th, 2017

AFTAH in the News

On Tuesday (July 18, 2017), I was a guest on VCY America’s “Crosstalk,” with my friend and host Jim Schneider (who always does an excellent job) [Click HERE to listen.] It was a great program; Crosstalk’s description of it follows (I have added some links). Also, a reminder: you can view all of my articles and columns on LifeSiteNews by clicking on the button at the lower right or by going HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, president, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; write us at americansfortruth[at] 


Selling Out to the LGBT Agenda

Posted on July 18th, 2017

??Date:         July 18, 2017
Host:         Jim Schneider
Guest:       Peter LaBarbera
?Listen:      MP3 ???| Order from VCY America

?This edition of Crosstalk began with an update concerning baby Charlie Gard. An American doctor, who previously testified that Charlie’s chances of improvement are up to 50%, is examining him.

The judge is allowing for this examination and then he’ll allow up to a week in making a decision.

Also, Charlie has received a government appointed lawyer who supposedly is speaking for Charlie in the courts. The problem is that this lawyer is the chairman for Compassion in Dying, an end-of-life advocacy group with a sister organization that supports assisted suicide.

Peter LaBarbera is the founder and president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality and also a writer for

Jim indicated that he commends the Trump administration for putting on hold the recruitment of people who desire to identify in a way that’s contrary to their biological sex. That policy was set to take effect July 1st but has been postponed to January 1st. However, those in the military who wish to identify as transgender are being allowed to do so. Peter feels it’s ridiculous that under President Trump we’re not shelving this radical experiment.

According to Peter, there’s radical pro-transgender training which is telling even women that they need to get used to and accept (in the name of non-discrimination) the idea that there will be biological males in the same shower facilities, barracks and restrooms with them.

Jim noted that what’s even more disturbing is that now when a vote has come before Congress to put a stop to things like this, they have refused to do so. For example, he mentioned how the Republican led U.S. Congress had an opportunity to ban taxpayer funding for sex change surgeries for military personnel. They blocked a ban on such operations which means they kept the Obama era policy intact and put taxpayers on the hook for those in the military who are gender confused.

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Jamaican Attorney Explains How Sexual Orientation Laws Undermine Genuine Rights and Freedom

Wednesday, June 14th, 2017

America Corrupts the World: Even under Trump, the American Embassy in Kingston, Jamaica flies the LGBTQ-activist “rainbow flag” under Old Glory. But Jamaicans know that immoral “gay-” and “transgender” “rights” inherently destroy real freedoms. Photo: Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society, June 2017.

Folks, the following column was published Sunday in the Jamaica Gleaner. It is written by Shirley Richards, a wise Christian advocate for genuine rights and moral truth whom I had the privilege of meeting in Jamaica when I spoke there in 2013.  Below Richards ably explains the difference between genuine rights based on a moral philosophy, rooted in timeless Judeo-Christian truth–and counterfeit “gay/transgender rights,” which “compete with, and undermine, fundamental human rights and freedoms.”

Smart Jamaicans–and peoples all over the world–are trying to learn from the USA’s and the West’s failed experiment of creating sodomy-based “rights,” which became the foundation for the modern Western abomination of “same-sex marriage.” Meanwhile, the United States and other decadent Western nations–and leftist organizations like the George Soros-funded Human Rights Watch–are pressuring Jamaica and many other nations to join our illicit “rights” revolution.

At right is a current photo of the American Embassy in Kingston, flying the LGBT “rainbow flag” (as it did under Obama)–thereby telegraphing to this small nation that, even under Trump, we will use our immense political and economic power to “persuade” them to embrace a system of newfangled legal “rights” that inherently destroys liberty. Let’s hope we don’t prevail, and that Donald Trump gets America out of the business of exporting the immoral, anti-Christian LGBT “rights” revolution. @Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; see my LifeSiteNews articles here.


Majority view on gay rights must have sway

By Shirley Richards

Published in Jamaica Gleaner, June 11, 2017

In an article written by Dr. Carolyn Gomes published [in the Jamaica Gleaner] on Sunday, May 28, 2017, she stated, in relation to the development of the [Jamaican] Charter of Rights: “The Parliament, however, appears to be timid. It has not acted on the recommendation to ensure that all citizens are protected from discrimination on the basis of disability, health status, if they speak Patois, have a mental illness, or are different in sexual orientation and gender identity.”

These were recommendations made by various interest groups. They were debated by the joint select committee of Parliament on the Charter of Rights (Constitutional Amendment) Bill and decisions were made to accept or reject accordingly.

The Parliament had then, and still does have, a responsibility to allow for citizens to make submissions, but there was, and still is, the corresponding responsibility to sift submissions and to decide which ones are in the best interests of the country. Parliament must examine all the relevant studies and data. They must also have an understanding of the impact of these decisions on the country both now and in time to come and be satisfied that such decisions are in fact for the good of the country.

In determining what is in the “best interests” of the country, they cannot afford to disregard the voice of the people. Specifically, the members of the House of Representatives are there to represent the people, not to foist their own viewpoints on the people, a point Justice Minister Delroy Chuck, as a member of said House, may do well to remember. As the late [First Premier of Jamaica] Norman Manley, QC, said on the occasion of the passage of the 1962 [Jamaican] Constitution:

“As a politician, sir, I would be the first person to acclaim every instance in which the public succeeds in having their way … for we, sir, are their servants and are here to execute their will.”


As it relates to the issue of “sexual orientation”, the joint select committee (1999-2001) debated the request by the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays to protect ‘sexual orientation’ as grounds for non-discrimination. The committee expressly decided not to protect this term. The committee was concerned about the impact of such a term on the institution of marriage and on parenting.

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National Affirmation of Homosexuality Cannot Change Nature’s Renunciation

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

By Micah Clark
Reprinted from the AFA of Indiana newsletter

There is an excellent article from John Stonestreet, the president of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, detailing a surprisingly honest article in the liberal publication, The Huffington Post.    Stonestreet comments on a homosexual male who wrote an article expressing his despair in his lifestyle and explaining that so many “gay” men in his community share this despair.   The cultural, legal and political affirmation of homosexuality in America is not filling the emptiness many feel or reducing the many risks of their lifestyle.

Stonestreet writes in “An Unspoken Epidemic: The Silent Suffering of Gay Men” (bolded emphasis added):

“For years,” he begins, “I’ve noticed the divergence between my straight friends and my gay friends. While one half of my social circle has disappeared into relationships, kids and suburbs, the other has struggled through isolation and anxiety, hard drugs and risky (behavior).”

Through story after story and mountains of statistics, Hobbes then documents a consistent and chilling trend among those who share his lifestyle. “Gay men everywhere, at every age,” he writes, are two-to-ten-times more likely than heterosexual men to commit suicide.

And that’s just the beginning. Homosexual males also suffer from higher rates of cardiovascular disease, cancer, allergies, asthma, and a whole host of behavior-related infections and dysfunctions. They’re twice as likely to experience major depressive episodes, report having fewer close friends, and abuse drugs at an alarming rate.

In fact, living in so-called “gay neighborhoods” is a predictor of more frequent, risky behaviors and methamphetamine use. And, Hobbes adds, the community itself is brutal and degrading to its members. Smart-phone hookup apps drive a culture of exploitation and casual encounters that one young man he interviewed said made him feel like “a piece of meat.”

We often hear these disastrous statistics and stories attributed to homophobia, bullying, and shame. Having been treated horribly since childhood, men like this author—the oft-repeated myth goes—are forced to live a lie. They’re depressed because they’ve been oppressed and repressed.

But here’s the problem with the bullying hypothesis. In countries like the Netherlands and Sweden where same-sex “marriage” has been the law of the land for years, gay men remain three times more susceptible to mood disorders and three- to ten-times more likely to engage in “suicidal self-harm.”

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VIDEO: Former Disney CEO Michael Eisner Revealed that 40 Percent of Disney Employees Are ‘Gay’ – and That Was in 1998

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

AFTAH exclusive video shows extent of homosexual insider influence in once-wholesome Disney


How “Gay” Is Disney? 40 percent-plus? Click on photo to enlarge. See entire AFTAH undercover video story HERE. Click on graphic to enlarge.

Folks, about 19 years ago I attended an LGBTQ student conference at UC-Santa Cruz in which a very powerful homosexual activist, Elizabeth Birch, then executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, “dished” about a conversation she had with then-Disney CEO Michael Eisner. I was there semi-undercover for Lambda Report, the forerunner of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH).

As you can see below, Birch relates how Eisner “corrected” her by revealing that a whopping “40 percent” of Disney’s employees were “gay”–not 30 percent as she had thought.

That was around February of 1998. Imagine how bad the problem is today, as the current controversy over Disney’s injection of homosexuality into a “Beauty and the Beast” remake illustrates. Here is a one-minute video excerpt of the larger AFTAH undercover video-story of the UC-Santa Cruz event, courtesy of our friends at LifeSiteNews, where I am a reporter. See my accompanying LifeSiteNews blog post below, after the video and the jump. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

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VP Mike Pence Cheers Trump on LGBT Rights – Ivanka Trump, Husband Jared Kushner Helped Sink Religious Liberty Executive Order

Friday, February 10th, 2017

Pence praises Trump’s lack of ‘prejudice,’ implying opposing to homosexuality-based laws is bigoted


Pro-Homosexual “Marriage”: President Trump’s daughter and her husband, Jared Kushner. Although both purport to embrace Orthodox Judaism, they are strong supporters of the homosexual activist agenda–which is anathema to that religion. In 2011, they co-hosted a “Freedom to Marry” fundraiser. FTM was a leading LGBT organization fighting for legal homosexual “marriage.” Photo:; White House Correspondents dinner.

Folks, the following is reprinted from an article I wrote for LifeSiteNews, a leading pro-family and pro-life news site [subscribe to LSN newsletter]. The next few weeks could determine the course of this administration, which is now attempting to reconcile its commitment to both religious freedom and homosexual “rights”–a task that many longtime critical observers of the homosexual agenda believe is impossible. See both LifeSite videos on Trump’s prior pledges on marriage and religious freedom at bottom. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera


Ivanka Trump, husband reportedly stopped religious freedom order; Pence affirms pro-LGBT rights move

Peter LaBarbera, Feb. 9, 2017

(LifeSiteNews) — Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, are being credited in the media for sinking a potential Trump executive order designed to protect the freedom of conscience for people of faith.

The power couple, though identifying as Orthodox Jewish, have a history of supporting homosexual activism, including co-hosting a fundraiser for a leading pro-homosexual “marriage” group in 2011.

Meanwhile, in an interview Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Vice President Mike Pence defended his boss’ extension of a pro-LGBT executive order issued by President Obama in 2014.

After ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked Pence to react to influential Iowa pro-family leader Bob Vander Plaats, who said, “Our base is wondering why Obama’s [pro-LGBT] executive order is allowed to stand,” Pence answered:

“I think throughout the campaign, President Trump made it clear that discrimination would have no place in our administration. I mean, he was the very first Republican nominee to mention the LGBTQ community at our Republican National Convention and was applauded for it. And I was there applauding with him.

“I think the generosity of his spirit, recognizing that in the patriot’s heart, there’s no room for prejudice is part of who this president is.”


Pence vs. Pence: Vice President Mike Pence has been put in an awful position, as a longtime opponent of homosexuality-based “rights” who now is Number Two man to a president who champions “LGBTQ rights.”

The D.C. homosexual newspaper Washington Blade reported: “The words in favor of LGBT rights are striking for Pence, who has a long anti-LGBT history that includes signing into law as Indiana governor a ‘religious freedom’ bill that would have enabled anti-LGBT discrimination.”

Pence was noncommittal on whether a religious liberty executive order was forthcoming but said Trump is investigating ways to overturn the Johnson Amendment that limits the political speech of pastors. In the campaign, Trump pledged to overturn it.

Liberal leak

The potential pro-religious liberty Trump executive order was leaked Feb. 1 to the leftist publication The Nation, which led a flock of pro-LGBT media and blogs to publish stories critical of the order as “anti-LGBT.” Such leaks are common in Washington as a way of undermining policies opposed by the leaker.

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