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What: Media Event and Rally Against Obergefell and Fake Gay ‘Marriage’ & to Stop Freedom-Crushing LGBTQ “Equality Act”
When: Wednesday, June 26, 2019, 10:30 AM – the 4th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s unconstitutional, immoral and tyrannical Obergefell v Hodges ruling imposing same-sex “marriage” on America.
Where: Directly in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1 First Street NE, Washington, D.C.
For More Info: Contact Americans For Truth at americansfortruth@gmail.com or 312-324-3787. Or contact Brad Wallace at connops@yahoo.com.
Four years ago, on June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court arrogantly imposed homosexual “marriage” on the nation – overriding amendments and laws in more than 30 states protecting marriage as between a man and a woman. Join concerned citizens testifying to the tragedy of this evil ruling by 5 unelected Justices. Some of our speakers once considered themselves “gay” or “transgender”—and will discuss how Obergefell was based on a lie: that homosexuality, like race, is unchangeable. Come hear their powerful testimonies! 2019 is also the 50-year anniversary of the anti-cop “Stonewall Riots” in Greenwich Village, New York that launched the destructive, in-your-face “gay” revolution in the USA.
We will also be speaking out against the so-called LGBTQ “Equality Act” (HR 5)—which would enshrine immoral homosexual lifestyles and gender confusion (transgenderism) in America’s landmark Civil Rights Act. The “Equality Act,” if ever signed into law, would be used by leftist activists as a legal bludgeon to sue and bully Americans and people of faith for not supporting the LGBTQ agenda, including “gay marriage.” It would also codify “transgenderism” into federal civil rights law—thus enforcing the “trans-insanity” of biological men using female locker rooms and restrooms, and biological males being allowed to compete (and win) in female sports events, merely because they identity as trans “women.”
Guyla Mills, Christian advocate; led fight for Nebraska DOMA (Defense of Marriage Amendment); Eric Holmberg, Christian filmmaker, The Apologetics Group Mike Heath, Helping Hands Ministries Shannon Martinez, former prostitute saved by Jesus Christ; human trafficking survivor, founder, Shame Eaters, ShannonSpeaks.org Rich Penkowski, Warriors For Christ Pastor Dale Walker, Tennessee Pastors Network
Sponsored by Americans For Truth, Center For Morality, Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund, First Stone Ministries, AFA of Pennsylvania and the Repeal Obergefell Coalition.
Overcomer: David Arthur, who left a life of sexual sin, including homosexual prostitution, to follow Christ, addresses AFTAH “Repeal Obergefell” press event at the Supreme Court. To his left is William Olson, general counsel for the Conservative Legal Defense & Education Fund, who also spoke at the event. Arthur now runs I Belong Amen! Ministries. Photo: CBN.
The following is CBN’s (Christian Broadcasting Network) coverage of Americans For Truth’s “Repeal Obergefell” press conference at the Supreme Court June 26, 2018–the third anniversary of the Court’s Obergefell v. Hodges decision, which effectively forced the recognition of homosexual “marriage” on the entire nation. We’ll have much more on the event, including videos of our excellent speakers, in future posts. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
‘I Was Living a Lie Until Jesus Delivered Me’: Ex-Gays Reflect on Historic Gay Marriage Ruling
By John Wesley Reid, Jenna Browder, 6-26-18, CBN.com
WASHINGTON – Three years have passed since the US Supreme Court validated gay marriage as the law of the land in the landmark case Obergefell v. Hodges.
To mark the three-year anniversary of this case, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) stood outside the Supreme Court to denounce the decision and demand a repeal.
But this wasn’t only about a judicial conflict. Joining the protest were a group of ex-LGBT people who credited Jesus with pulling them from their former lifestyles.
“I was enslaved to homosexuality for 30 years until I prayed to Jesus and He told me where my true identity was,” one speaker told the crowd. “I was living a lie in who I thought I was until Jesus delivered me!”
Kathleen Crank, Republican pro-family advocate and a candidate for the Maryland House of Delegates, expressed the challenges often felt with advocating biblical truth.
“Exposing the darkness is no fun and can be frustrating and frightening as I have learned.” Crank said. “Even though it’s frustrating and frightening to keep telling the truth, we have to keep doing it because the right side of history is true.”
Freedom From Homosexuality–Ignored by SCOTUS: Former lesbian and one-time leading “gay” advocate, Charlene Cothran, will speak in front of the U.S. Supreme Court June 26, to mark the third anniversary of the radical Obergefell v. Hodges decision, which effectively imposed homosexual “marriage” on the nation. Obergefell specifically distorted the reality that homosexuals can change and leave that sinful lifestyle behind, as Charlene and countless others have. Two other ex-“gays” will speak at the AFTAH press event.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org) is sponsoring a press event in front of the U.S. Supreme Court tomorrow, Tuesday, June 26, 2018 to mark the third anniversary of the Obergefell v. Hodgesruling that radically redefined natural “marriage” to accommodate homosexuality and effectively imposed it on all 50 states.
Who: Pro-family leaders defending natural marriage (one-man, one-woman) against the 2015 Supreme Court-imposed fiction imposing homosexual “marriage” on the nation.
When: Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 11:00 AM – the third anniversary of the Obergefell v. Hodges decision.
Where: In front of the U.S. Supreme Court, Washington, D.C.
“The Obergefell judicial travesty is right up there with Roe v. Wade and Dred Scott as among the most unconstitutional and misguided Supreme Court decisions in American history. It tramples over marriage-protection amendments–passed overwhelmingly by voters in dozens of states–while attaching the noble and godly institution of marriage in U.S. law to homosexuality, a sexual perversion that is clearly proscribed in Scripture,” said Americans For Truth president Peter LaBarbera.
“Obergefell put a gas pedal to America’s already-accelerating moral decline and the LGBT-leftist war against religious freedom. It also makes it easier for schools to indoctrinate children in sex-and-gender confusion in the name of ‘equality.’ Americans who care about truth, virtue and liberty must never accept this Court-imposed lie. We must work and pray for its reversal. People of faith simply must never give in to the false version of reality and nature that Obergefell attempts to normalize,” LaBarbera said.
Participants include:
Charlene Cothran – Christian evangelist; ex-lesbian, former “gay” activist
William J. Olson, Esq. – General Counsel, Conservative Legal Defense & Education Fund
Matt Trewhella – pastor and author, The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: A Proper Resistance to Tyranny and a Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government
Doug Mainwaring – writer, LifeSiteNews; in 2015 he originated and co-authored an amicus brief for SCOTUS titled, “Same-Sex Attracted Men and Their Wives.”
Freedom in the Balance: Will the Government of the United States of America force people of faith like Jack Phillips to use their talents and privately-owned business to honor and serve “marriages” based on immoral homosexual behavior? Click to enlarge. Photo: Alliance Defending Freedom.
Folks, here is a neat video on the Jack Phillips Supreme Court case by Elizabeth Johnston, the “Activist Mommy” despised by the Left because she is an effective and fearless Christian, conservative truth-teller. It strikes me as un-American that our simple freedom as citizens of this nation, founded on religious liberty, to associate with whomever we want and publicly live by our moral and spiritual beliefs now hangs by the thread of the whims of a few Supreme Court Justices.
All eyes are on Justice Anthony Kennedy, who, though appointed by Ronald Reagan, has earned hero status on the pro-LGBTQ Left for his consistent, pro-homosexual record on the Court. Where will Kennedy, who authored the God- and Constitution-defying 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision imposing counterfeit “same-sex marriage” on all 50 states, come down on Phillips’ conscience-based refusal to participate through his cake shop in the celebration of disordered homosexual “weddings”? [Read the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s superb dissent on ObergefellHERE.]
Social conservatives warned that legalizing so-called “same-sex marriage” would result in escalating State and cultural oppression against religious people and institutions–ironically, in the name of “civil rights,” “diversity,” and “equality.” Now that is happening with horrific consequences for principled Christians like Phillips and Barronelle Stutzman. The media- and Democratic Party-enabled “Gay” Revolution has advanced to the point where it is now working to effectively criminalize faithful Christians and other moral dissenters by preposterously comparing them to racist bigots and treating them accordingly.
The leading legal crusader for homosexual “marriage,” Evan Wolfson, said, “I’m not in this just to change the law. It’s about changing society.” Indeed. Now the question is: are we going to let the pro-LGBTQ Lobby and the Government destroy our First Amendment liberties in the service of a godless, radical egalitarian agenda that regards the public expression of biblical faithfulness as just one more component of “anti-gay discrimination”? We’ll see, but to say that a lot rides on this case would be an understatement. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
LaBarbera: “It would be a YUUGE mistake for Trump to break his pledge to pro-marriage Republican voters who put him in the White House”
LGBTrump? Donald Trump has a long history of pro-homosexual advocacy. He now says–as he did in 2015–that the homosexual “marriage” is “settled” due to the Supreme Court Obergefell ruling –which was eviscerated in a dissent by Trump’s ideal SCOTUS Justice, the late Antonin Scalia. Above is Trump’s 2000 interview with the “gay” magazine The Advocate, in which he suggested adding homosexuality to the federal Civil Rights Act. Read about it HERE. Click on graphic to enlarge.
AFTAH Press Release, November 15, 2016; americansfortruth@gmail.com
CONTACT: Peter LaBarbera or Brad Wallace: 312-324-3787
CHICAGO – AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera called on President-elect Donald Trump to revise his estimation that the Supreme Court has “settled” the issue of homosexual “marriage”–and instead honor his pledge to America’s voters to defend natural marriage against the “shocking” 2015 Obergefell ruling.
[Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org) is dedicated to exposing and opposing the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) agenda. Sign up for AFTAH updates.]
In an interview with CBS “60 Minutes” Sunday, Trump asserted that the Supreme Court’s 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges ruling imposing homosexual “marriage” on all 50 states was “settled” law, and that “gay marriage’ as a political issue is “done … And I’m fine with that.”
That directly contradicts what then-candidate Trump told GOP primary voters in South Carolina last February: that he opposed the “shocking” Obergefell decision and that evangelical voters can trust him to protect real, man-woman marriage. Trump said he favors letting the states decide marriage laws for themselves.
Just prior to the Iowa caucuses, where he was appealing to evangelical voters, Trump said he would like to see Obergefell overturned: “If I’m elected I would be very strong in putting certain judges on the bench that maybe could change things, but they have a long way to go.”
The late Antonin Scalia—whom Trump holds up as the type of Supreme Court Justice he would appoint–ripped into Obergefell in a powerful dissent—saying it was a “naked judicial claim to legislative–indeed, super-legislative–power; a claim fundamentally at odds with our system of government.
“[T]o allow the policy question of same-sex marriage to be considered and resolved by a select, patrician, highly unrepresentative panel of nine is to violate a principle even more fundamental than no taxation without representation: no social transformation without representation,” Scalia wrote.
AFTAH’s LaBarbera described what is at stake with Trump and marriage: “Many millions of evangelical, Catholic and moral-minded voters trusted Mr. Trump with their votes because they did not see him as just another slippery politician. Now it is up to President-elect Trump to show that he is worthy of that trust by clarifying his defeatist statement on Obergefell.
“America cannot become great again by defying God, and homosexuality-based ‘marriage’ is about as godless as it gets,” LaBarbera said. “Trump needs to do all he can to reverse the Supreme Court’s unconstitutional Obergefell ruling—just as he pledges to overturn Roe v. Wade and abortion-on-demand.
Rubio Aide Supports Radically Redefining Marriage: Rubio campaign aide Rich Beeson signed on to an amicus brief for the Supreme Court Obergefellcase supporting the legalization of “marriage” based on homosexuality. Graphic: AFTAH; photo by Fox News.
Folks, Sen. Marco Rubio is known as a social conservative, so this revelation of a top campaign staffer (Rich Beeson) signing on to a Republican PRO-homosexual-“marriage” friend-of-the-court brief–for the Obergefell SCOTUS case nationalizing “gay marriage”–is a big deal.
In the next few weeks AFTAH will be reporting facts about the remaining candidates in the Republican (and Democratic) primaries. [See our report on Trump’s past radical pro-homosexual advocacy HERE.] We are non-partisan and do not endorse any candidate–nor do we refrain from pointing out pro-homosexual advocacy wherever we find it. (AFTAH does not carry water for Republicans: this writer once caught a lot of GOP flak for co-authoring a report for Concerned Women for America about President George W. Bush’s “Homosexual Agenda.”) As I have said many times, God does not make a special provision for Republican homosexualism compared to the Democratic variety.
Moreover, GOP establishment big shots are pushing the Party to ditch social issues–and include the homosexual activist “Log Cabin Republicans” in the Party’s “big tent.” As you can read below, Rubio staffers have met regularly with Log Cabin Republican staffers, and the head of CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference; 202-347-9388) just allowed Log Cabin Republicans to serve as a sponsor for next year’s gathering. The following is an excerpt from our friends at LifeSiteNews (which relies heavily on The Baptist Message, which broke the story). — Peter LaBarbera, AFTTAH
LifeSiteNews reports:
Marco Rubio’s deputy campaign manager is a gay ‘marriage’ activist
First published by LifeSiteNews Feb. 18, 2016; to read full article, click HERE; sign up for LifeSite daily updates HERE
CHARLESTON, South Carolina, February 18, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – A pivotal member of Marco Rubio’s campaign actively encouraged the Supreme Court to impose gay “marriage” on the entire nation by judicial fiat.
Senator Rubio’s deputy campaign manager, Rich Beeson, signed a legal brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to redefine marriage in last summer’s Obergefell v. Hodges case.
The amicus curiae brief, which was signed by 300 Republican operatives whose names spill over 24 pages, argued that having the court discover a nationwide right to same-sex “marriage” served “conservative values.”
Catholic In Name Only? The American Catholic Lawyers Association accuses Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, who wrote the Obergefell decision imposing homosexual “marriage” on the nation, of failing to “uphold the divine and natural law that marriage is between a man and a woman.” Kennedy is a Roman Catholic.
July 27, 2015, Fairfield, NJ – The American Catholic Lawyers Association (ACLA) announces its objection to the majority ruling in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges regarding same-sexThe marriage. Sodomy, as the Supreme Court itself observed in Bowers v. Hardwicke, before overruling itself a mere seventeen years later in Lawrence v. Texas, is immoral and perverse conduct that the U.S. Constitution was never intended to protect; and the Constitution is forbidden to transgress those aspects of the divine and natural law binding on all men and all nations. Nor was the Constitution ever intended to take away from the States the right to punish sodomy or to codify the truth of both divine and natural law that marriage is between one man and one woman.
Moreover the Obergefell decision is invalid in that two of the Justices were required by the U.S. Code, Title 28, Part I, Chapter 21, § 455, to recuse themselves because of “impartiality that might reasonably be questioned.” Both Justices Kagan and Ginsburg failed to recuse themselves despite having a public record of advocacy of “same-sex marriage,” with both having conducted “same-sex wedding” ceremonies.
Finally, the American Catholic Lawyers Association protests in the strongest terms the actions of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Because he was the deciding vote, God gave him, as a professing Catholic, the opportunity to uphold the divine and natural law that marriage is between a man and a woman. Instead, he did the unthinkable and attempted to overturn that truth with false human reasoning.
As a Catholic jurist, especially one protected by the life tenure that ensures judicial independence from popular sentiment, Justice Kennedy was bound to obey a law higher than his false notion of “liberty,” the law that God has inscribed in human nature. Justice Kennedy failed in this sacred duty, violated the oath to God he took upon ascension to his high office, and thereby inflicted incalculable harm on society.
In a teaching that applies universally under the natural law, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in a statement whose publication was ordered by John Paul II, declared that even “[i]n those situations where homosexual unions have been legally recognized or have been given the legal status and rights belonging to marriage, clear and emphatic opposition is a duty. One must refrain from any kind of formal cooperation in the enactment or application of such gravely unjust laws and, as far as possible, from material cooperation on the level of their application.” [“Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons”, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, June 3, 2003]
Accordingly, we call upon the Court to overrule this decision at the first opportunity. Further, we call on the Bishop of Justice Kennedy’s diocese or any competent Church authority to impose appropriate canonical sanctions in keeping with the 1983 Code of Canon Law promulgated by John Paul II, which provides: “Those who have… been obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.” CIC (1983) § 915. The Catholic faithful are not immune from the authority of the Church when they don judicial robes or enter legislative chambers. On the contrary, the Church imposes a higher duty on Catholic public officials precisely in virtue of their public offices—a duty to defend and protect the common good according to the higher law.
AMERICAN CATHOLIC LAWYERS ASSOCIATION, INC. is a federally tax-exempt organization dedicated, since 1991, to defending the rights of Catholics in civil and criminal courts throughout the nation, both state and federal, and in public discourse and debate. Donations to the work of the Association are tax-deductible in accordance with IRS Code § 501(c)(3).
DeWine closes door on filing motion to rehear Obergefell v. Hodges
NOT IMPARTIAL – Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg officiates a homosexual “wedding” before the Court made its decision imposing government recognition of such counterfeit “marriages” on the entire nation. Ginsburg and Justice Elena Kagan, who also officiated a homosexual “wedding” ceremony, lacked the integrity to recuse themselves from the “gay marriage” case as they should have. AFTAH and Grace Gospel Fellowship will host a “Ted Talk” on the homosexual agenda post-SCOTUS’ Obergefell ruling, Tues, Aug. 18, at 7:00 PM, at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, IL. Click on photo to enlarge.
Upcoming AFTAH Event: Tuesday, Aug. 18: Scott Lively will join Peter LaBarbera, Pastor John Kirkwood and Rev. Bill Owens of the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP) at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, IL, for a “Ted Talk and Q&A” on: “The Homosexual Agenda and Its Assault on Freedom after the SCOTUS Obergefell Ruling.” Event starts at 7:00 PM; doors open at 6.30; appetizers and light refreshments will be served. Grace Gospel is located north of I-290 on Rt. 83 (Google Maps has it as “Grace-Gospel Center”). The event is free but donations will be accepted.
Grace-Gospel Fellowship 4 North 220 Route 83 (Frontage Road) Bensenville, IL 60106 (630) 834-0550
Folks, this is a long-shot, but worth trying. Our friend Scott Lively of Defend the Family International–who received the AFTAH “Truth Teller Award” in 2011, at the banquet which was terrorized with a brick attack–writes:
UPDATED: Scott Lively writes:
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine has closed the door and said he will not file a motion to rehear Obergefell v. Hodges.
But the battle is not over. There is a meeting with Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette today to ask him to file the motion to rehear the marriage case.
Professor Forte’s memo has also been delivered to the AGs in Tennessee and Kentucky. We have four days and one last chance to overturn this travesty–if just ONE judge is sick, absent, or worried about their “legitimacy,” we WIN.
These Attorneys General have standing in this case, and can file a motion to rehear it. No matter where you live, please call them now!
A) Call Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette and leave this message:
“Please file a Motion for Rehearing in the marriage case. Fight for the voters in Michigan who passed the Marriage Amendment and for our freedoms.” MI Attorney General Bill Schuette: 517-373-1110 Ask to speak to a supervisor and explain that we have only 4 days left to file a motion to rehear the marriage case and protect our freedoms!
B) Call the Attorneys General of KY and TN. Urge them to file a “Motion for Rehearing” in the Supreme Court marriage case–before Monday, July 20th. Ask them to present the new information about how Justice Ginsburg violated federal law by officiating a homosexual “wedding” after the oral arguments but before the ruling.