Walmart funds leftist homosexual groups and perverse LGBTQueer “pride” parades, markets “gay” products like “Heather Has Two Mommies”

Walmart Now Markets Homosexuality to Kids: Walmart’s online store sells the new edition of “Heather Has Two Mommies,” a “children’s” picture book that promotes the normalcy of lesbian parenting. Above is a screen shot of The retail giant now scores a “100 percent” on Human Rights Campaign’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index”–which punishes corporations for giving to pro-family organizations, yet rewards them for funding LGBTQ activist groups. To receive a “100-percent” score, corporations must be committed to funding grotesque, body-disfiguring transsexual “sex-reassignment surgeries” as part of their company’s “health” insurance plan for employees. Take Action: contact Walmart HERE or call 800-925-6278). Click to enlarge.
“Interestingly, unlike many other corporations adopting pro-homosexual policies, Walmart plays both sides of the social-issues “culture war.” It does this by cultivating good relations with both homosexual activists like [Human Rights Campaign] and Christian conservative organizations like American Family Association (AFA).”
Folks, below is a piece I wrote earlier this month for LifeSiteNews, an excellent pro-family and pro-life website (subscribe to their e-list HERE). Walmart’s capitulation to the demands of the leftist, anti-Christian–and very pro-Democrat–Human Wrongs Rights Campaign (HRC) is the latest sign of how strategically important major corporations have become in driving the “gay-transgender” revolution.
If Walmart can go “all gay,” any corporation can, and sadly the Bentonville, Arkansas-based retail giant’s moral capitulation shows how complete and entrenched America’s godless homosexual revolution has become. Nevertheless, liberal (pro-) LGBTQ “snowflakes” in post-Trump distress everywhere are acting as if the USA is on the verge of becoming like Saudi Arabia–despite Trump being the most PRO-homosexual Republican presidential nominee ever!

Walmart’s new, immoral “values”: Walmart fielded a contingent in New York City’s 2015 homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism (“gay”) Pride parade, despite its sexually perverse nature. See this AFTAH photo-story and other photos below.
As it has in recent years, Walmart again sponsored New York City’s homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism (LGBTQueer) “pride” parade in 2016 (see page 35 of the “NYC Pride Guide”; also, see AFTAH’s photo-story exposé on the 2015 NYC “pride” parade sponsored by Walmart). And Walmart was among the corporate sponsors at a far-left-biased “International LGBT Leaders” conference (attended by this writer) in Washington, D.C., earlier this month, put on by the Gay and Lesbian Victory Institute.
Despite its pro-disordered-sex-and-gender “philanthropy,” Walmart received a “Nice” (not “Naughty”) rating from our friends at American Family Association for celebrating Christmas, and was praised as a “pro-religious liberty” company by AFA in 2015. That confused some AFA followers who noted Walmart’s newfound support of homosexual “marriage” post-Obergefell. Moreover, Walmart reportedly fought against a religious-freedom-protection bill in its home state of Arkansas (and in other states).

Walmart’s values? This nearly naked pervert marched in the 2015 New York City homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism (“gay”) Pride parade, at which many young children were in attendance. Click to enlarge photos.
Ironically, under HRC’s horribly skewed “Corporate Equality Index“ (CEI), if Walmart were to give a direct grant to AFA (or Americans For Truth), it would LOSE 25 points and fall off the CEI’s “100-percent” list (see story below). Having the leftist HRC judge corporations on homosexual and “gender” issues is about as fair as having the far-left, pro-LGBTQ Southern Poverty Law Center serve as an arbiter of “hate.” Utterly absurd, and yet the corrupt media honor both rankings and report them as objective “news.”
I’ll say this: you have to hand it to Walmart’s executives: cynically playing both sides of the LGBTQ-vs.-the-natural-family “culture war” and seemingly getting away with it. Or will they? I suppose that’s up to pro-family Americans, who correctly understand that the homosexual/transgender social-legal revolution is incompatible with the First Amendment and freedom of conscience. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @Peter LaBarbera
TAKE ACTION: Call Walmart’s Arkansas headquarters at 479-273-4000 and choose ext. 3, then ask for the office of CEO Doug McMillon. Or call 1-800-WALMART (925-6278). Write Walmart online HERE (click the “Community and Giving” option). When I called the first number I was routed to Customer Relations. Send CEO McMillon a fax directly at 479-204-0798.
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