Working Together: Americans For Truth has worked closely with Brian Camenker and MassResistance for two decades. MR has branches in many states and volunteer activists all over the world. To read more about LaBarbera joining the MassResistance team, go HERE. AFTAH will continue to operate as an independent organization, publishing exposés educating the public on the hard truths about homosexuality, “transgenderism” and the powerful LGBTQ Lobby that many other groups shy away from.
The following is an Americans For Truth press release on AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera joining the pro-family group MassResistance:
AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera Joins MassResistance, Leading Grassroots Pro-Family Group Fighting LGBTQ Agenda
Contact: Peter LaBarbera at AFTAH: 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com
April 13, 2018
Peter LaBarbera, founder and president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org), issued the following statement today on joining the Boston-based pro-family organization MassResistance (MR) as assistant director. AFTAH, based in Chicago, will continue to exist as an independent organization producing no-holds-barred exposés on the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda. See the MassResistance article on LaBarbera coming on board HERE.
Statement by LaBarbera:
I am thrilled to be joining the MassResistance team with Brian Camenker and Amy Contrada. MR is the leading national grassroots organization opposing the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) movement.
I have worked with Brian, Amy and the MR staff for more than two decades and my admiration for them has steadily grown over the years. In a world darkened by suffocating political correctness, they stand out as principled truth-tellers, supremely dedicated to fighting the lies of the powerful “gay” and “trans” lobbies. Moreover, like the fanatical LGBTQ activists they oppose, they will never quit.
Camenker understands that merely exposing LGBTQ cultural aggression is not enough: we must build and organize a worldwide resistance to this sin/deviance movement before it engulfs America and other nations with its perverse ideology–which corrupts everything it touches, including marriage and Christianity. He also understands that the endless defensiveness of conservatives on LGBTQ issues inevitably leads to further defeats.
Contrada is a first-rate researcher who, leading up to the presidential election of 2012, had the guts to expose then-GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s long record of capitulation to homosexual activists. See her book “Mitt Romney’s Deception.” Like AFTAH, MassResistance never caters to the “Republican gay agenda.”
In 2017, MassResistance published a 600-page book on the “Health Hazards of Homosexuality” – meticulously loaded with research and CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reports laying out the massive, disproportionate health risks linked to sodomy and other LGBTQ behaviors. “Gay” activists immediately lambasted the book as “hateful” without reading its contents.
Camenker and MR operate from the truthful presumption that the powerful, proud LGBTQ activist movement is evil. For decades, “gay” ideologues have aggressively targeted young people—even toddlers and elementary school students—with their nefarious propaganda promoting homosexuality and gender rebellion as “normal and natural.”
He also understands that the other side never backs down—so why should we? Homosexual activists and their liberal enablers routinely mock and vilify anyone who publicly opposes homosexualism and transgenderism. Worse, they push for oppressive laws that trample over citizens’ constitutional rights to pursue wholesome, pro-heterosexual change and freely live out their beliefs about natural marriage and sensible, Judeo-Christian morality.
The sad reality is that Christians and other conservative moral advocates have been outhustled, outmaneuvered and outlasted time and again by the “Gay” Lobby—whether it’s in the courts, in corporations or in schools. That must end if we are to preserve not only our liberty in the freest nation on earth, but the innocence and well-being of future generations of children.