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Wednesday, April 5th, 2017
By Micah Clark
Reprinted from the AFA of Indiana newsletter
There is an excellent article from John Stonestreet, the president of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, detailing a surprisingly honest article in the liberal publication, The Huffington Post. Stonestreet comments on a homosexual male who wrote an article expressing his despair in his lifestyle and explaining that so many “gay” men in his community share this despair. The cultural, legal and political affirmation of homosexuality in America is not filling the emptiness many feel or reducing the many risks of their lifestyle.
Stonestreet writes in “An Unspoken Epidemic: The Silent Suffering of Gay Men” (bolded emphasis added):
“For years,” he begins, “I’ve noticed the divergence between my straight friends and my gay friends. While one half of my social circle has disappeared into relationships, kids and suburbs, the other has struggled through isolation and anxiety, hard drugs and risky (behavior).”
Through story after story and mountains of statistics, Hobbes then documents a consistent and chilling trend among those who share his lifestyle. “Gay men everywhere, at every age,” he writes, are two-to-ten-times more likely than heterosexual men to commit suicide.
And that’s just the beginning. Homosexual males also suffer from higher rates of cardiovascular disease, cancer, allergies, asthma, and a whole host of behavior-related infections and dysfunctions. They’re twice as likely to experience major depressive episodes, report having fewer close friends, and abuse drugs at an alarming rate.
In fact, living in so-called “gay neighborhoods” is a predictor of more frequent, risky behaviors and methamphetamine use. And, Hobbes adds, the community itself is brutal and degrading to its members. Smart-phone hookup apps drive a culture of exploitation and casual encounters that one young man he interviewed said made him feel like “a piece of meat.”
We often hear these disastrous statistics and stories attributed to homophobia, bullying, and shame. Having been treated horribly since childhood, men like this author—the oft-repeated myth goes—are forced to live a lie. They’re depressed because they’ve been oppressed and repressed.
But here’s the problem with the bullying hypothesis. In countries like the Netherlands and Sweden where same-sex “marriage” has been the law of the land for years, gay men remain three times more susceptible to mood disorders and three- to ten-times more likely to engage in “suicidal self-harm.”
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Posted in Gay Sex Health Risks, News
Saturday, February 11th, 2017
 Not Politically Correct, but True: One thing the “gay”-cheerleading media refuse to discuss is the connection between homosexual behavior and disease. Order HERE for 29.95 or as an e-book for 9.95 HERE. Click on graphic to enlarge.
Folks, if you care about answering the absurd “gay” narrative that God’s design for sex and marriage is “equal” to sexual perversion, buy this book. If you want to support pro-family warriors who are on the front lines of defending what’s right–like the great people at Mass Resistance–buy this book. If you want to educate an LGBTQ-brainwashed friend or millennial, buy this book! C’mon, everyone: the truth matters, and the truth is homosexual behavior is destructive and unhealthy.
TAKE ACTION, Get Informed: Buy the new paperback HERE for 29.95, or as an e-book HERE for 9.95.
–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
http://www.massresistance.org/docs/issues/homosexuality-health-book/paperback-here.html [Table of Contents is after the jump]
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Posted in Anal Cancer, Anal Sex, Bisexuals-Conduits of HIV to Heteros, Born that Way?, Gay-on-gay violence, Gonorrhea, Health & Science, Health Care, Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Sodomy, Suicide, Syphilis
Thursday, August 25th, 2016
Photo-story version
Warning: This report contains some offensive descriptions and graphics
 Self-Delusion, Self-Destruction: This is a young Massachusetts woman who had her healthy breasts surgically removed to live out her “transgender” fantasy that she is a “man.” The homosexual-transgender lobby is advocating such body-mutilating surgeries even for “trans” minors–and at taxpayers’ expense through the military and government-subsidized health care. Photo: MassResistance.org.
This special report by AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera for Accuracy in Media was first published by AIM on August 19, 2016; we have taken the liberty of adding several photos with captions to the original article.
By Peter LaBarbera, Special Report for Accuracy in Media
The purpose of this report is to expose and refute some of the longstanding statistical lies and propagandistic myths of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) activist movement. With media support, homosexual and leftist activists now openly campaign to banish dissenting conservative voices. This dangerous dynamic gives the homosexual-transgender lobby nearly full rein to advance its agenda, which now includes:
- Levying large fines to punish Christians and traditionalists who do not want to participate with their small business in homosexual “weddings”;
- Criminalizing pro-heterosexual change therapy for sexually confused minors;
- Using the government to force schools and businesses to allow “transgenders”—e.g., men who think they are women—to use public female (opposite-sex) restrooms and locker rooms;
- Using LGBT “nondiscrimination” laws to mandate that public schools and businesses punish anyone who does not adhere to politically-correct transgender-inclusive language—such as using “zir” instead of “her.” New York City now demands “respect” for 31 “gender identities,” including “genderqueer,” “third sex” and “pangender”;
- Taxpayer-funding for horrifying, body-disfiguring “sex reassignment surgeries,” e.g., a woman having her healthy breasts surgically removed to look like a flat-chested “man,” or a man having his penis surgically destroyed to craft a makeshift “vagina”;
- Allowing transsexuals into the U.S. military, and paying for their destructive, gender-bending “surgeries” in the name of “health care”;
- Encouraging young people to adopt opposite-sex “gender identities”—even going so far as encouraging underage children to take hormones to offset puberty—in a futile attempt to “become” the opposite sex—or worse: allowing minor boys and girls to have their sexual organs surgically mutilated to appear like the opposite-sex; and
- Teaching very young children—even kindergartners—to accept homosexuality and the radical “transgender” idea that they can choose a “gender identity” that does not match their biological sex.
So awash is the public in pro-homosexual propaganda that a 2011 Gallup poll found the average American “guesstimated” that a whopping 25 percent of the population is “gay.” (Women and people under 30 put the number even higher, at around 30 percent.) The actual percentage of homosexual men, lesbians and bisexuals in the U.S. population is just 2.3 percent (see below).
The 10 Percent Myth
 This ’10 Percent’ Lie Helped Grow “Gay” Power: For decades homosexual activists promoted the myth — started by a homosexual activist — that a full 10 percent of the populace is “gay.” Reality finally caught up with the LGBT Lobby: a major U.S. government survey found that only 2.3 percent of those polled in 2013 identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual. Above is a book by homosexual activist Kevin Jennings claiming that one in ten teachers is homosexual.
The “10 percent” myth is one of the most enduring propaganda claims of the homosexual activist movement. Concocted in the late 1970s by Bruce Voeller, founder of the National Gay Task Force (predecessor of today’s National LGBTQ Task Force), it was accompanied by the slogan, “We Are Everywhere.”
Thus, just as “gay” militants pressured and bullied America’s mental health professionals to remove homosexuality from the list of mental disorders in 1973, they greatly exaggerated the homosexual population to expand their political power in subsequent years. And the media duly cooperated by promoting the statistical sham. For decades American reporters treated the 10 percent claim—a misreading of deviant, pioneering “sexologist” Alfred Kinsey’s discredited research—as fact, using it to “report” huge numbers of alleged homosexuals in society.
The 10 percent myth served its purpose of projecting enormous “gay” political strength when the movement was still weak. But study after study came up with estimates of the homosexual-bisexual population under 5 percent. A massive 2014 survey of 35,557 Americans by the federal National Center for Health Statistics dealt a death blow to the Ten Percent claim. It found that only 1.6 percent of those polled identified as “gay or lesbian,” while 0.7 percent said they were “bisexual.” In 2011 the pro-LGBT Williams Institute at UCLA estimated that 0.3 percent identified as transgender. Thus a combined estimate for homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders in America is around 3 percent.
Born Gay?—No Way
Another popular “gay” activist myth is the notion that homosexuals are “born that way.” This convenient narrative—stoked for many years by LGBT advocates—takes morality out of the homosexual debate by suggesting that homosexuals are not responsible for their sexual behaviors because “being gay” is a genetic part of “who they are.”
From a scientific perspective, however, the “born gay” myth—like its bogus “10 Percent Gay” counterpart—has fallen on hard times. In the 1990s, talk of a “gay gene” was all the rage after then-closeted homosexual researcher Dean Hamer published a media-ballyhooed 1993 study in the journal Sciencepurporting to find a “genetic marker” for male homosexual “orientation.” But Science could not replicate its own study, and other attempts failed as well. Now genetic homosexuality is no longer in vogue, although the possibility of a “gay gene” still excites reporters.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, CDC, Corrupting Children, Ex-Gay Politics/Gay Oppos. to Ex-Gays, Government Promotion, News, Transgender-General
Saturday, April 19th, 2014
Facts show that Nature discriminates against homosexual behavior
UPDATES: 1) On December 22, 2014, LaBarbera and Whatcott were found innocent of criminal “mischief” by a Canadian judge who affirmed their right to disseminate information at the U. of Regina; see this article with a PDF link to the ruling.
2) Adjusted fact point on Anal Cancer (Endnote 7): our original flier apparently contained a direct citation from the book HIV Essentials about anal cancer that was called to our attention as potentially misleading: “The incidence of anal cancer in gay men is approximately 80 times that of the general population.” To avoid any confusion, we have replaced it with this citation by the CDC: “Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men” [see this 2014 CDC fact sheet]. The 80-percent figure was taken from HIV Essentials 2013 (Sixth Edition), by Paul E. Sax , Calvin J. Cohen, Daniel R. Kuritzkes, [(Jones & Bartlett Learning: Burlington, MA, 2013), p. 132; Amazon book link HERE.] We have substituted the CDC source link for the HIV Essentials link in Endnote 7:
The following is adapted from a one-page flier passed out by AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera at an April 14, 2014 protest at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada [see this excellent video commentary by Canadian pundit Brian Lilley]. At the protest. led by Canadian pro-family/pro-life activist Bill Whatcott, both he and LaBarbera were arrested on the charge of “mischief” for not abandoning their peaceful sign protest against homosexuality and abortion. In explaining why the university felt the need to eject Whatcott and the three other protesters, U or R provost and vice-president Thomas Chase said, “The materials were graphic and the materials were disturbing,” he told the Regina Leader-Post. “The materials, we felt, could harm members of this campus community who we have a duty to protect and support.”
Is All Love ‘Equal’?
“Love is Love,” same-sex “marriage” advocates are fond of saying. At a recent protest in Weyburan, Saskatchewan, Canada, a pro-“gay” activist said, “It doesn’t matter who you love, it just matters that you love.” The implication is that homosexual sex and relationships are equivalent—morally, practically and health-wise—to natural sex and relationships (i.e., marriage) between a man and a woman. But is that true?
Capacity to Produce Life
Sex between men or between women alone can never produce children. “Gay parenting” requires a previous heterosexual relationship by one or both of the same-sex partners, or adoption or artificial means to acquire a child. That child will then intentionally be denied a father or a mother. In contrast, heterosexuality and natural marriage produce children, families and future generations.
‘HIV Is a Gay Disease’
Homosexual sex between men is the biggest risk factors for HIV/AIDS. A stunning 94-95 percent of all HIV diagnoses in 2011 among boys and young men were linked to homosexual sex, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports.[1] A 2008 CDC study of “gay” men in 21 major cities found that nearly one in five were HIV positive while 44 percent of those did not know it. [2] Facts like these have led some homosexual activists to admit that, “HIV is a gay disease.”[3] Yet students rarely are educated on the heightened health risks associated with homosexual behaviors.
 CDC slide demonstrates the strong correlation between “male-to-male sexual contact” and HIV among adolescent boys and young men. To view the full CDC slide presentation, go HERE; to read the related AFTAH article, go HERE. Yellow highlighting did not appear on original CDC slide.
Viral Hepatitis and High-Risk Homosexual Sex
“Among adults, an estimated 10% of new Hepatitis A cases and 20% of new Hepatitis B cases occur in gay or bisexual men,” the CDC reported in October 2013. The disproportionate risk is linked to high-risk sexual behaviors by “men who have sex with men” (MSM). The CDC reports: “Hepatitis A is usually spread when a person ingests fecal matter—even in microscopic amounts—from an infected person. Among men who have sexual contact with other men, Hepatitis A can be spread through direct anal-oral contact or contact with fingers or objects that have been in or near the anus of an infected person.”[4]
Sex Practices Common Among Homosexual Men Are ‘Highly Efficient Ways of Transmitting Disease,’ Says ‘Gay’ Writer
“Some practices common among gays–especially rimming [mouth-to-anus sex] and anal intercourse–are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease.”–“Gay” writer Jack Hart, Gay Sex: A Manual for Men Who Love Men [5]
 A 2010 CDC study on “Intimate Partner Violence” among homosexuals and bisexuals found higher rates of “rape, physical violence, and/or stalking” among lesbians and bisexual women compared to heterosexual women–and higher rates of “sexual violence” among homosexual and bisexual men compared to heterosexual men. Go HERE to read CDC report summary.
Domestic Partner Violence Higher for Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals
- “Rates of some form of sexual violence were higher among lesbian women, gay men, and bisexual women and men compared to heterosexual women and men,” the CDC reported in 2010.
- “Forty-four percent of lesbian women, 61% of bisexual women, and 35% of heterosexual women experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime…
- “Four in 10 gay men (40%), nearly half of bisexual men (47%), and 1 in 5 heterosexual men (21%) have experienced SV [sexual violence] other than rape in their lifetime. This translates into nearly 1.1 million gay men, 903,000 bisexual men, and 21.6 million heterosexual men.” [6]
Anal Cancer: Homosexual Men 17 Times More Likely to Develop Anal Cancer than Straight Men
“Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men.”–CDC [7]
“In 2012, 75% of the reported primary and secondary syphilis cases were among men who have sex with men (MSM)/” the CDC reported. [8]
 Dr. Stephen Goldstone
Anus: ‘Highest Risk Place for STDs,” Says Homosexual Doctor
“[An] anus is the highest risk place for STDs [sexually transmitted diseases].”–Dr. Stephen Goldstone, The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men [9]
1. “CDC: 94 to 95 Percent of HIV Cases among Boys and Young Men Linked to Homosexual Sex,” AFTAH website, September 11, 2013 [link HERE]; links to CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] presentation, “HIV Surveillance in Adolescents and Young Adults,” National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatisis, STD and & TB Prevention, Div. of HIV/AIDS Prevention: http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/pdf/statistics_surveillance_Adolescents.pdf.
2. CDC Press Release: “1 in 5 men who have sex with men in 21 U.S. cities have HIV; nearly half unaware,” National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention; “The CDC study tested 8,153 MSM in 21 cities participating in the 2008 National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System (NHBS).” [link HERE]
3. Sharon Bernstein, “HIV Ads Embrace, and Stun, Audience,” Los Angeles Times, September 30, 2006: “the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center had embarked on a controversial ad campaign with this stark declaration: ‘HIV is a gay disease,’ with the tag line ‘Own It. End It.’ on billboards and in magazines.” [story link HERE].
4. CDC, “Viral Hepatitis: Information for Gay and Bisexual Men,” October 2013; http://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/Populations/PDFs/HepGay-FactSheet.pdf.
5. Jack Hart, Gay Sex: A Manual for Men who Love Men (Revised & Updated, Second edition, October 1998). Published by [now defunct] Alyson Books (Los Angeles, New York), pages 194, 212-213. [AFTAH link HERE] Full quote by Hart, a homosexual, is below:
“Many sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) occur more often among gay men than in the general population. Several factors contribute to this difference: Gay men have the opportunity to engage in sex with more people than do most heterosexual men, and some practices common among gays–especially rimming [oral-anal perversion*] and anal intercourse–are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease….”
6. NISVS: “An Overview of 2010 Findings on Victimization by Sexual Orientation,” The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS), 2010: http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/cdc_nisvs_victimization_final-a.pdf
7. CDC Fact Sheet: “Gay and Bisexual Men’s Health,” last updated: July 2, 2014: www.cdc.gov/msmhealth/STD.htm; Note: “Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.”
8. CDC, “Syphilis & MSM (Men Who Have Sex With Men) – CDC Fact Sheet; page last updated: January 7, 2014. http://www.cdc.gov/std/syphilis/STDFact-MSM-Syphilis.htm
9. Dr. Stephen Goldstone, The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men, (Dell: 1999), p 16; in the passage, Dr. Goldstone, a homosexual and “gay” advocate, is urging condom use. For more quotations by Goldstone, see this AFTAH article. [Amazon book link HERE]
Copyright: Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (www.AFTAH.org), a Chicago-based organization that defends natural, biblical sexual morality and opposes the LGBT activist movement. Permission to reprint provided credit is given to “AmericansForTruth.org”; AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Phone: 312-324-3787. E-mail: americansfortruth@gmail.com.
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Anal Cancer, Health & Science, Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS, News, Sexual violence--Intimate Partner Violence, Syphilis
Wednesday, September 11th, 2013
CDC funds “gay” activist groups like GLSEN that promote acceptance of behavior tied closely to HIV
By Peter LaBarbera
The following is a graphic from a CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) online slide presentation, “HIV Surveillance in Adolescents and Young Adults” [1]— breaking down the incidence of HIV among young men ages 13-24. In 2011, an astonishing 94.9 percent of HIV diagnoses among teenage boys (13-19-years-old) were linked to homosexual (“male-to-male”) sex. And 94.1 percent of the cases among young men ages 20-24 (more analysis follows graphic) were from “gay” sex:

With the incidence of HIV among men so closely tied to homosexual sex, shouldn’t the government and all concerned and compassionate adults be urging young men and teenaged boys NOT to engage in or experiment with dangerous homosexual behavior? And yet, the CDC and other pro-“gay” institutions (including many schools public and private) are doing exactly the opposite, as they focus instead on affirming “gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender” youth as a “sexual minority.”
Feds Fund ‘Gay’ Youth Activist Groups
Another CDC document, “HIV and Young Men Who Have Sex with Men” (June 2012), reports that in 2011, the CDC awarded funds to two homosexual activists groups — the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and the Gay-Straight Alliance Network (GSAN) — “to assist CDC-funded public health and environmental changes to help schools and communities meet the health and medical needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth.” See this CNSNews article on the CDC grant.
With HIV rates growing among YMSM (young men who have sex with men), the CDC’s focus on building self-esteem among LGBT youth and creating a “positive school climate” for homosexuals — includes forming “gay”-affirming clubs in schools — seems disconnected from reality. The aforementioned CDC report on HIV and YMSM states:
“Gay-straight alliances (GSAs) are one approach being used to create safe and welcoming school environments. Research has shown that in schools with support groups such as GSA’s, lesbian, gay and bisexual students were less likely to experience threats of violence, miss school because they felt unsafe, or attempt suicide than those in schools without such groups.”
In the same report, the CDC identifies the behaviors among young homosexuals that are causing the escalating HIV rates:
“A CDC analysis of date from 13 YRBS [Youth Risk Behavior Survey] sites found that sexual minority students, especially those who identified as homosexual or bisexual, were disproportionately likely to engage in many health risk behaviors, including sexual risk behaviors (such as having sexual intercourse for the first time at younger ages, having multiple sex partners, and not using condoms); tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use; and behaviors related to attempted suicide.”
Elsewhere in the CDC report it touts CDC funding for “school health professionals … to help them understand the needs of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth and shape behavioral messages accordingly.” But those behavioral messages apparently do not include discouraging students from engaging in homosexual sex.
Elephant in the room
The chasm between the obvious and extreme health risks associated with “gay” male sex and the CDC’s politically correct, pro-homosexuality mindset reflects public policy malpractice on an Orwellian scale. “Gay” activist ideology and assumptions — including intrinsic (many would claim innate) “gay”/bi/transgender identities — go unquestioned at the CDC. Ironically, the most direct answer to the HIV-youth crisis — teaching young people NOT to practice unhealthy homosexual sex — is the one thing that is essentially forbidden.
All across America, “gay” activists and their straight liberal allies are advocating “gay”-positive lesson plans and strategies in response to anti-homosexual bullying. However, while everyone can agree that all bullying is wrong, many “anti-bullying” programs double as pro-LGBT affirmation programs. This is troubling because:1) bullying can be discouraged with neutral messaging that does not promote “out and proud” homosexuality and transgenderism; and 2) in the name of “safety,” educators and cultural elites are advocating a sexual lifestyle that has continually been shown to be dangerous, particularly for males.
[1] Produced by the CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD & TB Prevention, a division of HIV/AIDS Prevention. Data is for 2008-2011.
Posted in Bullying & Victimhood, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, GLSEN, Government Promotion, GSA Network, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS, Homosexuality - Practical Considerations, News, Physical Health, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Redefining Morality, Redefining Normal

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