Many friendships between homosexual men “were born of casual sex,” says “queer” website, which also recommends S&M and threesomes to young “gay” men
WARNING: Offensive descriptions of perverse behaviors
By Peter LaBarbera
When it comes to promiscuity and perversion, homosexual men are in a league by themselves. Here are some examples of what I’m calling “homo-promiscuity” covered by AFTAH over the years: go [HERE: San Francisco “leather” street festival]; [HERE: Chicago “International Mr. Leather” deviant-sex convention]; and [HERE: “Monogamish” homosexual activist and adoptive parent Dan Savage’s three-ways].
The phenomenon of male homo-promiscuity–which is routinely denied by LGBTQueer activists–makes sense, if you accept the presumption that men are more sexually aggressive than women–or at least civilized by women and genuine monogamy and marriage. As homosexual writer Jack Hart said, “Gay men have the opportunity to engage in sex with more people than do most heterosexual men.” Put two (or more) guys together in relationships that are deviant by definition and you are asking for trouble (and higher rates of sexual disease, to be sure).
Here is a recent post (11/15/14) in the edgy website “Queerty,” which is geared to homosexual men. The article is titled, “Thirty Thing Every Gay Man Must Do before Turning 30,”; Number 30 reads:
30. Make friends with someone you haven’t slept with
Any guy guy who says he hasn’t hooked up with at least 50 percent of his male friends is either lying or exhibits amazing self-control. Many a [sic] lifelong friendships between gay men were born of casual sex. But by the time you’re 30, you should have at least one close gay friend who you have not touched below the waste.
Below is the actual Queerty graphic:
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