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Archive for August, 2006
Saturday, August 26th, 2006
From the Star-Telegram:
Welcome to Wal-Mart, comrade.
Surely there’ll be a price revolution in China with the discount giant opening a Communist Party branch in Shenyang…
But why should opportunist politicians and opponents of big-box blight be the only ones caterwauling about Wal-Mart?
The retailer’s decision to join the corporate advisory council of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce set off an anti-homosexual group called Americans for Truth, which said the company is “passing the wrong kind of ‘values’ on to its customers” and is “hell-bent on alienating its heretofore greatest and most vocal supporters: Conservatives, Christians, and Traditionalists.”
Just wondering when the greeters offering shopping carts started checking religious affiliations at the door…
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Posted in AFT In the News
Saturday, August 26th, 2006
Excerpted from The Tragic Story of Jesse Dirkhising, by Allyson Smith, published Sept 23, 2002, by WorldNet Daily:
[Jesse] Dirkhising suffocated to death during the early morning hours of Sept. 26, 1999, after being bound, drugged, gagged and brutally sodomized by Davis Don Carpenter, then 38, and Joshua Macabe Brown, then 22, at the men’s apartment in Rogers, Ark.
Earlier that summer, Jesse – with the permission of his mother and stepfather, Tina and Miles Yates – had begun spending weekends with the homosexual couple.
Carpenter, who had known Miles Yates for several years and was considered a “family friend,” made a 60-mile round trip on weekends to pick up Jesse at his trailer park home in Prairie Grove and take him back to Rogers, where he earned $45 helping to sweep the Regis Hairstylists beauty salon that Carpenter managed. Dirkhising planned to use the money to fix up a truck.
During the five-hour assault that began around midnight in the couple’s bedroom, Brown, acting on written instructions from Carpenter, bound the seventh-grader with nylon rope, placed a T-shirt blindfold over his head, and gagged his mouth with a pair of dirty underwear secured by a bandana and duct tape.
After propping pillows beneath Dirkhising’s abdomen, Brown sodomized him with three fingers, his penis, a frozen banana, and a urine enema laced with the sedative drug amitryptiline while Carpenter watched, masturbating, in the bedroom doorway.
Midway through the assault, Carpenter went to an all-night grocery store to purchase additional rape implements. A receipt later found by police, time-stamped 3:07 a.m., showed “Eckrich” sausage, cucumbers, “tape” and “deli” sandwiches.
Upon Carpenter’s return from the store, Brown continued sodomizing Jesse with the sausage and cucumber, using Vaseline. He then left the room to eat a sandwich. When he returned, the boy was no longer breathing.
Continue reading at WorldNet Daily…
Posted in Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Victims of Homosexual Murderers
Friday, August 25th, 2006
By Tony Perkins of Family Research Council:
Wal-Mart has announced an odd new domestic “partnership.” They have teamed up with an outfit called the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. Wal-Mart has caved in, obviously, to the pressure tactics such groups apply to large corporations.
This is outrageous. Wal-Mart has made its billions by serving the needs of rural communities throughout America. It has never discriminated against homosexuals who want to purchase their products at low prices. Nor has it discriminated in hiring against homosexuals. But that is not enough. The homosexual lobby demands that Wal-Mart grovel. They demand that Wal-Mart take sides in the great cultural clash over marriage.
Won’t you please join me in opposing this offensive move? You can download and print the accompanying pdf file and drop it off at the Customer Service Desk at your nearest Wal-Mart. You don’t need to confront anyone. Let them know you know what they’re up to-and you don’t appreciate it.
Download the Flyer
Posted in News, NGLCC, Wal-Mart (PRIDE)
Friday, August 25th, 2006
Excerpted from Mexico Introduces Graphic Sex Education; Catholic Bishops in Outrage, by Peter J. Smith, published Aug 22, 2006, by LifeSite News:
Mexico’s federal government is forcing the nation’s schools to adopt biology textbooks that includes pornographic sex-education, which has evoked outrage from Mexico’s Catholic Bishops and state governors, who have demanded the government remove the explicit material.
“We agree with the necessity of sex education, but pornographic information is something else,” Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iniguez of Guadalajara told the Mexican newspaper Reforma. The cardinal excoriated the federal government for implementing the program, calling the decision “totalitarian” for neglecting to neither consult with the Church nor address the objections of parents who are the primary educators of their children.
The new sexual education course is directed at 7th graders and above, and is nothing less than a full fledged pornographic immersion course in sexual behaviors. The course (contained in chapter 4) tells students that homosexuality and masturbation are acceptable behaviors, includes pornographic pictures, and encourages students to find pornography off the internet.
The bald-faced perversion encouraged by the texts has infuriated Mexico’s Catholic Bishops, who steadfastly maintain that the new textbooks will give the youth an incomplete picture of human sexuality, and encourage them to experiment with promiscuous behavior or various sorts of sexual perversity.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Mexico, Not with MY Tax money!, Sex-Ed Curriculum
Friday, August 25th, 2006
Excerpted from Ontario Catholic Teachers Run Far Left Conference Promoting Gay Activism, by Hilary White, published Aug 22, 2006, by LifeSite News:
The most prominent dissident Catholic academic in the country, former priest Gregory Baum, will be the star attraction at a conference scheduled August 24-26 by the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA). The conference features a line-up of speakers and workshops promoting feminism, “eco-theology,” courses in turning students into political agitators and economic ideas from the hard left of the political spectrum.
Although there is in fact a wide range of political opinions among Catholic teachers and the union’s own statement of principles includes promotion of “Catholic values”, the line-up of speakers and workshops emphasizes a notably one-sided socialist, anti-Catholic perspective. That of course alarms parents who realize this agenda is what their children are being indoctrinated in by many teachers in their “Catholic” schools.
Conference workshops and speakers include a full roster of favourite socialist issues from key concepts in the new globalist agenda, to eco-theology. One workshop will give teachers tips on how to inculcate students into activism in the labour movement and for “issues of race, class, gender, ability/disability and sexual orientation.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Canada, Catholic, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools
Friday, August 25th, 2006
…Wal-Mart’s recent decision to partner with the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and to begin talks with homosexual activist groups about extending domestic-partnership benefits to its employees (see related AdAge article) has prompted several pro-family leaders and groups to express disappointment and heap criticism on the retail giant.
…And Americans for Truth Founder Peter LaBarbera says he is “very surprised” that this corporation, which has enjoyed broad support from Middle American customers with traditional values “would now bite the hand that feeds it and thumb its nose at those very customers.” LaBarbera says the retailer’s “unsavory alliance” with extremist homosexual activists “risks entirely alienating the vast majority of its customer base.”
Meanwhile, Matt Barber, Corporate Outreach Director for Americans for Truth, calls Wal-Mart’s partnership with the NGLCC “a real shame.” Barber says consumers who value traditional marriage and biblical values need to take note of Wal-Mart’s support lately for radical groups and policies that “seek to destroy the time-honored institutions of marriage and family” and that try to “silence proponents of traditional family values.”
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Posted in AFT In the News
Friday, August 25th, 2006
By Zack Hudson of New York Blade:
Wal-Mart’s decision to link with the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce is expected to open doors to gay-owned business suppliers, but is also bringing backlash from religious groups who call the partnership an “unsavory alliance.”Peter LaBarbera, founder and president of the fundamentalist Americans for Truth, is decrying Wal-Mart’s move, accusing the retail giant of “thumb[ing] its nose” at its “God-fearing Middle American customers.”
“It seems to me that Wal-Mart should reconsider its unsavory alliance with these extremist homosexual activists in today’s heated and polarizing culture war,” he said in a statement posted on the group’s website.
Continue reading at New York Blade…
Posted in AFT In the News, Corporations, Wal-Mart (PRIDE)
Friday, August 25th, 2006
From Virtue Online:
We know what’s happened in the UCC, Episcopal, PCA, and ECLA denominations. But have a look at this article.
Also, be aware of this group, Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests,which is also noted on our RESOURCE page.
Posted in D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Mennonite, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality
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