Archive for August, 2006

Dr. Albert Mohler: Beyond Marriage? Yes, Way Beyond

Friday, August 25th, 2006

Excerpted from Beyond Marriage? Yes, Way Beyond, by Dr. Albert Mohler, published Aug 23, 2006 :

How far “beyond marriage” do they want society to go?

All the way to including “Queer couples who decide to jointly create and raise a child with another queer person or couple, in two households.” When this group says “beyond marriage” they mean it.

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Top 100 Campuses for GLBT Includes Oregon State University

Friday, August 25th, 2006

Excerpted from OSU Rated Among 100 Best Campuses for Gay Students, by Mary Ann Albright, published Aug 22, 2006, in Corvallis Gazette-Times:

Thanks to active clubs, supportive faculty and annual programs ranging from a “Guess the Hetero” game show to drag competitions to “Coming Out Week,” Oregon State University has been recognized as one of the nation’s top 100 campuses for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students.

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Judge Rules Against Georgia Tech’s Discriminatory Speech Code

Friday, August 25th, 2006

Excerpted from Judge Rules Against Georgia Tech’s Discriminatory Speech Code, by Jim Brown, published Aug 23, 2006, by Agape Press:

A federal judge has forced the Georgia Institute of Technology to repeal a controversial policy that bars students from engaging in so-called “acts of intolerance.” In March, the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) filed a lawsuit challenging the policy, claiming it censored the speech of religious and conservative students on campus.Recently, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia issued an order that eliminated Georgia Tech’s speech code and replaced it with a new policy that ADF attorney David French says “respects the constitutional rights of students.” He is calling the court’s ruling “a tremendous victory” for free speech on college campuses.

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South Africa Cabinet Approves Same-Sex “Marriage” Bill

Friday, August 25th, 2006

Excerpted from South Africa Cabinet Approves Same-Sex “Marriage” Bill, published Aug 24, 2006, by LifeSite News:

South Africa’s cabinet has approved a bill that would make South Africa the first nation on the African continent to legalize same-sex “marriage”.

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Gay Rights vs. Religious Beliefs

Friday, August 25th, 2006

Today’s Philadelphia Inquirer published an op-ed by Becket Fund Legal Counsel Roger Severino entitled, “Gay rights vs. religious beliefs.” After discussing the City of Philadelphia’s recent decision to penalize the Boy Scouts financially for their moral opposition to same-sex conduct, Roger explains that this is just on example of a broader problem:

Like the Boy Scouts, religious institutions that oppose same-sex marriage will find themselves no longer welcome as partners in a variety of government social-service programs – from family counseling, to addiction programs, to job-placement services – and may even lose their access to public land for religious retreats, just as the Boy Scouts have lost their access to public land for their Jamborees.

In the employment context, religious institutions would be prohibited – on pain of “marital status discrimination” lawsuits – from firing an employee who publicly rejects the institution’s opposition to same-sex marriage by obtaining one. Religious employers might even be forced, against their principles, to extend health and retirement benefits to their employees’ same-sex spouses.

Religious universities that provide married-student housing would be required to provide rooms to everyone legally married, including same-sex couples, even if the university objects on moral grounds. And this problem is hardly speculative or alarmist – it’s already happening on a small scale, even before the legal redefinition of marriage makes it much more common. For example, fair-housing laws have already been applied in New York City to require Yeshiva University to open up its married-student housing to same-sex domestic partners.

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Anti-Gay Group Sets Up Organization In Suburbs

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

From Chicago CBS Channel 2:

Naperville Will Be Base For “Americans for Truth

(STNG) NAPERVILLE, Ill. The executive director of a well-known anti-gay group is leaving the organization to start up a new group that will be based in Naperville.

Illinois Family Institute said its executive director, Peter LaBarbera, was resigning to pursue his goal of creating a national organization dedicated to confronting the “homosexual activist agenda.”

LaBarbera, 44, who joined the institute in September 2003, is recognized as a leading opponent of the gay movement. Under his tenure, the group’s visibility and grassroots network grew tremendously, the institute said in a statement. In the weeks leading up to the November election, he will stay on at IFI as an advisor to help with the transition. LaBarbera‘s new group, Americans for Truth, will be based in Naperville.

Also here and here

Group’s Aim: Counter the Homosexual Agenda

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

By Tim Waldorf, published in Naperville Sun:

Naperville resident and conservative activist Peter LaBarbera is leaving his post as the Illinois Family Institute’s executive director to pursue his goal of creating a national organization dedicated to “confronting the homosexual activist agenda.”

In a few months, LaBarbera, 44, will re-launch in Naperville an organization he founded in 1996: Americans for Truth. But now AFT‘s work will be dedicated solely to issues of homosexuality.

“Homosexual, bisexual and transsexual groups spend tens of millions of dollars every year to market and normalize their aberrant lifestyles,” LaBarbera said in a statement announcing his decision. “Yet, after all these years, there is not a single, serious national group dedicated specifically to exposing and countering their agenda.”

LaBarbera said that agenda “is anything that seeks to or has the goal of normalizing homosexuality as a societal good.”

“It’s basically anything on the side that says homosexuality is really just a mere alternative lifestyle and should be divorced from moral concerns, or it’s actually a good thing,” said LaBarbera, noting he believes “gays can change.”

“We’re saying that it is a sin in the context of biblical Christianity.”

Are Wal-Mart Values Family Values?

Thursday, August 24th, 2006


Gay WalmartIs Wal-Mart passing the wrong kind of ‘values’ on to its customers? It’s no secret that Walmart Stores, Inc. has been under vicious attack in recent months by leftists and union activists due to its unwavering support of right-to-work policies and its refusal to allow unions to organize in its stores. But now it seems Wal-Mart is additionally hell-bent on alienating its heretofore greatest and most vocal supporters: Conservatives, Christians, and Traditionalists.

Matt Barber, Corporate Outreach Director for Americans for Truth, expressed his disappointment with Wal-Mart today for further capitulating to the powerful homosexual lobby by recently partnering with the “National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce,” an extremely influential homosexual organization steadfastly devoted to furthering the ‘gay’ agenda within corporate America.

Click here to read NGLCC’s announcement for yourself

Contact Wal-Mart by phone at 1-800-WALMART or by e-mail

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