Humorless GLAAD Targets Sean Delonas Cartoons at New York Post


The “gay” media group GLAAD — which smears Christians as “haters” and “homophobes” — has for years tried to pressure the New York Post into dropping cartoonist Sean Delonas. This cartoon plays off the recent New Jersey Miss America contestant who claimed someone was trying to force her out of the pageant through blackmail. Support Dalonas and free speech by writing the NY Post today.


  1. Read the censorious release from GLAAD attacking N.Y. Post cartoonist Sean Delonas for spoofing disgraced homosexual adulterer and former N.J. governor Jim McGreevey. Then write your own note to Delonis and his managing editor concerning the lampooning of immoral homosexual behavior. (See our note at bottom.)
  2. Write Sean Delonas, his managing editor, and/or the New York Post. Here’s the contact info courtesy of GLAAD:

Mr. Jesse Angelo, Managing Editor

Sean Delonas, Cartoonist
General Line: 212-930-8000

Letters to the Editor

By Peter LaBarbera

Very bad behavior by public officials is rightfully the butt of jokes in a free society. Take former New Jersey governor Jim McGreevey (D), a married father with children who resigned in 2004 after admitting to homosexual adultery.

Above, New York Post cartoonist Sean Delonas uses the time-honored tradition of exaggeration to lampoon McGreevey, whose disgrace was softened by a sympathetic media that hyped his “coming out” — McGreevey announced that he was “gay” as he resigned — as if somehow he was as much a victim as his suffering wife and children.

Homosexual activists are always on the offensive, and these days that often means attacking anything or anyone critical of “gay” behavior or homosexuals themselves. Apparently in the minds of humorless “gay” zealots, even jokes about disgraced politicians caught in homosexually-oriented sex scandals are off-limits.

Seems that GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) believes that you can make fun of everyone in society — except “gays.”

The ‘crime’ of being ‘anti-gay’ 

You may or may not like Delonas’ cartoon, but should he be banned from the newspaper world or treated any differently from cartoonists who, say, mocked televangelists caught in sex scandals? 

The homosexual activists’ penchant for wanting to censor critics — combined with the media’s dutiful political correctness on all things “gay” — should wake us up to the present threat to freedom: one day it’s a Christian billboard condemning homosexuality that gets banned (this has already happened in New York City); then it’s an edgy cartoonist who dares to challenge “gay” groupthink; and finally they come after the preachers — all that matters is that the Discriminators are “anti-gay” or “homophobic.”

In its anti-Delonas alert, the homosexual media group GLAAD intones, “NY POST PUBLISHES YET ANOTHER GRATUITOUS VULGAR ANTI-GAY CARTOON.”

Here’s GLAAD’s action step (emphasis added): “Please contact Colin Myler, Managing Editor for the New York Post, and Sean Delonas, and let them know what you think about their continued reliance on defamatory anti-gay stereotypes. Tell them it’s unacceptable for the New York Post to continue serving as a platform for tasteless anti-gay bigotry.”  

In other words, Sean Delonas is castigated as a “bigot” for poking fun at the man, Jim McGreevey, who infamously shamed the office of Governor of New Jersey. In the name of “tolerance,” GLAAD uses America’s wonderful freedoms to stifle dissenting speech on homosexuality. If they succeed, OUR freedom to be moral, or to at least disagree with a dangerous perversiona dangerous perversion — and yes, even make fun of it once in a while — will be eroded or lost. 

GLAAD wants to push the expression of Judeo-Christian morality on homosexuality out of the public square and into the church closet (not that they refrain from blasting religious people).  Years ago, it lobbied the media hard to deny and ban ads featuring former homosexuals.  We must fight back by appealing to the media to cover both sides of the “gay” debate fairly.

Anyway, here’s the note I sent to cartoonist Sean Delonas and his managing editor at the New York Post

Keep it up, Sean … Your McGreevey cartoon is hilarious…. 


… Don’t let the GLAAD Thought Police shut you down (or up). The humorless fellows at GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Discrimination) have no problem pitching bigoted, anti-Christian “stereotypes” to the media — e.g., smearing pro-family groups as “haters” and “homophobes.”  They are complete hypocrites and should not be taken so seriously by journalists. Ex-governor Jim McGreevey shamed himself and is a rightful target for spoofing.



Peter LaBarbera
Americans For Truth
PO Box 5522
Naperville, IL 60567-5522

This article was posted on Friday, August 31st, 2007 at 1:59 am and is filed under Candidates & Elected Officials, GLAAD, New York, News, Politicians & Public Officials, Pro-Homosexual Media, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?. You can follow any updates to this article through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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