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Belz to Christians: Stop Apologizing for Single Issue Advocacy
Below is an excellent column by Joel Belz, founder of WORLD magazine, answering some of the current Christian gibberish critical of believers who fight for Truth in the public square. (Click HERE for the full column in WORLD.) While we’re at it, here are 20 more good reasons why Christians (or anyone) should never feel guilty about a single-minded focus in countering the homosexual/transsexual activist and pro-abortion lobbies:
_______________________________ Belz writes for WORLD: Stop Apologizing! It’s become an increasingly frequent reminder to us evangelical Christians not to let our cultural identity be framed by “single issues.” It was a reminder implicitly included in the “Evangelical Manifesto,” a document whose basic content we at WORLD have applauded but whose political direction I questioned in our last issue. Why are the Manifesto’s backers so ready to join the cultural left in suggesting a guilt trip for those evangelicals who have been preoccupied with the evils of abortion and same-sex marriage? And if some argue that the rising generation of younger evangelicals is a bit embarrassed by what they think is an out-of-balance focus by their elders, and thinks it’s time to get equally exercised over issues like racism, economic justice, and the environment—well, if that’s the case with our twentysomethings and our teenagers, then maybe we need to go to work and do a better job of explaining to them why we’ve put the emphasis where we have for the last generation and why we believe that it’s time not to lower our voices. Evangelicals shouldn’t be embarrassed to say boldly and clearly: Abortion and same-sex marriage are uniquely heinous sins. They rattle the foundations of a civilized society. They take a culture in a dreadful direction. We haven’t been wrong to say so. We aren’t fanatics. Click HERE to read Belz’ entire column in WORLD
This article was posted
on Wednesday, July 9th, 2008 at 5:09 pm and is filed under A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, ACLU - Gay & Lesbian Project, Equality Illinois, Gill Action Fund, GLAAD, GLSEN, Log Cabin Republicans, MTV, NARAL, News, NLGJA, NOW, PFLAG, Queer Theology, State GLBTQ Activist Groups, Task Force, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Tim Gill, Truth Wins Out.
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