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Gill Action Fund
Friday, October 31st, 2008
This article by my friend, Laurie Higgins, Director of School Advocacy at the Illinois Family Institute, deserves wide circulation. Kids are being propagandized relentlessly in our nation’s schools — public and private — and what’s the evangelical church’s response? Soften your approach toward homosexuality — deal with the Church’s “antigay” image problem. We suggest the guilt-ridden Church would be wiser to get back to the life-changing Gospel, stop obsessing about “image,” and deal with the pro-homosexual indoctrination problem among young people. That certainly includes many who identify as Christians but, due to agitprop like The Laramie Project, have drifted away from a Biblical worldview on homosexuality — to the point where they now view “homophobia” as a bigger sin than the homosexual behavior itself. — Peter LaBarbera
This article first appeared on the Illinos Family Institute’s website:
Intolerant “Progressive” Educators
10/30/2008 7:36:00 AM
By Laurie Higgins, DSA Director –Illinois Family Institute
“Propaganda Is To Democracy What A Bludgeon Is To A Totalitarian State.”
~Noam Chomsky
An alumnus of District 113, an affluent school district on the North Shore of Chicago, recently informed Illinois Family Institute that once again public money is being used to fund activities that articulate only one side of the cultural debate on homosexuality.
It’s fascinating to see our “progressive” public educators — our foes of conformity; devotees of diversity; teachers of tolerance; defenders of dissent; spurners of censorship — in action. And they are busy little beavers when it comes to propaganda. When it comes to the sacred cow of homosexuality, the “progressive” educators among us are intolerant, conformist censors, deeply committed to using public funds in the service of eliminating intellectual diversity and silencing dissent from their subversive dogma.
Students in District 113 cannot make it through their freshman year without being exposed to resources that affirm controversial, unproven, and bleakly deterministic theories on the nature and morality of homosexuality. And yet they make it through the entire four years of high school without ever being exposed to a single resource or activity that affirms or articulates conservative views.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Bible, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Bullying & Victimhood, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gill Action Fund, News, School Plays, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, July 9th, 2008
New Jersey NOW activists demonstrate for lesbian so-called “marriage”: there is no shortage of single-minded (non-apologetic) pro-homosexuality and pro-abortion activists on the Left.
Below is an excellent column by Joel Belz, founder of WORLD magazine, answering some of the current Christian gibberish critical of believers who fight for Truth in the public square. (Click HERE for the full column in WORLD.) While we’re at it, here are 20 more good reasons why Christians (or anyone) should never feel guilty about a single-minded focus in countering the homosexual/transsexual activist and pro-abortion lobbies:
- Human Rights Campaign (largest pro-homosexual PAC);
- National Gay and Lesbian Task Force;
- Lambda Legal;
- NARAL Pro-Choice American (formerly National Abortion Rights Action League, which cruelly defends even later-term abortions).
- GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation;
- GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network);
- NOW (they manage to promote both lesbianism and abortion-on-demand);
- MTV (obnoxious in its one-sided promotion of homosexuality, bisexuality, etc.);
- Soulforce and other Bible-twisting, “queer theology”-promoting groups;
- Radical, reason-challenged, pro-homosexual websites like young Jeremy Hooper’s Good As You blog, Wayne (“Anything But Straight”) Besen’s ‘ex-gay’-hating Truth Wins Out, and lesbian Pam (“Jeebus”) Spaulding’s Pam’s House Blend;
- National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association;
- EMILY’s List (a pro-abortion PAC)
- Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (working to open up the military to homosexuals);
- ACLU’s Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Project;
- Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.)
- Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
- Tim Gill (homosexual money-man)
- Pro-homosexual activist groups like Equality Illinois fighting in all 50 states for radical legislation that undermines marriage;
- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
- PFLAG (Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians & Gays), a radical pro-homosexual group.
Belz writes for WORLD:
Stop Apologizing!
It’s not always wrong to be a “single-issue” advocate
It’s become an increasingly frequent reminder to us evangelical Christians not to let our cultural identity be framed by “single issues.”
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, ACLU - Gay & Lesbian Project, Equality Illinois, Gill Action Fund, GLAAD, GLSEN, Log Cabin Republicans, MTV, NARAL, News, NLGJA, NOW, PFLAG, Queer Theology, State GLBTQ Activist Groups, Task Force, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Tim Gill, Truth Wins Out |
Tuesday, July 1st, 2008
The former head of the homosexual activist group Log Cabin Republicans, Patrick Guerriero, is now working to defeat mostly REPUBLICAN pro-family, conservative state legislators across the nation.
This may be the most important political article you read this election year. Even homosexual journalists like this reporter for the “gay” magazine The Advocate are weary of the secretive nature of the Gill Action Fund and its plan to use out-of-state homosexual donors’ money strategically to knock out pro-family state legislators across the country. If this were a “Christian Right” group stealthily using Christian millionaires’ money to displace liberal, pro-homosexual politicians, the mainstream media would be all over it.
We’ll have much more to say about the Gill Action Fund and this article, but note that the man Gill chose to run his operation is Patrick Guerriero, former executive director of the Log Cabin Republicans, a group working to make the GOP more homosexuality-friendly. Log Cabin operatives like to call themselves “conservative,” but their national ex-leader has been busy for the last three years running a stealth campaign to take out mostly pro-family, conservative Republican state legislators in places like Iowa, Pennsylvania and New York. More evidence that the GOP’s “Big Tent” policy of simultaneously trying to appease both its grassroots base of millions upon millions of pro-family Republicans — and a tiny special interest group of homosexual activist Republicans whose loyalty is first to their own “gay agenda” — is an exercise in futility. — Peter LaBarbera
Here are the first three paragraph’s of the Advocate piece “The Gay Goodfellas” (emphasis added):
The Gay Goodfellas
Inside the Gill Action Fund, the most effective pro-gay political weapon you never heard of
By Kerry Eleveld, The Advocate, June 19, 2008
Patrick Guerriero and Bill Smith of the Gill Action Fund [photo of founder Tim Gill at left] have a problem. Guerriero, former leader of the Log Cabin Republicans and onetime candidate for lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, and Smith, a political consultant and former employee of Karl Rove, want LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered] people to understand their strategy for winning equal rights — a targeted approach to developing what they call “fair-minded majorities” in state legislatures across the country. During the 2006 election, the first cycle in which the organization set its sights on state legislative races, control of 13 state chambers switched hands. Ten were Democratic takeovers — chambers that are now more likely to make gay-friendly decisions.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Colorado, Gill Action Fund, Gill Foundation, Log Cabin Republicans, Media's Liberal Bias (General), News, Politicians & Public Officials, Republican Party, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |

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