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Archive for December, 2013
Wednesday, December 11th, 2013
“All of those murders that I have investigated have been in [homosexual] relationships and are victims of gay attacks, domestic situations.” — British investigator and former Scotland Yard detective Les Green, July 8, 2012
 Christian family advocates like these in Jamaica are used to false claims by homosexual activists hyping and exploiting alleged “homophobic” acts of violence. But a former Scotland Yard detective found that most of the alleged “anti-gay” murders of Jamaican homosexuals stemmed from homosexual relationship violence. In the center of this photo is Dr. Wayne West, the most prominent opponent of homosexual activism in Jamaica, who appears in a terrific video produced by the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society). Second from the right (in the red dress) is his wife, Dr. Doreen Brady-West. At the far right is their daughter, Kacy, who is a leader of the Jamaican “Love March Movement,” which promotes sexual purity among youth. [Photo: Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH]
Folks, the 2012 Jamaica Observer article below about gay-on-gay violence in Jamaica is critically important in that it debunks the oft-repeated charge by homosexual activists that anti-homosexual “hate violence” is widespread in Jamaica. [See this hateful “Truth Wins Out” article about Jamaica and AFTAH that stokes the same false polemic.]
Every time a homosexual is murdered in Jamaica, the local “gay” group, J-FLAG (Jamaican Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays) and other homosexual activists blame “homophobia” — and implicitly (or explicitly) the actions of religious opponents of the “gay” agenda for the crime. Meanwhile, Christian groups like the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) condemn all violence against homosexuals.
This victim mongering copies a tactic that LGBT activists have used in the United States for decades to advance their agenda. (Think Matthew Shepard, who was allegedly murdered “because he is gay”; later it was learned that his murder was linked to his reckless lifestyle, including drug dealing.) Even worse, many times American homosexuals have staged fake “anti-gay hate crime” hoaxes to burnish their status as victims needing to be protected from (religious-motivated) “hate.” [See this AFTAH item on a “hate-crime” hoax staged by a Nebraska lesbian.]
A personal note: having just returned from a visit to Jamaica to take part in a pro-family conference put on by JCHS, I did not witness any “hatred” or violent attitudes toward homosexuals. What I did see was a group of sincere, dedicated Christians who love God and are fighting the best they can not to have decadent Western (and American) sexual mores and LGBT laws imposed on their small nation. We must expose and rebut the insidious lie of LGBT activists everywhere that imputes “hate” to those who merely disagree with grantin “rights” based on disordered, sinful sexual behavior. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Below is the full text of the 2012 Jamaica Observer article, with our emphasis added. The original piece included a photo of some Jamaican transvestites over the caption: “Two cross-dressers pose for photos at a Fashion Week event in Kingston last month where they moved around without being harassed.”
Gay lobby claims not true, says Green
‘Jamaica far more tolerant of homosexuals than the public hype’
BY KARYL WALKER Online news editor walkerk@jamaicaobserver.com
Jamaica Observer, Sunday, July 8, 2012
A day before former Assistant Commissioner of Police Les Green left the island at the end of his eight years of service, he rubbished a common claim by the gay community and international rights groups that homosexuals in Jamaica are victims of wanton murder, mob-mauling and marginalisation.
His pronouncement came just weeks after gay lobby group Jamaica Forum For Lesbians All-sexuals and Gays (JFLAG) suggested that two men killed in the New Kingston area were slain because of their sexual preference.
In an interview on Thursday with the Sunday Observer, Green said despite claims by JFLAG that Jamaicans are intolerant of their lifestyle, and are targeting them for death, his experience during his tenure here was totally different.
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Posted in Christian, Fake "Hate Crimes", Gay Lies about AFTAH, Gay-on-gay violence, Homosexual Hate, News, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Politics of "Hate", The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality
Tuesday, December 10th, 2013
AFTAH in the News: LaBarbera tells Jamaicans to ignore U.S. scoldings on homosexuality
 The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) is fighting against the misguided idea — advanced by the United States, U.K., and international organizations — that repealing the country’s anti-buggery law will make it easier to control the spread of HIV in Jamaica. This is a slide from a new video, “Sex, Lies and Rights,” released by JCHS. (MSM stands for “men who have sex with men.)
Folks, I was blessed and energized by my trip to Jamaica, in support of a wonderful conference put on by Christians working under the name Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society . [See their outstanding educational video on the anti-buggery law (which is not really enforced) HERE; see also the Jamaica Gleaner article reprinted below about the conference.]
I loved the moral clarity of the Jamaican family advocates whom I met. Contrast that with the U.S. State Department and the European Union (EU), which along with the U.N. are backing the country’s main LGBT group, J-FLAG.
My message to the the Jamaicans was that the United States government has nothing to teach you about sexual morality but you, Jamaicans, have a lot to teach us. We should support the Jamaican Christian majority and expose the new US/EU imperialism that uses foreign aid to undermine biblical morality in sovereign nations. More coming on this story. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
PS. All this this UN, EU, and international propaganda has a LOT more influence in a tiny nation like Jamaica than it does in the US. Below is an article on the conference from the Jamaican Gleaner, one of country’s two major newspapers:
‘Don’t Bow To Gay Pressure’ – Crusaders Urge Jamaicans To Stand By Buggery Law
Published: Monday | December 9, 2013 46 Comments
Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, speaks to the audience during a presentation at the Jamaica Conference Centre on Saturday. – Photo by Gladstone Taylor, Jamaican Gleaner
Jodi-Ann Gilpin, Gleaner Writer
Peter LaBarbera, president of the Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), in the United States of America (US), has encouraged Jamaicans to be grounded in their Christian beliefs and not to be lured by other countries in repealing the buggery law.
“The United States has no business lecturing anybody about sexual morality. America has rampant abortions, rampant promiscuity, and I stand wholeheartedly with Jamaicans and encourage you all to hold to your beliefs, ” LaBarbera told The Gleaner.
LaBarbera made the comments Saturday following The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society International Human Rights conference at the Jamaica Conference Centre in downtown Kingston.
“We are all watching Jamaica to see what happens [regarding the buggery law], and I believe if Jamaica can stand up and not bow to the pressure, you can be an example to the world. There is no need to follow anybody,” LaBarbera said.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, HIV/AIDS, International, Jamaica, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality
Friday, December 6th, 2013
United States, European Union use foreign aid to pressure small Caribbean nation to make pro-homosexual change
Folks, this is a well-done video by the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society, which is co-sponsoring a pro-family conference in the capital of Kingston tomorrow. Jamaica is being pressured — by pro-homosexual forces worldwide (including the United States, which supports the main LGBT group in the country) — to rescind its laws against homosexual behavior. I will be speaking for AFTAH at tomorrow’s event, titled “International Law and the Welfare of the Family.” The U.K.-based Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship (affiliated with Christian Concern) is the other co-sponsor. I cannot help but think that millions of American young people — and their parents! — would benefit greatly by watching this 55-minute video. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Health & Science, Hillary Clinton, HIV/AIDS, Jamaica, News, Redefining Morality, Redefining Normal, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, U.S. Embassy pro-LGBT activism, U.S. Imperialism - Promoting Sexual Immorality Abroad, YouTube videos
Thursday, December 5th, 2013
Besen unleashes hate on man who left homosexualism behind; calls Glatze a “fake Christian” with a “reprobate mind”
 Michael and Rebekah Glatze at their recent wedding. Homosexual hatemonger Wayne Besen calls their marriage a “sham” and refers to Rebekah as Michael’s “prop.” For an old photo of Michael as a “gay” man, see below.
By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, my friend Michael Glatze — as one of the most prominent former homosexuals in the world (and no, he decidedly does NOT wish to be known as a former homosexual or ‘ex-gay’) — is again a target of LGBT malcontents. That’s because a few weeks ago, on October 26, Michael — a one-time up-and-coming “gay youth” activist — married his lovely bride, Rebekah, at a ceremony in Bluffton, South Carolina.
Now for most sane people (read: those who haven’t drunk the “gay” Kool-aid), the Glatze’s wedding was a joyous occasion deserving of celebration. But for homosexual activist Wayne Besen and his grotesquely named “Truth Wins Out” (TWO)– and for many of his snarky comrades on the LGBT Left — it has become an opportunity to mock and malign this beautiful Christian couple.
I call Besen and his ilk “Focus on the Failures,” because they love to highlight “former homosexuals” who stumble back into sin — and then project those failures onto all efforts to “change sexual orientation,” which they deem impossible. How odd. Think about it: in what other area of life would we celebrate failure? Can you imagine highlighting only those who tried but couldn’t overcome, say, a drug or porn addiction:
Headline: Drug activists exulted as Joe Smith lapsed back into his narcotics habit Tuesday — saying it offers further proof that NOBODY can ever overcome drug addiction (Courtesy ‘Drugs Win Out’)
This is silly, of course. In the real world, we cheer the success stories, of which Michael Glatze is but one. Moreover, Christians of all people should celebrate — just as their Heavenly Father does — when a man or woman accepts Jesus Christ and leaves sin behind:
[Jesus said:] “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” (Luke 15:7)
Yet for obvious reasons, Besen & Co. ignore happy and successful former homosexuals, except to lie about them, as is the case here.
‘Gay’ hate, Christian love
Take a minute if you can stomach it to read Besen’s petty and cruel web post on the Glatze’s wedding, and the Comments, mostly from other homosexual activists, that follow it. Poor, bitter Wayne can’t seem to stifle his seething resentment toward Michael for his godly metamorphosis. The “Truthiness Wins Out” founder wickedly calls Rebekah Michael’s “prop” and his “victim.” And Besen curiously describes Michael in his wedding clothes as being in “fundie drag” (a shirt, tie and slacks — go figure). Then Wayne puts on his “gay psychologist” hat (see the Comments section) and pronounces Glatze’s transformation away from homosexuality the result — not of the miraculous hand of God — but of Michael having a “mental disorder.” (Since homosexuality was once diagnosed as a “mental disorder” by the American Psychiatric Association — before “gay” activists bullied the APA into removing the designation in 1973 — some LGBT militants get a perverse joy out of accusing their foes of having a “mental disorder.”)
For his part, as you can read HERE or below, Michael Glatze takes all the homosexualist hate in stride and continues to reach out with the grace of Christ to those who malign him. Pray that he would have many opportunities in the years ahead to share the love of God with people who need it!
Presuming failure
 Old life: photo of Michael Glatze (left) as a young “gay” activist with his then-boyfriend and fellow activist Benjie Nycum.
Sin definitely has its cheerleaders these days. Besen and his reactionary followers (again, read the TWO Comments) for the most part presume that Michael’s and Rebekah’s marriage is destined to fail — and most are probably rooting for it to fail. Not all homosexuals are this fanatical and mean-spirited; some even accept the possibility of leaving (overcoming) homosexuality. But most lack the influence of Besen, who works the liberal media hard with his pseudo-scientific schtick that homosexuality “orientation” is unchangeable. Funny how even as Wayne hastens to proclaim the death of the “ex-gay” movement, those pesky, happy former homosexuals keep popping up here and there, giving the lie to his “queer” narrative.
(Even the wife of New York City’s Mayor-elect, Bill de Blasio, Chirlane McCray, is a former lesbian. I wonder if she gets a pass from the Haters of Ex-Gays at TWO because she’s a Democrat.)
Lastly, as many of you know, Besen and his “Truthless” crowd just love to call me “Porno Pete” (maybe they’re projecting, given the over-abundance of pornography in the “gay” male world). It’s quite evil how these lost fellows love to name-call and demonize — all the while fancying themselves the voices of love and tolerance! Sadly, in all his meanness and over-the-top nastiness, Wayne is just one of many homosexual activists who are on the “wrong side of history” — the side that hates and defies God.
Please write to congratulate Michael and Rebekah at michaelglatze@gmail.com. God bless. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, C - Heroes for Truth, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Wayne Besen
Wednesday, December 4th, 2013
AFTAH Exclusive: Glatze responds with grace to homosexual attacks on his marriage
 Michael and Rebekah Glatze at their recent wedding.
We are happy to pass along this statement by my friend Michael Glatze, a former “gay” activist who left the lifestyle and recently married his bride, Rebekah. Their marriage has attracted the scorn of hateful homosexual activist Wayne Besen (who cruelly called Rebekah Michael’s “prop”) and the skeptical interest of other LGBT advocates. More is coming on this story. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
[To congratulate or contact Michael, write him at michaeleglatze@gmail.com]:
Note from Michael Glatze:
Dear friends and prayer warriors: I am so grateful for all the prayers that have gone up to God for myself, and for Rebekah, as we have been so blessed to have gotten married in the past month. It has certainly been a journey! Going from being involved in the gay community, to traveling through various spiritual searches, to finding myself (personally) in many tumultuous situations, to meeting the woman that God provided for me, to being able to have a healthy relationship, to building relationships with parents and friends, and to finally have our families and friends converge in a beautiful wedding… all has been a difficult, powerful, and awesome journey!
I am SO grateful for the fact that God has allowed me the privilege of being married. I am 38 years old. I live, every day, with a sense of profound gratitude for His provision, and His protection on my life. I am grateful that, though I have failed time and time again, He continues to pick me back up, dust me off, and show me HOW MUCH He truly loves me. And, now, praise God, I am able to share that divine love with Rebekah. This is the greatest present Our Father has given me… it is unspeakably awesome.
There are so many who have wanted to “pick apart” my life. Heck… there are people who pick apart every subtle appearance in every photograph of me ever taken! It is strange to say the least. But, I guess when you become an individual that seems to “stand for” something larger, you can expect that kind of treatment. For instance, it was never my intention to be labeled a “racist” or a “homophobe,” let alone “deranged,” and “crazy.” But, all of these things continue to travel through the airwaves of our strange world – without any of those accusers ever seeing fit to contact me, directly, whether it could be possible for them to express their concerns to me or not. Has anyone asked me what I *really* said about President Obama back in 2009? No. It is easier for them to paint me as a radical racist, which I am not. [Editor’s Note: Michael recommends listening to his 2011 podcast interview with the Theopologetics blog for his take on what he really said regarding the “racist” accusation and other attacks by LGBT activists.] Has anybody ever contacted Rebekah, or myself, to ask us how we *really* feel about each other? No. And, in some cases, even if they did contact us directly, they would doubt that we were telling “the whole truth.” They would assume that in our “Christian blindness,” we were only saying what we were supposed to say, or “wanted to believe.” In a world where people REFUSE to listen to other people, there is not a lot of room for legitimate harmony.
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Posted in B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, C - Heroes for Truth, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Truth Wins Out, Wayne Besen
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013
 The San Francisco-based Center for Sex & Culture bills itself as striving “to promote creativity, information and healthy sexual knowledge.”
AFTAH’s reoccurring “Queer Indeed” feature will be dedicated to “gay” and sexually radical LGBT events that are so bizarre that — dare I say — normal people couldn’t make them up if they tried. Keep in mind that in the strange world of sex radicals like Carol Queen (who sent out the e-mail below looking for volunteers at a San Francisco “Masturbate-a-Thon”), adherents to traditional (biblical) morality are the “extremists.”
One more thing: if you are tempted merely to laugh at the antics of the Libertine Left, consider that self-styled “progressives” dominate the “sex education” business and are pushing misguided ideas like the encouragement of masturbation to very young children in our public schools. Here is what SIECUS (Sexual Information and Education Council of the United States) advocates for teaching about “masturbation” to early grade school students ages 5-8 (see pages 50-52 on SIECUS’ online “Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education”):
Topic 2: Masturbation
Subconcept: Masturbation is one way human beings express their sexuality.
Developmental Messages:
Level 1 [ages 5-8]
• Touching and rubbing one’s own genitals to feel good is called masturbation.
• Some boys and girls masturbate and others do not.
• Masturbation should be done in a private place.
— Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
The following is taken from an e-mail sent out by the Center for Sex & Culture (CSC), based in San Francisco, on November 15:
——– Original message ——–
From: Carol Queen <[email address————->
Date: 11/15/2013 1:57 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: [recipient]
Subject: Volunteer needs this weekend & next week @CSC
Lovely volunteers!
Tomorrow we have a big day of silent auction set-up at Dark Odyssey, which is being held at the Holiday Inn on Van Ness; we need auction-watchers from time to time over the weekend and also have a masturbate-a-thon going on there on Saturday afternoon and would be glad for some help. Are you available? Let me know! Thanks so very much!
*CSC Events at Dark Odyssey
Saturday, 11/16 The Masturbate-a-Thon at DO
AND all three days: CSC Silent Auction!
Posted in Center for Sex & Culture, Extremism, Homosexual Meccas, News, Queer Indeed, Redefining Morality, Redefining Normal, San Francisco, SIECUS - Sexual Information and Education Council of the US

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