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Gay Culture
Wednesday, March 7th, 2007
Excerpted from Pornographer’s NGO Loses Battle for US AIDS Funding in US Appeals Court, by Gudrun Schultz, published Mar 1, 2007, by LifeSite News:
The U.S. government is free to withhold funding from nonprofit AIDS groups that refuse to sign a pledge against prostitution and sex trafficking, a federal appeals court ruled Feb 29.
DKT International Inc., which promotes population control policies in developing nations, took the U.S. Agency for International Development to court in 2005 over the agency’s decision to withhold funds from the organization.
DKT was founded by US porn king Philip D. Harvey, who also launched one of the world’s largest mail-order pornography and sex merchandise businesses. The organization distributes condoms to prostitutes in Vietnam and opposes efforts to end the “sex trade,” claiming it is an established part of human society. DKT refused to sign an anti-prostitution pledge required under a 2003 law, which specified that groups must explicitly oppose prostitution and sex trafficking in order to qualify for funding under a $15 billion AIDS program.
Continue reading at LifeSite News…
Posted in Homosexual & Transgender Prostitution, News, Physical Health, Sex Work |
Tuesday, March 6th, 2007
Recall AFTAH’s exclusive special report on the Homosexual Sex Worker Panel at “Creating Change”…
On Feb 12, 2007, at the historic College of William and Mary in Virginia, here’s what one sex worker “artist” presented to an audience of over 400:
…Jo Weldon shared her story of how a stripper job helped pay her way through college and graduate school.
Why would any institution of higher learning encourage students to imagine sex work — ie, prostitution — as a possibility for their lives? This is not “controversial” — it’s corrupting.
TAKE ACTION — For a complete listing of other universities which have or plan to host this travesty, click HERE. If you are a current student or tuition-paying parent, an alumnus or a donor, please make your objections known to the university president. Complain to your elected officials about the misuse of your hard-earned tax dollars to pay for this presentation at public universities.
Excerpted from College of William and Mary Hosts Sex Worker Show on Campus, published Feb 23, 2007, by FOX News:
The same college that recently removed a traditional cross from the campus chapel allowed a controversial sex workers’ show to come give students an event complete with stripteases, feather boas and sex toys.
The College of William and Mary in Virginia last week hosted a Sex Workers’ Art Show for a crowd of more than 400 in an auditorium in the University Center, reported The Virginia Gazette. Another 300 people were turned away.
…Money to host the event came out of student activity fees…
“I think it’s a totally inappropriate use of student funds,” Ken Petzinger, a physics professor, told the Gazette. “It’s in conflict with other values the college has.”
President Gene Nichol issued a statement saying: “I don’t like this kind of show and I don’t like having it here … But it’s not the practice and province of universities to censor or cancel performances because they are controversial.”
Continue reading at FOX News…
Posted in Homosexual & Transgender Prostitution, News, Not with MY Tax money!, School Officials, Sex Work, Universities & Colleges |
Sunday, March 4th, 2007
The physician quoted below is credited on many websites as providing care for about 90% of HIV/AIDS patients in Utah and surrounding areas. According to her online bio, she has cared for about 2000 patients since 1983 when AIDS was first recognized, and presently has about 1000 active patients. One wonders if this eventuality is plainly delineated by those promoting homosexuality in Deerfield High School’s Freshman Advisory class, for this is tragic.
From Utah Doctor Warns about HIV-Methamphetamines Connection, published Feb 2007, by Affirmation (a pro-homosexuality group for “gay” and lesbian Mormons):
A doctor who pioneered the treatment of HIV/AIDS…Dr. Kristen Ries (pictured left), Director of the University of Utah AIDS Center, made the statement in a recent interview with QSaltLake [which is “Utah’s Gay & Lesbian News & Entertainment Magazine”].
“In our clinic we are seeing young 18-, 19-, 20-year-olds coming in newly-infected with HIV and it’s mostly related to methamphetamine,” Ries said.
…“It’s very hard to see so many young people with permanent brain dysfunction,” Ries added. “A lot of people are very disabled and will never have the quality of life they had before, both due to the effects of HIV and methamphetamine on the brain.”
Posted in Crystal Methamphetamine, Drug Abuse, Homosexual Quotes, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Sex-Ed Curriculum |
Friday, March 2nd, 2007
Excerpted from ADF Helps Protect Three Children from Demands of Unfaithful Military Father Who Left Wife for Boyfriend, published Mar 2, 2007, by Alliance Defense Fund:
Court denies father’s appeal for boyfriend to stay overnight while children visiting and for permission to show affection with boyfriend in children’s presence
An active duty military officer who left his wife to pursue sexual relationships with other men failed in his appeal to have certain visitation restrictions to his three children dropped Tuesday.
The mother, represented by attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund and the Alexandria law firm Gannon & Cottrell, P.C., the lead attorneys in the case, opposed the father’s request to be allowed overnight stays with his three children while his boyfriend is present. She also objected to her former husband’s request that he be allowed to openly display affection with his boyfriend in front of the children.
“The interests of children far outweigh a man’s desire to be selfish,” said ADF Legal Counsel Dale Schowengerdt. “We are talking about a man who repeatedly cheated on his wife to engage in sexual acts with other men and then left her for one of those men. This father and his attorneys with Lambda Legal then decided to take it a step further and demand that very minimal and common visitation restrictions designed to protect the children be dropped. There’s no doubt the Court of Appeal did the right thing in refusing this demand.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in 01 - Gay, Born that Way?, Court Decisions & Judges, Custody, Down Low, Military, News |
Wednesday, February 28th, 2007
“For many weeks prior to the February 27, 2007 school board hearing, community activist James Hartline begged and pleaded for Christians to come and stand up for the kids who are being exposed to the pornography of the San Diego Gay Pride events. Hundreds of San Diego pastors received emails from Hartline. Not one pastor showed up.“
“Out of the 1,700 churches in San Diego County, not one pastor showed up…”
An Action Alert from our friend, James Hartline:
If there hadn’t been any witnesses, most people would not have believed what the superintendent of schools for the San Diego Unified School District told a packed audience during a February 27, 2007 school board meeting. In response to complaints that an elementary school in San Diego, California was exposing small children to pornographic imagery when marching the kids in the San Diego Gay Pride Parade last year, school superintendent Carl H. Cohn stated, “We investigated these concerns and did not find any parents who have a problem with their kids in the gay pride parade.”
Cohn’s response came after James Hartline, a local community activist and child protection advocate, issued a stinging speech condemning the school board’s refusal to stop the children from marching in the parade under the banner of the San Diego Cooperative Charter School. Joining Hartline were eleven other supporters including attorney Robert Sutton and his wife Kim Tran, a Republican candidate for the California State Assembly. In his speech, Sutton likened the battle to save kids from the “gay pride” onslaught to that of the struggle to free the slaves during the 1800’s. Ms. Tran, a mother of five children and numerous foster children, is especially outraged that small children are being marched in a parade that openly displays xxx porn companies and male prostitutes. “I cannot believe that this school board doesn’t do anything about what this charter school is doing to these little children. It is so heartbreaking,” cried Tran.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, News, School Officials |
Wednesday, February 21st, 2007
By Peter LaBarbera
Born “gay”? Oscar host and very “out” lesbian Ellen DeGeneres
revealed that she was molested by her stepdad as a teenager.
It’s OK to be “anti-gay,” as long as you don’t hate people. That is, as long as you understand that “gay” is not an innocuous, inborn trait but an adjective describing wrong and destructive behavior.
Sexual revolutionaries stole the real meaning of “gay” (merry, exuberant, according to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary) decades ago, and it’s long gone now. So let’s try to redeem it by making some sense of what “gay” is and what it is not:
“Gay” is not an unchangeable trait like skin color and it has a moral component – unlike being left-handed or having blue eyes (to name two spurious analogies used by homosexual activists).
Nor is “being gay” “who you are,” as homosexual activists claim, but rather “what you do.” Even the word homosexual –– a Greek-Latin hybrid that dates back only to 1869 –– should be used only as an adjective, not a noun, as my friend and AFA-Michigan leader Gary Glenn reminds us (this is very hard to do, by the way).
The great news is that nobody has to be “gay.” Homosexuality need not be permanent in a person’s life, as proved by the thousands of former homosexuals living contented lives today. There are no ex-Blacks or ex-Latinos, while there are lots of ex-“gays” –– a fact that by itself should negate “gayness” as a civil rights category. (Strangely, many of the same liberals who lecture us about respecting “gays” either ignore or ridicule ex-“gays.”)
Nobody “happens to be gay,” either (another “gay” shibboleth). Environment plays a big role. Many “gay” men and lesbian women testify to dysfunctional or abusive childhoods and broken relationships with one or both parents. Ellen DeGeneres, a very public lesbian and host of the upcoming Academy Awards, has revealed that her stepfather molested her as a teenager. She is just one of countless homosexuals who testify to abuse in their past. Yet the media robotically parrot the “born gay” line as if it were just days away from becoming a scientific fact.
The semantic struggle that conservatives and Christians face is that there is no neat, positive equivalent to “pro-life” in the debate over homosexuality. Pro-normal? Pro-hetero? Nothing seems to work, hence we are left with the rather vague pro-family to avoid the negative-sounding, condemnatory anti-gay.
The evil genius of ‘gay’
Words have tremendous power. The evil genius of America’s homosexual activist movement is that it took a taboo behavior that was universally regarded as an unspeakable sin until a few short decades ago –– and redefined it as “gay.” In doing so, it created America’s “queerest” minority, at least until the homosexuals’ cross-dressing, “transgendered” allies came onto the scene using copycat tactics.
“Gay” activists succeeded in personalizing a destructive impulse to make it sound like a harmless identity, or trait.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Bathhouses, Born that Way?, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Media Promotion, News, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Tuesday, January 30th, 2007
Ex-“gay” Christian activist James Hartline is drawing attention to a disconcerting announcement from San Diego LGBT Pride:
San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride has established a first-ever, paid internship position for a high school senior as part of its resolution to further involve LGBT youth into the long-term planning of Pride’s annual celebrations.
The position, which partly involves direct outreach into the youth community, sponsorship involvement and volunteer training, begins in January and runs until the end of August with the possibility of an extension…
“The voice of teenage youth is an integral part of the everyday planning process for our annual events,” said Ron deHarte, executive director of San Diego LGBT Pride. “The internship program is yet another growth step of the organization.”
We at Americans For Truth share Hartline’s concern and implore San Diego residents to speak out against the involvement of teenagers in planning and organizing an event which celebrates sexual perversion — especially given the track record of this particular “festival”:
In 2005, San Diego Gay Pride employed five registered sex offenders in voluntary and supervisory positions. One of those employees, Marty the Clown, a convicted pedophile, was hired to work in the San Diego Gay Pride Children’s Garden!
In 2006, San Diego Gay Pride continued its dangerous campaign against the young kids of San Diego by allowing children to march in its parade with porn-promoters, male prostitutes and nearly-nude male strippers.
No responsible adult who knows the reality of homosexual celebrations like “gay pride” parades would countenance placing teenagers or even younger children in that environment. And that’s just the point: many “gay” activists (and their straight liberal allies) are so committed to pushing for acceptance of homosexuality that they are not responsible enough to protect children. Parents, beware.
Some homosexuals would agree with Hartline, but many activists are so far removed from traditional morality and desensitized to the debauchery that surrounds “gay” celebrations that they’ve lost all perspective on how perverted the events are. One of the saddest spectacles I have observed over and over at “gay pride” parades are the young, impressionable children brought to view or even march in the parades as if they were being put on by Macy’s.
These are celebrations of homosexuality, for goodness sake! Isn’t it bad enough that adults are involved? In the name of “rights” and “equality,” a sin lobby corrupts children. — Peter LaBarbera
Posted in GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, News |

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