A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

Gagnon on “Hate Crimes” Bill S. 909 – Part I: It Promotes Hatred of People Opposed to Homosexual Behavior

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

Bill will be used to advance left-wing notion that defenders of normalcy are hateful bigots

rob_gagnon-2.jpgBelow we reprint the first of an excellent three-part series on the “Hate Crimes” bill (S. 909) by Pittsburgh Theological Seminary professor Robert Gagnon (left), probably the world’s foremost expert on the Bible and homosexuality from an orthodox (Bible-believing) perspective. S. 909 could be voted on as early as Thursday in the U.S. Senate. (So says the extremist National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.) For those who can’t wait on AFTAH for Parts II and III, go to this page on Gagnon’s website and scroll down for the full series.

TAKE ACTION: call or write your U.S. Senators (202-224-3121 or 202-225-1321; www.congress.org) today and urge them to oppose the “hate crimes” bill, which is likely to be tacked on as an amendment to the defense appropriations bill for a vote as early as Thursday. Federal “hate crimes” legislation including homosexuality and gender confusion will lay the groundwork for the persecution of religious Americans or anyone who acts on the belief that homosexuality is wrong — as well as pro-life activists working to save unborn babies and those who fight jihadist Islamo-fascism. Every red state with no “sexual orientation” laws will instantly be affected by this federal power-grab that guarantees unequal treatment in the law by awarding homosexuals, bisexuals and the gender confused specially protected “civil rights” status.


Gagnon writes:

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Mike Heath Predicts Victory for Traditional Marriage in Maine

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

mike_heath_ccl_capital_resized_5.jpgMike Heath, Executive Director of the Maine Family Policy Council, has issued the following statement about the successful effort to gather signatures for the people’s veto on same sex marriage.

Contact: Mike Heath (207) 622-7634

The Maine Family Policy Council welcomes the news that enough signatures have been gathered for a people’s veto of same sex marriage in November.  The MFPC extends its humble thanks to the people of Maine, and in particular to those friends and supporters who signed the petition, or helped gather signatures.

Ours is a system of government in which the people are sovereign. The collective wisdom of the people, added to the sound common sense of those who remain faithful to God’s laws, ensures that we will ultimately win the battle for marriage and the family.

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Obama Says Foes of Homosexuality Hold to ‘Worn Arguments and Old Attitudes’

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

obama_gay_benefits_homosexual_activists.jpg‘Worn Arguments, Old Attitudes’: That’s how President Obama describes the thinking of millions upon millions of Americans who oppose homosexual behavior [watch his elitist “gay pride” speech HERE.] At a recent Oval Office ceremony, President Obama shakes the hand of Frank Kameny — a hero to homosexual activists but a bigoted extremist to pro-family activists on the receiving end of his intemperate letters. Kameny smears Christian conservatives as “Christianofascists” and says “gay is godly,” even though he’s an atheist. (Kameny also wrote AFTAH that bestiality is OK “as long as the animal doesn’t mind.”) Christians, Jews, Muslims, and all moral-minded Americans must resist Obama’s use of the bully pulpit to undermine timeless truths by advancing the “gay” agenda of turning aberrant and unhealthy sex and gender confusion into “civil rights.”  Click on White House photo to enlarge.


TAKE ACTION: Call your Senators today to oppose the “Hate Crimes” bill, S 909;  then call your Congressman and your Senators and voice your opposition to homosexualizing the armed forces and ENDA — the Employment NonDiscrimination Act, which would compel small businesses to subsidize and reward immoral behavior. Call 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121 or go to www.congress.org.  


By Peter LaBarbera

So (President) Barack Obama is going to teach us (and by extension, God) a few things about the supposed morality of homosexual relationships? “Audacity” suddenly seems like too small a word for Mr. Obama. A few years ago this fellow was a back-bencher in Springfield, Illinois, unable to summon up the strength of character to vote for a bill designed to protect babies “born alive” through botched abortions. Now he’s President of the greatest and most blessed nation on earth and is so sure of his moral rectitude (or, conversely, cynical of divine absolutes) that he dismisses those “worn arguments and old attitudes” against homosexual behavior — you know, the ones rooted in Genesis in the Old Testament and Romans in the New.

Go HERE to watch the president’s elitist slap at faith-motivated Americans; start watching at the 1:00 minute mark of the speech to homosexual activists celebrating “gay pride month.” A transcript of the speech accompanies the Youtube video.

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AFTAH Warns of Obama’s Radical Homosexual Agenda as President Meets Today with Gay Activists

Monday, June 29th, 2009

white_house_opm_kameny_apology.jpg Obama Honors Anti-Christian Radical: The Administration’s OPM Director John Berry — an open homosexual and ardent “gay” activist  (second from left in photo; click to enlarge) — apologized to and honored homosexual activist icon Frank Kameny (third from left). Kameny calls religious conservatives like AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera “Christianofascists” and says “gay is godly” — even though he is an atheist. President Obama’s agenda on homosexuality and transsexuality is as unknown to the public as it is radical. If he fulfills all of his promises to the self-styled “Queer” movement — including homosexualizing the U.S. military — the American people will be less free than we are today. Obama meets in the White today with homosexual and transsexual activists as part of his celebration of June as “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trangender Pride Month.” At bottom is a larger photo of Kameny and Berry. Photos: Office of Personnel Management.


TAKE ACTION: Call your U.S. Congressman and Senators and oppose “Hate Crimes” (S 909), ENDA (Employment Nondiscrimination Act) and all aspects of President Obama’s homosexual/transsexual agenda (see below). Call or write: 202-224-3121; 202-225-3121; www.congress.org.


Americans For Truth About Homosexuality

June 29, 2009; Contact AFTAH at americansfortruth@comcast.net

AFTAH Warns of Obama’s Radical Homosexual Agenda as President Meets Today with Gay Activists

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) warns that President Obama will likely renew his radical promises to homosexual activists today at a White House “Pride Month” reception –– promises that, if fulfilled, will undermine the freedoms of the majority of Americans who affirm marriage and healthy, time-tested Judeo-Christian sexual values in their daily lives.

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Words from the Bible for Today: Pride, Homosexuality, Dishonoring God and Salvation in Christ

Sunday, June 28th, 2009

Proverbs 8:12-14 (all verses are from New American Standard Bible):

“I, wisdom, dwell with prudence,
And I find knowledge and discretion.
“The fear of the LORD is to hate evil;
Pride and arrogance and the evil way
And the perverted mouth, I hate.
“Counsel is mine and sound wisdom;
I am understanding, power is mine.

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Open Homosexuals in the Military: Bad Idea Then, Bad Idea Now

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

Obama’s vow to “outlaw discrimination” would criminalize traditional morality in the Armed Forces

The column by Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs at the Liberty Counsel and a Board Member of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, first appeared in WorldNetDaily. Barber will be the keynote speaker at AFTAH’s fund-raising banquet on Saturday, October 24:


WorldNetDaily, Friday, June 26, 2009

By Matt Barber

Most are unaware that during the Revolutionary War George Washington was a staunch advocate for allowing “gays” in the military. In fact, he boldly commissioned the little-known “Fabulous Pink Brigade,” which once infiltrated a British camp and –– while the redcoats slept –– covertly redecorated in eye-popping pastels.

No, although Washington was a revolutionary, he wasn’t a radical. The idea of open homosexuality within our armed services has long been considered preposterous.

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AFTAH Quiz: Freedom vs. License in New York City

Friday, June 26th, 2009

WARNING: Offensive Photos, even with Nudity Covered

Q: Which of the following behaviors was banned — i.e., is not tolerated — in New York City, where the modern “gay rights” revolution was launched 40 years ago?


Putting up two billboards with the following simple, Biblical Message (“Do not lie with a man as with a woman; it is detestable.“) in Staten Island:



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AFA: Sotomayor Concurred on NYC Ruling that Banned Biblical Billboard against Homosexuality

Friday, June 26th, 2009

So we don’t have free speech, after all? Leviticus 18:22 banned in Big Apple


Rev. Kristopher Okwedy, a Nigerian immigrant, thought he would have the freedom to proclaim Biblical truth about homosexuality in the “the land of the free and home of the brave,” but alas, New York City politicians banned his billboard (left). Judge Sonia Sotomayor joined a Second Circuit order that denied Okwedy’s free speech. The ruling was obviously hostile to religion despite the Court’s claim otherwise. 


American Family Association Press Release


June 26, 2009

SOTOMAYOR: It’s okay for Government to ridicule Holy Bible

In 2003, Judge Sonia Sotomayor joined a Second Circuit order that excused government hostility toward religion.  In 2000, Rev. Kristopher Okwedy and Keyword Ministries, Inc. –– a Christian Church –– put up a billboard sign quoting a verse of the Holy Bible, Leviticus 18:22, that says, “Thou shall not lie with a male as with a female –– it is an abomination.”  The sign included the postscript, “I AM YOUR CREATOR.”  After three days and much public outcry, Staten Island Borough President Guy Molinari called the display “mean spirited” and said the Bible verse “conveys an atmosphere of intolerance which is not welcome in our Borough.”  He then attempted to have the sign removed or covered up.

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