“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

Homosexual Pressure Group GLAAD Smears Kirk Cameron as ‘Anti-Gay Extremist’

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012
Kirk Cameron has bravely stood for Christian and biblical values in Hollywood.

Below is a graphic put out by the homosexual media pressure group GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) — smearing Kirk Cameron as an “anti-gay extremist” for his recent heartfelt comments about homosexual behavior and “same-sex marriage,” on CNN’s Piers Morgan show. Watch the CNN interview HERE. As you can see, this is not the tone of an “extremist” but a thoughtful Christian man who is smart enough to know that Hollywood liberals and LGBT militants will pounce on any statement  he makes critical of homosexual behavor, which God through the Bible condemns. (By the way, I think Kirk would have been better off just saying “yes” to Morgan’s question about whether he believes homosexuality is a sin.)

On his Facebook page, Cameron writes, in part:

[In the CNN interview] I expressed the same views that are expressed clearly and emphatically throughout the Judeo-Christian scriptures. As a Bible believing Christian, I could not have answered any other way….

I also believe that freedom of speech and freedom of religion go hand-in-hand in America. I should be able to express moral views on social issues–especially those that have been the underpinning of Western civilization for 2,000 years–without being slandered, accused of hate speech, and told from those who preach “tolerance” that I need to either bend my beliefs to their moral standards or be silent when I’m in the public square.

I hope more than a few people could see the large volume of secularist morality being imposed on me….

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Homosexual Arrogance in Action – ‘Gay’ New Mexico Hairdresser Takes on Gov. Martinez over ‘Same-Sex Marriage’

Thursday, March 1st, 2012
AFTAH March Moneybomb:  Today we launch our first-ever “Moneybomb” for Americans For Truth, with the goal of raising $10,000 in the month of March for AFTAH.  If just 500 supporters were to give $20 each — or 1,000 $10/each — we would reach our goal.  Can you donate $20, $50 or $100 today (or even just $10) to help AFTAH report facts and truth about radical, freedom-threatening homosexual activism — which the liberal media refuse to report?  Go online towww.americansfortruth.com/donate/, or send your gift to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.  Thank you for helping us stand up for Truth!

Dear AFTAH Reader,

The liberal media’s bias in support of the homosexual — and especially “same-sex marriage” — agenda is so egregious it’s laughable [go HERE].  Below is a story featuring AFTAH about a “gay” hairdresser-turned-homosexual-militant, by our good friends at American Family Association’s “One News Now.”  You can listen to this report at the ONN website: http://www.onenewsnow.com/Culture/Default.aspx?id=1544346 (and please sign up for their e-news alerts).  Notice how homosexual activists and their media allies keep ratcheting up their definition of “bigotry” and “hate.”  Now all you have to do to be smeared as a “bigot” by the ‘Gay’ Thought Police is take a public stand for preserving the age-old definition of marriage (one man, one woman).  Amazing, and evil.

TAKE ACTION: Start factoring in corporate support for the homosexual-transgender activist agenda in your buying decisions. Of course, it’s almost impossible to boycott all the pro-homosexuality companies, but you CAN start taking practical steps to prevent your hard-earned dollars from being used to subsidize immorality and destructive gender confusion.  AFTAH will help to educate you on the ongoing GLBT campaign to pressure corporations to subsidize and embrace perversion.  But for starters, take a few moments to review this astonishing document that reveals the Homosexual-Transgender Lobby’s plan to intimidate corporations into paying for body-mutilating “sex-change” operations in the name of “transgender health.”
Yes, that’s right: to get a “100 percent” pro-“gay” ranking by the (anti-Christian) Human Rights Campaign, companies will have to cover transsexual “sex change” operations as a medical benefit (so-called). Here’s the link: http://sites.hrc.org/documents/CorporateEqualityIndex_2012.pdf
Now here’s the One News Now story about the campaign to intimidate New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, a “story” that got HUGE PLAY in New Mexico and the liberal media: 


‘Homosexual arrogance’ in New Mexico

Charlie Butts – OneNewsNow – 2/27/2012 8:30:00 AM

A hair stylist in New Mexico is refusing to do Governor Susana Martinez’s hair again. Activist Peter LaBarbera calls the incident “a lesson in homosexual activism” for conservatives.

The reason Antonio Darden is snubbing the governor is that she does not support homosexual “marriage” — and Darden is refusing to do her do until she changes her stance. OneNewsNow turned to Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality for a reaction.

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AFTAH Interviews Pro-Family Warrior Jim Finnegan – Part One

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

Pro-life/pro-family advocate Jim Finnegan has fought long and hard in Illinois for "Choose Life" specialty license plates, which would raise funds for adoption. Democratic politicians, influenced by pro-abortion lobbyists, have stalled the plates for years.

This is Part One of AFTAH’s interview [listen HERE] with Jim Finnegan, a longtime pro-life and pro-family Catholic advocate in the Chicago area who is active with Defend Marriage Illinois. Finnegan is also leading the campaign for “Choose Life” specialty license plates in Illinois — thwarted for years by liberal Democrats. This interview was pre-recorded and aired February 18, 2012. Finnegan and AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera discuss the radical group Gay Liberation Network’s ongoing attacks on Cardinal Francis George, due to George’s and the Catholic Church’s opposition to homosexual “marriage” and homosexual acts.

LaBarbera describes the GLN’s hateful protest Feb. 12, 2012, directly in front of Chicago’s Holy Name Cathedral, with signs mocking George as “Archbigot.” He also notes GLN’s refusal to condemn a pro-homosexual brick attack against a Christian school hosting AFTAH’s October 2011 banquet — and says that if he had refused to condemn such an assault on a homosexual group he would legitimately be called a “hater.” (See AFTAH report on GLN’s record of hate HERE.) Both men discuss a newly introduced “same-sex marriage” bill [more info HERE] introduced by three openly homosexual Illinois legislators — and how House Speaker Mike Madigan (himself a “Catholic”) has blocked pro-family bills in Springfield while allowing pro-homosexual bills to be considered.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

2-18-12, Jim Finnegan, Part One

Mike Heath Confronts ‘Sodomy-based Marriage’ in Maine

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

Woman Strongly Disagrees During Heath Sermon and Walks Out

Mike Heath (left) and his wife, Paulie, with American Family Association founder Don Wildmon. This photo was taken in 2010.

Mike Heath is my good friend and the former Board Chairman of Americans For Truth. He’s also the former Executive Director (1994–2009) of the Christian Civic League of Maine — which, I might add, has become decidedly less boldly “Christian” — and less principled — with the departure of Mike and his talented staff a few years back. (That’s a long and fascinating story, but it needs to be told because it says a lot about what ails the presumptively “Christian pro-family movement” [quotes necessary].)

Anyway, Mike Heath [see website HERE] is also a heckuva good guy who — now that he is free of the burdens of “pro-family movement” politics (quotes necessary) — is more apt to tell it like it is than he was before. That’s saying something, because Mike was usually more honest about what’s at stake in the “Culture War” over homosexuality than most pro-family and conservative leaders, who are — I’ll just say it — pretty much intimidated, out-gunned and out-organized by the Homosexual Lobby and at a loss for how to stop it. (See this New England homosexual lobby group’s website to get an idea of what we are up against.)

I don’t necessarily share Mike’s views on the potential that come November Mainers will likely vote for “sodomy-based marriage,” as he calls it (Mike doesn’t fret about style like so many Chistians these days). But the fact that it is even a possibility speaks to the failed “pro-family” strategy of NOT focusing on Homosexuality in the battle over, yes, Homosexual so-called “Marriage.”

Elephant in the room? What elephant in the room?!

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Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Legislative Round-up

Friday, February 17th, 2012

Greg Quinlan

Here is a concise summary of what is happening with homosexual “marriage” legislation in various states, from our friend and stellar pro-family activist (and PFOX President) Greg Quinlan. Greg is also a lobbyist with the New Jersey Family Policy Council. You can listen to these AFTAH radio interviews with Quinlan, a former homosexual and one-time “gay” activist: Part One; Part Two; and Part Three.

On Monday, the New Jersey Senate voted 24-16 to corrupt the definition of marriage to include homosexual couples. Many called it a civil right. Homosexuality is NOT a civil right. It simply does not measure up to the criteria of a civil right.

Thursday (today) the Democrat-controlled New Jersey Assembly (lower Chamber) voted. There was a slim chance that it would not get the required 41 votes for passage. [But the “same-sex marriage” bill passed the  by a vote of 42-33; New Jersey governor Chris Christie has vowed to veto the bill.]

Please pray for us and that the elected officials nationwide will do the right thing. And that the Lord God will accomplish His will any way He sees fit. May HE have mercy on this state, and this nation, which seems to have forgotten Him.

Please pray for the other states facing the lie of homosexual “marriage.” A bill has just been introduced in Illinois to legalize counterfeit “gay marriage.’ It is mischievously titled the “Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act.” Maryland is under a more imminent threat of homosexual “marriage” as well as a bill that would enable transsexual, cross-dressing men to use the restrooms of women and young girls. INSANITY.

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Hateful Homosexual Protesters Slam Cardinal George as ‘Archbigot’ at Sunday Morning Church Protest

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

AFTAH in the News: real ‘hate’ comes from ‘Gay Liberation Network’

Gay Liberation Network protester marches with sign smearing Chicago Card. Francis George as an "Archbigot" -- in Sunday morning protest directly in front of Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. Homosexual activists are pushing hard for legalizing homosexual "marriage" in Illinois. Click on photo to enlarge. PHOTO: Americans For Truth

TAKE ACTION: Illinois Residents: call your state representative and senator (www.ilga.gov; 217-782-2000) and urge them to OPPOSE the “same-sex marriage” bill, HB 5170, that was just introduced by three openly homosexual lawmakers in Springfield. (Also, ask them to REPEAL the “Civil Unions” bill passed enacted last year.) The Civil Unions law quickly became a tool of anti-religious oppression against Christians, and now it is revealed as a mere stepping-stone for the Homosexual Lobby’s real goal: the revolutionary redefinition of marriage — using the State to advance the absurd idea that sinful “unions” based on (changeable) homosexuality should be awarded equal status with natural marriage.

Religious Freedom? Also please note the audacity of liberals calling the new bill the “Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act” — similar to their artful name for the Civil Unions bill — even though both legal “civil unions” and “gay marriage” would force employers to subsidize immoral homosexual relationships (the very antithesis of “religious liberty”).


Dear AFTAH Supporter,

Click on the photo above right to enlarge it.  How would you like to have to walk past THIS to get into church Sunday morning?  I was there to witness Gay Liberation Network protesters marching directly in front of Holy Name Cathedral in downtown Chicago on Sunday morning (Feb. 12, 2012) during the main church service. (At least two GLN signs smeared Cardinal Francis George as “Arch-bigot”; one showed his photo and mocked: “Archbigot of Chicago… is intrinsically disordered + needs reparative therapy.”)

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A Few Examples of the Gay Liberation Network’s Hate and Intolerance

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

Gay Liberation Network protesters gather after Sunday's picket in front of Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. Note the signs calling Cardinal Francis George an "Archbigot" and asking Catholics to "Give up Hate for Lent." GLN leader Andy Thayer is at left.

Americans For Truth president Peter LaBarbera passed out a version of the following in printed flier  format Sunday morning (February 12, 2012) at the Gay Liberation Network’s picket against Chicago Cardinal Francis George. The GLN picket was allowed to take place directly in front of Holy Name Cathedral in downtown Chicago, during the main morning Mass. AFTAH will add more examples of the GLN’s extreme and vicious record in the months ahead:


A  Few Examples of the Gay Liberation Network’s Hate

Compiled by Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (www.aftah.org); americansfortruth@gmail.com

The Gay Liberation Network (GLN), based in Chicago, is so extreme and hateful that it makes most other pro-homosexual organizations almost seem restrained by comparison. Here is just a sampling of GLN’s record:

  • GLN regularly smears Cardinal Francis George, Moody Church Pastor Erwin Lutzer and other religious leaders as ”haters” and “bigots” because they oppose homosexual behavior according to their church’s teachings;
  • Gay Liberation Network leader Bob Schwartz explicitly refused to publicly condemn the Oct. 15, 2011 pro-homosexual brick attack on Christian Liberty Academy – which occurred the morning of the day that CLA was scheduled to host a banquet for Americans For Truth. Schwartz wrote on a pro-homosexuality website (Box Turtle Bulletin):

“[Gay Liberation Network] did not, and will not condemn the actions of persons who threw the [paver bricks], assuming that they did so out of hatred of [pro-family advocate Scott] Lively, [AFTAH President Peter] LaBarbera, and the Christian Liberty Academy.”

  • GLN publicly applauded University of Illinois for firing Catholic professor Kenneth Howell (who was terminated and then temporarily rehired after a student complained about an instructional e-mail he had sent out explaining Catholic doctrine and Natural Moral Law). Schwartz sent the following e-mail to Americans For Truth regarding Howell:

From: [Bob Schwartz, Gay Liberation Network]
Date: Tues, 13 Jul 2010 20:55:16 -0400
To: <americansfortruth@comcast.net>
Subject: Kenneth Howell

Just a note to advise you that I asked the new U of I president to support the termination of antigay bigot “natural law” [Prof. Kenneth] Howell.

Bob Schwartz

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