“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

EqualityMaine Names Leather Fetishist, Children’s Performer Their ‘Homosexual of the Year’

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

From our very fine friends at Christian Civic League of Maine: Is this the kind of man you would care to have invited to perform at your son’s elementary or junior high school? In the homosexual activist social sphere, Lew Alessio is considered not just normal, but laudable. Meet their “Homosexual of the Year”…

From Lew Knows Leather, by Mike Hein, published Mar 21, 2007, by Christian Civic League of Maine:

New York’s “New American Leathermen”, 2001

Homosexual activist Lewis (Lew) Alessio of Greene, Maine was recently announced by EqualityMaine to be the 2007 recipient of the Cameron Duncan Award. The annual award is the radical homosexual lobbying group’s ‘homosexual of the year’ award. The award was presented to Alessio at EqualityMaine’s 23rd Annual Awards Banquet on March 10 at the Holiday Inn by the Bay in Portland.

The EqualityMaine press release spoke of Alessio as a homosexual demonstrating “extraordinary accomplishment, commitment, and service within the AIDS community” and “an outstanding leader in Maine’s gay community.” Lew Alessio is better known in the central Maine community as being the leader of a homosexual men’s social club called “ Just Guys.” The “Just Guys” motto from their website is “… the new men’s social group for men who have sex with men.” The group meets at MaineGeneral Heath’s Green Street location, located immediately adjacent to the Green Street United Methodist Church in Augusta.

New York Leathermen Contestants

Less well known is Alessio’s recent past, where he competed, and was named 1st runner up, in a homosexual leather bondage fetishist contest in 2001 in New York City. Alessio placed 1st Runner Up in the homosexual leather bondage “New American Leatherman 2001” according to the homosexual leather bondage fetish website Leatherweb.com. Later that same year, Alessio “married” his homosexual partner, Jim Shaffer.

Besides being a leather bondage fetishist and leader of a homosexual sex men-only social club, Alessio is also self-employed as part of the theater troupe “Actors Theater of Maine.” The State of Maine Arts directory website states the theater group charges $500 per performance and caters primarily to children, from pre-kindergarden to 8th grade. Alessio’s ‘Actors Theater of Maine’ troupe stages plays that “all use students in the performances along with the professional casts. [The performances] are accompanied by extensive teaching materials,” according to the Maine government website.

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Chuck Colson: Outlawing Conscience

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

Excerpted from Outlawing Conscience, by Chuck Colson, published Mar 20, 2007, by Breakpoint:

…The persecution against the Church has taken a decisive turn in the cradle of civil liberty—the United Kingdom (UK). And it will happen in America, also, if we do not wake up to the danger.

In London last month, the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights recommended regulations that would make it illegal for private, religious schools to teach that homosexual conduct is immoral…

And we know about this. Last summer, the British government closed down our IFI unit because we teach that sex should be limited to heterosexual marriage. And if these regulations violate the rights of Christians—what does the government say? “Too bad.”

Luke Gormally, a fellow at London’s Linacre Centre, a Christian bioethics institute, put it this way:

“The Committee could not be clearer in saying that they believe the freedom to live a practicing homosexual lifestyle trumps the freedom to live a religious lifestyle.”

…Last Thursday, a House of Commons committee met to decide on the Sexual Orientation Regulations. Many MPs protested the Blair government’s refusal to allow a full debate in the House of Commons. And despite repeated appeals for a postponement, the chairperson insisted on taking an immediate vote: The regulations were upheld.

Now, the Blair government is attempting to rush the law through both houses of Parliament before opponents have time to organize. The vote will take place on Wednesday.

On that day, many Christians will be found at a prayer vigil in Old Palace Yard near the entrance to the House of Lords. [TAKE ACTION –] We need to be praying with them, because it is going to take a miracle to keep this law from passing.

Continue reading at Breakpoint…

It’s All About Me

Monday, March 19th, 2007

Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate. — Matthew 19:6

Pray for the six children whose homes have been broken, whose fathers have been left behind…and the many more just like them.

Excerpted from Gay Marriage Advocates Switch Strategies, by Ray Henry, published Mar 17, 2007, by Associated Press:

Aronda Kirby and Digit Murphy were once married to men, received the tax breaks for married couples and were legally permitted to take family leave if their husbands or children got sick. Both women lost those protections when they came out as lesbians, divorced their husbands and set up a new household together with their six children.

Now, with couples like Murphy and Kirby in mind, some gay rights advocates who previously fought for “marriage or nothing” are shifting strategies. Rather than fighting to legalize marriage for same-sex couples, they’re lobbying for the protections marriage provides…

“We’ve had all the rights, so we want them back,” Murphy said. “We don’t care how we get them.”

Continue reading at TBO.com…

HRC Helps Us Find that Mysterious “Gay Agenda”

Thursday, March 15th, 2007

In our ongoing quest to Help Lesbian Blogger Pam Spaulding Find “The Gay Agenda” we give you…

From the website of Human Rights Campaign, their legislative agenda:

Lobbying Current Legislation

The Human Rights Campaign, along with tens of thousands of advocates, works around the clock to lobby members of Congress on critical legislation that would greatly affect the lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans.

For a quick view of all legislation HRC lobbies on in Congress and to find out where your representative and senators stand on the issues, visit this page.

Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
Military Readiness Enhancement Act (MREA)
The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act
Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations
Uniting American Families ACT
Appropriations for HIV/AIDS Programs
Early Treatment for HIV Act
Responsible Education About Life Act

NFL Coach Tony Dungy’s Freedoms Questioned by “Gay” Activists

Tuesday, March 13th, 2007

Why would homosexual activist Kathy Sarris suggest that Indianapolis Colts Coach Tony Dungy (pictured below) should not speak in favor of Biblical marriage or speak at a conservative group’s fundraiser? (Did she object when [a democratic presidential candidate] spoke at HRC? Nope.) Is she unaware that under the First Amendment even her opponents enjoy freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of association? Her objections expose her ultimate goal: to subjugate our constitutional freedom of religion and freedom of speech to a new “right” — the “right” of homosexuals to receive approval from all Americans at all times.

Excerpted from Dungy Under Fire for Planned Appearance, published Mar 10, 2007, by Associated Press:

Indiana Family Institute Vocally Opposes Gay Marriage

tony-dungy.jpg…Some local and national gay rights groups have questioned [Indianapolis Colts coach Tony] Dungy’s decision to appear at a fundraising banquet this month for the institute, which has been a leading supporter of a proposed state constitutional amendment defining marriage as only between one man and one woman…

Kathy Sarris, president of the Indiana Equality Education Fund, a gay rights advocacy group, told The Indianapolis Star:

“I am a little disappointed in that I would think he would want to stay out of the political arena, and the Family Institute is a political organization.”

“Coach Dungy’s feelings on the importance of marriage and family are well known,” the team statement said. “He, of course, is free to speak to any group he wishes. The club does not take positions in political issues in which it is not directly involved. The Colts do not endorse any political or religious position taken by any group that any Colts employee decides to speak or lend his or her name to.”

Continue reading at AOL Sports…

Cultural Values Survey: 49% of Americans Still Believe Homosexuality Is Wrong

Monday, March 12th, 2007

…and 61% still oppose homosexual “marriage.”

From The Culture and Media Institute:

The National Cultural Values Survey
America: A Nation in Moral and Spiritual Confusion
March 7, 2007

The Culture and Media Institute (CMI) unveiled its first Special Report,
“The National Cultural Values Survey: America: A Nation in Moral and Spiritual Confusion,” at a press conference today at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
The survey reveals that 74 percent of Americans believe the nation is in moral decline, and that a culture war is indeed occurring in America.

From page 24 of the 32 page pdf:


New Massachusetts Dept of Public Health Commissioner Is “Married” Homosexual

Friday, March 9th, 2007

From our good friends at MassResistance on Mar 9, 2007:

john-auerbach.jpgOn March 5, Governor Deval Patrick appointed John Auerbach (pictured right), former Executive Director of the Boston Public Health Commission (BPH), to be commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH).

Auerbach is “married” to Boston Magazine restaurant critic Corby Kummer. While Auerbach was at the BPH, he created a “Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgendered Health Office.” The BPH also helped produce The Little Black Book,” along with his new group, the DPH.

Note from AFTAH: Adults only, have a good look at the graphic and disgusting The Little Black Book, posted on the MassResistance website linked above, which was distributed with taxpayer money to public school children.

“Freedom to Marry” Mockery Held at California High School

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007

TAKE ACTION — Send an e-mail Principal Kathy Fundukian and let her know that you object to public high school leadership allowing teenagers to mock the institution of marriage and that a public school is irresponsible to promote a lifestyle that is physically, emotionally, and spiritually destructive.

Excerpted from Gay Student ‘Weddings’ Anger California Parents, published Feb 27, 2007, by CitizenLink:

Some self-identified gay students at Glendale High School in California recently gathered in the cafeteria for fake wedding ceremonies — a school-sponsored event…

The “Freedom to Marry” event provided the couples with mock marriage certificates and included a petition drive calling on the government to allow same-sex marriage.

George Taylorson, a Glendale resident, said he’s appalled the school would allow the event.

“To encourage this type of lifestyle with kids that are 13, 14, on up, it just totally angers me and just disturbs me,” he told Family News in Focus. “The schools have a big-enough problem as it is just educating the kids without getting involved in such a highly sensitive area.”

…The goal of the ceremonies, backed by an openly gay teacher and the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance student club, was to “mock marriage.”

Continue reading at Citizenlink…

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