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Homosexual conservative Dave Rubin (left) confirms dual surrogacy with “husband” David Janet on Twitter March 16, 2022.
Folks, I love this video by conservative activist and YouTuber Mark Dice. Here’s why:
Dice understands that if top “conservatives” like PragerU and Glenn Beck’s The Blaze [see the 6:00-minute mark above] have reached the point where they’re CONGRATULATING a homosexual man and his male lover (Dave Rubin and “husband”) for acquiring (buying) children through surrogacy–to create an intentionally motherless household–then there is no sellout too big for these compromised leaders.
He goes to the language, which has been utterly corrupted by LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) activists working hand-in-hand with their morally-corrupt “media” allies. How can any serious “conservative” say a man has a “husband”? (And so what if that’s currently “the law,” per Supreme Court dictate? So is abortion-on-demand since 1973 and conservatives don’t accept that as legitimate.)
Dice calls out the ongoing moral phoniness of Conservative Inc. Today the current outrage is transgender nonsense, but remember when the hill worth dying on was homosexual “marriage”?! Now so many on the Right have “moved on” from that cultural issue, and here we are seven years after Obergefell celebrating intentionally motherless homosexual-led households.
Lastly, Christian conservative Allie Beth Stuckey did produce a video on why she cannot congratulate Dave Rubin; also, see also Dice’s Twitter feed for his exchange with Matt Walsh.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; (here’s my tweet echoing Dice on Rubin)
Russell Moore is president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Commission.
I say: Impeach Russell Moore for dereliction of duty. Russell Moore has written a pathetic article. “The Roman Road from Insurrection,” calling for Trump’s removal from office by impeachment or application of the 25th Amendment if he does not resign. This call from Moore is hardly surprising because it exhibits the same “Never-Trump” tunnel vision, hatred, and dearth of documentation that we have come to expect from him in politics.
The article is short on facts and long on bluster. His whole argument is predicated on the claim that Trump incited violence and insurrection, which he clearly did not. There is no reasonable way to conclude that Trump incited a riot if one gave a careful read of the entire transcript of Trump’s speech.
Even what happened by the wrongdoers in the Capitol doesn’t remotely approach the 30+ dead and $2 billion worth of damage in the seven-month-long race riots involving much larger numbers this past year, stoked and incited by Democrats, during which time Moore did not call for a single Democrat to be removed from office. While he judges the race riots by the best in the movement he judges Trump supporters by the tiniest and most extreme elements.
Trump has legitimate grounds for believing that the election was stolen. Nowhere was there any attempt to do signature matches in areas where there were unbelievable high voting rates, areas where there were no safeguards for insuring that significant fraud did not occur.
The real threat to the Republic and to its Constitution is coming from the Democrat Party but Moore is too blind, for whatever reason, to see it. He has done his best to insure that the Party that poses the greatest threat to religious liberty by far would get elected.
That’s why he shouldn’t be President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. Impeach Russell Moore.
Robert Gagnon is Professor of Theology, Houston Baptist University. Bestselling author of *The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics.* His excellent website is www.robgagnon.net. For his Twitter page, go HERE.
Folks, this is an excellent episode of former Trump advisor Steve Bannon’s “War Room,” which is now daily must-viewing for all conservatives who care about America and countering the Left’s campaign to demonize and destroy President Donald Trump. Joining Bannon in this video are Peter Navarro, a Harvard-educated economist and Director of the National Trade Council at the White House; Jack Posobiec (with OANN), an up-and-coming Trump media conservative; and conservative radio host John Frederick.
Note the first part of the show where Bannon and Navarro analyze the Maoist-like congressional “struggle session” targeting Ohio Representative Jim Jordan, who supported a congressional challenge to the certification of the Electoral College results in the presidential election, citing suspected widespread fraud.
Jordan, to his credit, does not capitulate under the withering verbal assault. What Bannon describes is now a common approach of the leftist in demanding acquiescence to their ideological “narratives.” We would all do well to stand our ground and defend our principles like Rep. Jordan. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Social conservative Gary Bauer of American Values is more restrained than most conservative Republicans in his takedown of the opportunistic Mitt Romney, who took to the Trump-hating Washington Post on New Year’s Day to bash the President (see Bauer’s classy response below).
The craven now-Senator Romney becomes one of the biggest phony “conservatives” in a town full of phonies and hypocrites (on both the Left and Right).
My friend and pro-family writer Amy Contrada of MassResistance long ago exposed Romney’s very un-Mormon-like pro-homosexual record during his last, failed run for President. It’s a lot to read, but I highly recommend her book, Mitt Romney’s Deception: His Stealth Promotion of “Gay Rights” and “Gay Marriage” in Massachusetts, available on Amazon HERE. Or, you can buy two shorter e-books containing some of the same material:
Romney vs. Family Values:
The Romney Administration’s Radical Homosexual Programs Targeting Children in Massachusetts
Maybe if more Republicans paid a heavy price for selling out conservative, pro-family values like preserving natural marriage, the Party might pose an actual threat to Big LGBTQueer. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Here is Gary Bauer’s column:
Mitt’s Message
By Gary Bauer, January 2, 2019
The past two years have witnessed some of the most brutal political battles in modern American history. Leftists refused to accept the 2016 election results. They disrupted the inauguration. And the Deep State has been attempting to undermine the Trump presidency every day since he was elected.
Culture War No More? Arizona Democratic Senate candidate Rep. Kyrsten Sinema probably regrets protesting the U.S. military in this pink tutu, but she has nothing to fear from Republicans (and media conservatives) over her self-declaration that she is “bisexual.” That’s because GOP candidates and much of “conservative” media have abandoned telling the truth about the homosexual agenda. (Remember that “culture war” issue?) Meanwhile, the leading LGBTQ lobby group, Human Rights Campaign, spent $26 million targeting six key battleground states in the mid-term election. Hear AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera discuss the LGBTQ electoral agenda on VCY America’s “Crosstalk” HERE, and on AFR’s “Janet Mefferd Live” HERE.
“If Christians and conservatives are afraid to even discuss the homosexual agenda, how can we ever hope to defeat it?”
Why is it that one side in the Culture War over the normalization of sex-and-gender perversion (the LGBTQ agenda) is spending many millions of dollars on the election while the other side is afraid even to discuss it? I have been asking this question in Christian media (AFA’s “One News Now,” AFR’s “Janet Mefferd Live,” VCY America’s “Crosstalk” [go directly to MP3 audio HERE] and AFA of Pennsylvania’s radio talk show) leading up to today’s election, and we sent out this press release today. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
AFTAH is under siege from pro-LGBTQ censors; help us overcome the ‘Gay Thought Police’; donate safely online HERE, or mail your donation to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.
Nancy Pelosi Promises Radical LGBTQ “Equality Act” if Democrats Win House, while GOP Candidates Self-Censor on Homosexual Agenda
The most dangerous legislation ever to come out of the revolutionary “gay” activist movement – the federal “Equality Act,” which proposes adding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes in the Civil Rights code – hangs in the balance as Americans go to the polls today.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) promised that if the Democrat Party wins back the House and she becomes Speaker Pelosi, a top priority will be passing the Equality Act, which now has 198 co-sponsors in the House, all but two of them Democrats.
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org) president Peter LaBarbera has renamed the Equality Act the “Criminalizing Christianity Act” and called it a “gay and transgender lawyers’ dream bill.” It would effectively criminalize traditional morality and undermine religious liberty by punishing Americans for living out their conscience on issues like unnatural homosexual “marriage” ceremonies and taxpayer funding of grotesque transsexual “sex-reassignment surgeries” (masquerading as “health care”).
In an excellent article summarizing the Equality Act, Heritage Foundation scholar Ryan Anderson writes, “By making ‘gender identity’ a protected class, the government would force Americans to embrace transgender ideology in a variety of settings…elevating “gender identity” to a protected class across our federal antidiscrimination laws could impose a nationwide transgender bathroom policy, a nationwide pronoun policy, a nationwide sex-reassignment health care mandate….”
Obsessed with Mike Pence and Corrupting Kids: in HBO host John Oliver’s world, it’s a really good thing to teach toddlers that rabbits are “gay” and that only meanies (like Vice President Pence) are against homosexuality-based “marriage.” Photo is from his recent HBO rant against the VP.
Folks, this email article is by Micah Clark, the very able president of American Family Association of Indiana — the state where Vice President Mike Pence served as governor before being chosen as Donald Trump’s running mate. Clark cites an important piece by Matt Walsh of The Blaze, “The Left’s Insane Hatred of Mike Pence Is Nothing But Anti-Christian Bigotry,” regarding the escalating pro-LGBTQ campaign demonizing the VP. I discussed the same phenomenon on VCY America radio HERE and with Christian talker Janet Mefferd HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
I rarely send two emails in a week, particularly when the legislature is not in session. However, in the past couple of years, I have become increasingly concerned about a growing hostility toward religion, (and Christianity in particular) in our state and nation. Some of our biggest and most rancorous battles at AFA-IN now involve the defense of our religious freedoms.
I am sure that you remember the vitriol and hatred against people of faith on display during the RFRA [Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act] battle. You may also recall that two years ago, Indiana State Senator Travis Holdman nearly succeeded in passing two bills that not only would have opened up bathrooms and locker rooms to sexually confused men, placing women and children at risk, they would also, “decide who enjoys [religious] liberty and who will be denied liberty” according to a Liberty Council legal review of SB 100 and SB 344.
I want to pass along two articles that came out this week pointing out the bigotry against Christianity that has escalated with the election of Indiana’s own Mike Pence. The first article can be read here from The Indianapolis Star editorial cartoonist and columnist Gary Varvel. He observes:
“In this age of tolerance, there is one group that the preachers of tolerance will not tolerate – Christians.”
Obsessed with Celebrating Homosexuality: HBO late night host John Oliver uses Vice President Mike Pence and his Christian faith as a punching bag. Oliver created a version of Pence’s daughter’s children’s book about their pet rabbit by making the rabbit “gay.”
Folks, yesterday I was a guest on the Milwaukee-based VCY America “Crosstalk” radio program with host Jim Schneider. You can listen to the program on MP3 HERE. We discussed the raging intolerance of the homosexual-transgender movement. Below is VCY’s synopsis of the program. Suffice it to say that just when you think “progressives” couldn’t sink any lower, they do–now simultaneously demonizing the VP (and by extension, biblical Christians everywhere) AND promoting sexual perversion to toddlers! I’d say shame on Oliver but I don’t think the Left has any shame. Oh well, their meanness will backfire and rally more Americans to oppose leftist political correctness. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
LGBT Lobby’s Intolerance
Posted on March 20th, 2018
?Date: March 20, 2018
Host: Jim Schneider
Guest: Peter LaBarbera
?Listen: MP3 ?| Order
In an update to a recent story, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of NIFLA v. Becerra. This is one of 4 cases involving crisis pregnancy centers challenging a California law requiring them to post government prescribed, pro-abortion messages in their facilities and advertising or be fined (See Crosstalk-3/16/18).
Jim also provided brief details on the latest school shooting that took place at Great Mills High School in Maryland.
Peter LaBarbera is the president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality. Below is a sample list of stories he commented on that show the intolerance of some within the LGBT community.
–Milwaukee, WI., is seeking to pass an ordinance that would criminalize what’s known as ‘conversion therapy’ within the city. In their testimony before the Committee of the Common Council, LGBT activists kept pointing to religion, Christianity and ministries as the problem. The hearing was held with apparently no notice to pastors or churches. The matter passed by committee and now the Common Council is set to meet next week but it’s uncertain if this issue will be on the agenda.
–Vice President Mike Pence has come under fire from John Oliver, Ellen DeGeneres and others because his daughter wrote a children’s book about giving a tour of the White House and the vice presidential living quarters.
–A religious studies major was barred from a Christianity class at Indiana University in Pennsylvania for communicating in class that there are only two genders.
–Mike Pompeo has been appointed by President Trump to replace the outgoing Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. LGBT groups are livid about this change.
–LGBTQ Nation mentions a study that allegedly finds a link between being brain damaged and being a religious fundamentalist. Peter believes promotion of such attacks against faith could backfire on the LGBTQ community and may actually put President Trump back in office for another term.
–The classic Louisa May Alcott book, ‘Little Women’ to be rewritten to develop a lesbian relationship within the storyline.
–There will be an Ohio 4-H LGBTQ+ Summit April 27th and 28th in Columbus.
–Fort Lauderdale, Florida, just elected a new mayor who is openly ‘gay’.
More Information
Americans for Truth about Homosexuality
Pro-Family Hero Silenced by CPAC: Brian Camenker (left, shown with Gov. Mike Huckabee in 2010) is the leading grassroots fighter against the LGBTQ lobby in the world. Yet his mostly single-issue group, MassResistance, was officially disinvited as an Exhibitor Sponsor by CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference. Americans For Truth (AFTAH) then paid the $2,000 to have an Exhibitor’s table at CPAC but our request was ignored and our payment refunded. Meanwhile, CPAC is allowing a homosexual activist group, Log Cabin Republicans, to exhibit, as well as single-issue advocacy groups on issues like opposition to the death penalty, usually a liberal crusade. Is libertarianism silencing the defense of Judeo-Christian sexual morality? Will the GOP go pro-homosexuality like the Conservative party in the U.K.?
Media Advisory
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
AFTAH: Is CPAC ‘Conservative’ When It Bans Anti-Gay Agenda Exhibitors While Welcoming LGBTQ Activists?
February 23, 2018
Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org), issued the following statement about the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)’s decision to disinvite the pro-family group MassResistance as an Exhibitor sponsor. CPAC (Feb. 21-24) welcomed the LGBTQ activist Log Cabin Republicans as Exhibitors, but AFTAH received no response from CPAC when it applied and paid $2,000 to be an Exhibitor after MR was disinvited:
CPAC’s capricious action against MassResistance and its president, Brian Camenker, is an unconscionable sellout of real, principled conservative values. CPAC has it backwards: it is the homosexual-transgender activist group Log Cabin Republicans that doesn’t belong at a conservative conference–not an organization fighting the fanatical, anti-Christian LGBTQ lobby.
The Log Cabin Republicans’ morally subversive agenda is to push for the acceptance of proud homosexuality and “gay marriage” within the Republican Party, and “rights” based on disordered yet changeable sexual behaviors and an ever-expanding array of “gender identities.” This defies God’s creation and is not conservative.
MassResistance is the world’s leading grassroots organization standing up to the homosexual-bisexual-transgender movement. Its dedicated followers expose efforts to “mainstream” deviant sex-and-gender confusion in schools and work to protect—i.e., conserve—the age-old institution of marriage as God ordained it. This is the essence of noble conservatism.
After opening up the door to sexual immorality (with an “R” next to it), CPAC then went a step further by banning this heroic pro-family group, using as its pretext something Camenker said in a speech three years ago. Keep in mind that CPAC invited profane Milo Yiannopoulos, a self-described “Dangerous Faggot,” to speak last year and also has welcomed atheists as Exhibitors.
CPAC has squandered its moral authority by pandering to political correctness. It is teaching young conservatives all the wrong lessons about fairness and right versus wrong. CPAC’s leaders owe an apology not just to Camenker and MassResistance but to principled, Reagan social conservatives everywhere.