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Sunday, March 23rd, 2014
Below is a YouTube video of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’s March 20, 2014 interview on Bryan Fischer’s “Focal Point” program over the American Family Radio Talk network. The program focused on Fred Phelps’ “God Hates Fags” protests with the news of Phelps passing away. Both say Phelps’ message was not Christian and LaBarbera faults Phelps and Westboro Baptist Church for denying the possibility of salvation to repentant homosexuals. Then the discussion moves to Chick-fil-A’s CEO Dan Cathy pulling out of the Culture War over homosexual “marriage”–declaring that his previous public comments in defense of natural marriage were an immature business mistake. Hundreds of thousands of pro-family Americans had rallied to Cathy’s and Chick-fil-A’s defense after pro-homosexual activists accused him and the fast-food company of bigotry and sought to ban CFA franchises from certain locales.
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Evangelicals, Fred Phelps/Westboro Baptist Church, News |
Thursday, October 31st, 2013
Radical quotations and LGBT writings reflect a revolutionary and destructive sexual/gender movement
 Photo from the NAMBLA website of the late “gay” icon Harry Hay (far right, wearing hat) speaking at a 1984 meeting of the North American Man/Boy Love Association in San Francisco. Hay said “gay” boys ages 12-15 benefit from sexual relationships with adult homosexual men.
Americans For Truth renews its Halloween tradition of delivering some very scary – or at least highly disturbing — quotes from LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) activists and publications. (There is also a frighteningly evil quotation from LGBT “straight ally” Eve Ensler.) Whether it’s promoting pedophilia, sullying Christianity, telling the awful truth about the realities of homosexual sodomies – or one of the biggest Heroes of Homosexuality saying that bestiality is OK (as long as the animals don’t mind, of course) – the following quotations and writings testify to the perverse nature of modern homosexualism. Needless to say, they are not likely to find their way into the liberal media or politically-correct history books taught to schoolchildren.
Most of what homosexual activists and their liberal, straight cheerleaders say about “homophobia” is tendentious nonsense, designed to demonize people like you and me. But Americans and moral-minded folks the world over certainly should fear the real-life ramifications of normalizing sexual perversion and gender confusion in the culture. To quote pro-family advocate Gary Morella, “A civilized society must justly ‘discriminate’ in favor of health over disease, right over wrong, moral over immoral, and discriminate use of sexuality over indiscriminate sexual expression.” People suffer and societies crumble when immoral, unhealthy behaviors are not just tolerated, but fostered and even celebrated by the State and corporate/cultural elites.
So be scared. Be very scared. And please pass around these decidedly “queer quotes” to educate others. – Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org
[Warning: A few of quotations below contain explicit descriptions of homosexual acts]
One Lesbian’s ‘Better Two-Thirds’
“Lucky that on this national coming out day I can safely be a proud queer woman blessed with two awesome partners.”
— Olga Tomchin, taken from testimony in Transgender Law Center post on “Coming Out,” October 11, 2013 (Oct. 11 is deemed “National Coming Out Day” by LGBT activists); http://transgenderlawcenter.org/archives/9257
Bad News for Straight Soldiers
 Military-oriented pornography is apparently very popular among homosexual men. Lesbian Camille Paglia says it is absurd to argue that “gay” men will not ogle and lust after straight soldiers in military showers and barracks. The nudity on this video cover above –from a “gay” porn video website — was blocked for decency.
“It is ridiculous to assert that gay men are interested only in other gay men and would never ogle straight men in barracks showers. When I heard this on TV, I burst out laughing. Anyone who belongs to a health club knows better. Sexual tension and appraisal are constants, above all among gay men, who never stop cruising everything in sight. Seduction of straight studs is a highly erotic motif in gay porn.”
—Camille Paglia, Vamps & Tramps, pp. 87-88. (Vintage Books: 1994). “Cruising” is a popular “gay” term for searching for sex partners. Paglia’s assessment is confirmed by the popularity of homosexual pornography with military themes.
They’re Here, They’re Queer, They’re Reporters with a Clear Conflict of Interest
“We Here! We’re Queer! We’re on Deadline.”
— Slogan of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA). See author’s report for America’s Survival, Inc.: “Unfair, Unbalanced and Afraid: Fox News’ Growing Pro-Homosexual Bias and the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association.” Perhaps appropriately, the NLGJA slogan plays of the old “Queer Nation” street activists’ chant: “We’re here! We’re queer! Get used to it!”
Agenda-driven Homosexual Journalists Tout ‘Born Gay’ Myth as Fact
“Sexual orientation: Innate sexual attraction. Use this term instead of ‘sexual preference.’ See lifestyle….
“Sexual preference: Avoid. Politically charged term implying that sexuality is the result of a conscious choice. See sexual orientation.”
—NLGJA “Stylebook” entries, showing the organization’s politicized application of the unproven “born gay” theory. The homosexual journalists’ group uses the Stylebook to guide (pressure) “mainstream” journalists on how to write (and think about) homosexuality. Obviously, this biased definition – beyond being an opinion and not factual — encourages the notion that homosexuals have no responsibility for their same-sex behavior, thus negating the idea that homosexuality itself is a moral issue. Studies show that people who think “gays” are “born that way” are less likely to resist the LGBT activist agenda. For the best refutation of “born gay” ideology and pro-“gay”-politicized science, see the website of Dr. Neil and Briar Whitehead, co-authors of My Genes Made Me Do It: www.mygenes.co.nz. See also author’s “Unfair, Unbalanced and Afraid” report.
Black Women, Beware: ‘Down Low’ Men Hate Condoms
“Women involved with DL men [‘Down Low’ denoting men who act straight in public but secretly practice homosexuality] are being infected with HIV because these men do not believe in wearing condoms and they don’t know their HIV status. Condoms take away from the very thing they are seeking—the thrill of spontaneity. Condoms take away that feeling when having man-to-man sex….
“But for the most part, a man on the DL isn’t even thinking about all that. He’s not thinking about a condom or diseases. DL men look at themselves as invincible, strong black men. They ain’t catching that ‘gay disease.’”
—J.L. King with Karen Hunter, On the Down Low: A Journey into the Lives of ‘Straight’ Black Men who Sleep with Men,” pp. 25-26; (Broadway Books: New York: 2004).
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", 03 - Bisexual, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Activists, Authors & Journalists, Bestiality, Bisexuality, Bisexuals-Conduits of HIV to Heteros, Christian Left, Down Low, Evangelicals, Frank Kameny, Gay and Christian?, Gay Culture, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Homosexual Quotes, Homosexuality - Practical Considerations, Homosexuality 101, HRC, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Pedophilia/Pederasty, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Polyamory-Polygamy-NonMonogamy, Queer Nation, Queer Theology, Religious Leaders, Rimming, Sodomy, STDs, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Sunday, September 29th, 2013
The following video was published by the Family Research Council (FRC) on September 20, 2013. I agree with Leo Johnson [at 6:40 on the vide0] that “gay” activist Floyd Corkins deserved a tougher sentence than 25 years (especially considering that only Johnson’s heroics likely kept Corkins from committing mass murder). Newsbusters documents HERE how the major networks ABC, NBC and CBS ignored the sentencing of Corkins, who targeted FRC based on a spurious “hate map” put out by the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
Needless to say, had the situation been reversed and a conservative activist had nearly committed mass murder at the headquarters of the Human Rights Campaign (a homosexual lobby group), the story would have been received far greater coverage than the shocking attack on FRC. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH [more information follows the the video, after the jump]
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Posted in C - Heroes for Truth, Evangelicals, Extremism, FRC Shooting, Homo-fascism - Intimidation by Gay Lobby, Homosexual Hate, Media's Liberal Bias (General), News |
Thursday, July 18th, 2013
This interview with John Stemberger [click HERE to listen], founder of OnMyHonor.net, was recorded today, July 18, 2013. Stemberger describes the formation of a new boys organization that will provide a wholesome alternative to the pro-homosexual Boy Scouts of America (BSA). [Watch an introductory video HERE.] The new boys organization [later named “Trail Life USA”] will be devoted to building good character among boys, centered on biblical principles. The new group holds its first national convention this September after holding a recent planning meeting of national pro-family leaders in Louisville, Kentucky. Stemberger, who is also president and general counsel of the Florida Family Policy Council, led the grassroots coalition effort to stop the Scouts’ tragic cave-in allowing openly homosexual youth members. (He explains how the BSA voting process on the proposed pro-“gay” change was weighted heavily in favor of the Scouts, in part because BSA leaders would not reveal who was voting.)
Stemberger clarifies the membership requirements for boys — saying that no immoral sexual behavior or advocacy of any kind will be tolerated in the new organization. He said if a boy struggles with same-sex issues (or other issues), it will be seen as a “ministry opportunity” in the organization — which, unlike the Scouts, will be explicitly Christian. (Membership will be open to boys of all religions and backgrounds.) Regarding the BSA, he said that within a couple of years, it will be driven by the courts to allow openly homosexual adult Scoutmasters, which will further cripple that once-noble organization. Stemberger said the BSA was done in by the paid “professionals” who ran the organization, who ultimately were not dedicated to upholding the BSA’s principles. Click HERE for Part Two of this interview. [Click HERE for Matt Barber’s column on the opening convention of Trail Life USA.]
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
7-18-13, John Stemberger
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Americans for Truth Hour, Biblical Truth, Boy Scouts, Boy Scouts of America, C - Heroes for Truth, Evangelicals, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Gospel evangelism, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Trail Life USA, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Friday, November 30th, 2012
This is the first of a two-part interview [click HERE to listen] with Ken Hutcherson, senior pastor of Antioch Bible Church, in Redmond, Washington. It was recorded November 29, 2012. Hutcherson discusses the failed pro-family campaign to defeat a homosexual “marriage” bill in his state. He drew attention in pro-family circles by. criticizing national groups such as National Organization for Marriage (NOM) for coming into the state and dictating a “moderate” leadership for the pro-traditional-marriage forces–at the expense of a unified, local coalition of religious and pro-family leaders that had already formed. (See these articles quoting Hutcherson in One News Now and Christian Post.) Hutcherson compares the Washington State anti-“gay marriage” campaign’s effort to stay moderate (he says he was denied a leadership role because he was viewed by NOM as “too controversial”) to GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney avoiding social issues to reach out to moderate voters. “Hutch” says Romney would have won had he exposed President Barack Obama’s radical record on “same-sex marriage,” abortion and other social issues because that would have motivated more Christians and conservatives to go to the polls. AFTAH will be inviting NOM to tell its side of the Washington State marriage vote story in a future interview. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
11-29-12, Pastor Ken Hutcherson, Part One
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Americans for Truth Hour, Conservative Leaders, Dan Savage, Evangelicals, News, Republican Party |
Thursday, November 8th, 2012
Homosexual activists sweep “gay marriage” ballot measures in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington State
 Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin) becomes the first open lesbian to win a U.S. Senate seat. Most assuredly, the voters of Wisconsin were largely uninformed about Baldwin’s radical record in support of the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda.
By Peter LaBarbera
Read it on Christian Newswire
CHICAGO– Tuesday was a devastating day for pro-family advocates concerned about the advance of same-sex “marriage” and homosexual activism. While politics does not decide moral and spiritual Truth, it is an indicator of the heart of our nation. On Nov. 6, America took another giant step away from God and our Judeo-Christian heritage.
Here are the ‘Gay’ Lobby’s biggest victories:
- Barack Obama, the most pro-homosexual president in U.S. history, won reelection after embracing homosexual “marriage”;
- Voters in Maine, Maryland and Washington State passed ballot measures legalizing “same-sex marriage”;
- Minnesota voters rejected an amendment to preserve natural marriage as one-man, one-woman after 32 states previously had passed similar marriage amendments;
- Democrat Rep. Tammy Baldwin became the first open lesbian to win a U.S. Senate seat – defeating Republican former Wisconsin governor Tommy Thompson. Five other open homosexuals and a bisexual atheist (Kyrsten Sinema, D-AZ) won House seats;
- Judge David Wiggins – one of seven Iowa Supreme Court justices to legalize “gay marriage” in 2009 – survived a pro-family campaign against him and won retention. In 2010, Iowa voters tossed out three fellow Supreme Court justices who were part of the same “gay marriage” ruling.
No longer can pro-family advocates say that homosexual “marriage” has never been voted in by the people. Thanks to a never-ending bombardment of media-, educational- and pop-culture propaganda in favor of All Things Gay, homosexual “marriage” is now semi-popular, at least in Blue States. And there is no sugar-coating how damaging Obama’s reelection will be to this already depraved nation.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Biblical Truth, Democrat Party, Evangelicals, Lesbianism, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, July 24th, 2012
 Prof. Rena Lindevaldsen
This is Part One of AFTAH’s second interview with Prof. Rena Lindevaldsen [click HERE to listen], Associate Dean at Liberty University School of Law, based in Lynchburg, Va. This interview with AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Pastor John Kirkwood of Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, Illinois, was recorded July 19, 2012. Lindevaldsen discusses the homosexual/ACLU lawsuit in Illinois contending that the state’s law defining marriage as between one man and one woman is unconstitutional. She opines that the presiding judge, Cook County Circuit Judge Sophia Hall, an open lesbian and member of a homosexual judges group, should recuse herself from the case due to an obvious conflict-of-interest. Lindevaldsen is the author of “Only One Mommy: A Woman’s Battle for her Life, Her Daughter and her Freedom,” the story of ex-lesbian-turned-Christian Lisa Miller’s quest to keep custody of her biological daughter, Isabella, and to deny custody to her former lesbian partner.
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
7-19-12, Rena Lindevaldsen, Part One
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Americans for Truth Hour, Biblical Truth, Court Decisions & Judges, Custody, Evangelicals, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Homosexual Parenting, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, March 27th, 2012
 Dan Savage's hateful web creation, "Santorum.com." Click to enlarge. On Feb. 2, UNC-Chapel Hill paid Savage $18,500 to speak to students. The same unversity publicly disassociated itself from Rush Limbaugh over his "offensive statements."
AFTAH-North Carolina
Press Release, March 27, 2012
Contact: Peter LaBarbera: americansfortruth@gmail.com
RALEIGH, NC – University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill paid $18,5000 to homosexual activist Dan Savage – creator of a vile hate-site “re-defining” Rick Santorum’s last name as the by-product of anal sex – as a guest speaker, just weeks before publicly disassociating from Rush Limbaugh over Rush’s “offensive statements” about Sandra Fluke.
Last week, UNC-Chapel Hill announced that it was banning a local “Rush Radio” station, WRDU, from mentioning Limbaugh’s show during broadcasts of Tar Heel basketball and football games. The university, citing Rush’s “rude, inappropriate and offensive statements” about Fluke, also prohibits WRDU from referencing UNC or the Tar Heel Sports Network during Limbaugh’s daily talk show.
Americans For Truth has written UNC-Chapel Hill officials to ask how they can justify paying a large sum to Savage, who once wished death on all Republicans and who regularly and crudely demonizes religious conservatives. AFTAH also asked UNC to repudiate Savage for his “offensive statements,” and invite a pro-family speaker to campus specifically to balance his appearance.
The following typifies Savage’s unique brand of conservative-Christian-bashing hate:
- Savage said on HBO that he “wished [Republicans] were all [f—king] dead” (he later apologized).
- Savage’s creation “Santorum[dot] com” (and “SpreadingSantorum[dot]com”) “re-define” Santorum’s surname as follows: “San-TOR-um, n. The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.”
- In contrast to Limbaugh, who quickly apologized for his remarks about Fluke, when AFTAH’s President Peter LaBarbera asked Savage to take down “Santorum[dot]com,” he responded : “I’m asking Peter LaBarbera to go [f- -k] himself.”
- Savage mocked the pope as “the dope in Rome”;
- So consumed was Savage with hatred for then-GOP presidential candidate Gary Bauer that he traveled to Iowa to pose as a Bauer volunteer, then got sick himself and began licking campaign office doorknobs, staplers, etc., in an attempt to give Bauer a cold.
AFTAH also condemns Savage, a raunchy sex columnist, for his reckless sexual advice, which includes urging married couples to allow outside sex. AFTAH urges MTV to cancel “Savage U,” a new TV show debuting April 3, featuring Savage visiting college campuses — so as not to reward him for his cyber-bullying against Santorum and history of hateful acts against Christian conservatives.
Posted in Assaults, Christian Persecution, Corrupting Children, Dan Savage, Evangelicals, Extremism, Gay Activist Hypocrisy, Homo-fascism - Intimidation by Gay Lobby, Homosexual Activist History, Homosexual Hate, News, Universities & Colleges |

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