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Sexual radical Lady Gaga gets serious when it comes to promoting open homosexuality in the military
Lady Gaga poses naked and with a simulated bloody mouth on the cover of OUT, a homosexualist magazine. Gaga is using her pop culture power to overturn the ban on homosexuality in the Armed Forces. See article for resources for understanding the military's common-sense homosexual exclusion policy, and Lady Gaga's Senate lobbying video. Click on photo to enlarge.
TAKE ACTION NOW: Call your U.S. Senators immediately [202-224-3121; www.senate.gov] and urge them to vote against the Defense Authorization Act (SB 3454) containing an amendment repealing the military’s common-sense homosexual exclusion ban. The vote, orchestrated by Majority Leader Harry Reid, is this afternoon. This is perhaps the most important homosexuality-related congressional vote in U.S. history. Urge support for Sen. John McCain’s filibuster of this radical change in military policy that would lead to the exodus of good men and women from the Armed Forces — and result in the persecution of chaplains and people of faith, merely because they oppose homosexual behavior or do not think homosexuality and “gay” politics belong in the military. You must let your voice be heard as homosexual groups and sexual radicals like Lady Gaga — encouraged by the liberal media — are flooding the Senate with calls in favor of allowing open homosexuals in the military.
Educate yourself on the common-sense Homosexual Exclusion Ban:
Below are resources to educate yourself on the implications of today’s vote:
Text of current homosexual exclusion law, Public Law 103-160, Section 654, Title 10, which would be repealed in a process launched by passage of SB 3454, if Sen. McCain’s filibuster is not successful.
Sen. Reid Goes ‘Gaga’ over Homosexuals in the Military
By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, you know as well as I that the media — and apparently Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid — are absolutely “ga ga” over “gays in the military.” (Reid recenly ‘tweeted’ in support of pop mega-star Lady Gaga — freakishly photographed nude on the cover of the “gay” magazine OUT above — after she urged her millions of followers to lobby the Senate to support homosexuals in the military.)
This is what we’re up against — not just for today’s critical vote on homosexuals in the military (commonly misnamed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”) but in trying to preserve truth for younger Americans who are, in effect, brainwashed on homosexuality. (And that is hardly an overstatement given the level of ignorance about the LGBT agenda that we’re seeing, even among Christian and pro-life youths.)
Repeal of homosexual ban will lead to exodus of moral-minded soldiers
Statement of Elaine Donnelly, President, Center for Military Readiness, in 2008 testimony before the House Armed Services Committee, Subcommittee on Personnel, in support of Section 654, Title 10, the law stating that homosexuals are not eligible to serve in the military. TAKE ACTION: Call your Senators TODAY to support Sen. John McCain’s filibuster of legislation designed to overturn the ban on homosexuality in the military: 202-224-3121 (http://www.contactingthecongress.org/). A vote on the repeal is scheduled for tomorrow.
Lt. Gen. Thomas Bostick compared servicemembers who oppose President Obama's policy of allowing open homosexuals in the military to "racists" and said they will have to leave the Armed Forces if they cannot bend to the new pro-LGBT rules. Why is Obama already moving ahead with homosexualizing the military in violation of U.S. law, which bans homosexuals from serving?
TAKE ACTION: The beginning of the process to vote on repealing the ban on homosexuals in the military starts Tuesday. Call and urge your U.S. Senators (202-224-3121) to oppose turning the Armed Forces into Homosexuality-Affirmation Zones that officially discriminate against normal, faith-based servicemembers and chaplains (see bigoted comments by Lt. Gen. Thomas Bostick below).
Also, call Sen. John McCain (202-224-2235) and thank him for leading the opposition to negating the 1993 law barring homosexuals from military service. Read McCain’s formal remarks from the Senate floor yesterday HERE or watch the FOX News video (start at 7:44) on his website HERE.
The U.S. Senate took the initial steps of moving forward with the issue of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” on Thursday as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) filed cloture on major defense budget legislation that includes repeal language.
Reid’s motion to proceed on the fiscal year 2011 defense authorization bill was met with objection by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), prompting Reid to move to end debate by filing cloture.
This manuever means a vote to start official consideration of the defense bill and amendments will take place Tuesday at 2:15 pm. Moving forward will require 60 votes from members for the U.S. Senate. [Continued at the BLADE HERE…]
What is the bigger threat to freedom in America, presently? a) Sharia Law; or b) the anti-religious homosexualist agenda (including legalized “gay marriage”)? If you answered “b,” you are correct. Tell that to the conservative and ‘liberal-tarian’ pundits who are silent on the intolerant government-gay agenda and yet very vocal on the threat of Islamic radicalism.
Psychologist Mike Campion was vindicated when the City of Minneapolis settled with him for $211,000 rather than try to prove in court their false charge that he was an anti-gay bigot who could not professionally do his job of evaluating police and firefighter candidates -- due to his past affiliation with a Christian pro-family group.
“Former City Council Member Scott Benson, who is gay and a lawyer, sent a note to then-interim Police Chief Tim Dolan and asked, ‘How did Dr. Michael Campion, who was a board member of the Illinois Family Institute (a notoriously discriminatory anti-gay group) become the psychologist for the Minneapolis Police Dept. for screening new hires etc?’
“The same month the city suspended work with Campion and hired another firm to do screening, citing better ‘diversity and transparency’ issues at the firm.”— Minneapolis Star Tribune, “Minneapolis settles suit with fired psychologist for $210,000”
By Peter LaBarbera
The City of Minneapolis just admitted its guilt and, in effect, shameful anti-Christian bigotry by settling with psychologist contractor Michael Campion for $210,000 rather than go forward with a U.S. District Court trial that it surely would have lost on First Amendment grounds. See the Minneapolis Star-Tribune article reprinted below.
I know Mike Campion and his wife Kathy. He is a good and decent Christian man whom compassion-challenged liberals put through the grinder merely because he supports the objective truth that homosexuals can change their lifestyle (as countless have). His firm, Campion, Barrow & Associates, is one of the most professional in its field and evidently the City of Minneaopolis could not find anyone who would testify that Mr. Campion had mistreated or discriminated against them on the basis of “sexual orientation.”
In other words, unlike the liberals who sought to destroy him, Campion is no bigot. Pathetically, some city officials even tried to smear Campion as a racist to achieve their goal. End justifies the means, right?
Note the comment by homosexual activist Scott Benson above: a “gay” politician, working with pro-homosexual city officials, gets Campion fired because he was once a board member with a “notoriously discriminatory organization,” the Illinois Family Institute (IFI).
Glenn Beck needs to attend the next AFTAH Truth Academy, says Champion News editor John Biver.
Reprinted with permission from ChampionNews.net; first published August 27, 2010
By John Biver
From coast to coast, platform-supporting Republicans have reacted to Glenn Beck’s weak-kneed cave-in regarding the issue of homosexual “marriage.” He’s quoted as telling Fox News Network’s Bill O’Reilly,
“I believe that Thomas Jefferson said, ‘If it neither breaks my leg, nor picks my pocket, what difference is it to me.'”
Some people are even calling for a “moratorium” on the political discussion of the cultural issues. That idea is foolish, as we’ve addressed on links found HERE. Try as you might, you can’t separate economics from culture.
The cultural issues are numerous. They include the proper use of facts when it comes to history, honesty in intellectual debates, integrity in the free market system, standing with our friends and allies in foreign countries, the right of the unborn to not have their life taken through the barbaric procedure of abortion, and decorum that befits a civilization when it comes to matters that should be private such as individual sexual predilections.
The two that get the most attention are abortion and the sexual problems of at best 3 percent of the population: homosexual behavior. I call it a problem because it is. The physical health statistics, sociological data, and psychological evidence reached critical mass a long time ago about the dangers of that behavior choice.
Ex-RNC chief says he “beat back” Republican efforts against homosexual “marriage”
Ken Mehlman
TAKE ACTION: If you are a Republican, call or write the RNC (info@gop.com or call 202-863-8500) and tell them that you oppose the promotion of homosexuality and that you will not give to the party if it continues to do so. If you are a Democrat, urge your party here and encourage your representatives to stop supporting President Obama’s agenda of homosexualizing the U.S. miliary and overturning the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
By Peter LaBarbera
The Republican Party has a big and growing “gay” problem. It is slowly going pro-homosexual even as GOP leaders continue to advertise theirs as the party of “family values.” Just one more reason why so many grassroots conservatives who regularly vote Republican call the GOP “The Stupid Party.”
The latest GOP hypocrisy: Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele’s congratulatory words for former RNC chief Ken Mehlman, who has confirmed longstanding rumors that he (Mehlman) is a practicing homosexual.
The Washington Post reports that Steele said this about Mehlman’s “coming out”:
‘I am happy for Ken,’ Steele said. ‘His announcement, often a very difficult decision which is only compounded when done on the public stage, reaffirms for me why we are friends and why I respect him personally and professionally.'”
RNC Chairman Michael Steele
Why couldn’t Mr. Steele just have kept quiet about this tragic revelation by which another sexually confused man seeks to rationalize his misbehavior (sin) by declaring homosexuality part of his inherent being? Nope, instead, like a three-year-old boy approaching a puddle, Steele just had to step in it. Pro-family writer Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute observed:
So, Steele is “happy” that Mehlman is homosexual and/or happy that he is public about it? Why would he be happy for a friend embracing immoral and dangerous practices or for a friend being public about his embrace of immorality? And why does he respect him for his “difficult” decision to announce his immorality publicly? What fecklessness or cowardice Steele’s comment demonstrates. And this from the leader of the Republican Party…
Now let’s examine whether Mehlman deserves our respect, per Steele’s comments. In a piece highly sympathetic to the former RNC boss (the media largely view homosexual identification as a good thing detached from moral considerations), Atlantic Monthly reports:
Privately, in off-the-record conversations with this reporter over the years, Mehlman voiced support for civil unions and told of how, in private discussions with senior Republican officials, he beat back efforts to attack same-sex marriage. He insisted, too, that President Bush “was no homophobe.”
So, we learn that Mehlman used his tremendous influence within the Republican Party to undermine the GOP’s clear platform language in support of preserving traditional marriage. All the while rank-and-file Republican Joe’s and Jane’s were assuming that the RNC leader was standing up for marriage between a man and a woman. Mr. Mehlman has just proved: 1) why homosexual activism should be kept out of the Republican Party, since it undermines core conservative values supported overwhelmingly by the GOP grassroots; and 2) why secret homosexuals working within the GOP against the Republican platform should be exposed.
Atlantic Monthy — which calls Mehlman “the most powerful Republican in history to identify as gay” — tips its hat to homosexual “outing” activist Mike Rogers by pointing out that Rogers previously had sought to “out” Mehlman:
Mehlman, who has never married, long found his sexuality subject to rumor and innuendo. He was the subject of an outing campaign by gay rights activist Mike Rogers, starting when Mehlman was Bush’s campaign manager. Rogers’s crusades against closeted gay Republicans split the organized gay lobby in Washington but were undoubtedly effective: he drove several elected officials, including Virginia Rep. Ed Shrock, from office, pushed out a would-be presidential campaign manager for George Allen well before Allen was set to run, slung rumors about Sen. Larry Craig’s sexual orientation well before Craig’s incident in a Minneapolis airport bathroom, and even managed to make homosexuality a wedge issue within the party’s activist circles.
Indeed, the former Republican chief is just one of several political VIPs whose homosexuality Rogers correctly exposed — giving added credence to Rogers’ accusations against his latest target, Illinois Republican and U.S. Senate hopeful Rep. Mark Kirk. Here is a piece in Chicago’s HillBuzz blog — run by homosexuals — that claims that both Kirk and Illinois Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Peoria) are homosexuals. (Both Kirk and Schock have denied that they are homosexuals.)
Homosexuals have the complete freedom to compete in the battle for control of the Republican Party, but they shouldn’t do so in secret. Republicans deserved a party chairman who was really working to defend tradtional marriage, not a fake conservative like Mehlman who, as a covert “gay” activist, was actually working to undermine it. Too bad Steele couldn’t find words to address that aspect of the Mehlman story instead of acting like the embrace of homosexuality is a swell thing.
For his part, Mehlman plans to continue advocating for the acceptance of homosexuality in GOP circles — and even orchestrated his public “coming out” to advance the cause of homosexual “marriage”:
Once he realized that the news would probably leak, he assembled a team of former advisers to help him figure out the best way to harness the publicity generated by the disclosure for the cause of marriage rights.
“What I will try to do is to persuade people, when I have conversations with them, that it is consistent with our party’s philosophy, whether it’s the principle of individual freedom, or limited government, or encouraging adults who love each other and who want to make a lifelong committment to each other to get married,” Mehlman told Atlantic Monthly. “I hope that we, as a party, would welcome gay and lesbian supporters. I also think there needs to be, in the gay community, robust and bipartisan support [for] marriage rights.”
Sadly — just as Mehlman seems to ignore the loss of “individual freedom” that comes with State-enforced pro-homosexual laws — many libertarians within the Party will ally with Mehlman in attempting to redefine the Republican brand to accommodate a post-Christian sexual ethos and homosexual activism in the name of “liberty.”
Needless to say, Atlantic Monthly reporter Marc Ambinder does not dwell on how GOP conservatives will react to Mehlman’s behind-the-scenes treachery on same-sex “marriage,” but rather focuses on how Mehlman’s “outing” and past actions will be judged by homosexual advocates.
TAKE ACTION: You can write to talk show host Glenn Beck at me@glennbeck.com or contact him through his program’s website HERE.
EDUCATE YOURSELF: Read the awful Proposition 8 decision by homosexual Judge Vaughn Walker HERE, and read about how New Mexico Christian photographer Elaine Huguenin was victimized by lesbian activists HERE.
Below is a YouTube of Glenn Beck’s recent appearance on FOX News’ Bill O’Reilly’s show — in the wake of a judge striking down Prop 8 in California as unconstitutional. Beck dismissed homosexual “marriage” as not being a serious national threat to America [our response to Beck follows the video and the jump]:
Here are some reasons why Glenn Beck is not just wrong — but has it completely backwards regarding the escalating threat that homosexual activism, culminating in court-imposed “gay marriage,” poses to America’s children and our First Amendment liberties:
1) Just as reported homosexual Judge Vaughn Walker overruled the expressed will of California voters (twice expressed) against “same-sex marriage,” federalized homosexual “marriage” would override the documented will of the people in the 31 states that have already voted — some by huge margins — to preserve marriage in the law as what it is: between one man and one woman.