Freedom Under Fire

Canadian Group Celebrates Stephen Boissoin’s Victory over ‘Hate Speech’ Charge for Writing Letter against Homosexuality

Sunday, December 6th, 2009

Pro-homosexual ‘hate’ harasser Daren Lund could still appeal decision


Pastor Stephen Boissoin

By Tim Bloedow; reprinted from ECP Centre website, Dec. 4, 2009

The ECP Centre (Equipping Christians for the Public-square Centre) is very encouraged to see that sanity prevailed in Alberta’s court system with the decision Thursday to overturn the abusive Human Rights Commission ruling against Stephen Boissoin. We are also grateful to have played an important part in the case, raising awareness of the case over the past several years and organizing three successful fundraising dinners in the spring of this year which helped to bring in over $25,000 from generous Canadians towards Mr. Boissoin’s substantial legal costs. We continue to receive donations designated to Mr. Boissoin’s legal defense and we are grateful for the Christians who take their faith seriously enough to be aware of these disturbing cases and who are able to donate to support fellow-Christians in today’s battles.

Those familiar with the case will know that seven years ago, a “human rights” complaint was filed against Stephen Boissoin due to his sharp criticism of homosexuality in a letter to the editor printed in the Red Deer Advocate. In December 2007, the Alberta Human Rights Commission issued a ruthless decision against Mr. Boissoin which itself was an expression of hatred against Christianity. The provincial HRC essentially became a tool for a homosexualist inquisition whereby Mr. Boissoin was ordered to give a false apology for the substance of his letter. He was banned from ever criticizing homosexuality again in public or private communications, and even from the pulpit. The implications of the decision were stunning in terms of the imposition of the state over the church and the restrictions on religious liberty. Mr. Boissoin was also fined $5,000.

Needless to say, Mr. Boissoin filed an appeal of the decision. His legal counsel Gerry Chipeur was very confident that they would win the appeal because the historic principles of fundamental justice were on Mr. Boissoin’s side so, in a real court where such rules applied, the absurd HRC decision wasn’t expected to stand. The plaintiff Darren Lund, however, is reported in the Calgary Herald as not having made up his mind whether to appeal the decision.

Stephen Boissoin vindicated

In his decision, Justice Earl Wilson said that whatever one thinks about Mr. Boissoin’s comments, they didn’t violate Alberta’s human rights legislation which is to say, as the Edmonton Sun reported, that “there was nothing in the letter to suggest it was exhorting Albertans to discriminate against homosexuals in areas of employment, tenancy or goods and services which fall under provincial jurisdiction.” Justice Wilson said, “”Inferring some sort of call for discriminatory practices prohibited by provincial law is an unreasonable interpretation of the letter’s message.”

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Pastors to Protest New Homosexuality-Inclusive ‘Hate Crimes’ Law in DC Monday

Monday, November 16th, 2009

Pastor Paul Blair of Reclaim Oklahoma for Christ will be among those preaching against the new federal "hate crimes" law and also against organized homosexuality in a "pray-in" in front of the Human Rights Campaign's DC headquarters. HRC is a homosexual lobby group that seeks to persuade Americans that the Bible does not condemn homosexual practice -- which clearly it does.

Folks, it’s about time that the aberrant-sex activists at Human Rights Campaign (the world’s leading homosexual lobby organization) be on the receiving end of some good, old-fashioned biblical preaching — rather than “preaching” to the rest of us with their false, distorted, pro-homosexuality “gospel.” (HRC President Joe Solmonese cynically describes church sermons against homosexuality as “preaching hatred.”) Click HERE for a taste of HRC’s revisionist propaganda that turns the Bible on its head: e.g., did you know that most of the the Bible verses that condemn homosexual acts, such as Genesis 19 & 19actually affirm GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) people?! (Strange how the Bible’s hidden pro-homosexual-relationships message escaped every orthodox expositor for centuries but was finally discovered by those with a vested interest in … legitimizing their unnatural sex- and gender-based “identities.”) — Peter LaBarbera,


Pastors Will Engage in Civil Disobedience to Protest Inclusion of ‘Sexual Orientation’ in Hate Crimes Law

WASHINGTON, Nov. 12 /Christian Newswire/ — On Monday, November 16 at 1:30 PM, the Coalition for Faith and Freedom, an ad hoc group of concerned clergy, will rally in front of the Justice Department in Washington, D.C. to test the limits of the expanded federal hate crimes law.

On October 28, President Barack Obama signed into law a measure extending the federal hate crimes statute to include so-called sexual orientation. The ministers believe this will criminalize all criticism of homosexual behavior, including that contained in the Bible.

To test this belief and protest a clear violation of First Amendment freedom of speech and religion, various clergy will preach short sermons and read passages from the Bible regarding homosexual behavior. Like Dr. Martin Luther King and the Sixties Civil Rights movement, they will engage in civil disobedience to protest injustice.

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Video: Another Victim of ‘Gay’ (In)’Tolerance’: Julia Ward Forced Out of Eastern Michigan U. Counseling Program Due to Christian Beliefs

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

The victims of government- and corporate-enforced pro-homosexual “tolerance” just keep adding up. Matt Barber. Crystal Dixon. Peter Vadala. And let’s not forget adoptive children in Massachusetts who deserve a mom and a dad and innocent grade school kids who will receive one-sided lessons on homosexuality without their parents’ consent before they even know what sex is yet.

Then there are the targets of more crass homosexual extremism such as Maggie Gallagher, Greg Quinlan, AFTAH, Mike Heath, and pretty much every pro-family leader who still resists the “queer” activist agenda — and even churches that stick to the Word of God on sexual morality or that dare advance the redemptive truth that men and women can overcome homosexuality through Christ.

A relatively new person on the victim list is Julea Ward,  a graduate student at Eastern Michigan University’s (EMU) School of Counseling who was expelled from the program because she said that as a counselor she could not affirm a client’s homosexual relationship due to her belief in Jesus Christ and biblical morality. Ward is being helped by Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), a Christian legal defense group. — Peter LaBarbera, This is an ADF video:

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Full Text of Violence-Threatening ‘Joe.My.God’ Post Against AFTAH and Pro-Family Leaders

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

Jervis takes down post, falsely claiming advocate of “well organized terrorism” against Christians was joking



The following is the complete text of the Nov. 4, 2009 post, “Haters vs.Haters: Peter LaBarbera Attacks Maine’s Stand for Marriage,” by homosexual activist Joe Jervis on his “Joe.My.God.” blog (he took down the post yesterday). The post contains violence-oriented and -threatening comments against me and AFTAH, Maggie Gallagher, founder of the National Organization for Marriage, and Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel by some of Jervis’ readers. We have not changed a single word, so you will read some vulgar and obscene comments.

After the story broke open yesterday, Jervis took down the post [at], claiming the threatening posts were a “joke” and that our and Matt Barber’s efforts to expose the threatening post was an “obvious attempt to intimidate me and my readers.” Actually, we just sought to expose the extremist rhetoric that could lead a deranged homosexual to kill. We would not fault homosexual advocates to do the same regarding irresponsible and threatening “conservative” rhetoric.

Jervis claims that the comment posted by “Tex” is “clearly a joke,” but as you can see from his two comments below, Tex clearly is serious about the need for violence against Christians to advance the “gay rights” agenda.

Jervis also writes that he’s taken down the controversial only “for the time being,” but “After I’ve thoroughly reviewed all the comments, it’ll go back up.” AFTAH would never post anything encouraging violence against homosexuals — in fact we have denounced such rhetoric; we don’t understand why Jervis feels the need to rationalize comments that endorse homosexual violence against Christians. (Click HERE to read about the phone-in death threat against Maine pro-family veteran Mike Heath, who is also the Board Chairman of AFTAH.)

Yes, Ft. Hood changes everything because it is proof that Political Correctness can end up killing lots of innocent people. Actually, that’s nothing new: liberalism’s naivete and “softness” toward Communism contributed to the deaths of untold millions.

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Death Threat Against Maine Pro-Family Leader Mike Heath

Sunday, November 8th, 2009

Mike_Heath_CCL_Capital_Resized_5What’s fascinating is that in the wake of the passage of landmark federal “hate crimes” legislation including “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” — designed to protect homosexuals as a group — there seems to be a resurgence of anti-Christian hate coming from “GLBT” (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) extremists. More on that coming. — Peter LaBarbera,

Reprinted from the Christian Civic League of Maine website:

Nov 6, 2009

The normal routine of the League was interrupted Friday afternoon, when an anonymous caller called to say he owned guns and his next target was the former director of the League, Mike Heath (right). The death threat was apparently related to the recent win on Question 1, which revoked the right of homosexuals to be married in Maine.

The caller said the following:

“I am calling about Mr. Mike Heath, the Executive of your Christian Civic League of Maine.  He thinks that gay people should have our rights revoked that we already have. Well I can tell him this – I’m a gay guy who owns guns, and he’s my next target.”

The call was the latest and most serious example of intimidation by homosexual rights supporters after the win on same sex marriage. The League withheld publishing comments from homosexual rights supporters since the referendum vote, for fear the comments would be too offensive for our readers.

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VIDEO: Massachusetts Christian Peter Vadala Fired by Brookstone Store Because He Disagreed with ‘Gay Marriage’

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

Aggressive lesbian manager with female “fiancée” reports him to HR department; two days later he’s terminated

Posted by MassResistance October 30, 2009:

MassResistance reports: A Massachusetts man was fired from a national retail corporation because of his traditional beliefs on same-sex marriage.  Peter Vadala was formally dismissed from his job as second deputy manager of the Brookstone store at Boston’s Logan Airport on August 12, 2009, after a supervisor reported him to Human Resources regarding an incident two days earlier. Story continues under video, which was shot by our friends at MassResistance:

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As Peter described the incident (see video above), he came to work on August 10 and began his day normally. A female manager from another store was in the store and began talking to Peter about her upcoming marriage.  When Peter asked “where is he taking you for the honeymoon,” she corrected him and said she was not getting married to “he” but to another woman.

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Maine ‘Yes on One’ TV Spokesman Targeted for Speaking Out for Traditional Marriage

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

Below is a pre-election release from Stand for Marriage Maine about the latest homosexual harassment effort. You know, it comes down to this: a significant portion of the “gay” activists strategy is about intimidation — demonizing, targeting and harassing people of faith who are doing nothing wrong and merely are standing up for their beliefs. Enough is enough: rather than fighting in court not to release the names of donors to pro-traditional-marriage organizations, we ought to be saying, “Bring it on! Here’s my name and address: go ahead and publish it! Yes, I’m proud to defend traditional marriage as it has stood for thousands of years. You gotta problem with that?”

Enough trembling before the online “queer” thugs who want to punish people or frighten them for doing what’s right! I say: shame on the Homosexual Lobby — which has a knack for doing the most outrageous things to promote and defend its pet sin of homosexuality.

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Homosexual Halloween Hate: ‘Gay’ Couple Targets Maggie Gallagher, Carrie Prejean, and Mormons in Vicious Rooftop Display

Saturday, October 31st, 2009

Same deviant duo hanged Palin in effigy last year

NOTE: Due to potential copyright infringements, four photos documenting this wicked act by two homosexual activists were removed. The captions remain. –Publisher, AFTAH, Jan. 2021 

WARNING: Offensive Images

Malice Targets Maggie: A photo of pro-traditional-marriage advocate Maggie Gallagher’s face is attached to a nude mannequin with “LIAR” written on the stomach — the rooftop creation of West Hollywood homosexual couple ChadMichael Morrisette and Mito Aviles. The deviant duo say the theme for their bigoted rooftop display is the “forces of evil 2009” — seemingly oblivious to the nastiness of their crude attacks on religious and conservative leaders.

By Peter LaBarbera

Well, it’s Halloween again, so that means more über-tacky rooftop hate-displays by West Hollywood homosexual duo ChadMichael Morrisette and Mito Aviles. Delighted by their 15 minutes of fame last Halloween for infamously hanging a mannequin dressed up as Sarah Palin with a noose around her neck, the homosexual couple this year has broadened its hate campaign by loading their house’s rooftop with several new images attacking social conservatives.

Morrisette and Aviles painted “LIAR” on the stomach of a nude mannequin and attached as its head the face of Maggie Gallagher, the leader pro-family activist fighting “gay marriage.” Gallagher runs the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy and founded the National Organization for Marriage.

(Memo to liberal bloggers and media: please take care to spell Morrisette’s and Aviles’ names correctly when you write your nonjudgmental pieces about their “decorations” — and try not to think about how differently you would craft your piece were the story about “gay” leaders being cruelly depicted on a conservative couple’s rooftop.)

“The reason that [“Gallagher”] is naked is that we are exposing her lies,” Morrissette told Curbed LA.

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