
Actress Julianne Moore Helps GLAAD Distort “Freedom” and “Equality”

Sunday, December 10th, 2006

julianne_moore.jpgby Sonja Dalton

Julianne Moore is the spokesperson for GLAAD (the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) in what they call “an award-winning GLAAD public service announcement.”

To view the Julianne Moore PDF,
please click HERE.

In the continuing quest to conflate special status for sexual perversion with civil rights for black Americans, the piece begins with a quote from Abraham Lincoln: “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.”

Then the actress says: “I love this country. I love it for the principles it was founded upon, where every American is created equal, regardless of skin color or sexual orientation…”

It would come as quite a surprise to George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and the other God-fearing leaders of the American Revolution to learn that they had “sexual orientation” (homosexuality) in mind while drafting the Declaration of Independence, framing the Constitution and drafting the Federalist Papers.

General Washington approved the court martial of Lt. Gotthold Frederick Enslin from the Continental Army for attempted sodomy on another soldier, so we don’t think he would have agreed with Moore’s and GLAAD’s revisionist history.

Moore goes on to say: “People who love those of the same gender were created as every other American — equal…”

People who have sex with people of the same sex were indeed created equal; however, they choose a lifestyle which is not morally equal nor equally valuable to society. In this country, now that the Supreme Court has declared sodomy a de facto constitutional right, they are at liberty to have deviant sex anywhere in the USA with any consenting adult — but they cannot reasonably expect to enjoy universal approval and respect any more than an adulterer can.

Julianne Moore says: “Promote freedom — Embrace equality.”

GLAAD is an odd group to speak out for “freedom.” They haven’t exactly stood up for the rights of former homosexuals to tell their stories, but instead have worked to keep those stories from reaching the public. (GLAAD justifies its censorious impluse against ex-gays and others in the pro-family movement by saying it is protecting the airwaves from “hate.”)

So now GLAAD is again exploit America’s noble civil rights movement for its own ends, which will include curtailing the “freedom” of those who object publicly to homosexual behavior.

Let’s examine what the Scriptures say about true freedom.

The Bible teaches: “Promote freedom — Embrace Jesus Christ” – the Son of God, who affirmed His Father’s design for marriage and sexuality, and who said…

“If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.
Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free…
If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.”

–John 8:31-41

When the Bible speaks of freedom, its inspired authors are referring to freedom from the ceremonial Law of Moses and the requirement for constant blood sacrifice, which was necessitated by their sins. Through baptism into the death of Jesus Christ (Romans 6:3-4), we can be fully released from the spiritual consequence of sin, which is eternal death (Romans 8:23), a permanent separation from God’s glory, His provision and His mercy.

The disciples of Jesus do not use their freedom as an occasion to indulge the sinful nature (Galatians 5:13-14) and they do not allow sin to reign in their bodies (Romans 8:11-14); instead they become slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:18).

Ironic, is it not, that those who promote a lifestyle which is physically, emotionally, and spiritually harmful, would call it “freedom”? Do not be deceived.

Elton John, “Banning Religion,” and Criminalizing Christianity

Thursday, November 16th, 2006

If you are banned by the state from acting on your faith and moral beliefs, then you are no longer free.–Peter LaBarbera

The Human Rights Commission said that Brockie’s “rights as a Christian were subordinate to those of homosexuals not to be discriminated against,” and that he “must restrict the practice of Christianity to his home and church, and not take it with him into the public marketplace.”

By Peter LaBarbera

john-and-furnish.jpgAging pop star and homosexual Elton John (pictured right with his longtime homosexual partner David Furnish) wants to “ban religion completely” because he says it promotes “hatred and spite against gays” (see Lifesite story below). People of faith are outraged, but do they understand that the homosexual lobby seeks to accomplish part of Elton’s dream–i.e., “banning” the outworking of traditional religion that results in speech and actions opposed to homosexuality?

There is an inherent incompatibility between rights based on homosexuality (“sexual orientation”) and traditional First Amendment and religious freedoms, especially for those who believe homosexual behavior is wrong. For a good book on this, I recommend my friend Janet Folger‘s Criminalizing Christianity, available on her Faith2Action’s website.

Here’s a primer on how “gay” activists and the liberal political allies (including activist judges) are moving to ban the application of religion with regard to homosexuality:

I. Step One in banning religion (critical of homosexuality):
Push Christian and religious speech defending Biblical sexual morality to the fringes; punish it, harass it or outlaw it altogether.

In John’s England, a Christian pro-family advocate, Stephen Green of the group Christian Voice, was recently arrested by the South Wales Police “Minorities Support Unit” simply for passing out a Biblical flier opposed to homosexuality outside a “gay” Mardi Gras event. The charges were dropped, but free speech and religious liberty are in jeopardy in this once-Christian land, with UK police hot on the trail of “homophobic” speech.

Consider the case of 67-year-old Christian street preacher Harry Hammond, a sufferer of Asperger’s Syndrome who in 2001 was holding a sign in the town square of Bournemouth with this horribly subversive message: “Stop Immorality, Stop Homosexuality, Stop Lesbianism.” After Hammond was physically harassed by youths, with water poured on him and mud thrown at him, police arrested him (not the thugs) after receiving complaints from homosexuals about his placard.

Local magistrates found the preacher guilty under a 1986 law of using abusive, threatening or insulting speech that could cause harassment or distress to nearby homosexuals–even though it was Hammond who was harmed! Hammond’s sign was ordered destroyed as if it were a dangerous weapon (which seems to be how radical “queer” activists regard Biblical truth). The case was appealed to a High Court after Hammond died, but according to the Christian Voice, “the Court held that the magistrates were entitled to find the sign to be insulting because it appeared to relate homosexuality and lesbianism to immorality.” Click HERE for another good article about Hammond’s case.

Direct, Biblical speech condemning homosexuality as wrong or–God forbid–leading to hell appears to be the most likely target of “hate crimes” prosecution (or speech likely NOT to be protected by the courts) in these early days of government action protecting homosexuality as a “civil right” or “human right.”

Ralph Ovadal is a man who uses very direct speech to rally the public against the homosexual agenda. In 1996, in Madison, Wisconsin, Ovadal, then with Wisconsin Christians United (WCU), was assaulted while protesting a pro-homosexual event at a local elementary school. Despite the hateful motivation of the assailant (he despised one of the WCU signs, “Homosexuality Is Wrong“), and the existence of a strong “hate crimes” law in Madison, the attacker was never charged with a “hate crime.” Indeed, the battery charge against him was dropped and he received just a slap on the wrist despite the severe injuries caused to Ovadal.

How differently would the case have been handled had it been Ovadal who viciously attacked a homosexual protester?

II. Step Two in banning religion (critical of homosexuality):
Create a definition of the family that is unacceptable to Bible believers and traditional religions, then mandate that all social agencies, corporations and ministries adhere to that state definition.

Earlier this year in Boston, Catholic Charities of Boston announced that it was closing down its adoption agency after 100 years of operation, because the Church could not countenance placing adoptive children in homosexual households, which the Vatican regards as “gravely immoral.” Placing children in homosexual-led homes is required under the state’s pro-“gay” nondiscrimination law.

“Gay” rights trumps common sense, religious freedom and the best interest of children, again.

In California, a state “domestic partnership” (DP) law requires that large companies doing business with the government provide DP coverage for their employees. The state law followed a 1997 law in San Francisco (copied by New York and other major cities) that forced local businesses doing business with the city to carry DP benefits for homosexual couples if they offer benefits for married couples.

If moral-minded businessmen, landlords–and even Christian schools and popular ministries–are forced to recognize and reward sinful homosexual couples, then the practice of their religion has been banned in this key area of their life.

III. Step Three in banning religion (critical of homosexuality):
Add homosexuality (“sexual orientation”) and gender confusion (“gender identity”) to the list of criteria for “civil rights” laws–and “diversity” policies in corporations. Then enforce these laws and policies against Christians, chipping away at the concept of religious exemptions.

Universities like Ohio State and Arizona State, citing their school’s “sexual orientation” nondiscrimination codes, have asserted that homosexual students have the right hold to leadership positions in campus Christian groups despite the “gay” students’ refusal to sign a Christian Statement of Faith (part of which proscribes homosexual practice). It is interesting to note that the campus ministries are willing to let homosexual students attend their meetings but not to assume leadership roles if they reject the group’s core beliefs.

Seems reasonable to me: do I have a “right” to be on the Board of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force?

Read the rest of this article »

Elton John: “Religion promotes the hatred and spite against gays”

Monday, November 13th, 2006

From his interview with Jake Shears:

“Religion promotes the hatred and spite against gays.”

“From my point of view I would ban religion completely, even though there are some wonderful things about it. I love the idea of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the beautiful stories about it… But the reality is that organised religion doesn’t seem to work. It turns people into hateful lemmings and it’s not really compassionate…”

I am reminded of a phrase from II Peter 2:12: “blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant.”

It is not enough to “love the idea of” the teachings of Jesus; we must actually love and delight in the teachings themselves (Psalm 1), which include the command to evangelize and to respect the church, the bride of Christ:

“Go and *make disciples* of all nations, *baptizing them* in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, *teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.*” – Matthew 28:19-20

Jesus said, “If you love me, you will *keep* my commandments” (John 14:15). – Sonja Dalton

Oprah Celebrates Homosexuality, Again, as Audience Applauds

Friday, October 6th, 2006

By Sonja Dalton and Peter LaBarbera

The October 1, 2006, “Oprah” program was entitled “Wives Confess They Are Gay.” (Click on that link to read about or watch the show online.)

After years of suppressing her sexuality, Chris decided to come out to her husband, Joe…

“I said, ‘Joe, I think after lots of soul searching and lots of reading and lots of praying I do believe that I’m a lesbian,'” she says. “It was very painful to do.”

But Chris wasn’t alone…

Joe says he was supportive of Chris because he loved her…and because he was also gay! Four years after his divorce, Joe followed Chris’s footsteps…

Chris now has a lesbian partner, Libby, and Joe has a homosexual male partner, Paul, who was also formerly married and who has children. Oprah calls the foursome “One Big, Happy Family.” Her audience applauds, as though there is something to be happy about in this tangled mess.

According to Oprah, they “are now living [their] best life.” According to God, however, they are deluded, deceived – given over to sexual impurity and degrading of their bodies, given up to dishonorable passions, abandoned to a debased, depraved mind (see Romans 1 in the New Testament).

So much for the broken homes, broken hearts – and broken promises before God. Oprah, we ask: where is your compassion for the children whose families are shattered, and the husband who said he cried every day, with anguish over the destruction of his marriage and family that, he said, almost killed him?

Read the rest of this article »

Rosie O’Donnell: Radical Christians Are as Threatening as Islamofascists

Wednesday, September 13th, 2006

Please pray for Rosie O’Donnell (and for Elisabeth Hasselbeck as she tries to speak truth).

You may also politely express your reaction to her comments by e-mail at The View.

Excerpted from Rosie: Radical Christians Pose Islamofascist Threat, published Sept 13, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:

rosie-elisabeth.jpg Rosie O’Donnell says “radical” Christians in America are just as much of a threat as the followers of radical Islam who piloted hijacked jetliners into New York’s Twin Towers and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.

O’Donnell, the newest face on ABC’s “The View,” yesterday let her feelings fly after co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck noted militant Islam provides a threat to free people.

“Just a minute,” she interrupted. “Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America where we have separation of church and state.”

Continue reading at WorldNet Daily…

Also see Rosie’s View: ‘Radical Christians’ Same as 9/11 Terrorists and AFA Action Alert

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