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Rosie O’Donnell
Sunday, May 27th, 2007
By Sonja Dalton
What better gift for our military on Memorial Day Weekend: Disney-ABC has announced an early departure from The View for Rosie O’Donnell. Perhaps now this moronic daytime television program will return to obscurity and irrelevance, where it belongs.
By now, nearly everyone is aware of the blowout on Wednesday’s episode. Joy Behar (former high school teacher and alleged comedienne) opened with a list of complaints against President Bush which, in her view, merit impeachment and a vigorous beating with wet noodles. We’re talking serious offenses like “choking on a pretzel” and being incapable of pronouncing “nuclear.”
That last one has always annoyed me, too, almost as much as when I heard it from Jimmy Carter, who was actually supposed to be a “nucular” engineer (not just a Yale history grad with a Harvard MBA). Back then, my frustration was assuaged by working for Reagan in the 1980 election. Ronnie knew how to pronounce “nuclear” and he knew how to deal with radical Islamic fascists and communists, too. But I digress…
Joy suggested that Al Gore is just the man to lead us out of Iraq, which raised the issue of the Iraq War, which opened the door for Rosie (high school graduate) to confront Elisabeth Hasselbeck (Boston College alumnus). On May 17th, Rosie attacked Elisabeth for using the word “terrorists” and posed a question that offended many Americans (even liberals):
O’DONNELL: … 655,000* Iraqi civilians are dead. Who are the terrorists?
HASSELBECK: Who are the terrorists?
O’DONNELL: 655,000 Iraqis — I’m saying you have to look…
HASSELBECK: Wait, who are you calling terrorists now? Americans?
O’DONNELL: I’m saying if you were in Iraq, and the other country, the United States, the richest in the world, invaded your country and killed 655,000 of your citizens, what would you call us?…
O’DONNELL: I believe there is government-sponsored terrorism by every nation in the world, including ours.
* Rosie’s casualty figure is preposterous, much like Joy’s list of President Bush’s capital offenses.
Shockingly, the media interpreted Rosie’s remarks as an indictment of our troops. Rosie still doesn’t know how they got that idea. (Hint: Elisabeth asked her three times “Who are the terrorists?” but Rosie never answered.)
Somehow Rosie was hurt and angry because she expected Elisabeth, as her “friend,” to defend her against “those crappy cable shows — the ones Elisabeth watches.” As her “friend”? Let’s review a sampling of the “friendly” remarks Rosie made to Elisabeth in the last ten months:
Sept , 2007 — “Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam…”
Feb 18, 2007 — “”You’re very young, and you’re very wrong.” And later in the conversation: “I know, but it’s the way that I’m able to be on this live broadcast and love and support you in spite of the fact that I disagree so abhorrently with most of the things you believe, so it is what I tell myself in order to not get into the RAGE I feel at at some of the IGNORANT comments, so that’s what I have to do!”
May 21, 2007 — “Are you not able to hold two concepts at once?”
May 23, 2007 — “You’re going to double-speak…” and later “…that was cowardly.”
Is that the way you talk to your friends?
At long last, Elisabeth had enough of the insults and finally stood up for herself: “Defend your own insinuations!…Defend your own thoughts!…”
Why would Rosie want to be defended by someone she characterizes as a nitwit? Why does she think she can verbally abuse a friend over and over, and still have one?
“Like most bullies, Rosie is clueless how to respond when she is challenged.”
After provoking and degrading Elisabeth for months, Rosie did what bullies always do when someone has the courage to fight back: She took her Barbies and went home to pout (while her chief writer, Janette Barber, being equally mature and professional, stayed behind to draw mustaches on all the photos of Elisabeth). And Rosie won’t be back because she doesn’t have a punching bag anymore.
Rosie O’Donnell was once a light-hearted and funny entertainer, but after years of living in sexual depravity (first with a man and now as a lesbian), she is consumed by rage. The emptiness and misery which result from wickedness are evident in her countenance. It is a very sad thing to watch a precious human being self-destruct. (And what is the impact on children of a “mother” so angry, so combative, constantly arguing and striving and attacking?)
The Bible says that those who persist in homosexuality are given over by God to a debased mind. Do you wonder how Rosie can possibly believe that our own president helped destroy the World Trade Center? Are you perplexed at her insistence that her own understanding of physics is superior to those “ignorant” engineers at Popular Mechanics? Answer: Because her mind is not healthy. And it won’t be as long as she lives in defiance of the Almighty.
But where I lose patience with Rosie and others like her, God does not. Peter says that our Father does not want anyone to perish, but for everyone to come to repentance. In her deep unhappiness, Rosie may yet humble herself and acknowledge God’s divine power and authority over her and repent. Rosie has a generous heart that could be used to glorify Christ — so let us pray that an epiphany is at hand.
But don’t stop there… Look around at your church, at your child’s school, in your neighborhood. Where you see a child missing a mom or a dad (whether through illegitimacy, divorce, or death), you have an opportunity — and an obligation — to fulfill James 1:27. Greet them with a smile and a hug and ask them what they’re up to, how school is going. Ask their parent if you could take them shopping for a new outfit or a pair of school shoes or help them with a school project — because that will accomplish two goals: It will help the single parent and it will begin to build a relationship with the child whereby you may become a powerful influence for righteousness.
Imagine how much comfort a compassionate Christian woman might have provided to Rosie O’Donnell during her adolescent and teen years. How sad that she was neglected when she needed love — the love she is still desperate for but will never find in lesbian sex. Every child has sinful inclinations; every child faces challenges as he/she matures. Kids need godly, trustworthy adults to care about them, guide them, and correct them from time to time. If you aren’t there when a vulnerable child is dealing with self-consciousness, confusion, sexuality, and temptation, homosexual activists and their “allies” at school will be glad to fill your shoes and drag an innocent child to hell.
Posted in ABC, Celebrities, E - Praying for the Lost, Homosexual Quotes, News, Rosie O'Donnell |
Wednesday, April 25th, 2007
Check out this revealing account in yesterday’s New York Post of an appearance by crass lesbian Rosie O’Donnell to a group of VIP women in New York City. The story here is not Rosie’s mouth — the Big Apple’s sewers are cleaner than that — but the lack of outrage from the assembled powerful women despite the presence of a group of high-achieving high school girls in the room. But why are we surprised: after all, most of these women probably endorse the “Vagina Monologues,” a vulgar feminist play that has women discussing their private parts on stage as part of their assault on the patriarchy. (VM wants to take its subversive act from America’s colleges to its high schools — another atrocity for beleaguered parents to fight.) Note how one shocked observer didn’t want to give her name to the press. In other words, she was ashamed to publicly criticize O’Donnell. Meanwhile, we doubt that “shame” is even in Rosie’s vocabulary — which makes her, come to think of it, the perfect spokesman for modern, pro-partial-birth-abortion American feminism.– Peter LaBarbera
April 24, 2007 — ROSIE O’Donnell’s blue humor made faces red when she emceed the Matrix Awards in front of 2,000 feting New York’s most accomplished women in media at the Waldorf-Astoria Grand Ballroom yesterday.
The loose-lipped lesbian dropped the F-bomb as Barbara Walters lowered her head on the dais and covered her face with her hand. O’Donnell concluded a rant about Donald Trump by grabbing her crotch and shouting, “Eat me!”
O’Donnell also said she was sad when Trump called her “disgusting” and “fat” because, “it was always my dream to give an old, bald billionaire a boner.”
The annual luncheon of N.Y. Women in Communications – which honored Cindy Adams, Meredith Vieira, Joan Didion, Susan Lyne, Arianna Huffington and Lisa Caputo, among others – featured as presenters News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch [See photo, facing page], Joy Behar, Nora Ephron, and Martha Stewart.
Also on hand were 17 sweet-faced high school girls who won scholarships to pursue their dreams of careers in media.
“I was offended by how vulgar and common O’Donnell was,” said Robert Zimmerman, a Democrat active in progressive causes. “It was especially inappropriate with young people present.”
Brandon Holley, editor-in-chief of Jane magazine, said, “I wasn’t personally offended, but I thought it was fun to watch other people be offended.”
“I cringed and dove under the table when she said, ‘Eat me,’ ” said one woman attendee who declined to be identified.
Among those in the crowd were Judith Giuliani, her predecessor Donna Hanover, Judge Judy Sheindlin, Helen Gurley Brown, Sue Simmons, Geri Laybourne of Oxygen Media, Jane Friedman of HarperCollins, and Hearst president Cathie Black.
O’Donnell’s publicist, Cindi Berger, told us: “When you ask for Rosie, you know what you’re getting. She’s not a shrinking violet. She’s a stand-up comedienne. She says things that are provocative.”
N.Y. Women in Communications was evidently happy with O’Donnell. The group’s managing director, Beth Ellen Keyes, sent an e-mail to her handlers saying, “Rosie was fabulous. Please let Rosie know how much we appreciated her being there. She was just great.” [See Cindy Adams, Page 20.]
Posted in E - Praying for the Lost, News, NOW, Public Indecency, Rosie O'Donnell, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Tuesday, April 10th, 2007
Below is the homosexual magazine OUT‘s list of its “Power 50” of influential homosexuals. OUT calls it “our first annual ranking of the homos who really make the world go round. These are queers you don’t want to mess with.the 50 most influential homosexuals in America.” (PC language lesson 101: they can use words like “homos” and “queers”; we can’t.)
We are intrigued by the fact that the same movement that once cried out for “privacy” and “to be left alone” feels free to publicly declare people’s homosexuality for them (Anderson Cooper, No. 2, and Jodie Foster, No. 43). On the other hand, if OUT is right, it might explain Cooper’s bias in his reporting on the homosexual issue: in a recent interview that the CNN host did with pro and con advocates on a “gay parenting” story, he blatantly favored the “gay” side in his questioning.
Regardless of whether Cooper practices homosexuality, as a professional he should be completely even-handed in his treatment of this controversial moral question. So, by the way, should the New York Times — Gay Mafia (No. 7) or no Gay Mafia. — Peter LaBarbera
1. David Geffen
2. Anderson Cooper
3. Ellen DeGeneres
4. Tim Gill
5. Barney Frank
6. Rosie O’Donnell
7. The New York Times Gay Mafia: Richard Berke, Ben Brantley, Frank Bruni, Stuart Elliott, Adam Nagourney, Stefano Tonchi, and Eric Wilson
8. Marc Jacobs
9. Andrew Tobias
10. Brian Graden
11. Jann Wenner
12. Andrew Sullivan
13. Suze Orman
14. Joe Solmonese
15. Fred Hochberg
16. Christine Quinn
17. Perez Hilton
18. Scott Rudin
19. John Aravosis
20. Sheila Kuehl
21. James B. Stewart
22. Nick Denton
23. Tom Ford
24. Nate Berkus
25. Adam Moss
26. Jim Nelson
27. Lorri L. Jean
28. Adam Rose
29. Annie Leibovitz
30. Simon Halls and Stephen Huvane
31. Bryan Lourd
32. Bryan Singer
33. Jonathan Burnham
34. Brian Swardstrom
35. Robert Greenblatt
36. Chi Chi LaRue
37. Dan Mathews
38. Neil Meron and Craig Zadan
39. Ingrid Sischy
40. Marc Cherry
41. Carolyn Strauss
42. Irshad Manji
43. Jodie Foster
44. Christine Vachon
45. André Leon Talley
46. Hilary Rosen
47. Matthew Marks
48. Benny Medina
49. Mitchell Gold
50. David Kuhn
Posted in 06 - Queer, Andrew Sullivan, Celebrities, CNN, David Geffen Foundation, Gill Foundation, Homosexual Parenting, Homosexual Quotes, New York Times, News, Pro-Homosexual Media, Rosie O'Donnell, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Tuesday, March 13th, 2007
By Sonja Dalton
On The View, during a debate over the 2008 presidential election, the Iraq war, and the Patriot Act, Rosie O’Donnell lashed out at Elisabeth Hasselbeck, calling her “young and wrong.” When Elisabeth, 30, objected to Rosie’s “ageism,” Rosie defended herself by saying (emphasis added):
“I know, but it’s the way that I’m able to be on this live broadcast
and love and support you
in spite of the fact that I disagree so abhorrently
with most of the things you believe,
so it is what I tell myself in order to not get into the RAGE I feel
at at some of the IGNORANT comments,
so that’s what I have to do!”
— Rosie O’Donnell on The View, Feb 28, 2007
( see the clip on ABC’s website: select “Hot Topics, War on Iraq Part 2”)
Two questions:
- If Rosie wants us to demonstrate “tolerance” (which in homosexual activist speak really means “approval of”) toward her, her homosexual “partner,” the exposure of their children to their lesbian lifestyle, and her radical political views, then why can’t she simply listen to Elisabeth Hasselbecks conservative viewpoint without feeling and expressing RAGE?
- What if this discussion had been the other way around? What if Elisabeth Hasselbeck had lashed out at Rosie O’Donnell and said “Sometimes I can barely contain the RAGE I feel at your IGNORANT comments?” Somehow, I suspect Elisabeth would either be issuing a public apology and going to “homophobia” therapy or else watching her media career go up in flames. But neither Barbara Walters or ABC insisted on a public apology from Rosie. Why is okay for Rosie O’Donnell to talk to her co-workers like this?
Her blog poetry makes obvious that Rosie O’Donnell feels badly about her lack of self-control — and that she needs Jesus Christ to heal her heart and transform her life. Keep her in loving prayer.
Posted in 02 - Lesbian, Celebrities, E - Praying for the Lost, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Homosexual Hate Speech, Mental Health, Rosie O'Donnell, Television |
Friday, September 15th, 2006
By Peter LaBarbera
Christians are called “haters,” “bigots,” “homophobes,” and worse simply for proclaiming God’s Word to homosexuals (for the best defense of Christian orthodoxy on homosexuality, see Rob Gagnon’s brilliant website). As believers, our most fervent hope and prayer is that those tempted to embrace homosexual attractions would recognize that they are not inherently “gay” and find spiritual healing and salvation through the resurrected Christ — an intent which, while offensive to those not inclined to hear, cannot fairly be described as “hatred.”
Many men and women who once considered themselves “gay” or “lesbian” have embraced the path of change and overcome the pull of homosexuality in their lives. See Stephen Bennett’s heartwarming story HERE and Linda Jernigan’s wonderful testimony HERE. Some people have changed through secular therapy (see NARTH’s website), but it seems the more typical story in the United States is people overcoming homosexuality with the help of God through Jesus Christ.
Perhaps the citation below of a radical Islamic book’s prescription for treating homosexuals (dropping them from a building and then stoning them) will shed light on the superiority of Biblical “tough love” (oppose sinful behavior while extending forgiveness through Christ). We at Americans For Truth condemn in no uncertain terms all violence and hatred directed at homosexuals. The same God who rescues people from bondage to any number of sinful inclinations can rescue those who are caught up in homosexuality–and has countless times, despite the vain efforts of fanatical “gay” activists like Wayne Besen who strive to show that “sexual orientation” (an unbiblical construct) is unchangeable.
While contemplating what this Islamic book recommends, consider also the contemptuous and ridiculous statement of Rosie O’Donnell, who said on ABC’s The View on the anniversary of 9/11:
“Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam…”
The following is excerpted from Official OK with Islamic law in Netherlands, published Sept 13, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:
…As WND reported in 2004, [Netherlands’ Justice Minister Piet Hein] Donner hasn’t always been open to every aspect of Muslim culture.
He joined with [Dutch Integration Minister Rita] Verdonk in banning a Muslim book [”The Way of the Muslim”] distributed by the Dutch Lel Tawheed mosque condoning the stoning of homosexuals, female circumcision and the beating of wives.
“Gay people should be thrown head first off high buildings and if not killed on hitting the ground, they should be then stoned to death,” says a book titled “The Way of the Muslim.”
Continue reading at WorldNet Daily…
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, E - Praying for the Lost, Homosexual Hate Speech, News, Rosie O'Donnell, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, September 13th, 2006
Please pray for Rosie O’Donnell (and for Elisabeth Hasselbeck as she tries to speak truth).
You may also politely express your reaction to her comments by e-mail at The View.
Excerpted from Rosie: Radical Christians Pose Islamofascist Threat, published Sept 13, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:
Rosie O’Donnell says “radical” Christians in America are just as much of a threat as the followers of radical Islam who piloted hijacked jetliners into New York’s Twin Towers and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.
O’Donnell, the newest face on ABC’s “The View,” yesterday let her feelings fly after co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck noted militant Islam provides a threat to free people.
“Just a minute,” she interrupted. “Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America where we have separation of church and state.”
Continue reading at WorldNet Daily…
Also see Rosie’s View: ‘Radical Christians’ Same as 9/11 Terrorists and AFA Action Alert
Posted in Activists, Celebrities, Media Promotion, Rosie O'Donnell |

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