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Wednesday, October 16th, 2013
This is how the Left takes over institutions: inept Army misconstrues “God Hates Fags” message with American Family Association’s Christian opposition to homosexuality
 U.S. Army Smears Christian Americans: In this chilling photo acquired by Fox News reporter Todd Starnes, you can see the U.S. Army instructor’s slide with “American Family Association” (AFA) at the top. On the photo accompanying it is a sign reading, “No Special Laws for Fags,” from one of the Westboro Baptist Church’s notorious protests. AFA, like AFTAH and every major Christian pro-family group, has denounced Westboro and its unChristian message. See AFA’s video responding to the Army’s smear below. Photo: Fox News.
TAKE ACTION: Call or write your U.S. Congressman and Senators and demand a congressional investigation into the Obama administration’s use of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s spurious “hate” propaganda in the military and other government agencies to smear God-fearing Americans as “domestic haters.” For the House, call 202-225-3121; for the Senate, call 202-224-3121. Or write through the Contacting the Congress website.
By Peter LaBarbera
With all the efficiency of the U.S. Post Office, the United States Army and Armed Forces under Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama are working to redefine Christian and religious traditionalists who oppose homosexuality as “haters.” This story about an Army instructor’s woefully inaccurate “lesson” labeling both American Family Association and Family Research Council “domestic hate groups,” was broken by Fox News’ Todd Starnes. It is chilling: note in the photo above that accompanies the Fox story you can see on the Army instructor’s slide with a Westboro Baptist Church protester holding a patented WBC sign with the word “Fags” on it. And note the heading on the slide: American Family Association.
As AFA’s Tim Wildmon and Bryan Fischer explain in the video below, no Christian ministry uses the derogatory term “Fags,” and AFA, FRC — and AFTAH and a bunch of other pro-family organizations — all have denounced Fred Phelps’ and Westboro’s bizarre “God Hates Fags” message and tactics.
Reports Starnes on FoxNews.com:
Several dozen U.S. Army active duty and reserve troops were told last week that the American Family Association , a well-respected Christian ministry, should be classified as a domestic hate group because the group advocates for traditional family values.
The briefing was held at Camp Shelby in Mississippi and listed the AFA alongside domestic hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam.
This is what happens when the Left starts taking over institutions: they go after their enemies in the service of a warped ideology. And Truth, in this case, Judeo-Christian (Biblical) truth about homosexuality, and its defenders are the enemy. Wildmon is right: the evil, far-left Southern Poverty Law Center — with its preposterous, contrived “Hate Map” smearing conservative pro-family groups across the USA as somehow comparable to the KKK — is the source of this contemptible demonization of moral Americans. (Note that AFTAH is among the groups smeared as a “hate group” by the SPLC.) The SPLC and like-minded Cultural Marxists have their hooks in the Obama administration, and that translates into the de facto “Criminalization of Christianity,” to quote Janet Porter’s book by the same name.
When you adopt the philosophical position that opposition to homosexual behavior (a perversion and a sin) is morally analogous to racist bigotry, the result is this brand of crass ideological subversion. The Pentagon — which as AFTAH predicted is becoming the world’s largest “gay advocacy” organization under Obama and the “progressives” — now sees as one of its roles rooting out “anti-gay bigotry” among the troops. Here’s the problem: racism and homosexualism (proud homosexual advocacy and conduct) are both sins; opposing either of them is not. In fact, opposing sin and offering the redemption of the Gospel for it is a righteous act.
In essence then, the Pentagon under Obama and the Democrats are at war with Nature and Nature’s God [see America’s charter, the Declaration of Independence] — for God through Scripture has declared homosexual practice as sinful (yet changeable; see 1 Corinthians 6:9). (And Nature confirms this verdict shared by other major religions, as seen in the confluence of disease and homosexual sex.) Using your tax dollars, the U.S. Armed Forces are working hand-in-hand with Secular Left extremists to corrupt the morals and minds of our men and women in uniform — no matter what self-righteous, SPLC-spoon-fed rationalizations they employ to justify their mendacious “state propaganda.”
Take a look once more at the chilling photo above. Is this what we’ve been reduced to in Year 237 of the noble American experiment? Army soldiers being forced to surreptitiously report the anti-Christian bigotry of their superiors — and their own government — to the outside world? State bureaucrats mislabeling patriotic, Christian organizations like AFA — representing many millions of God-fearing Americans — as “domestic hate groups”?
The pro-homosexual Left has declared all-out ideological war on faith-based Americans who adhere to the historical, Judeo-Christian truth that homosexual acts are wrong and against God’s will. “Religious Left” activists are mobilizing their tremendous resources to advance the lie that homosexuality (sexual sin) and Christianity are compatible. (Homosexual “orientation” is now labeled a “gift from God” in one modern manifestation of Isaiah 5:20.) A Christian pastor and advocate, Scott Lively, who loves homosexuals enough to tell them the truth (that their sin struggle is not their identity) is accused in an international lawsuit of “Crimes Against Humanity,” and a Democrat-appointed judge allows the case to proceed.
Everywhere, it seems, truth is under assault, and we who love the truth must fight back or we will lose these United States of America in a rising tide of leftist tyranny. We must not let the God-rejecting Secular Left take over the country we love. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Here is AFA’s video response to this latest Obama administration outrage [read full Starnes story HERE]:
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Christian Left, Christian Persecution, Court Decisions & Judges, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Extremism, Fred Phelps/Westboro Baptist Church, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Gay Sex Health Risks, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Government Promotion, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, Left-wing activism, Lies by homosexual activists, Military, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, YouTube videos |
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013
Washington Times: victims of military sex assaults are mostly men
 Homosexual male pornography often has military themes. This hard-core porn video (nudity covered by AFTAH) is titled, “Military Dorm.” It is sold by the homosexual porn video retailer TLA, which annually has booths at “Gay Pride” events (which are attended by young children).
Folks, we knew this was coming when President Obama and the Democrats pushed through the homosexualization of the U.S. Military. (Actually, Bill Clinton started the process in his first term.) Male-on-male military sexual assaults are escalating. As AFTAH has previously reported, and sickening as it is, one of the realities of homosexualism is that many homosexual men are sexually attracted to macho, “straight acting” men and men in uniform (as opposed to effeminate men). The latter is evidenced by the abundance of male homosexual pornography that has a military (men in uniform) angle. [See “gay” military porn video at right.]
When a society treats sexual perversion and immorality as a “civil right,” terrible things like this happen. “Progressive” change is fueled by feelings and emotionally potent euphemisms like “fairness” and “equality.” Then reality hits, and the liberals make no connection between their “reforms” and the problems they caused. Americans For Truth will follow this story closely. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; please “Like” AFTAH’s Facebook page.
Excerpted from the Washington Times:
Victims of Sex Assaults in Military are Mostly Men
By Rowan Scarborough, May 200, 2013
More military men than women are sexually abused in the ranks each year, a Pentagon survey shows, highlighting the underreporting of male-on-male assaults.
When the Defense Department released the results of its anonymous sexual abuse survey this month and concluded that 26,000 service members were victims in fiscal 2012, which ended Sept. 30, an automatic assumption was that most were women. But roughly 14,000 of the victims were male and 12,000 female, according to a scientific survey sample produced by the Pentagon.
The statistics show that, as Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel begins a campaign to stamp out “unwanted sexual contact,” there are two sets of victims that must be addressed.
“It appears that the DOD has serious problems with male-on-male sexual assaults that men are not reporting and the Pentagon doesn’t want to talk about,” Elaine Donnelly, who heads the Center for Military Readiness. She noted that only 2 percent of assailants are women.
Pentagon spokeswoman Cynthia Smith said the Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Office is tackling the entire problem….
The Pentagon’s 1,400-page annual report came with two basic sets of data: official reports of sex crimes and a scientific survey sample of the 1.4 million active force from which the department extrapolated the number of abuses, regardless of whether they were officially reported.
Data showed 2,949 reports of abuse against a service member last year compared with 1,275 in 2004. The vast majority of victims (88 percent) were female — a statistic that tells the Pentagon that male victims (12 percent) do not come forward at the same rate.
Subjects of investigations are almost always men (90 percent), compared with women (2 percent) — a statistic indicating that male victims are assaulted by other men.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Democrat Party, Gay-on-gay violence, Government Promotion, Military, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Pornography |
Sunday, December 2nd, 2012
Here is the latest manifestation of America’s descent into decadence and godlessness. What right do West Point and all the military academies have to teach young men and women integrity and right from wrong when they now are celebrating sexual immorality on such a grand scale? And yet Rep. Paul Ryan (echoing his pro-“gay” Republican running mate, Mitt Romney) said it would be a big mistake for the GOP to revisit the homosexuals-in-the-military issue (i.e., reinstate a homosexual exclusion policy).
Are we heading toward a bipartisan push in favor of Big Homosexuality — for which the revolutionary redefinition of marriage is but one goal? And where does that leave Christians and all moral-minded citizens who put loyalty to their Creator and sexual sanity above party politics? We’ve heard a lot about the “Fiscal Cliff,” but America is also dangling off the Moral Cliff. Too bad few governing and cultural elites seem to care enough to try and rescue us from going over it. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
FoxNews reports:
First same-sex marriage being celebrated Saturday at West Point’s Cadet Chapel
Published December 01, 2012, FoxNews.com
The first same-sex marriage at West Point’s Cadet Chapel will be celebrated Saturday – when a military veteran and her partner exchange vows roughly one year after President Obama ended the military policy banning openly gay people from serving in the military.
The ceremony will take place in the Military Academy’s Cadet Chapel between Brenda Sue Fulton and Penelope Dara Gnesin. Fulton is a military veteran and spokeswoman for Outserve – an advocacy group for actively serving gay, lesbian and bisexual military personnel, reported first by USA Today.
West Point hosted its first same-sex marriage last weekend, but it was a private ceremony at a smaller campus venue.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Government Promotion, Military, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, September 27th, 2012
 A returning Marine plants a kiss on his boyfriend at a homecoming reception. Congressman Paul Ryan now says it would be a “step in the wrong direction” to reverse the law allowing such open homosexuality in the military. In this widely-distributed photo, we blocked the male-male kiss and circled a child in the background. Click to enlarge.
By Peter LaBarbera
Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s recent politically correct reversal on homosexuals in the military (to align with his running-mate) illustrates why conservatives often lose in politics by following a defeatist model of “Kvetch and Retreat,” as laid out by New York Orthodox Rabbi Mayer Schiller.
Schiller accurately observed how in political debates with the Left, conservatives typically warn of the dire consequences of a given policy as they passionately resist it. Then, if the Left wins, conservatives “kvetch” (complain, whine) about the loss — but rather than fight doggedly to regain lost political and cultural ground, they often “retreat” by accepting the new liberal status quo and moving on to the next battle.
The “Kvetch and Retreat” phenomenon — repeated again and again – results in a radically transformed society guided by liberal ideology and policy victories that morph into “mainstream” consensus with the help of the morally-challenged media and cultural elites.
Liberals take politics much more seriously than conservatives: they tightly adhere to their (misguided) principles and do battle with a long-term perspective – rallying behind their core beliefs and viewing defeats as mere temporary setbacks. A good example is their war on the Boy Scouts: after the Supreme Court in 2000 narrowly preserved the Scouts’ right not to permit homosexual and atheist scoutmasters, pro-“gay” leftists did not mope around in defeat but instead ramped up their attacks on the beleaguered Scouts – painting them as “bigots” and driving them off parks and other public venues.
In contrast, there is no fight left in Congressman Ryan after the demise of ‘Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell’ (he previously voted to keep the homosexual ban). Speaking just days after addressing a conservative “Values Voters” conference, Ryan said this when asked by a TV reporter about the new pro-gay military law:
“I talked to a lot of good friends of mine who are combat leaders in the theater, and they just didn’t think the timing of this was right to do this when our troops were in the middle of harm’s way in combat. Now that it’s done, we should not reverse it. I think that would be a step in the wrong direction because people have already disclosed themselves [as homosexuals].
“I think this issue is past us. It’s done. And I think we need to move on.”
 Rep. Paul Ryan
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Candidates & Elected Officials, Conservative and Chrisian sellouts, Military, News, Redefining Morality, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, June 21st, 2012
George Washington must be rolling over in his grave. The Pentagon under Commander-in-Chief Obama is on its way to becoming the world’s largest “gay pride” agency. Behold another tragic “first” for Obama: the first-ever homosexual “pride” celebration at the Department of Defense (Tuesday, June 26, 2012). Note how the organizers of “Pentagon Pride” slipped in “transgender” pride even though transgenders were not part of the law to homosexualize the military.
In reality, homosexuality and gender confusion are nothing to be proud of. Now, thanks to Obama and the Democrats (and some Republicans), our young military men and women will be force-fed the lie that homosexuality is “who you are,” like civil rights. And if history is our guide, LGBT activists will continue to agitate for greater and more prominent recognition of their aberrant lifestyles, at the taxpayers’ expense–using the military to grow their power. It is never good when noble institutions are used to promote moral corruption, which is why “Pentagon Pride” brings shame to our Armed Forces, and to America. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Get more information on “Pride at Pentagon” HERE; below is the logo advertising the event:

Posted in Federal Government, Government Promotion, Military, News |
Sunday, March 11th, 2012
 Homosexual activists have reacted furiously to AFTAH's blocking of this widely-reported photo of a "gay Marine's" perverted homecoming kiss. Note the little boy standing nearby, circled at right. Click on photo to enlarge.
By Mary Anne Kreitzer, for her Les Femmes blog
Article cited: WorldNetDaily: “Marines ‘Starting to Look Ridiculous'”
Original AFTAH article: “Homosexual Marine Kisses ‘Gay’ Male Lover at Family Homecoming Celebration”
[WND piece:] “Marines ‘starting to look ridiculous'”…Ya think? I happen to have friends with a son-in-law stationed in Hawaii. He and his wife were present at this event so I heard about it several days before seeing the photo. My friend told us the bus came into the hangar with the door away from the families. The soldiers debarked and the families began chanting, “Move that bus! Move that bus!” When the bus moved the soldiers and their families ran over to welcome each other. My friend’s daughter described the clinch. The gay soldier and his homosexual partner ran to each other and the soldier leaped into the other man’s arms straddling him with his legs as is clearly shown in the photo. Soldiers are supposed to refrain from PDA (public display of affection) while in uniform, but at homecomings there is some leniency. (A little too much in this case.)
Interesting that my friend said her daughter described the rather restrained welcomes of the normal families. (In other words no full body hugs pressing private parts together.) Keep in mind there were lots of children present. But as the World Net Daily article points out, no one can say one word against this privileged behavior. After all, it’s a new “gay” military world. Let the sodomy in the barracks begin.
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Biblical Truth, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Government Promotion, Military, News |
Friday, December 30th, 2011
In Obama’s Navy, lesbians get the traditional “first kiss”
Below is a redacted copy of President Barack Obama’s Campaign 2012 Tumblr page celebrating another tragic “first” for his Administration: the traditional Naval “first kiss” following a ship’s return to port occurred Dec. 21 between two women — as opposed to the normal and natural male-female spousal kiss. The AP photo below (covered up here by AFTAH for the sake of decency) appeared worldwide, and Obama reposted it along with a portion of the story as it appeared in the British newspaper The Guardian. As you can read in the (typically one-sided) AP story, David Bauer, commanding office of the USS Oak Hill, was in cahoots with this homosexuals-in-the-military promotional stunt, telling AP that the crew was fine with the lesbians’ selection. Said Bauer of the publicly perverse kiss: “It’s going to happen and the crew’s going to enjoy it.” (That’s an order!)
It must be remembered that despite Western modernists’ curious obsession with homosexuality, this lesbian kiss is indecent by historic moral and religious (Judeo-Christian) standards. We are tempted to say Shame on the President, but it is all too obvious by now that this Commander-in-Chief sees no shame in celebrating sexual deviance (sin) — even open displays like this. (Obama infamously pooh-poohed a New Testament passage in Romans that clearly proscribes lesbianism and male homosexual acts.) Liberals cannot rewrite the moral code nor can they redefine decency to accommodate anything-goes sexuality.
Now Obama and the Democrats have ensured that wherever public displays of affection between married spouses and boyfriends-and-girlfriends occur, indecent spectacles like this will be in close proximity. Military moms and dads: be prepared to block the eyes of your little ones at reunions and all formerly wholesome military functions. Should God Bless this America?– Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
 Obama Tumblr entry acclaims the first-ever lesbian "first kiss" in the Navy. Traditionally in American cullture, open displays of homosexual behavior, a perversion, have been considered indecent. Here we have placed a box over the AP photo, which was widely published.
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Candidates & Elected Officials, Democrat Party, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Government Promotion, Liberal Christianity, Military, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Obama, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, October 6th, 2011
From the AP report:
One of the three panelists, Judge Diarmuid O’Scannlain, went out of his way in a concurring opinion to dispute that either the U.S. Constitution or the Supreme Court’s interpretation of it provided “a member of the armed forces (with) a constitutionally protected right to engage in homosexual acts or to state that he or she is a homosexual while continuing to serve in the military.”
O’Scannlain also criticized the lower court judge who invalidated “don’t ask, don’t tell” last year, U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips. He accused Phillips of willfully failing “to apply established law” so she could issue a ruling “that invalidated a considered congressional policy and imposed a wholly novel view of constitutional liberty on the entire United States.”
Per the usual, the Log Cabin Republicans put their pro-homosexuality activism way ahead of loyalty to the conservative Republican Party platform. (After all, for homosexual activists, it’s all about “me.”) The question now is: will the same conservative Republicans and GOP candidates who rightly pledge to repeal Obama-care also work to reinstate the homosexual military exclusion policy – or will they capitulate to the Left’s (and libertarians’) radical social agenda for the Armed Forces? If they surrender, pro-homosexual “diversity” policies will turn the Pentagon into massive “gay rights” bureaucracy that undermines religious freedom and the very conservative values that make our military strong. We shall see. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
Excerpted from the Sept. 29, 2011 Associated Press article by Lisa Leff (emphasis added):
Appeals court tosses gays in military lawsuit
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A federal appeals court refused Thursday to decide the constitutionality of the military’s now-repealed “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy banning openly gay troops, saying the issue has been resolved since Americans can enlist and serve in the armed forces without regard to sexual orientation.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Court Decisions & Judges, Government Promotion, Log Cabin Republicans, Military, News, Republican Party |

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