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Urge your Senators to vote against the hasty repeal of the military’s common-sense ‘Gay’ Ban
“People view the military as the last bastion of morals and what is good. If we break that down here, what does it boil down to? What’s left?” — Service member comment made in Focus Group as part of the administration’s DoD’s report on repealing the ban on open homosexuality in the Armed Forces.
According to a Support Plan for implementing President Obama's plan to allow open homosexuals to serve in the military, a couple of male Marines in civilian clothes could kiss and display homo-erotic affection at the local mall without any repercussions. "Standards of conduct regarding public displays of affection (PDA) are orientation-neutral," according to the report (p. 82). What about on base? Obama's radical Repeal plan would degrade the moral authority of our Armed Forces and turn the Pentagon into the biggest bureaucracy working to mainstream homosexuality (sin) that the world has ever seen.
The U.S. Senate is hours, or perhaps a day, away from what I believe is the most important congressional vote on homosexuality ever taken in the USA: a bill that would Repeal the existing ban on open homosexuality in the military [Call your Senators: 202-224-3121]. If we lose and the Repeal goes forward, it will usher in a sea-change of pro-homosexual political correctness — not just on our Armed Forces, but on the rest of society, as a Brave, New, ‘Gay’-affirming Military will be held up as the new “civil rights” paradigm for the rest of America (God help us). The Homosexual Lobby knows what is at stake, which is why they have been pounding Capitol Hill for weeks on the Repeal. Unfortunately, not enough conservatives and people of faith understand the critical importance of this vote.
A handful of Republicans such as Sen. Scott Brown (who has flip-flopped on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and the two Maine Senators (Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins) may join with the Democrats in supporting the fast-track legislation passed by the House Wednesday (see vote Roll Call HERE). Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid needs 60 votes to homosexualize the Armed Forces.
As sure as New Years Day follows Christmas, the Homosexual Lobby would seize upon this (giant) opening and push for more and more pro-homosexuality policy changes in the military — including same-sex partner benefits, “married” housing for homosexual Service members, sweeping pro-gay “diversity” propaganda for our troops, etc. What a Christmas “gift” for our military men and women! (More like a huge, rainbow-striped lump of coal.) Please pray and do all you can to oppose this radical legislation! — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
Action Steps:
1) Call your Senators using the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 (www.senate.gov) and urge your U.S. Senators to vote against the Repeal of the military’s “gay” ban — and demand that a full and fair debate be held on this radical legistlation that would turn the Pentagon into the world’s largest de facto pro-“gay” advocacy agency. Here are some key Senators to call in this bill; use the Capitol Switchboard (202-114-3121; 202-225-3121) or even better: go to www.senate.gov for their contact info and call their local office numbers:
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (AK):
Sen. Scott Brown (MA):
Sen. Mark Kirk (IL; still “undecided,” according to his aides):
Sen. Richard Lugar (IN)
Sen John Ensign (NV)
Sen. Olympia Snowe (ME)
Sen. Susan Collins (ME)
Judd Gregg (NH)
George Voinovich (OH)
Joe Manchin (WV) (he was the only Democrat who voted with the Republicans to deny cloture in the last Senate Repeal vote)
Bill Nelson (FL),
Ben Nelson (NE),
Jon Tester (MT),
Evan Bayh (IN),
James Webb (VA)
Mark Warner (VA),
Mark Pryor (AR)
Blanche Lincoln (AR)
Mary Landrieu (LA)
2) Pray that this Repeal bill would be stalled in the Senate. Contact your friends and urge them to pray as well. If Harry Reid calls the House bill and gets 60 votes, this battle is over — and then (as with Obama-care) Americans will learn the radical ramifications of this legislation!)
3) Pass this e-mail to your family members, friends, and contacts — especially those living in states with key states above, and urge them to take action!
Background — Working Group Report makes case for NOT repealing the “gay” ban:
I finally read most of the Obama-/Def. Sec. Gates-commissioned Working Group DoD report on the DADT Repeal and — although biased and carefully written and “spun” to camouflage some of the extreme results of allowing open homosexuals in the military, it STILL contains plenty of information showing how damaging the Repeal would be to our military. Here are some findings of and problems with the DoD report:
23.7 % of surveyed Service members (38.1 % of Marines) said repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” would cause them to “leave [the military] sooner than I planned” or “think about leaving sooner than I had planned”;
44.3% of combat veterans (59.4% of Marines) said that having an open homosexual in their immediate unit in a field environment or out at sea would “Negatively” or “Very Negatively” affect their “unit’s effectiveness at completing its mission”; other survey data shows significant opposition within the ranks to the idea of homosexuals serving openly;
Voter Guide put out last year by the Massachusetts Family Institute shows then-candidate Scott Brown promising to SUPPORT the current "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy banning open homosexuals in the military. Now, as Senator, Brown has flip-flopped and pledged to vote for the Repeal of the military's "gay" ban. Brown's treachery has emboldened Democrats and pro-Repeal forces seeking to make the radical change in the lame-duck Congress.
TAKE ACTION: Urge Sen. Scott Brown to honor his promise to the Massachusetts Family Institute NOT to support repeal of the existing ban on open homosexuality in the Armed Forces (see graphic from MFI scorecard above). Call or fax Sen. Brown’s office at the following numbers (Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121); e-mail him HERE:
Washington, DC office: 317 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4543
Fax: (202) 228-2646
Local Office: 2400 JFK Federal Building
15 New Sudbury Street
Boston, MA 02203
Phone: (617) 565-3170
Fax: (617) 723-7325
Folks, so much for this Tea Party-backed Republican and the comeback of political integrity. By reneging on his promise to support DADT (and abandoning conservatism on other issues), Scott Brown shows that he is just like so many other politicians: using the conservatives and religious voters to get elected — then pursuing the agenda of powerful, liberal special interest groups. The GOP is doomed as a major party if it follows the RINO (Republicans In Name Only) lead by caving on social issues — although this is also a military/security matter. That’s because America already has a party devoted to Abortion-on-Demand and Homosexuality – the Democrats.
And here’s a memo to Tea Partiers:state promotion of aberrant sexual lifestyles IS a Tea Party issue — which you will learn (the hard way) if the Big Government Gay agenda succeeds and the Pentagon is turned overnight into the world’s biggest pro-homosexual advocacy organization. Certainly our Founding Fathers led by Gen. George Washington would have been aghast at the idea of “forcing integration of homosexuality into the United States military,” as my good friend Brian Camenker of Mass Resistance aptly puts it below.
House Repeal Roll Call: To view the House Roll Call on Wednesday’s vote to overturn the military’s ban on open homosexuality, in which 15 Republcans and 15 Democrats voted out of step with their Party, go HERE. Camenker is correct: people from all over America should call Brown because he received nationwide support as a candidate. But more importantly, everyone who cares about the military needs to call their two U.S. Senators NOW (202-224-3121), as an expedited Repeal vote in the Senate is imminent. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
Emphasis Camenker’s below:
Scott Brown announces full support for repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”
US Senator Scott Brown has announced on Friday, Dec. 3 that he now supports the repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” – effectively forcing the integration of homosexuality into the United States military.
In a sleazy, dishonest lame-duck move, the Democrats in Congress are desperately trying to repeal the law in the waning days before the new Republican-laden Congress takes over on Jan. 1. A considerable number of left-wing pro-homosexual Democrats were defeated in the Nov. 2 elections, and Brown (and the others) know that the repeal has virtually no chance once the newly elected members of Congress get in.
“At this point in history, we don’t need this. That’s the last thing our troops should have to be worrying about is sharing close quarters …or having to be in shower rooms … with someone they know who is openly a homosexual, and may have a sexual attraction to them — because then that breeds mistrust….They may be tempted to wonder … ‘Can I trust this person? Why are they wanting to be my friend? …Do they want to pursue me sexually?'” — Sgt. Brian Fleming, on FRC video
Watch here the video of Sgt. Brian Fleming, reposted from Family Research Council’s blog. Fleming calls the current “gays in the military” push one of “these little political agendas that have nothing to do with this war that we’re fighting.” For his comments on how lifting the homosexuality ban will breed mistrust, go to about the 3:00 mark. FRC is to be commended for the great work it is doing to stop the Obama agenda of homosexualizing the U.S. Military during wartime. Also we offer our gratitude to Sgt Fleming for his brave service to the United States of America. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
TAKE ACTION: You can make a comment at the FRC blog, but more importantly, call your U.S. Representative and Senators at 202-224-3121 (www.house.gov and www.senate.gov) and urge them to oppose the Democratic leadership’s radical attempt to repeal the ban on open homosexuality in the Armed Forces.:
Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), issued the following statement about the Senate’s vote to prevent a vote on a Defense Authorization bill containing a measure that would allow open homosexuals to serve in the United States military:
“We are gratified that enough Senators acted to prevent a lame-duck vote to effectively homosexualize the American military — a Democratic-led effort that is all about Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), President Obama and the Democrats pandering to their ‘gay’ activist base and NOT keeping our military strong, nor defending the best interests of our fighting men and women. We applaud Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin (WV) for having the courage to listen to his West Virginia constituents — rather than kowtow to the morally-compromised Democrat Party leadership — in voting with the Republicans to block consideration of their bid to repeal the Armed Force’s common-sense homosexuality ban.
“The anti-Christian Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual lobby group, is now pushing for a separate, stand-alone Repeal bill in its desperate bid to homosexualize the U.S. military in this lame-duck session, before a more conservative Congress arrives in January. HRC in its elitism and arrogance shows its contempt for America’s voters, who rejected Obama’s radical legislative agenda. AFTAH will continue to educate citizens on this radical Repeal effort, which would turn the Pentagon into the world’s largest pro-“gay” advocacy organization. We are asking citizens to contact their Senators and urge them to oppose any attempt to overturn the military’s homosexuality ban.
“Americans For Truth commends the Center for Military Readiness, Family Research Council, Chaps Klingenschmitt, and all the pro-family groups that contributed to this legislative victory — even though they lacked significant help from some ‘big names’ in the conservative movement and conservative media. We must remain vigilant — because if Obama and Sen. Reid succeed in repealing the homosexuality ban, it will devastate our military, lead to an exodus of Christian- and tradition-minded servicemembers from the military, and serve as a catalyst for America’s continued moral decline.
Following release of the Pentagon’s Comprehensive Review Working Group (CRWG) report on the issue of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders in the military, Elaine Donnelly, President of the Center for Military Readiness, issued the following statement:
“At a time of growing uncertainty and concern about America’s national security, it is unsettling to see Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen devoting so many hours this week to well-orchestrated but superficial media events designed to deliver on President Obama’s political campaign promises to the LGBT Left. Yesterday’s briefings were quite a show and they gave it their best shot. The grim faces of Mullen and Gates, however, betrayed an inconvenient truth: The CRWG Report does not mention a single beneficial result of repealing the 1993 law, which would strengthen recruiting, retention, and readiness in the All-Volunteer Force.
“Instead, Secretary Gates and Adm. Mullen let down the troops by demanding involuntary acceptance of unnecessary burdens that disregard the normal human desire for privacy and modesty in sexual matters. Elevating unrealistic theories over practical experience, yesterday’s presenters tried but failed to divert attention from information buried in the report. Page 74, for example, reports that ‘Nearly 60% of respondents in the Marine Corps and in Army combat arms said they believed there would be a negative impact on their unit’s effectiveness in this context; among Marine combat arms the number was 67%.’
Elaine Donnelly testifies against homosexualizing the military in the name of "nondiscrimination." Donnelly cautions that few lawmakers realize the radical changes that would result from opening up the Armed Forces to homosexuals -- including the persecution of moral-minded servicemembers and chaplains.
TAKE ACTION: Elaine Donnelly rightly warns in an interview with AFTAH of the devastating impact of Obama’s plan to homosexualize our military. Have you contacted both your U.S. Senators to oppose repealing the military’s common-sense homosexuality ban? Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) says he has the votes to move forward on a Defense bill containing the repeal measure. A repeal vote by the lame-duck Senate could come any time after Dec. 1. Call 202-224-3121 or go to www.Congress.org to make your voice heard!
This interview [click HERE to listen] with Center for Military Readiness founder and president Elaine Donnelly aired Nov. 20, 2010, and was recorded Nov. 17. As the leading proponent of maintaining the military’s common-sense ban on homosexuality, Donnelly more than any other American has fought debilitating “politically correct” agendas in the Armed Forces. In this discussion, she covers:
the unforeseen harm to good order and discipline that would result from allowing open homosexuals in the military;
how the Pentagon working group report on the repeal of the “gay” ban is a thinly-veiled tool to advance President Obama’s radical plan to homosexualize the miltary;
how the Obama administration led by Defense Sec. Robert Gates has politicized the investigations of homosexual soldiers violating the existing homosexual ban — effectively neutralizing the law;
why “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is NOT the law of the land;
how pro-homosexual diversity sessions and policies would be foisted on the conservative military culture to enforce “sexual orientation nondiscrimination”;
If it is not proper for male TSA agents to frisk female travelers, why would the TSA allow homosexual men to "pat down" male travelers, or lesbians to "pat down" women?
CHICAGO – Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) today questioned the propriety of “same-gender” TSA (Transportation Security Administration) “pat-downs” – if the TSA agents doing the “patting down” are homosexual, lesbian or bisexual.
Homeland Security Sec. Janet Napolitano went out of her way yesterday to stress that the TSA pat-downs are “same-gender” – mostly to reassure women that men will not be groping them at airports in the name of safety.
“But what about homosexual TSA agents?” AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera responded. “Isn’t it just as inappropriate for a ‘gay’ male TSA agent to pat down male travelers as it is for a normal, heterosexual male TSA agent to pat down female travelers?
“The reality is, most traveling men would not want Barney Frank to pat them down at the airport security checkpoint,” LaBarbera said. “Neither would it be fair to assign Ellen DeGeneres to pat down female travelers. (In the same vein, the Army should no more force normal male soldiers to shower and bunk with homosexual male soldiers than it would force females soldiers to bunk and shower with their male counterparts.)”
The TSA, as a federal agency, is barred from discriminating on the basis of “sexual orientation,” thanks to a pro-homosexual Executive Order signed by President Clinton in 1998.
DL Foster, ex-homosexual and founder of Gay Christian Movement Watch (www.gcmwatch.com), and author of "Touching a Dead Man" (www.TouchingaDeadMan.com)..
This third and final part of my interview with D.L. Foster aired Saturday, Nov. 13. [CLICK HERE to listen.] It was pre-taped a few days before that. Foster is the founder of Gay Christian Movement Watch (www.gcmwatch.com), which monitors (from a critical perspective) the heretical “gay christian” movement. Commenting on the current media hype over “gay” youth suicides,” Foster accuses the Homosexual Lobby of using children to advance their agenda: and the media is a partner in it.” Regarding homosexuals in the military, Foster asks: “There are thousands of people that are discharged from the military for all types of reasons…Why is it a national crisis … because some ‘gay’ servicemenber that knows Arabic is kicked out of the Army?”
Foster also describes how overcoming homosexual sin in a person’s life is possible without “reparative therapy.” He says, “The issue of homosexuality is not a therapy issue, it’s a sin issue — and you cannot ‘counsel’ sin out. It must be repented of.” He does cite the role of Christian discipleship through which a mature believer who is familiar with the struggle of homosexuality counsels and helps another Christian in the overcoming process. Listen to Part One HERE of the Foster interview and Part Two HERE. Contact info: you can reach DL Foster at his ministry website HERE. You can also order his book, Touching a Dead Man, HERE. Please point others to DL’s sites and support his important work. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.