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Rather than the usual interview, we offer portions of ex-lesbian Linda Jernigan’s dinner-lecture presentation at Americans For Truth headquarters in Carol Stream, Illinois, June 17th [click HERE to listen]. Linda, who left the lesbian lifestyle, is founder of the Chicago-based Rescuing Ministries (www.RescuingHomosexuals.net; e-mail her at: RescueMeNowLord@aol.com). Here she describes how she lived nearly two decades as a lesbian, noting how the “torment and the pain” she experienced contrasts with the glamorized version of homosexuality offered up at annual “Gay Pride” festivals. To hear our previous AFTAH interview with Jernigan, go HERE for Part One and HERE for Part Two.
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Do not use Real Player.It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
“MSM [males who have sex with males] aged 13–24 had the greatest percentage increase (53 percent) in diagnoses of HIV infection from 2006 through 2009. Yet public schools must keep on “affirming” this behavior? This is educational and medical malpractice.” — Linda Harvey
Girl attending this year's annual Boston "Gay Youth Pride Day" celebration holds sign that says, "God (loves) my gay ass." Photo: Mass Resistance.
By Linda Harvey
What’s worse than asking ninth-graders intrusive and sexually explicit questions on a school survey, even if they do live in a liberal district?
It’s discovering misbehavior, coming to exactly the wrong conclusion about the causes and recommending more harm be done.
A new report published by the Centers for Disease Control shows that teenagers in public schools who believe themselves to be homosexual or bisexual are taking more risks all across the board. While this should not come as a big surprise to the average American with common sense, it is a stunning revelation to our psychobabbly federal public health professionals. After all, they can’t even bring themselves to say “Stop it!” to men who have anal sex with other men.
The National Youth Risk Behavior Surveys are given to high schoolers, and the Centers for Disease Control looked at the data from 2001 to 2009 in the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin and the cities of Boston, Chicago, Milwaukee, New York City, San Francisco and San Diego, locales where the schools permitted questions about homosexual identity/behavior, which isn’t always the case in less “progressive” areas.
Teens who called themselves “gay, lesbian or bisexual,” or who were unsure, as well as those who didn’t use those labels but had sexual contact only with same-sex people or with both sexes, were found to be more likely than heterosexually identified students to engage in seven out of the 10 risk behavior categories. These were: 1) behaviors that contribute to violence; 2) behaviors related to attempted suicide; 3) tobacco use; 4) alcohol use; 5) other drug use; 6) sexual behaviors; and 7) weight management.
Deluded out-and-proud ‘gays’ reject pedophilia as causing their sexual confusion
CNN evening anchor Don Lemon has declared his homosexuality — to the surprise of few who have followed his biased reporting on homosexuality issues — including his direct promotion of the “gay” activist political agenda. (In 2006, as a Chicago newsman for NBC5, Lemon hosted a fundraiser for Equality Illinois, a homosexual lobby group, thus violating the principle of journalistic non-involvement in politics.) In the 2010 CNN video below about the alleged pederastic activity of Atlanta mega-pastor Bishop Eddie Long[Read DL Foster’s “Gay Christian Movement Watch” post on Bishop Long HERE.], Lemon reveals that he was molested as a boy (about 5:21 in the YouTube video). What is perplexing is that Lemon, like so many self-styled “gay” men, apparently does not view his molestation as a major causative factor in his homosexual identity and behavior. “People are going to say: ‘Oh, he was molested as a kid and now he is coming out [as homosexual].’ I get it,” Lemon told the New York Times dismissively, in discussing his new book. “Transparent,” in which he reveals his homosexuality. To me, there is no greater proof of the perverse self-deception of homosexuality than to behold how sexually confused adults incorporate their victimization at the hands of pedophiles into their out-and-proud “gay” identity. Which is to say — even before reading his book: “Don, you are not ‘gay,’ but the victim of a homosexual child molester, who corrupted your mind, body and soul — and innocence — at a tender young age!” More on this later. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
Well, what do you know? A “Homophobia” test reported by PBS’ Frontline confirms it: two of the leading national opponents of the pro-homosexual activist agenda — Liberty Counsel’sMat Staver and Matt Barber — are not “homophobic”! (Note: we agree with them that the whole concept of “homophobia” as used by pro-homosexuality advocates and the media is problematic, overly broad and often ridiculous.) I just took the test (based on the Wright, Adams & Bernat Homophobia Scale) and will report the results next post. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
From the Liberty Counsel’s radio program “Faith & Freedom,” January 12, 2011:
Urge your Senators to vote against the hasty repeal of the military’s common-sense ‘Gay’ Ban
“People view the military as the last bastion of morals and what is good. If we break that down here, what does it boil down to? What’s left?” — Service member comment made in Focus Group as part of the administration’s DoD’s report on repealing the ban on open homosexuality in the Armed Forces.
According to a Support Plan for implementing President Obama's plan to allow open homosexuals to serve in the military, a couple of male Marines in civilian clothes could kiss and display homo-erotic affection at the local mall without any repercussions. "Standards of conduct regarding public displays of affection (PDA) are orientation-neutral," according to the report (p. 82). What about on base? Obama's radical Repeal plan would degrade the moral authority of our Armed Forces and turn the Pentagon into the biggest bureaucracy working to mainstream homosexuality (sin) that the world has ever seen.
The U.S. Senate is hours, or perhaps a day, away from what I believe is the most important congressional vote on homosexuality ever taken in the USA: a bill that would Repeal the existing ban on open homosexuality in the military [Call your Senators: 202-224-3121]. If we lose and the Repeal goes forward, it will usher in a sea-change of pro-homosexual political correctness — not just on our Armed Forces, but on the rest of society, as a Brave, New, ‘Gay’-affirming Military will be held up as the new “civil rights” paradigm for the rest of America (God help us). The Homosexual Lobby knows what is at stake, which is why they have been pounding Capitol Hill for weeks on the Repeal. Unfortunately, not enough conservatives and people of faith understand the critical importance of this vote.
A handful of Republicans such as Sen. Scott Brown (who has flip-flopped on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and the two Maine Senators (Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins) may join with the Democrats in supporting the fast-track legislation passed by the House Wednesday (see vote Roll Call HERE). Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid needs 60 votes to homosexualize the Armed Forces.
As sure as New Years Day follows Christmas, the Homosexual Lobby would seize upon this (giant) opening and push for more and more pro-homosexuality policy changes in the military — including same-sex partner benefits, “married” housing for homosexual Service members, sweeping pro-gay “diversity” propaganda for our troops, etc. What a Christmas “gift” for our military men and women! (More like a huge, rainbow-striped lump of coal.) Please pray and do all you can to oppose this radical legislation! — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
Action Steps:
1) Call your Senators using the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 (www.senate.gov) and urge your U.S. Senators to vote against the Repeal of the military’s “gay” ban — and demand that a full and fair debate be held on this radical legistlation that would turn the Pentagon into the world’s largest de facto pro-“gay” advocacy agency. Here are some key Senators to call in this bill; use the Capitol Switchboard (202-114-3121; 202-225-3121) or even better: go to www.senate.gov for their contact info and call their local office numbers:
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (AK):
Sen. Scott Brown (MA):
Sen. Mark Kirk (IL; still “undecided,” according to his aides):
Sen. Richard Lugar (IN)
Sen John Ensign (NV)
Sen. Olympia Snowe (ME)
Sen. Susan Collins (ME)
Judd Gregg (NH)
George Voinovich (OH)
Joe Manchin (WV) (he was the only Democrat who voted with the Republicans to deny cloture in the last Senate Repeal vote)
Bill Nelson (FL),
Ben Nelson (NE),
Jon Tester (MT),
Evan Bayh (IN),
James Webb (VA)
Mark Warner (VA),
Mark Pryor (AR)
Blanche Lincoln (AR)
Mary Landrieu (LA)
2) Pray that this Repeal bill would be stalled in the Senate. Contact your friends and urge them to pray as well. If Harry Reid calls the House bill and gets 60 votes, this battle is over — and then (as with Obama-care) Americans will learn the radical ramifications of this legislation!)
3) Pass this e-mail to your family members, friends, and contacts — especially those living in states with key states above, and urge them to take action!
Background — Working Group Report makes case for NOT repealing the “gay” ban:
I finally read most of the Obama-/Def. Sec. Gates-commissioned Working Group DoD report on the DADT Repeal and — although biased and carefully written and “spun” to camouflage some of the extreme results of allowing open homosexuals in the military, it STILL contains plenty of information showing how damaging the Repeal would be to our military. Here are some findings of and problems with the DoD report:
23.7 % of surveyed Service members (38.1 % of Marines) said repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” would cause them to “leave [the military] sooner than I planned” or “think about leaving sooner than I had planned”;
44.3% of combat veterans (59.4% of Marines) said that having an open homosexual in their immediate unit in a field environment or out at sea would “Negatively” or “Very Negatively” affect their “unit’s effectiveness at completing its mission”; other survey data shows significant opposition within the ranks to the idea of homosexuals serving openly;
Folks, needless to say, countless irrational homosexual hissy fits were had over our common-sense observation that if the TSA is not allowing men to frisk women at airports, then it should not allow homosexual men to frisk other men, nor lesbians to frisk women. (“Bi” TSA agents? You figure it out….) It seems even homosexual activists can’t take seriously the logical implications of their own definition of homo-sexual “sexual orientation” (defining oneself as being sexually attracted to the same sex). As we noted, that doesn’t mean every “gay” male TSA agent is going to get his jollies frisking a man (or a boy…?), but neither would every hetero male TSA agent get over-excited frisking a woman (or a girl). Nevertheless, for propriety’s sake, men are not permitted to frisk women or girls — and rightfully so. Hateful and angry “gay” activists (how’s that for an oxymoron?) are so caught up in victim-politics and pseudo-civil rights — even as they vilify and de-humanize their foes and work to undermine religious freedom — that they’ve forgotten that their movement is based on (perverse) sexual desires.
Now this is funny, from the conservative The Union News website (an outstanding anti-Left resource). AFGE is the American Federation of Government Employees; see this post on their attempt to unionize the TSA. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
Barney Frank Resigns from Congress
AFGE organizing gig more fulfilling than House minority sweatshop
Elaine Donnelly testifies against homosexualizing the military in the name of "nondiscrimination." Donnelly cautions that few lawmakers realize the radical changes that would result from opening up the Armed Forces to homosexuals -- including the persecution of moral-minded servicemembers and chaplains.
TAKE ACTION: Elaine Donnelly rightly warns in an interview with AFTAH of the devastating impact of Obama’s plan to homosexualize our military. Have you contacted both your U.S. Senators to oppose repealing the military’s common-sense homosexuality ban? Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) says he has the votes to move forward on a Defense bill containing the repeal measure. A repeal vote by the lame-duck Senate could come any time after Dec. 1. Call 202-224-3121 or go to www.Congress.org to make your voice heard!
This interview [click HERE to listen] with Center for Military Readiness founder and president Elaine Donnelly aired Nov. 20, 2010, and was recorded Nov. 17. As the leading proponent of maintaining the military’s common-sense ban on homosexuality, Donnelly more than any other American has fought debilitating “politically correct” agendas in the Armed Forces. In this discussion, she covers:
the unforeseen harm to good order and discipline that would result from allowing open homosexuals in the military;
how the Pentagon working group report on the repeal of the “gay” ban is a thinly-veiled tool to advance President Obama’s radical plan to homosexualize the miltary;
how the Obama administration led by Defense Sec. Robert Gates has politicized the investigations of homosexual soldiers violating the existing homosexual ban — effectively neutralizing the law;
why “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is NOT the law of the land;
how pro-homosexual diversity sessions and policies would be foisted on the conservative military culture to enforce “sexual orientation nondiscrimination”;
If it is not proper for male TSA agents to frisk female travelers, why would the TSA allow homosexual men to "pat down" male travelers, or lesbians to "pat down" women?
CHICAGO – Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) today questioned the propriety of “same-gender” TSA (Transportation Security Administration) “pat-downs” – if the TSA agents doing the “patting down” are homosexual, lesbian or bisexual.
Homeland Security Sec. Janet Napolitano went out of her way yesterday to stress that the TSA pat-downs are “same-gender” – mostly to reassure women that men will not be groping them at airports in the name of safety.
“But what about homosexual TSA agents?” AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera responded. “Isn’t it just as inappropriate for a ‘gay’ male TSA agent to pat down male travelers as it is for a normal, heterosexual male TSA agent to pat down female travelers?
“The reality is, most traveling men would not want Barney Frank to pat them down at the airport security checkpoint,” LaBarbera said. “Neither would it be fair to assign Ellen DeGeneres to pat down female travelers. (In the same vein, the Army should no more force normal male soldiers to shower and bunk with homosexual male soldiers than it would force females soldiers to bunk and shower with their male counterparts.)”
The TSA, as a federal agency, is barred from discriminating on the basis of “sexual orientation,” thanks to a pro-homosexual Executive Order signed by President Clinton in 1998.